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Alexandra's POV

Several months later...

I felt someone holding my hands and pushing my hair out of my face.

I opened my eyes a few seconds later to stared at the familiar brown eyes, whose owner I fell in love with.

He noticed that I was awake gave me water to drink and I said," Hey."

He smiled and said," Hey. How are you feeling?"

I replied," I'm good. Where are they?"

He grinned and went outside of the room to inform.

I couldn't be more eager to have the little bundles in my arms, whom I gave birth several hours ago.

Several minutes later two nurses carrying our children gave one of my babies to Blake while resting the other two on my lap.

Oh my! The looked so cute and small. Slowly one by one they started crying.

I felt tears down my cheek I wiped them quickly and said," Blake..."

He smiled at me and then pointed to one of our babes and said," This is our firstborn, our future Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack."

Staring at him, he had beautiful brown hair and when he opened his eyes I gasped. He had my blue eyes. But otherwise, I think he looked like his father.

"Alexander Knight. Our baby boy, Xander."I said.

Blake grinned and then pointed to the next baby, the baby with his dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes he inherited from his father.

"Benjamin Knight. Our other baby boy, Ben." I said.

Blake smiled and then he showed me the little baby he held in his arm. I assumed was our baby girl as she wearing pink. With her brown hair and blue eyes, she was so beautiful.

Blake said," Cassidy Knight. Our baby girl, Cass."

Blake said," They are so beautiful. I'm never going to let anyone near my baby girl. And I'm going to teach the boys about this."

I hit him playfully.

The next minute the door opened and our family filled in. AL and Landon were also here with their son Sean.

I gave Xander to Aiden and Ben to Lina. Blake gave Cassidy to Ash.

I introduced," Aiden, the little bundle in your hands is our firstborn and our baby boy, Xander Knight. Short for Alexander."

Aiden kissed Xander's forehead and said," You named him after you. Huh?"

I shook my head and said," No, it was Blake."

He didn't believe. I then said," Lina, the other little bundle in your arm, is our second born and our baby boy Ben Knight. Short for Benjamin."

And then I said to Ash," Ash, the little bundle in your arm is our last born and our baby girl Cass Knight. Short for Cassidy."

Elliott said," ABC"

Everyone laughed.

Elijah said," They are all going to break so many hearts and I don't think the boys aren't going to allow a boy near their sister."

A few years later...

" Cassidy Knight! What did you do?!"

The little girl was a troublemaker just like her brothers.

She giggled and said as she descended down the stairs," Mommy, I didn't do anything... "

I raised my eyebrow at her and asked," Really?"

Before she could answer I heard the boys shouting," Mom, she is lying!"
Xander continued," Mom, she hid my toy car."

Ben nodded," Mine too."

Cass said," No! I didn't hide your toy... I-"

I asked," If you didn't hide their cars what did you do?"

She looked anywhere but me and said," I-i ate the chocolates they hid... I didn't do anything!"

She ran away outside. I looked at the other two," Boys, where did you get the chocolates?"

Both of them looked at each other and both looked so nervous and answered," Daddy, gave it."

I raised my eyebrow again," Daddy gave it? Okay... I will ask him."

Ben said," No, no, wait..."

They both thought of running away but I yelled," Ben! Where are you going?! We have not finished talking!"

Xander looked at his brother and said something I couldn't understand and Xander ran away leaving Ben with me.

Ben smiled giving me his puppy dog eyes, which I must say he looked adorable with his chocolate brown eyes which reminded me of his father and said," I'm sorry... I'm sorry for breaking the vase at Auntie Ash's house yesterday."

I hugged him and said," If you do something wrong apologize immediately, okay? Now, go and say that to Aunt Ash... She is pregnant, remember. Don't make her angry."

He nodded.

Out of the triplets, he is the only one who has patience and always trying to make amends for his wrongdoings.

Xander, on the other hand, is patient... Really patient but he has a very bad temper. But otherwise, he is a sweetheart.

Cassidy loved to trouble her brothers or more likely finding their secrets and telling it to Blake or me so that the boys can get in trouble.

I slowly walked upstairs to the room which was very recently repainted because someone thought it was really fun for his age to play with paint.

I opened the door silently and noticed the little devil sleeping peacefully and i saw the other side my eyes widened.

I expected.

Gregory Knight, eleven months younger than the triplets was a troublemaker like his siblings but he prefers to make trouble when no one sees it or makes sure no one knows what kind of trouble he does. He is the silent killer. The little devil is always active during the night rather than the day.

All the toys from his siblings' room were stashed up in in the small cupboard which was now open. He loves to trouble his older siblings.

I sent the triplets to spend the night with a pregnant Ash, Greg was supposed to go but he refused saying he will go another day. He loved his cousin Pierce, Aiden and Lina's son who was the same age as Greg. They both were best friends. I realised that Greg took after my brother.

While the triplets mostly take after Blake.

Today was Blake's birthday and I planned a party tonight. Only family. AL, Landon, their son Sean. Aiden, Lina, their son Pierce and their six months old daughter Lana. Ash and Elliott. Elijah and Daisy. Felix and his mate Jess. Nate, Nina and their two-year-old daughter Talia. Jason, Tina and their three-year-old daughter Beth. Sophie and Drew along with their one-year-old son Andy.

Every one of us are really happy. I tried to forget some harmful memories. Tried. But Blake said they are a part of me. Its a part of my life with his. Without all that happened, I never would have met Blake. Never would have had my children.

I felt arms wrap around my waist. He whispered," We did good huh?"

I nodded and whispered," Happy Birthday.."

He kissed me and then said," The little devil is waking up... Come on let's go."

When we were in our room, he kissed me again and said," I love you. I love our children."

I smiled at him laid my head on his chest and said," I know. I love you. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. Including our family."

I asked him," Do you ever regret killing Dylan? "

He replied back," No. Don't spoil the mood, Lexi."

I asked," If we never went to the Annual ball that year, what would have happened ?"

He said," Nothing would have happened. Things would have been the same. You will find out you were pregnant. Then you will tell me. We would have led our life the same way we did after the ball."

I was about to ask another question but he silenced me by kissing me. After we pulled away, I asked a question," So, if we didn't go the annual meet. Would you have killed Dylan?"

He didn't waste a second," Yes. No matter how our life may have turned, I would have killed him. It was fate. Fate that he should die in my hands and he is dead. I'm happy that he is dead. Think of me however you want. But I'm glad I killed him."

I asked," How do you want our life to be?"

He kissed me. We heard a knock. Blake muttered," Ignore it."
I pulled away and rested my forehead against his and said," It's our kids."

I opened the door and the kids filled it the room, kissing and hugging Blake and wishing him happy birthday. Greg was also here who was now playing with the kids as they attacked Blake.

I grinned at my family. Greg said," Mommy, let watch a movie!"

And a chorus of yes's was heard and everyone settled on the bed while I switched on the tv and put on a movie. I joined Blake and the kids in the bed. I sat next to Blake and he immediately wrapped his around me pulling me to him. He kissed my forehead and then the kids who were sitting on us. He whispered in my ear," This is how I want my life to continue. Just you and our kids. You are an Alpha's Rejected Mate. My mate. And I love you and our family too much. This is the best birthday gift ever I could ask."




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