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As Zyria got in the car, her phone rang making her look down to see that her brother was calling her.

"Hey Twin what's up" Zyria said putting the phone to her ear as she fastened her seatbelt. Knox started to pull the car out of Zyria's driveway.

"Hey I heard what happened are you okay?" Zaire said and Zyria frowned.

"How did you hear about that" Zyria asked as she looked out the window. Knox glanced at Zyria before focusing back on the road.

"Zyria everyone knows about what happened after Knox carried you out of the party" Zaire said into the phone making Zyria gasp and almost drop her phone.

"Everyone?" She mumbled out and she heard her brother mumble a yes. She quickly said bye to her brother before sighing as she went on Twitter where she saw everyone at school talking about it.

"Oh my god" She mumbled as she threw her phone down shaking her head.

"What?" Knox said looking at her.

"Everyone knows about what happened at the party" Zyria said and Knox frowned before sighing.

It was Monday morning and Knox offered to drive Zyria with the promise of Starbucks. Kaia dramatic self pleaded for Zyria not to leave her alone with Dakota.

But everyone knew she definitely wanted to be alone with her.

"They are going to make fun of me" Zyria said as she shook her head.

"They won't make fun of you. They will make fun of Jackson for being the bastard that tried to rape someone." Knox said and Zyria looked at him with a pout on her face.

"You think so?" She mumbled and he nodded glancing her way.

"Even if they do try to make fun of you, I'll gladly show them the consequences" Knox said as he smirk making Zyria smile and giggle.

"You know this is the most you have talked to me" Zyria said suddenly as she looked at Knox.

"Really?" He said sarcastically which she didn't pick up on.

"Yeah..why did you not talk to me that much" Zyria asked him and Knox shrugged.

"I don't know honestly" he mumbled and she nodded before looking out the car window.

They were almost at Starbucks which made Zyria smile. She didn't know if he was actually going to take her to Starbucks or not.

"Well I'm glad you decided to talk to me now" Zyria commented as she sent him a small smile. Knox didn't say anything back at first as he frowned looking at the cars in front of him.

"I am too" he whispered but Zyria didn't hear him.


There were looks of pity and sadness but also looks of disgust and annoyance. Most people looked but didn't bother coming up to Zyria to say something to her about what happened especially not when Knox was right beside her glaring at everyone

"Hey Z" Hunter smiled as he walked up to her. It was time for their honors government which Zyria was happy and excited for.

"Hey Hunt" She said sending him a small smile as she walked to her table. Hunter sat beside her since Knox wasn't here and class haven't started yet.

"Anyone give you trouble today?" Hunter asked her and she laughed but shook her head no.

"No which in my opinion is very surprising but don't jinx it" She replied and Hunter smiled.

"True because I don't want Dakota and Knox beating my ass if I do somehow end up jinxing it" Hunter said and Zyria laughed.

"Those siblings can be very scary Zyria especially Dakota" Hunter added and Zyria looked at him.

"What about Knox though? Dakota is more scary than him?" She asked and Hunter nodded.

"Dakota is small and very flexible. She will grab you by your ear and drag you somewhere before killing you with scissors" Hunter mumbled as he frowned thinking about it.

"Oh my god"

"And what would Knox do" Zyria said almost afraid of the answer.

"Oh he would just punch you a few times before glaring at you like crazy before throwing you off a cliff" He answered shrugging as if it's nothing.

"I-okay" Zyria said and Hunter smiled at her.

"He does glare at people a lot" Zyria mumbled and Hunter nodded.

"A lot" He said and Zyria smiled. The bell sounded and Zyria looked up to see Kaia and Dakota rushing into the classroom.

"Where were you two?" Hunter asked with a small smirk on his face.

"We was talking to Jada who also told us to tell you that she was going home for the rest of the day" Dakota said and Hunter frowned pulling out his phone to probably text her to see why.

"Get out of my seat" Knox said as he looked at Hunter.

"When the fuck did you walk in here" Hunter said and got up from his seat walking to his own. Knox glared at Hunter before sitting down next to Zyria.

"Hi" Zyria said as she smiled at Knox who blank stared her making her sigh.

"You know one day you are going to be wishing that I was saying my hi to you" Zyria mumbled before pulling out her notebook just as the teacher arrived.

"Don't say that" Knox said suddenly making Zyria glance at him.

"Then say hi back" She mumbled as she rolled her eyes.

"Hey Zyria" He said and she smiled.

"See that wasn't so hard you big annoying glare loving grumpy pants" She said and Knox raised his eyebrow before shaking his head.

"Just write your notes" he said and she laughed before doing exactly what he said. She wrote something down before handling it to him.

Thank you for saving me the other night

He wrote a reply before sliding it to her.

Anything for you

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