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*Present Day*

"Guess what I found in Sirius's room!" whispered Hermione to Harry and Weasley's siblings. "Ehm...Sirius's things?" asked Ron with raised eyebrow. Hermione rolled her eyes and Harry turned to her. 

"Why were you in Sirius's room?" Hermione blushed. "I was hidding from Mrs. Weasley." she muttered and Ginny giggled. "So what did you found?"she asked. 

Hermione looked around to see if somebody was watching them and then show it to them. 

"Who are they?"asked Harry with confusion written all over his face. "Harry, it's your father and Sirius." smiled Hermione and Harry's eyes widened. "What?"he whispered. 

Hermione pointed at labels that appeared on the photography. "Prongs... Padfoot... but... who is Howly?"asked Harry looking at his friend with raised eyebrow. 

"That is... what I don't know yet."sighed Hermione. "All I know are her initials. But she must be your father's and Sirius's good friend."

"Wait! How do you for Merlin's beard know what are her initials?" asked Ron with full mouth. Hermione glared at him. 

"Swallow before you talk you idiot."groan Ginny at her older brother and nudged him with her elbow. Ron looked at his sister with I'm sorry look.


They didn't even notice that one person was watching them with nostalgic look on his face.


"I'm not that short!" a little redhead protested while grabbing a toast."El in case you haven't notice..." stared Sirius."'re the shortest from our year" finished his black haired friend with full mouth. Redhead raised her eyebrow. 

"Swallow before you talk you dumbass." she said and nudged him with her elbow. "I can feel your love."he mumbled and continue eating.

End of the flashback

A man sighed and left. Oh, how he missed those wonderful days.


"But I have to agree. How do you know her initials Mione?" asked curious Ginny. "There was another photography. Her photography and with message signed with initials E.L.L." 

"E.L.L.? Who's E.L.L?"

Next part!! Yeah we are with Harry,Hermione,Ron and Ginny again!
Will they find out who is E.L.L?

And if yes, then how?

Be patient and find out! (Sorry but I really can't spoil, it wouldn't be any fun ;) )

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