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I don't remember falling asleep yesterday, I woke up feeling lost, not knowing what the time is or what day it is.

Last night was something so different yet so exciting. Luna surprised me when she used the vibrator on me. It was a nice surprise in all honesty. I never thought she would do something like that, but she seems to surprise me everyday.

I roll my arm over to cuddle her but I'm met with an empty bed. I open my eyes and notice she's not even in the room. I start to panic, has she left?

Stretching before I get out of bed, it's only five am, why is she awake right now? I put on my boxers and walk out into the kitchen, Goose is nowhere to be seen, what is going on?

I notice the backdoor is cracked open slightly, I rub my eye as I walk over to the door. I poke my head out, noticing she's sat on my little outdoor sofa, book in her hand and Goose's head in her lap.

My heart beat returns to normal as I see her sitting there, all her focus on this one book, I wonder what one she chose.

"Morning Cherry." her head whips up at me, a huge smile spreads over her face as she looks at me, her smile does wonders to my heart, knowing that this woman loves me for me, she hasn't asked me to change.

She let me develop myself, wanting to be better not just for her but for myself. She gave me a reason to value my life. All I need to do now is tell her about Jack, and what I need to do.

"Morning baby, why are you up so early?" She closes the book and places it down under her thigh.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Well I brought Goose to bed with me last night, then he was pacing around your room. My guess was to come outside, the sunrise looked nice so I grabbed a book and here I am."

"What book?"

She holds up A room of one's own by Virgina woolf, which was the book she was reading the second time we had met, how life works in crazy ways.

"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well." I quote to her, she knows what she's doing when she picks up this book.

"Exactly, come sit, watch the rest of the sunrise with us." she moves forward in order for me to sit behind her, I perch my body right behind hers, she leans back resting her body against mine.

She picks her book back up, starting to read out loud for both of us, it's soothing really. The sound of her voice, I lean my head back and close my eyes and focus on her voice and she continues to read.

I feel content right now, knowing I'm sitting with the love of my life in my garden, her reading and me just being close to her, it has me feeling different kinds of ways, my heart is full and dare I say I'm quite happy right now.

We sit outside for an hour before she decides she wants us to cook breakfast together, we both prance about my kitchen grabbing all of the ingredients for pancakes, she puts on my alexa, connecting it to her somber playlist,

"Got everything?"

"Yeah, we only have bananas though for the pancakes. Is that okay?" she's always so considerate, how did I get so lucky.

"Perfect." We continue chatting, we discuss Zayn and the issues he has right now, she says that he and his mum spoke on the phone and she apologised, but Zayn is still upset.

I still haven't told her about Eden trying it on with me, I don't think Eden told her either, unless they haven't seen each other.

She tells me how the shops are doing, I do tell her about Courtney and Liam.

"Of course he would do that, he seems so petty in that way, honestly it's pathetic really." I'm glad she sees where I'm coming from and not as a jealous ex boyfriend.

"I was more shocked because she was with Chris a few weeks back and now she's with Liam, it wouldn't surprise me if she was seeing both of them at the same time, lord knows she's good at cheating." she places a kiss on my cheek, after I say that.

"Her and Chris probably cheat on each other so I say it's a match made in heaven, she's probably more his type then I was."

"Why would you say that?" She places the plates on the table and I walk behind her with our coffees.

"Because I was more into books and essays than booze and drugs, he hated that."

"He hated that you wanted to get an education, didn't he know about the plan that you made with Zayn about your shop?" every time she mentions him and his actions it boils my blood.

"He did know, him and my family loved to insult my silly plan to open a book shop, I never listened clearly, I'd just tell Zayn and he would give me a little pep talk about why this is a good idea, i'm just glad I listened otherwise I wouldn't be as well off as I am now." That's true, she has made a name for herself, and has earned her money well.

"I'm proud of you and I'm sad we never met earlier but I'm happy to be in your life now." I lean over and kiss her, it's true though, I wish we had met earlier.

"Thank you, it means alot but you're in my life now and that's what matters, you can't get rid of me." she giggles to herself as she continues to eat.

"I wouldn't want anyone else.'' We continued to eat, making small talk and little jokes at each other. I could get used to this.

We walk into the kitchen with our plates and mug in hand, she sets them down into the sink, when turning page by sleeping at least comes on through the alexa, she turns to me looking gobsmacked that I added it to one of my playlists.

"Harry." I hold out my hand for her to take, she places her hand in mine, I pull her close to me. Swaying us to the song, we don't say anything we both just take in this moment.

This serene moment, all of a sudden rain starts to tap on the windows. Creating a serene feeling in my heart. The calming feeling I get when I'm skin to skin with her, it's almost as if she was made for me.

Her head leans on my shoulder as our fingers dance together, her other hand strokes my arm, the song begins to end, but we don't falter our sway.

I pull away and spin her around, her hair falls onto her back as she spins. A huge smile creeps onto my face as hers lights up.

"I love you" she kisses me after saying that, grabbing me by the nape of my neck, pulling me into a deep kiss.

"I love you too." she then hugs me, she's become more forward with being close to me and physical, stealing kisses and slight touches whenever we are together.

"I was also thinking we could look online today for some new places?As much as I love your house now I feel as if we need to start fresh." It makes me happy how she actually wants to live with me.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" I need to be sure.

I sit on the sofa, she comes over sitting next to me and takes my hand into her, she then pulls my chin so that I'm looking at her.

"I've never been more sure about anything in my whole entire life, I want a fresh start with you." I can tell she's being genuine.

"Okay, grab my laptop and we can start to look." after saying that she shrieks like a child and runs to grab my laptop.

We sit in my living room for an hour looking through real estate agents and sending emails here and there, we just need to wait for callbackscallbacks about meetings.

"You know, I think this is the most domestic thing I've done in a while" I can't remember the last thing I did that was even close to responsible.

I can't remember the last time I did anything similar to this.

"Look who's growing up." she pokes me, shutting the laptop and placing it down onto the coffee table.

She then curls herself up into the side of me, placing her hand on my bare chest. It also feels weird to lounge about.

"So what's going to happen with the bar now that you and liam aren't exactly on speaking terms." I love that she asks me questions with substance.

"Ask him to buy me out, I don't want to run a bar anymore, I have enough money saved to never work a day in my life again, it was more of a cover so that I had an alibi." I can be honest now.

"Makes sense, umm I do have something to tell you and you won't like it." my face scrunches up in confusion as she sits up, crosses her legs and faces me.

"Luna, what did you do?"

"I answered your phone this morning?" I don't quite see the issue here.

"okay....I have nothing to hide."

"But you do, it was Jack and he told me what was said in the meeting you had yesterday." shit! Of course he did. I can't tell if she's pissed off or not.

"what?" What did he say, oh shit!

"he wants me to help you find Chris, then you're out, Harry I want to do this, we can finally start our lives together with you out of Arcane." it sounds so weird hearing her say the gang name.

"nope, not happening."

"Harry, look at me, i don't want chris to die so maybe we could get to him and tell him to leave the country" then i'll be dead If jack finds out.

"not going to work Luna, chris has to die"

"no, i can't have anymore deaths happening, you've killed too many people" she stands and starts to pace around the room.

"luna it his life or yours, do you understand that."

"yes, i know Jack told me"

"so then you know i'd pick you"

"yep." why does she sound annoyed about that.

she storms off into the bedroom, does she have this much resentment for herself, why can't she just see that he needs to die.

if he doesn't die then she does and i don't think i'd be able to live another day on earth without her.

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