The End

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The push into castle black was no easy task, arriving here seven hours ago, and still here we just finally breached the gates of castle black.

We are finally inside but the legion and I have started phase 2, we are going to siege the castle and northern tower while I and a strike team head for the hidden cellar that leads into the main kitchen in the east wing of the castle.

Braum forgets I know this castle, I studied it for countless hours in my study when I was growing up. I was taught every single corner of this castle, my father while he was Alpha had drilled into me the hope our family will return and I couldn't be more thankful for those lessons as I kneel knee-deep in the mud around the castle, my large hand lay on the foundation at which my ancestors helped build.

My history is here and I know every single secret that Braum does not, having all the archives from the castle passed through generation to generation, they landed on my desk and I used that information.

Who knew my father was right.

Steadying my breath I signal the strike team to pursue forward towards the east wing, so far we have not come into contact with anyone in this area, but it doesn't last as we hear voices coming from the opposite wall of where I and the strike team stand waiting.

"Larson and Bakra take the left, rest with me!" I mind-link as we get into position.

The takedown was successful and no one got hurt in the process. We are moving slow and stealthily without our wolf forms, I cant risk sound giving away our position this close to the secret passage.

As everyone else back at the gates holds off Orion we head further in, I need to get as close as I can to Braum.

No doubt he is very upset with me right now and very much in pain. His mate did leave him indefinitely.


"Kane the northern tower is secure but not for long you have a window of opportunity now." Lucas says through mind-link.

"Hold as long as you can give me, I'll handle the rest." Dex says as a deep rumble in my chest growls.

I feel my limbs shift, turn as snap as I begin to shift, Dex is less talkative about the demon blood in me that makes us both mutant in nature, instead, he has welcomed it, as have I. Feeling the change in my senses and muscles I know I have fully become my true form.

I signal the men with me to go with Carla, strike team leader, a fae. I trust her ability with magic to do what she must to get to Braum, equal hate for Benjamin she joined me at the gates of black demanding to be there when he falls, I can't deny a capable woman her wish, not one with a dark history such as ours.

Carla Stonewall, fae she is cursed with dark magic from Orion, her whole family died from the overthrow of The Vale. Being cursed with dark magic is like waiting on death's door, it's a slow death spell only the truly ruthless Orion can cast upon a strong fae, she knows she hasn't got long left and she knows what she does in her last moments...

I will not deny a dying woman's revenge.

I knew instantly looking into her eyes she would not disappoint me.

Making it to the secret passage I feel the wall that holds a secret brick that will open the passage, but first I have to find it. "Stand back!" I call to the group as they wait in defense as I close my eyes and feel for the spark.

The spark only a black can feel, no one other than me can access it, it was built this way when the castle first came to be, no one knew why or even believed such a thing existed.

But it does.

The brick my hand hovers over is buzzing with life as I press down with a touch, I feel the connection to access as the magic that blocks the door begins to crack open. Old magic like this is all over this castle, if you're a Black ancestor you will find it.

"Remember that eyes are everywhere and no sudden movements, it's just us so make a sound and you're dead." I whisper as I stare into each and every face that tells me they're ready.

"I won't fail." Carla promises.

Heading into the passage leads to a tunnel, that tunnel is leading to every secret passage hidden in the castle, right now we are under and should be in the main hall.

As we come to the crossing in the tunnel I go my separate way as Carla leads the strike team to the opposite area. I need her there more than with me.

I can take care of myself. But I need eyes in the area she goes to, and I need those inside dead before I get there.

The blade begins to buzz as I come closer to the door I need to get closer to Braum. This leads me to the old main bedroom of my ancestor Demonia Black and his mate Lilian Black.

Making it through the door without noise I scan the dark empty and dusty room with glowing red eyes, my senses are on high alert as I hear voices outside the door.

A language I haven't heard but know Orion speak as a barrier, since not many practices that language anymore. Only knowing a few words I instantly pick up on a few and my suspicion was right.

He's in this wing.

I sniff the air.

Filthy creatures' scent is everywhere in this wing, they will die along with Braum. But I smelled him, I smell his fear and his pain from the loss of his mate, he is waiting for me.

I won't make him wait any longer.

I put weight on my back legs as I position myself as I release the deafening howl of the Demonia, a loud and howling signal that will be heard from the city from all the way up here. My wolf and demon side work together to signal all things living and dead that I'm here, alerting enemies around me and preparing those with me for the final stage.

The breach of the front door can be heard throughout the castle as the door of the bedroom which I currently wait patiently in is broken down.

I stand still and wait for them to enter. When I do my wolf and I leap going for the first neck I see, biting down hard with my snarling and snapping large teeth as I go to the next of my prey. Nothing but screams and growls can be heard throughout the castle as I tear limb from limb of a dark follower.

Death is surrounding me, in every room in every hallway I pass, my legion are scattered throughout the castle, many injured and many finishing their kill as we take the castle. All it took was nine hours and years of planning.

The castle is mine.

"Kane we got him, he was cowering behind an old bookshelf in a library." Lucas nods down the hall where legion warriors stand with weapons. "We have rounded up the remaining followers, what would you like to do with them?" He asks.

He is covered in blood, dark and light from head to toe, one should feel disgusted but I feel proud.

