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Ava's POV


"You are a adopted child! Your actual parents doesn't love and trashed you in the orphanage!"

My back was pushed against the lockers. Facing at the bullies , I'm a helpless human by now....

"Let me go."

"Louder , orphan! I can't hear you!"

"I said let me-"


I looked at my right and found a human with two scars on her cheeks. I can't see her face clearly , again.

"Let's just run. Before she called her uncle.""Agree. Let's go." They quickly left me and the girl on the empty hallway.

"Are you alright?" The girl walked towards me with her hand reached out. I walked backwards.

I can't trust her...

"You can trust me , I had some experiences like you at the past." She smiled.

I hold her hand and shook , thanking for her help.

"Ava , right? I could heard your name a few times in school.""And you're..."

She smiled and we're back in the white space.

She flew high up in the air and landed in a further distance.

"Come on , Ava! You belong here! This is your home!"She reached out her hand , slowly drifting away.

"W-Wait , Wait-"

Once again , I fell into a black pit....



Dream end

I gasped for air and landed on the ground. I looked up and found Johnny purred on my mattress.

I dreamed.....

Another human....

I'm so confused.....

Why is every time I saw someone....

.......I'm a human for no reason....

"Hi , Princes- I mean , Ava!""I repeat , Noi. I'm not some princess you mentioned."While walking to the Villains League members , I met Noi on my way.

"Yeah , P- Ava!" He chuckled awkwardly. "Why would you call me princess anyway? Like did we met each other somewhere?"I asked him.

"You let us call that , didn't you remember?"I scratched my head when he said so....

Well , I did heard the voices that called me Princess.....

That's just a illusion , isn't it?

He suddenly grabbed my hand and caused me to blush like crazy.

"W-What are you doing!?""Holding your hand , like what you taught me." "Since when I-"

"Just hold my hand."


"You had convinced my dads we're dating and in love and stuff."

"You're not killing me , are you?"

"Why would I do that? It just....trust me..."

"Why are you blushing!?"

I blinked my eyes couple times and let go Noi's hand.

Such a weird vision of mine....

"Are we dating or something actually?" "H-Huh!?" "It's just-"

"Ava. Lady Bish wants you and the members of Villains League to meet her , pronto.""Yes. Thanks with informing."

I thanked the guard and excused myself from Noi.

"Sorry but...I gotta go."I said and left Noi alone with rushing steps.

Noi's POV

D-Did I just said something wrong?

Why would Ava just run away from me in such a rush?

Why would she even ask if we're-


Did she-

I gasped and quickly ran to look for Rhys in the royal library.

Rhys' POV

Just a tiny drip in this-


And I failed.

I wiped away the dust on my glasses and looked at Noi who's panting for air in front of my work shop's doorstep.

"Noi! I could've succeed if isn't you who interrupted me-"

"Ava remembered!"

I looked at him confusingly.

What did he mean by...


"What!?""Eh , did I said something wrong?"Noi looked at us confusingly.

"Noi , you know our plan. Not to wake Ava up from her chained up memories. But you , you tried to wake her up! Do you have any idea what will happen if Ava had her human memories back!?"

"B-But,I don't want to see Ava like this! We're like strangers to her! Plus tha fact she changed from your stupid spell!"yelled Noi.

"Well , at least I hid her from her human being! You had no idea what would happen if she was found human!"

"Silent!You two know how much Ava meant to us , and right now you are screaming and yelling about the truth. What do you think these walls are made of? Magic soundproof?!"

We both immediately stopped and apologized.

"Sincerely apologise , your highness."

"Now , what did she remember about , Noi?"

"Well....She kinda remember us holding han-"

We yelled a "What!?" to Noi who just said so.

"How did she even remember that?" "Well , I just hold her hand before she went to meet Lady Bish. She suddenly day dreamed and kinda remember that."

"Whatever it takes. We need to be extreme cautious about our conversation with her. Just in case we spoke the wrong thing. Thanks to Noi , she might be suspicious about her actual self."

"Than-""That's an insult to you , Noi!" "Oh..."said Noi while looked down full of sorrow.

"What about Dest?""Who is that?" asked Noi."Ugh, I'm tired of making explanation to him."groaned Leif. "He just know about us calling Ava a princess back on Ear-th. He won't know too much.""D-Does he have some sort of mind control magic!?"

"We can't say that in such way. No one knows more about Villains League than Ava.""How did she even be so close with them? Like everyone knows that Villains League aren'tany easy talk people.""Maybe it's about the deal they talked last time."

"Deal?""What?""It better not a deal of death and life!""Nonsense. We still have no clue about this. The human with staff said it out loud back on the meeting."

"*sigh*Nevermind , we'll talk about this tomorrow. You all may dismiss."

I put my hand on my chin with a spell book in front of me , thinking a higher probability of the deal...I just can't....

Ava's getting mischievous day by day...

What in the world would Ava make a deal of?.....

Ava's POV

"So....this is your deal?"

"Yes , sweetie. Just do whatever we told you to."said Dest while touched my nose with the tip of his finger.

"She's a innocent bean , Dest. She could be a cute teddy on my bed!" squealed Shin hugging me with her head on mine.

"Then what am I?"said Jor full of sadness.

"Who cares about you now? This cute demon had the deal with us , if you want the Ream to collapse and freed our dark sides."said Goth curling her hair.

"Now go and meet us at the garden. In one hour."said Jus while his tail snaked around my arm which tickled me.

After doing what they asked , I met them in the garden where a portal was opened.

"Y-You guys sure this is a good idea?" "I don't think it's a good idea , I think it's the best idea!""Like we promised , we'll take you to the Ream to have some fun while getting the jewels. It would be so simple when we're by your side."

I hesitated....

If the High Council know about this, I might be sent to be executed or maybe worst....

But...that's the order of Lady Bish and the Villains League would love to show me around....

"Coming, Ava? You still got a chance to head back to slumber."asked Oct.

"Following orders or sleep?"
Tas said it straight forward with his robot hand on his hips.


I'm proving them....

That I can do something....

Without any of their help......

Without any magic or a number of soldier...

Even though that freakin Rhys who's gonna mumbled about it if I got in...


Loyalty wins

Right I was about to step into the portal , a hand pulled me backward and stopped me from getting to portal.

"Prince Asch!?"

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