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Apollo? You can see the future can't you? Is mine bright? Am I pure in it?

Your future isn't just bright. It is shining with the light of all the constellations in the night sky. I see you doing great deeds, my love.


When I was younger, I dreamed of becoming a — a heroine of sorts. Of performing miracles. It's absurd to think I might actually do something like that. You aren't playing with me are you?

Of course not. I thought you trusted me.

I do! I truly do, Apollo.

Then trust in my prophetic abilities too.

You know ... it's kind of cool how you can see the future. That's another thing I dreamed of doing. I wish could predict the future. Like a soothsayer.

I can teach you how, if you wish.

Really? You'd do that?

I told you before, love. For you, anything.

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