Chapter Twenty Seven

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Double Update!! Make sure you read the chapter before this so you're not confused!!

On the day of the appointment, Diana and I walked in to the clinic and she sat in the waiting room while I filled out some paperwork for the front desk. I frowned when I got to the section that asked me if I was pregnant. I checked the box for not sure and handed it back to the secretary.

She smiled at me and then looked the paperwork over. "Okay, looks like you're all set. I'm going to give you this." She said, handing me a cup. "Go through that door right there and follow the instructions above the sink so we can get a urine sample. When you're done, just come out into the waiting room and wait for your name to be called."

I gave her a tight lipped smile and nodded. "Thank you."

Diana was playing a game on her phone, so I went right to the bathroom and followed the instructions above the sink like the lady had asked. I couldn't help but let out a giggle as I put the lid on the cup and placed it on the shelf where I was supposed to. I was being watched by the mafia and peeing in cups now. My life was officially insane.

I made my way back into the waiting room. Diana looked up as I sat down next to her. She reached out and grabbed my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I really hope you washed your hands."

I laughed. "Don't worry, I did."

It took about five minutes for a nurse to come out into the waiting room and call my name. "Alaya Pierce?"

Diana and I both stood and walked over to the nurse. She smiled at us as we approached. "Hey." I said, feeling awkward.

The nurse looked at Diana. "Are you a family member?"

Diana glanced at me before answering. "Well, no, but-"

"I'm sorry." The nurse said, cutting her off. "We only allow family and partners in the room."

"She's the closest thing to family I have, right now." I said quickly. "Please? I don't want to be alone."

The nurse sighed and pursed her lips. "Okay, come on back ladies."

"Thank you." I said as we followed her down a hall and into a room.

The nurse was quick at taking my vitals and asked me a few questions, writing them down on a clipboard. "The doctor will be with you shortly, go ahead and lie down on the table and make yourself comfortable." She said before leaving.

I stared at the ceiling numbly, unsure of how to feel about the situation I'd gotten myself in. I still cared about Stefano deeply, but I had wanted time away from him to make him realize just how much he'd hurt me. But if I was right about this, I knew I wouldn't get the time away that I needed.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. I watched as the doctor came in and smiled warmly. "Good afternoon ladies, my name is Doctor Noone. I will be taking care of you today." She introduced herself.

I smiled nervously. "It's nice to meet you."

Dr. Noone flipped to a page in her patient book and scribbled something on the page. "So first things first, we got the results back from your urine test."

"And?" I said, holding my breath.

"I'd like to be the first to congratulate you, then. You're pregnant!" She grinned. "I'm going to do an ultrasound so we can figure out just how far along you are. I'll just have to ask you to lift up your shirt for me."

I let out a shaky breath and Diana squeezed my arm. I was expecting that answer, but a small part of me had been hoping she'd tell me I was wrong. A small part of me had hoped I had a chance of getting away from everything. I lifted up my shirt and the doctor's eyes lingered on my scar.

"How'd you get that?" She asked, putting on her gloves.

"It was something silly my friends and I did a few years ago. It's an inside joke we had. It was a really stupid thing for me to do." I lied.

She raised her eyebrows. "Looks like you cut pretty deep. You should be more careful."

I knew she didn't believe me. I looked at Diana, who gave me a reassuring smile. I shivered as the doctor squeezed some cold gel onto my stomach. I watched as she spread the gel over my belly and turned on the machine.

"Did you take a pregnancy test before this appointment?" Dr. Noone asked as she watched the machine intently.

"No, I didn't." I tried to decipher the picture displayed on the screen, but I had no idea how to interpret it.

"Well, I'd say based on this, you're about five or six weeks along." The doctor announced.

"Can you show me?" I asked.

The doctor pointed towards a small blip on the screen. "That's your baby, right there."

"Oh, wow..." I breathed, staring at the dot. "He looks like a bean." I mumbled.

The doctor laughed lightly. "You actually won't know the sex of the baby for a few more months." The doctor pressed a few buttons and suddenly a loud, steady beat resonated around the room.

"What's that?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"That's your baby's heartbeat." The doctor said with a smile.

The rest of the appointment was spent with the doctor giving me tips on what to eat, what to avoid doing and how to avoid situations that could stress me out. I nodded along and by the time I paid and checked out of the office, I was exhausted.

"So?" Diana asked as we walked out. "What are you going to do?"

I sighed as I hailed a taxi cab. "I don't know. I don't want to tell him, but I can't keep it to myself either."

A driver pulled to the side of the road and we got in, giving him the address. Before Diana could say anything, my phone rang. I sighed and pulled it out of my pocket. Roger was calling.

I put the phone to my ear. "Alaya, did you just go to a doctor?" Roger asked before I could say anything.

"Hello to you too, Roger. I'm doing great, thanks for asking." I said sarcastically.

"This is not a joke, Mr. Colombo wants to know why you went to a see a gynecologist." Roger hissed.

"Well, you can tell Mr. Colombo that I had a UTI and that I needed some antibiotics. Oh, and while you're at it, tell him to go suck a dick." I hung up before he could answer.

