Chapter 32 A stronghold

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Okay guys that's enough. Stop pinging that fourthwallrebuilder guy or I could just take down the story.

A week goes by. Techno has been keeping a eye on you, since you're in need of supervision since you are blind.

"Watch me do a flip Techno!" You said on the edge of the porch.

"Y/N NO-"

Yeah you would say it was fun.


"We're doing what?" You asked.

"Me and Phil were going to go to a ancient stronghold underground, and we can't leave you alone, so you're coming with!"

You sighed. "Fine. But only because I love you." You said with a smile. "Now help me out of the house." You said while holding your hand out.

"M'kay." He said, grabbing your hand.

He led you to the outside, where Phil was waiting. "There you two are. Took you long enough." Phil said.

"Yeah yeah old man. We're here now, let's go." You said.

"Finally. You two take Carl. I'll fly over there."

"Alright. See you there." Techno said.

Phil flew into the sky.

Techno helped you onto Carl, then started riding after Phil.

After a good 20 minutes, you all arrived at the place. Phil was astonished by the place. Techno didn't really care. He was mostly worried about keeping you safe.

"Woooaaah!" Came from Phil.

"You found something?" Techno called out.

"Yeah! Get over here mates!"

Techno dragged you on over to where Phil's voice came from.

Ahead of you, was a white and green circleish... something. "What do you think it is?" Techno asked.

"I don't know... But this do-"

"Woah woah WOAH!" A voice came from above.

You flinch. "W-who's that?!" You called out?

Techno and Phil looked above the something, to see a man, falling from the ceiling, and is now floating above the thing. "I don't think you three should be here!" Said the voice.

"Who are you?" Techno pulled out is sword.

"I am DreamXD, the guardian of this land."

"Why do you sound just like Dream?!" You called out, clutching onto Techno.

He shrugged, but you didn't notice. "I can't allow you three to go any further."

Then without any effort, he snapped his fingers, and the thing was gone. "Aww. That looked cool! I was thinking about turning it into a table."

DreamXD tilted his head to the side? "Table? Is that in the script?" He questioned.

He pulled out a book, and started looking through it. "Hmm... Let's see... Y/n gets killed then revived... Dream goes into the prision... Oh! Y/n is blind! I forgot about that! Let's fix that real quick."

He snapped his fingers again, and pain instantly was sent through your head. You clutched your head as you groaned in pain. "Y/n!"

Techno put arms around you to support you. Once the pain subsided, you opened your eyes. You could see again!

"I.. can see...?" You mumbled.

"Correct! Now let's get back the script." He flipped the page. "Hmm... Ah! Here we are! 'Phil, Techno, and Y/n come across a mysterious circle, and decided to make it into a table'. So you are right! My bad." He said.

He snapped his fingers again, and the circle reappeared. "Oh, just in case." He said.

The circle rotated. "There we go! Now non of you can enter!"

"...Enter what?"

"Oh! You don't know! That's a relief! Anyway, I should go!"


"What was that Narrator?" 


"Get down here!"


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