Chapter 32

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Chapter 32 - final chapter

Katou in her wedding dress on side.

Katou's POV

"Pedro San!" I called into the shop and the little old man came out with a smile in his face.

"Katou chan, how nice to see you again, what can I do?" I blushed a little and what I was about to say.
"A wedding dress... I'm looking for a wedding dress." His eyes widened and he asked.
"Who for?" I shifted uncomfortably and he laughed. "Someone already captured your heart at such a young age? How romantic! Come into my workshop."

"It would be my pleasure to make your wedding dress, if you'd allow me." I smiled and nodded my head. "Thank you so much! Of course you can, also... Since your someone who I've known since a child I'd love it if you came..." "It would be an honour." He bowed and I blushed.

"Any requirements?" He questioned looking for my measurements in a book. "Must have sleeves and must cover my legs." "Not a problem."


Before walking home I debated wherever to ask Law to come... I think I'll just visit Xiou for now.

"Good morning Xiou, next week I'm well... Err... Getting married to umm... That marimo... It's so weird saying that and I'm only eighteen... But that's when mother and father married right?" I sighed and looked at the sky.
"I wish you could be there, you will right? You promise to watch okay?"

"So, your getting married?" I heard a voice behind me.
"Law..." "You won't marry me but you'll marry that... Guy?" He looked pissed off... Shit...
"I don't even know you! But I thank you for saving my life, I really do! But how could I marry someone I don't know let only love?"

He just looked away and I sighed.
"If you want to come you can." "Pish... Yeah right."

I just walked away... He's around twenty right? Well he's acting like a hormonal teenage girl.


Okay last person to contact uncle Hawkeye...

Here goes a hell of a lot of verbal abusive and smashing noises...

"Uncle Mihawk? You picked up the transponder snail for once."
"I never have it on me... How are you, Katou?"

As I explained what was happening I could hear smashes in the background.


"Oh don't worry! I'll be there! WITH MY KILLING FACE!"

Fuck, how did this happen?

πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œOne Week LaterπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

"NAMI!!!!!" I screamed freaking out over EVERYTHING.
"Calm down, everything will be fine what did I tell you?" She patted my shoulder and I shook my head.
"MIHAWK WILL BE HERE ANY MINUTE!" "Put on your dress and maybe he'll change his mind about killing Zoro two hundred painful times." She passed the dress and I looked at her like see crazy.

"What's a dress going to do?" "Oh trust me."

The dress Pedro had made was made out of delicate, white silk from North Blue silkworms, which I thought was disgusting until he told me all silk was made out of silkworms and the North Blue ones where the finest.

It had off shoulder sleeves that clung to you like second skin.
The rims of the dress are lace with an interesting and beautiful cut.

The dress came out into a traditional bell shape (although it's not too big or I would have refused to wear it).

It also had a matching veil that had light pink and purple roses Nami threaded through to match my bouquet.

And I'm freaking out because of I where all this I'll be a bride!


I'm me...

That's why all day I've been panicking.

Nami forced me into the dress (I don't have to wear a corset! Yay!) and decided my hair should hang loosely and I whole heartedly agreed.

Originally I wasn't ever going to wear a wedding dress or invite anyone but Nami made me...

She knew about it from the beginning and was Zoro's alibi.


As Nami was adjusting the veil to my head a knock sounded at the door.

"As long as your not the groom come in."

I screamed when I saw who walked in.

"UNCLE MIHAWK!" I his behind Nami.

He pulled my arm so I stepped away from Nami.

He looked me up and down and his eyes softened.

Then he started crying and I gasped

I wish I had a camera rolling.

He hugged me and said. "I really never thought I'd see the day that you would be getting married... Your only eighteen." "Yes I agree, but if I'm a pirate there won't be much to time get married... So better if I get t over and done with right?" I scratched the back of my head, laughing sheepishly.

"You don't need to get married though..." "Why not? I love Zoro!" "Yeah! She loves Zoro!" Nami supported me.

I think she just likes be 'maid of honour' which she bestowed to herself, I didn't know what it even was until she told me she'd take care of everything for me.

"Fine... But, can I have to honour of walking you down the aisle?" Mihawk held my hand and I slanted my eyes at him.

"I've been thinking about that... I will let you if you do not shoot daggers at Zoro or try and assassinate him." "Not even mentally?" "Not even mentally." He nodded and I hugged him.
"Okay then."

