Chapter 10: Sick

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Ponyboy's POV

I was lying in warm water, yet I wasn't being pinned down in it, choking on it as it poured into my lungs. I could breathe. The numbness of my skin was only faint as heat began to circulate around my body once again. There was no pressure on my chest. There was a stinging pain, but I couldn't pin point where it came from, too out of it to even think.

My eyes refused to open, as if the eyelids were swollen and thick. Exhaustion was taking over me, as all of my other senses began to fade. Comforting hands stroked my face, warm and soft as they brushed my cheeks, the remote feeling of tears cascading down out of my control. They made me feel safe and secure. As long as I could feel those hands, no one would hurt me.

Darry's rough voice and Sodapop's soothing tone echoed through my ears, distant and soft. Hearing their quiet whispers made me feel less alone in the blackness that my closed eyes had forced upon me. I knew they would protect me from anyone who tried to hurt me.

I don't remember much of what happened next, swirling colours and voices filling my mind as I lie in the water in an exhausted, dizzy, frigid state.


The next thing I knew, I was flying. No, I was being carried. I opened my eyes a little to see Darry looming above me. I was relieved. I had been scared for a moment that it was the Socs. Where was he taking me?

He took me into a room that looked familiar, but it was like my mind was too foggy to remember. He lay me down in a bed and covered me with blankets.


"Shh, Pony. You're alright. Just go to sleep."

I held the sheets close to me as I let my eyes shut. Man, I was tired. It didn't take long for me to fall back asleep.

Johnny's POV

I opened my eyes to the bright morning light washing through the windows and into the Curtis' living room. I sat up to see Two-bit watching me grimly. Steve and Soda's quiet voices wafted from the kitchen, both full of concern. It had been a rough night on everyone when they heard the news about Ponyboy, and it had finally taken it's toll.

"Hey, Two-bit," I yawned, wiping my hands on my jeans.

"Hey, there kid," he said, reaching over and ruffling my hair.

"How's Pony doing, man?" I asked, worry building up inside me. It had really shaken me last night, seeing my friend lying there half dead on the concrete, screaming at the top of his lungs. Never had I ever seen Ponyboy look so terrified before.

Two-bit just shook his head. "Muscles is goin' nuts. The kid's temperature is a little higher than it should be, I guess from almost freezing to death. He hasn't woken up since last night."

Just as it began to sink in, Dally, who had obviously been standing around on the porch, came swaggering back inside, a cigarette hanging from his mouth as fury and hatred burned in his eyes. I had a suspicion that he was planning something, and I was right.

"We need a rumble."

As the words filtered through the air, Steve, Soda and Darry entered the room. Darry had a stony face, yet his aqua eyes were fighting a battle of worry and anger. Soda had blood-shot eyes, revealing the secret that he'd been crying.

"But we don't even know if it was the Socs," he sniffled.

Dally scoffed, throwing his cancer stick out the window. "Come on, Soda. You know it was them. They'd be the only ones cruel enough to even touch the kid. We could ask him, if you really wanted to make sure."

"No!" Darry snapped, stepping in front of the entrance to the hallway, which led to where Pony now lay, weak and exhausted. "Ain't nobody going near my kid brother. He's scared enough without you makin' him relive it all."

I flinched a little, remembering the blood curdling shrieks that filled the night as Pony twisted and flailed in Soda's grip, his eyes huge as he begged and pleaded for help.

"He is one unlucky little grease, ain't he?" Two-bit chuckled. Darry's head turned, glaring daggers so sharp that if looks could kill, Two-bit would be dead. Two-bit sunk a little in his chair, and I couldn't blame him.

Dally was eyeing Darry with intensity. "Will you give me the permission?"

Darry was still for a moment, the silence in the room deafening, until he nodded. "I do. Whoever did this is gonna pay. We can't let them get away with this."

Dally smirked and stormed out the door, yelling over his shoulder, "We'll do it for Ponyboy!"

I stared after him, my mind buzzing. The gang had no idea what they were messing with. And was this what Ponyboy really needed? I wasn't so sure.