My eyes fixated on guards I begin to walk towards where my heart beats to go. "Cells, for now, I have someone waiting for me." I say over my shoulder as my heart beats excited in my chest.

Nearing the door the guards bow and bang their spears on the floor in respect. I open the door with force making it slam against the walls on each side.

Alpha Benjamin Braum.

He stands protectively as he holds his chest in pain, one hand on a sword and the other on his chest. Braum chuckles as he coughs blood and spits it out his mouth. "Come to finish it Black?" He spits.

I shake my head as I stalk closer to him with ease, making him watch my movement with caution. "I came to see it with my own eyes... you don't look so good Benjamin." I say amused as I wipe the blood from my blade as it shines bright orange.

He gulps. "How dare you.. fucking heaven! You are nothing! You are not our king! Your family are vermin and belong in the ground! All of you, even that filthy bitch of a human ma-"

I stop him as I grab him by the throat and squeeze, my large claws digging into his neck as my eyes pierce into his terrified ones.

"That's it, shh.." I say deadly as he thrashes in my hold and claws at my hand.

"You think you deserve this?" I ask as I press the side of his face harshly into the glass, the city in view.

"You are foolish to believe such a dream, you are not worthy, you are alone... Orion is dead and your own mate left you." I say snapping my teeth at him as he whines.

"You terrorize and murder for power, you are no leader! And you never will be, do you know why?" I ask squeezing harder on his neck as he tries to shake his head, the blood in his eyes eminent as it begins to drop from the corners.

"Stop!" A voice calls out.

Carla pushes her way through my guards as she walks into the room and kneels in front of me.

"Please let me avenge my family." She begs as she keeps her head low but a firm grip on the dagger she holds.

I look at Braum and he's almost dead as I've probably broken his vocal cord by now, his tears are blood and his eyes are bloodshot, what a fate that he escapes if I hand him over.

I calm my breathing as I close my eyes and throw Braum to the floor, releasing my hold I retract my claws and step back. I look to Carla and nod my head as she stands and grips her weapon as she stares deadly at Benjamin Braum on the floor, gasping for breath.

He tries to speak but nothing comes out as I stare at the wolf I so much want to rip to shreds for what he has done, the damage he has caused.

"This is for my sister and the millions of innocence." Carla whispers as a lone tear falls from her eye.

Her eyes beam purple as she walks closer to Braum as he tries to crawl away gasping for air as he claws at the floor. I watch every single motion almost in slow motion as I watch Carla take the dagger in her hand and stab Braum repeatedly in the chest as he tries to fight the inevitable.

I walk towards her and grab hold of her hand to stop her, she stabbed him a good hundred times even after I heard his last breathe, the stench of death coming from him and the amount of blood on the blood and on her is too much to bear as I carry the woman away as she hits my back, kicking and screaming.. all while the tears fall onto the floor.

He's dead and the innocent that are no more can rest peacefully knowing that the evil that helped murder millions is now dead and his followers are completely extinct.

His reign of terror is over.


Since the fall of Braum, there had to be a lot to do before I could see my mate. My beautiful mate who I crave to see, I fucking hate that I put her through all of the madness and I left her.

It's been two weeks since the fall of Orion, lots had to be done and order had to be restored. The dead had their day and today we honor those that had fallen in battle to protect loved ones and fight for a better world.

Two weeks ago Braum fell by the hands of a child aged twenty-one, in honor of her house to revenge the murder of her sister, a day later Carla Stonewall died to the curse that had was slowly killing her, she died bravely with no regrets and with only one wish from me.

"Do better."

A wish I will grant without hesitation. The killing has stopped and order is restored within the Vale and the human world.

Today is also the day I assign a govern in my name to protect the human world, I had no need to think of who to put in charge. Once the killing started, world leaders of each country hid and cowered in their fear while those of lesser value showed up and did anything but cower, those are the ones that shows leadership.

I stripped all power from these individuals and had them submit to the new order, mine. Nothing is the same anymore, humans are not alone and they know that without my new order chaos will erupt and the war would break once again.

"Marcus Knoxenberg, I hereby name you keeper of realm earth." I say, laying my hand on his head as he kneels in front of me in front of millions of people.

I say the words of ancient as I bestow him with knowledge and power only I can give and take away any time I want. It is an old tradition, my family did it for the Grinmortes and it made them rise to power, but now without any mistake, I know the Knoxenberg name will do me proud.

Shortly after the battle for The Vale at castle black, I made Lucas Alpha of Deepwater, passing the title down was meant for my heir, but being king is much more complicated than I thought, my heir, will now by the next king or queen of the Vale.

I did not think this would happen that I would stand at the steps with a crown on my head as the king, it has been thousands of years since the fall of Demonia and now I make Locus Black, my family, and mate proud today.

My mate walks towards me dressed in a beautiful silver that shines from the moon and reflects her beauty in my orbs. I hold her close as I kiss her on the lips and my palm resting on her larger stomach, blooming with life.

"I love you." I whisper in my mate's hair.

She gazes up to me with her forest green eyes as she smiles at me, making my heart skip a beat.

"Forever." She breathes out.

My mate, my Queen.. my savior, together we will rule and make The Vale a better place, for humans, wolves, and creatures alike.

But most of all, for my pup.

The End.

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