Old family friend

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A month.

That's how long it took her to finally accept who she was. She finally admit that her name wasn't Lana Lovegood but Lyra Black. Of course she knew about her father. Famous Sirius Black, prisoner of Azkaban who murdered thirteen people, escaped three years ago, died this summer at the Ministry of Magic and was clarified innocent in the end. Everybody knew who he was!

But her mother? She couldn't find anything! It was like she never existed. And it frustrated her. Everlasting thinking about her mother and family she could have filled her mind and cause huge drop in her grades.

Not only her grades changed. Her look changed too in one month. Now she really looked like a walking dead. Skin pale like freshly painted wall, tired eyes travelled around the classroom and head with messy hair laid on her desk.

And her classmates weren't only the once who noticed.

"Miss Lovegood, please pay attention!" Snape's DADA assistant voice filled the classroom. (A/N: To be honest I first wrote that she was DADA teacher but then I remembered 'Shit! Snape was a teacher!' So yeah, she's his assistant)

Lyra's cheeks went brigth red as lifted her head from the desk and mumbled quiet 'sorry'.

When the bell rang and all students started packing their stuff teacher's voice was heard again. "Miss Lovegood, please stay for a while." Lyra hung down her head and waited.

"I'm sorry Professor Vanity. I didn't mean to..." "What's wrong Lana?"she asked her with friendly tone and kind smile. That was the reason why Lyra liked her DADA lessons. Sure, she was new in Hogwarts but probably the most kind teacher she ever met. Yes she could be strict in her class but when it came into personal stuff she knew exactly what to say or do.

"I... I don't know what you mean." "Come on Lana. Stop that act. You act and look like you were a zombie. Something had to happen. Tell me what."she gestured to empty desk and Lyra sat down. It took her a while of deciding but then she took out her book.


"So you're Lyra Black." her teacher smiled a little and run a hand through her blonde hair.

"Yes." Lyra sighed. "I know about my father and stuff but... I have no idea who my mother was. I found nothing. I know just her name."

A little smile rose on Professor's lips. "You want to know who your mother was?" Lyra lifted her head and nodded rapidly. This was a chance!
"I can tell you just this. Your mother was a really kind and smart girl. Part of Marauders, best in class."she put a hand on Lyra's shoulder and prepare to leave the room." You're just like her Lyra." She was about to walk out of the door but she turned around to see Lyra's shocked face. "And if you want to know one more thing, go check the Trophy Room."


After half an hour of searching her eyes finally found it. A Trophy right under the big silver goblet she always dreamed about. A Trophy was at the honorable place and it made Lyra smile even more. A single tear slipped down her cheek when she read it.




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