"Who's the priest?" I questioned Nami.
"Oh... That's the thing... I could basically get NO ONE in the whole of Nihoji... There was this one guy who said he had a license to marry for the next to months... He said he came here from Water 7 on business." "ALL THE WAY FROM WATER 7 IN THE GRAND LINE?! I'm mean that's great but why so you look so nervous?"

"He's a cyborg." "A WHAT?" Mihawk and I both shouted.
"He was a human, but he said he had an accident so he re-made himself into a cyborg." Nami explained.
"Tell me Nami... Why the hell does a cyborg from Water 7 have a marriage license?" I rubbed my forehead from the stress of today. "He said he got it so he could marry off one of his little brothers... Something like that."

"Okay... Let me check the crazy tally... One marimo swordsman playing groom, a tycoon playing maid of honour, greatest swordsman in the world playing the give away guy, a dress maker that's freaking people out by fixing everyone's loose threads insight, a cater that is making food out of anger, a reindeer that is acting as decorator, a cyborg playing priest and a bride that's just all round crazy... Okay good thing Law didn't want to come, we wouldn't have room for a surgeon of death! IT FEELS LIKE WE ARE FIVE, PLAYING DRESS UPS AND ALL GIVEN THE WRONG ROLE!"

"Everything is fine!" Nami tried to calm me down by yelling.

"Your beautiful." Mihawk said to me and I felt touched.
"Thank you..."

Nami's transponder snail began to ring and Mihawk and I move closer to listen.

"You two!" She glared at us and we pretend to move away but just moved closer when she turned her back.

"Oh I see... Tell him that I said WAK UP OR I'LL COME AT HIM WITH FORKS AND KNIVES!"

We looked at each other with strange looks as we could only here Nami's side of the conversation.

"What was that?" Mihawk narrowed his eyes and Nami laughed waving Mihawk off.
"Nothing, really... Mr Dracule why don't you go say hello to Sanji kun."

Mihawk walked out of the room but someone else walked in.

They had blue hair.
Three chins.
A metal nose.
And sunglasses...

"Are you the bride?" The strange man said in a suave tone. "I'm not so sure..." Nami hit me on the head and nodded.
"Yup, this is the bride." "Super! I'm your priest for the day! The names Franky, your lucky girl I put pants on for this today." He held out his hand and all I could think was what the fuck... It must've shown on my face.

"Nami... When the weddings over remind me to dig your grave."

Franky stayed in the room to talk the service over whilst Nami did my make up.

He was actually a really cool guy, funny too. I feel better about him now.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure Sanji has cola." I laughed and he held his thumbs up as he walked from the room.

"Are you ready?" Nami asked handing me a shoe.
"No... I'll never be ready... I'm so nervous."
"Don't be, you love him right? That's enough."

When did Nami get so wise?

"It's not that I don't love him... This is all happening so fast... I never thought I'd get married, it's seems like a thing that people in their late twenties and thirties do... I still feel like a kid." "Let's face it, you'll always have this young spirit to you... Pirates never age in spirit, Bellemere told me that." "But wasn't she a marine?" "She was. But even she knew that..." Nami looked at her hands. "You miss her don't you?" "I miss her everyday, but after everything that's happened I'm glad I came to this island when Cocoyashi Village was brought back... I owe everything to Luffy." She referred to what happened four years ago.

"We all owe a lot to Luffy."

"C'mon let's go... Your getting married right?" "This is meant to be the happiest day of my life but it just feels weird!"

We walk all the way to the forest and I complained the whole way because Nami made me wear high heels...

I decided that having it in front of the lagoon would be really sugoi!

"Nami... I'm so nervous." "Okay stop, I have an idea."

She stopped in the middle of the forest and made a strange face.
"Pretend I'm Zoro." "What!? And is that the best Zoro face you can do?"

She rolled her eyes and started speaking in a deep mans voice that made me nearly fall over in laughter.

"Marry me?" "HAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh god... HAHAHA! Give me a second..." I cleared my throat and began to speak.
"Hai." "Hai." Nami copied me in a high pitch voice, blinking rapidly. I started laughing again and had to try and stop so I wouldn't cry.

"Feel better?" She picked up my train and began to walk.
"That's what you were doing Nami San? Yes, I do."


We reached the lagoon and I hid behind Nami.
"Is he there?" "He is but he's looking at the water." Mihawk stood behind me and I jumped.
"You didn't say anything did you?" "You don't have to worry."

