Chapter Thirty | Sally's nightmares.

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Maliki's pov.

It's been a few days since Sally's arrival to the mansion. The other girls are in love with her, basically. They shower her with praise and love playing games with her. Ann took care of her injuries and Slenda cleaned her up, Jess and Liu went into the city to buy clothes and toys for her. It's not like I'm jealous or anything. In fact, I've been training in archery. I think I'm a natural, as I haven't been missing my targets. Maybe I'm just gifted. But, there's ups and downs. At night, she cries and has terrors, but she won't tell anyone about them. She... Doesn't talk to me much, which I'm a little confused with. But she's a social butterfly with everyone else. I'm not really complaining, and don't get me wrong, I'm not mad or anything. Just a little confused.

I walk to the target and pull the training arrows out of it. Putting them back into the quiver before walking back inside.

Jane and Slenda are playing on the couch with Sally, pretending to sip on the tea she prepared.

"This is really good, Sally. What kind of tea is this?" Slenda asked.

"It's the kind you drink!" Sally replied with a smile.

"Hello Maliki. How are you?" Jane asked.

"Eh. I'm fine." I say.

I feel my hoodie and pull out a bar of chocolate, and hand it to Sally, who hesitantly takes it. She looks at me with no emotion on her face, and tension filled the air.

"Well... you're welcome. I'll be upstairs if any of you need me." I say before heading upstairs.

<Slenda's pov>

I look at Sally, who is looking down at the chocolate bar, before setting my tea cup on the table.

"Jane, would you mind of Sally and I spoke alone?" I ask

"Of course, Slenda." Jane says, placing her cup on the coffee table and walking upstairs.

"Listen, Darling, could you please come here?" I ask Sally.

She gets up and walks up to me, and sits on the couch.

"Hey sweetie. Is something wrong about Maliki? You seem untrusting of him." I say.

Sally looks at the coffee table, and thinks.

"I... I don't wanna be hurt again momma." She says.

"W-what? Baby, Maliki is nothing like that. That goes against everything he is. Sweetie, I know Maliki. He would never hurt you. Maliki is a good man." I say grabbing her soft hands.

"I-I know momma. He's a nice guy. But... I just... I'm scared, Momma." Sally replies.

"Darling, there is nothing to be afraid of. In fact, Maliki is the only reason I'm here. I was taken and held prisoner, and who is my knight in shining armor? Maliki. He almost died to save me. It was a miracle that he's even here. He's... He's my husband, Dear. I don't know how I'll be without him." I say.

Sally looks at the candy bar and back at me.

"Um... Do you think... Tomorrow... I can talk to him?" Sally asks.

"Of course, Dear. I'm sure he will like that very much. It is getting late. The sun has set, and it is almost your bed time. Let's get you a bath and into some night clothes.

<about three hours later, in the dead of night>

I wake up to Sally crying, and I get up. Maliki sits up and looks at me.

"She's crying again. Why? What happened? Why is she having these nightmares?" Maliki asks.

"I don't know, Maliki. I don't. Please stay here while I calm the poor girl." I say standing up.

I walk out of the bedroom and down the hall, and open the door to Sally's room. The light is on and Sally has her hands up to her eyes, crying and sobbing loudly. I speed over and grab her arms, pulling them away from her face, pulling her into my arms and hugging her.

"Let it out, sweet child. Young and innocent. You are too sweet for this world." I say, stroking her hair.

I lift up her teddy bear, cutely named Mr. Death, and put it into her hands.

"Do not cry my child. These are just nightmares. Please dear, please do not cry." I say hugging her.

Sally calms down and looks up at me, sniffling as she did.

"I... I'm sorry momma... I got scared... It happened again. In my dream... I could feel the pain." Sally whispers.

"Worry not, child. I promise, nothing will stop me from keeping you or anyone else here safe." I say.

Her emerald green eyes light up.

"Good night momma." She says.

"Good night, young child." I say standing up, and walking to the door.

I turn off the lights and creep out silently, before turning to see Maliki, his face more stern.

"Tell me. What is wrong?" He says.

"I cannot." I say.

"Slenda. I only want to help. These nightmares, her icy behavior when I'm in the room? It's making me nervous. I want to know what's going on to see of I can't help her." Maliki says.

