Chapter 12

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Angie/Efsun's POV:

I'm so pissed of that Pablo's here, but I'm better calm down now because I'll be together with prince Musafa soon.

When I went to his room I met Pablo's friend again who really seems like to know me because he stares at me every time we meet anywhere in the palace.

- Good evening - I said to him.

- Good evening... - he replied, bowing his head lightly - Are you going to meet the prince?

- Yes, I am... Why?

- Just... curious... - he smiled then walked away.

This smile... Somehow really familiar to me, but I don't know where from... But I have to time for this!

----- TIME SKIP -----

As I knocked on Mustafa's room door I heard his voice from inside:

- Come in! - he shouted and I walked in - Ah, Efsun... - he smiled, jumped up from his desk and came up to hug me gently.

- Hello... - I smiled as I returned the hug.

- You seem a bit stressed tonight... Are you okay?

- Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine - I muttered even though it's not so true.

- Oh really?

I just nodded, but he didn't believe me.

- I know you're lying to me... - he said - Don't tell me what's bothering you if you don't want to... But I'll make you forget about everything bad and make you focus on the good things tonight - he grinned then pulled my closer my my waist and kissed me on the lips passionately.

- Hmm... This is your plan to take my mind off of things? - I asked him, smiling.

- Yeah - he replied firmly - Does it work?

- It sure does - I giggled.

- That's good because I've been planning a dinner too for us later - he smiled happily.

- Sounds great!

Even though it was good to be with him I still couldn't get my mind off of Pablo. What if he get German with him? What am I gonna do if he just come and start to beg me, or whatever and telling me that he loves me all over again? (A/N: She doesn't recognize him because he has a beard and also her memories didn't return fully :P)

----- TIME SKIP -----

I shot up in the middle of the night because of a dream about my past once again when I realized I'm at Mustafa's room and when I looked to my right he was laying there. But something wasn't right...

He seemed to be sweating and when he looked up at me he seemed weak too so I checked his temperature and he got a fever.

- Something is not right... - I muttered to myself.

- What... are you talking about? - he said - I-I'm fine...

- No, you're not - I replied - You stay here and rest... I'll be right back - I said as I jumped out of the bed and went outside to the room and the same guy was standing there - Hüsrev?

- Yes, mylady? - he replied.

- Call the doctor please...

He looked shocked for a quick moment then just nodded and went off and a few minutes later the same doc who was with me at the first day came to the prince too.

As he examined the prince Mahidevran and the sultan came too to see what's going on and once again she began to say I poisoned him.

- I swear I didn't do that! - I said, trying to remain calm, but it hardly working.

- Don't you ever lie to me, you...!

- Enough, Mahidevran! - said the sultan suddenly and we both froze - It wasn't her fault.

- How do you know that, my lord?!

- She's a honest girl... - he replied as he looked at me and smiled - She wouldn't do something like that... I just know it.

Later on I needed to leave the room and I was standing outside when suddenly I got a great idea.

- Where are you going, Angie? - asked Pablo whom I met on the corridors and began to follow me - Let me help atleast!

- Okay, fine! - I sighed - Then follow me!

He just nodded and he came with me to the kitchen where I was actually going and Seker aga the one who's cooking those wonderful foods to the palace was still there with Gül aga.

- Ah, Lady Efsun! - he said - What can I do for you?

- I need your help - I replied - Did you hear about the prince being sick, right?

Both him and Gül aga nodded.

- I have an homemade recipe for a mixture that might help him...

- Ah! Okay, tell me what do you need and I'll bring it to you!

- Thank you - I smiled and soon after we began to work on the mixture and after an hour it was ready - Yes... This should help... since I don't think it's anything serious...

- Good luck to that - said Gül aga.

I went straight back to Mustafa's room and told the doc about my plan.

- That might help him - he said - How do you know things like this?

- My mother taught this to me - I replied - I remember this!

- I see - he nodded - I'll give this to him.

- But don't tell Mahidevran sultana that I made this... She'd think I just want to poison her son which is not true!

- I know it's not true... And the sultan knows too... So there's no need to worry - the doc said with a smile before going back inside the room and I decided to go back to my room and lay down, but my bad luck... Pablo followed me there too - What do you want, now seriously?!

- I want to take you home - he replied calmly.

- But I don't want to go back! I don't want to see your, German's, Jackie's or even Esmeralda's face again! Now leave, or I'll call the guards!

He sighed then left the room.

I know I shouldn't ve say things like this, but I can't care less right now... I'm more worried about Mustafa and I just home my mixture, or anything else can help him get better...

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