I looked at the few people present at the ceremony... Just our friends.

HAHAHAHA! Luffy in a suit! Kill me now, this is great!

Yoko and Rozoshi were there too and they already have tears in their eyes.

And Sanji... He was smiling... I knew that baka would pull through in the end for me.

Then I heard the soft tinkling of piano played by someone unknown.

"Nami?" I asked nervously. "It's time... Don't worry I go first, here's your bouquet." She handed me a bunch of purple and pink flowers.
"Mihawky?" I used my childhood nickname for him and he laughed.

Nami started walking up first and I could see Zoro's head dart foward.
He can't see me because I'm behind a bunch of trees.


That's twice I get to see him in a suit!

Wait... If I'm going to be his wife in a couple of minutes... THAT MEANS I GET TO ORDER HIM AROUND! Yosh!

Mihawk put my veil over my head (thank god I don't have to look at anything directly if I have this on) and he linked his arm through mine.

We stepped out of the trees and as we started walking I felt my heart race a million miles.

My sight dashed to Zoro and his eyes were so wide I had to contained my laughs.

I waved at him but he just stared.

I gave a thumbs up to Pedro and he waved back.

This feels like the longest walk of my life!

When I reached to where Franky has standing in a white suit, I feel like giving him a hug, he's just so awesome! You know when you get that feeling about people and you just want to hug them?

I handed Nami the flowers and she pulled back my veil.

Then all my fears washed away...

Zoro was smiling really brightly and it shocked me into smiling as well.

I've never seen him smile like that...

Out of the corner of my eye I see a figure behind the tree. I didn't turn my head but I was glad that person could be here...

Zoro took my hand and whispered to me shakily.
"I may have woken up ten minutes ago but you've certainly taken all the exhaustion and worry from my body... Your beautiful." "Five minutes ago, Roronoa?" I said between gritted teeth and he winked at me.

I nodded at Franky and he began.

"Dearly beloved..."


A Whole Heap of Wedding Mumbo Jumbo Later


"Do you, Roronoa Zoro take this beauuutiful girl as your lawfully wedded wife?" "Of course I do." Zoro ran a hand down my face and I blushed.
"Do you, Natsumi Katou take this marim- man as your lawfully wedded husband?" "I take this marimo as my husband, yes." I giggled and winked at Franky.

"Well then ladies and gentleman... I believe you know what comes next... You may ki- oh you already... Okay."

Without waiting for anything else Zoro grabbed my waist and kissed me with all the anticipation he seemed to be holding in throughout the day.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, smiling under the kiss.

I heard the small crowd whoop and cheer.

I looked sideways and even Sanji and Mihawk looked happy.

πŸ’œπŸ’šπŸ’œBack At The HouseπŸ’œπŸ’šπŸ’œ

We invited everyone back to our house for sakè and celebration.

Chopper, Luffy and Usopp were doing happy dances, Sanji was cooking food for everyone in a pinch and everyone else just seemed to be having fun.

Franky, the part time priest had already left though... I wonder what he does as a real job?

Me? I just sat on Zoro's lap with sakè.

This is the life.

"So, what do you mean you woke up five minutes before the wedding?"

"Umm well you see, I didn't get any sleep last night an-" Nami interrupted making an announcement to everyone.

"Now everyone it's time to dance! I've organised the couples first dance as husband and wife so should we clear the way for them?" Everyone cheered and I panicked.

"You did what?!" I shouted at Nami and she turned on the record player.

A sweet melody flowed through the room and Zoro gestured his hand to me.

"Shall we dance?" "Don't say it like that..." I took his hand and he laughed.

Disregarding everyone in the room he pulled my waist close and put my arms around my neck.

This is the happiest time I've ever experienced that I started to cry on his shoulder.

"Why are you crying?" He whispered to me concerned.

"I'm so happy."


No Ones POV

The Going Merry was docked at the bay in Silcena and the captain of the ship, Luffy was roaring to go.

Katou and Zoro stood at the helm of the ship looking back at the island where everything started.

Little do they know in the near future they will be going on dangerous and thrilling adventures, exploring the world and working their way through hardships.

Making enemy's and alliances, re-uniting with people they wouldn't except in strange situations.

What you've read of the story of Katou and Zoro is only the start of it.

They have so much more to go through together.

But they both know in their hearts that as long as they have each other and their nakama everything will alright.

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