Soda's POV

I gentle cracked the door open to reveal mine and Ponyboy's bedroom. There, lying in the bed, was Ponyboy, his cheeks flushed red with heat. How he'd become from being so cold to so hot was a question that I had no answer to, but his fever was rising fast, which scared me. I guess mum was right when she used to tell us that we'd get really sick from the cold.

Despite the red blotches on his cheeks, his skin was pale and damp with sweat. In his unconscious state, he was shivering all over with a chill that only he could feel. He was thinner than usual and had lost a lot of weight. Suddenly, his eyes opened, glassy with sickness as flecks of green blended in with the grey.

"Soda?" He croaked, his voice hoarse. I could see the sudden panic flash in his eyes.

"Shh, honey." I murmured, brushing my hand along his jawline soothingly. "You're ok. Nothing's gonna hurt you."

"Where am I?" He whimpered, and my heart broke a little. He was so out of it that he didn't even know where he was.

"You're in our bedroom at home," I whispered softly, tears filling my eyes. My poor baby brother...

He nodded, snuggling into my hand that caressed his face. "Go to sleep now, honey. We'll be here when you wake up." Relief washed over his facial features as his eyes practically fell shut, too weak and tired to keep them open any longer. In moments, his breathing became a very steady rhythm as sleep took over.

Anger burned inside me. When the rumble came, the Socs were gonna pay. I hoped it would come soon, because I couldn't stand just sitting there, feeling so helpless as my brother suffered. He doesn't deserve this... He so doesn't deserve this...

Ponyboy's POV

I continued to slip in and out of consciousness, losing my sense of time and forgetting my surroundings. In the darkness, my mind traveled unrestrained into recall, as memories from that night replayed without my control. I was trapped in exhaustion and had no way out. I had no choice but to hold on tightly to my hope that it was all a bad dream, even though it felt so real...

I remembered the frigid black water, as it surrounded me, closing in from every possible side. No air, not even a gasp of it could be found. The only things that exist were the water and the hands that held me down...drowning me...suffocating me...

I tried to breathe in, but only sucked in water like I knew I would. Pure terror hit me like a ton of bricks as the filthy water gushed down my throat and into my lungs. I couldn't scream. I couldn't escape. I would be trapped in this fountain forever...

Suddenly, I felt a warm caress. Hands held my face and I wondered if it was just a dream or reality. Voices entered my unconsciousness, bringing me back to what was real. Soda? Darry? I recognised Soda's instantly as his calming voice echoed through my mind. But Darry's was different; gentle, kind. He wasn't usually like that unless something was wrong. Was something wrong with me?

"Shh, baby. You're alright. Nobody is gonna hurt you."

Their hands stroked my cheek, my forehead, my chin. I realised that tears were falling without my control. What was wrong with me? I tried to open my eyes, but still, they wouldn't budge.

"Just rest, Little Colt. We're right here... Just rest..."

In spite of my panic and racing heart, I listened to their advice and gave in to the tiredness once more. My body ached too much and it was so hot, yet I was shivering all over. I entered back into unconsciousness, hoping I wouldn't have to relive the horrifying memories again.

Darry's POV

I watched as Pony lay there with his burning cheeks in my hands as I wiped his salty tears away. The moonlight made him look much more paler and sicker. Soda's eyes flashed with worry and I couldn't help but feel guilty. This was all my fault.

Dally had come back to let us all know that the rumble would be next weekend. I hoped Pony would feel better by then. Despite the fact that I really didn't want him to go, I knew he had to.

"Do you wanna stay here tonight?" Soda asked, slipping under the bed sheets and wrapping an arm around our sick little brother.

I nodded. "Might as well." I lied down beside my brothers and held them both close to me, trying to protect them. But I felt helpless because I knew I couldn't protect Pony. The Socs had attacked him twice in a week and I couldn't help but fear that something much worse was happening. Please get better Ponyboy... And please don't change...


Hey guys

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for being so supportive of my story. It means the world to me. I'm trying to not turn this into a 'sick fanfiction', that comes later, hint hint. Anyway, we've still got a bit longer in the story so don't worry, still plenty to do.

Hoped you enjoyed it!

M. Elyse Lynch

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