Diana finished typing something on her phone before turning it off and putting it down. "Damn, they're really keeping tabs on you, aren't they?"

"Yeah." I grumbled.

"Do you think maybe you should've told him?" Diana asked.

I shook my head. "No, not yet. I'll tell him, I just want to figure some stuff out first."

By the time the taxi had dropped us off at the front of the building, I had made my mind up. We rode up the elevator in silence and I stopped in front of the door to the apartment. "Are you coming inside?" Diana asked.

I nodded. "I'm going to make a phone call real quick."

"Okay." She closed the door behind her.

I took a deep breath before dialing the number of the one person I knew I had to meet.


"Giulia, hey. I kind of need to talk to you, are you free to meet up right now? We could get lunch." I suggested.

"Of course, dear. Is everything alright, do you need me to come pick you up?" She offered.

"No, no. I can meet you there. We can go to that café I used to work at." I didn't want her going out of her way for me and I was hoping the car ride there would give me enough time to figure out what I would tell her.

"Okay, I'll head over now. I'll see you soon, Alaya."

"Okay, see you soon." I said before hanging up.

I walked inside the apartment to let Diana know I was heading back out. She was sitting on the couch with the remote in her hand, flipping through channels on the tv.

"Hey, I'm gonna go meet Giulia for lunch. I'll be back in a a few hours tops."

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Just to lunch, it's no big deal." I assured her.

She sat up straighter, turning her body towards me. "No but where are you meeting her?"

I gave her a funny look. "Just the café I used to work at, why?"

"I just need to know what to say if Stefano or Roger come looking for you." She explained. "You know, since Roger's been checking in and stuff."

I nodded. "Okay, I'll see you later."

"Bye!" She called as I headed back out the door.

Half an hour later, I was sitting in the booth of a small dinner across from Stefano's mother. "Thank you for meeting me here, Giulia."

The woman smiled kindly. "Of course, dear. I'm assuming This has something to do with my son? He showed up at my door last night and I've never seen him so emotional."

I let out a shaky sigh. "We got in a fight. I left." I said vaguely. I didn't want her to know just how cruel her son was, so I didn't tell Giulia that Stefano had questioned and tortured me.

"He told me as much, but I get the feeling that isn't why you asked me to meet with you so urgently." I couldn't help but let out a muffled sob. "What's wrong, Alaya?" Giulia asked, taking my hands in concern.

"Giulia, I'm p-pregnant." I managed to choke out.

The woman sat back with wide eyes. "I'm going to be a grandmother?" She asked in astonished joy.

"And I don't know what to do because things are bad between us right now and I just don't know if I can handle this right now." I cried.

"It's okay, I'm here for you if you. Everything will be okay." She assured me. "What has Stefano said about all of this?"

"He doesn't know yet." I shook my head. "Please don't tell Stefano yet. I want to find the right time."

Giulia smiled understandingly. "I won't tell him until you're ready." She agreed. "But I don't think you should wait too long to-" Giulia suddenly gasped, her eyes fixing on something behind me.

Before I could turn around, a gunshot rang out and Giulia slumped forward on the table, dead. I let out a horrified scream and I whipped around while ducking down. Three men in suits made their way through the café, towards me, ignoring all the people screaming and cowering in the other booths.

I stood quickly and ran for the back exit, but someone grabbed me from behind, throwing me to the ground. I looked up at the man as he crouched down to my level. "What do you want from me?" I spit, still reeling from Giulia's death.

The man chuckled darkly. "You'll find out soon enough."

I tried to scramble to my feet when I saw the man pull a rag from his suit pocket, but he grabbed my face roughly before I could get away. "You shouldn't have left the safety of Stefano Colombo, Alaya." He mocked as he pressed the rag against my mouth. "Who's gonna save you now?"

My eyes widened at the realization that I was being chloroformed. I tried to fight him off, but my arms and legs were getting heavier by the second. The man seemed to notice, because he threw me over his shoulder and went through the back door I had tried to run to with the other two men following. I tried to yell for help, but my tongue was like molasses and all I could do was whimper as my vision blacked out completely.

When I woke up again, I was no longer in the café and I had a strong sense of deja vu. I was tied down to a chair in a large warehouse, by the looks of it. Taking deep breaths, I tried to not let my panic consume me, but I felt sick to my stomach.

Unable to hold it down, I turned my head to the side and threw up the contents of my stomach onto the floor. This time, I wasn't sure if it was the chloroform or the pregnancy that made me throw up. I assumed it was the former.

"Ah, bene, you're awake!" I looked around and struggled against the bonds, but I couldn't see the man behind me.


"What do you want from me? Why am I here?" I asked frantically, my voice cracking.

The man said nothing, but instead, began walking around the chair to face me. I could do nothing but stare in horror as Francesco Bonano walked into view, a confident smirk on his lips. I was in deep and no one was coming to save me.

I'm so excited for next chapter!! It's already written and stuff so I'll have it out Friday because I said I'd update on tuesdays and fridays. I might get excited and just post it early if you guys give this chapter enough love though.

You know the drill, don't forget to vote and comment! :)


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