"Maliki, I'm sorry. I can't tell you why. I promis-

"I only want to help, Slenda. If you don't believe in me than just say so." Maliki says, pushing past me and walking towards his room.

"M-maliki, wait... I'll... I'll tell you. Come here. Come back to the room and I will tell you there." I say, giving in.

He stops moving but doesn't turn around.

"My room." He says, continuing to walk.

I follow him into his room, and he sits on The bed. I sit next to him and grab his hand.

<Maliki's pov>

"Darling, I do believe you only want to help. I just... I don't know how. But I told you I'd tell you. Sally... is a ghost. Like The Puppeteer. When only 8 years old, was forced onto by her own uncle. Scum named Johnny Williams. After the acts, when she tried to tell her mother, he overheard and raped her again, before ending her life." Slenda said, emotion welling up in her voice.

I widen my eyes. She's so young. Murdered and violated by her own family?

"O-oh... I... I didn't know. I'm... I'm so sorry." I say.

"It's alright, Darling. I am not mad or upset, just concerned. Now... It's late dear. Come. Let's go back to bed my love." Slenda says resting her hand against my cheek.

"You're right. It is time for bed. Go to bed, and take Sally with you. I'll be here, and I think Sally really needs you. If not for me, than for her." I say.

"Ah, Alright, my love. I will take the girl to bed with me, so if she has another episode, I'll be just there. Good night." Slenda says.

"Goodnight love." I say, standing up and walking her to the door.

I opened it, and hugged Slenda, kissing her cheek.

"Relax, love. I won't be foolish. Goodnight, and tell Sally good night for me too." I say kissing Slenda before she left.

As soon as the door behind her closed, I walked over the computer to begin research.

<Sally's pov>

Before I could sleep, I heard the door open.

"Hello my sweet child. You are sleeping in my room with me." Momma says opening the door, and turning the light on.

"W-what? But what about Papa?" I ask.

Could I call him that?

"P-papa? Maliki? Aww, that's sweet. He's sleeping in another room." Momma says.

I feel bad for not opening up to him. I feel like I kicked him out of his own room.

"He did tell me to tell you good night, however." Momma says.

I stand up and grab Mr. Death.

"U-um... I know it's not tomorrow, but... Could I say goodnight to him tonight?" I ask.

"Y-yes, Of course, Dear. Come, grab my hand, and I will take you too him.

I walk over to Momma, and reach up, grabbing her hand. She has to lean over to grab my hand. We walk into the hallway, and she leads me to a door.

"Go ahead, knock." Momma says.

I look up at the door and tap it gently, making a soft thumping sound.

"It's open." The voice on the other side answers.

Slenda turns the handle.

"The little one wishes to say something." Momma says.

He's sitting at his desk scraping something against a stone, reading a computer screen about the history of arrowheads.

I walk close and see him glance at me.

"U-um... C-can I... call you... P-Papa?" I ask.

His eyes soften, and I can see a small grin for a second on his face as he turns to me in his swivel chair.

"You can call me whatever you want, Sally." He says, patting my head.

I smile.

"G-goodnight Papa." I say before turning around and running out of the room, giggling.

<Maliki's pov>

I look at Slenda with a smile on my face.

"She likes you." Slenda whispers.

"Goodnight honey." I say, showing a smile.

"Goodnight my love. May your sleep Bring you wonderful dreams." Slenda says closing my door.

I turn back to the computer and set down the sharpening stone and arrowhead, and turn the tab back.

"I've got you now you sick son of a bitch." I say, looking at the picture of the man.

My tab was opened to a news article dating a few years back, about a man named Johnny Williams killing his niece, Sally Williams with a rock. The man got life in prison for the crime. He didn't get the death penalty... yet.

I stand up from my desk and twist the arrowhead onto the arrow shaft before putting to back into the quiver.

"Tomorrow, I will find out where you are, and I will find you, and then, I will make you wish the court ordered your death before your soul is ripped into the heavenly glow of hell." I say looking at the face of the man.

Of Johnny.

I walk to my closet and open it, grabbing the two swords I had put inside. The swords I've been gifted during the Zalga fight. The swords from nowhere. Inscriptions on the blade I could not yet read, but are deciphered instantly. Like the pages in Slenda's books.

"Count your days, Johnny Williams. Your sentence is coming to an end. The real punishment begins soon." I say before getting ready.

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