Chapter 18 Time flies...

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Time flies by. It's been a couple weeks since that happened. You eventually forgot that happened, and everything returned to normal. Tommy eventually forgave Techno too.

You and Techno also have been talking a lot more. Like... a lot more. To the point where... you're starting to like him, like like him. You're just too shy to admit it. It's mostly because of the circumstances you guys are always in. 

But anyway, today's a special day. Phil and Tommy are out somewhere, and Techno's at home, making potions for today. "So, what are we doing again?" You ask. 

"We're going to a festival with Tommy."

"Oh! Okay!"

Footsteps could be heard outside. You open the door, and Phil was there. "Hey mates." He greeted.


You all three step outside. "I'm considering making a farm, so we don't have to go hunting everytime we want to eat."

"Good idea." You comment.

"Phil, me, Tommy, and Y/n are going to a festival." Techno butted in.

"Oh. You guys got invited?"

There was a moment of silence. "Phil, we're going to a festival." 

You all burst out laughing. "Why are you going?" He asks after he stops laughing.

"I want my tridant back. Everytime I go to someone, they're like 'I think someone else has it!' and they don't have it. My theory is that Tubbo has it."

Phil nods. He pulls out his tridant and gives it to Techno. "You can borrow mine until you find yours."

"Aww, thanks Phil. I won't forget this." Techno says, putting it away.

Tommy could be seen in the distance. You get everyone's attention, and pointed out towards him. Once he was close enough, "Hey Tommy."


"Tommy, do you have everything?"

"Yes yes. But what's the plan, Technoblade?"

"Tommy, are you sure you have everything you need?"

He looked through his stuff. "Oh! I know what I need! Other than women, Technoblade! Dear friend! Can I have the Axe of Peace?"

You sigh. "Well, I don't have wemen, but I do have the Axe of Peace." He pulls it out. "Tommy, this is a big responsibility. Are you sure you're ready to hold this weapon?"

"Wait you're actaully- Yes."

Techno gave him the axe. 'You're gonna stab SO many people with this Tommy."


"Okay we can go now. Bye Phil!" You call out as you all start to walk away. 

"Bye mates! Don't kill too many people!"

You giggle. "So tommy, here's the plan..." Techno starts.

Time skip (after the talk with Ranboo)

You're all invis right by L'manburg. After getting some informantion from Ranboo, you go to the side, but spotted a special person. "Dream? Why is he here?" You question.

Dream could be seen, constructing a obsidion wall. "What is he doing?" Tommy asks.

You could see that the people from L'manburg were watching, just as confused as you are. They started to approach him. You all walked closer to hear the conversation. "-doing?! What are you doing Dream?!' Quackity said in confusion.

The other people complain in the same way. Dream inturrupted all of them. "Tommy f*cked up."

"What'd he do?!" Tubbo said in confusion.

"You're telling me you don't know what he did?"

"No! Of couse not!"

"Follow me." Was all Dream said.

He started to walk off, and they followed. You also followed them, until you came across the community house. Or, what was left of it. It was blown to shreds, and covered in water. Everyone was shocked. "What- Tommy did this?!" Tubbo said.

"Yes! Tommy blew up the community house!"

You were just as shocked. "Tommy... Did you actually...?" You whispered.

'No! Of couse I didn't!" He said.

Techno shh'd you two. 

"We were THIS close to peace! But he had to ruin it!" Dream screamed in frustration.

"This has nothing to do with us!" Some of them complained.

"It's beacause of Tubbo! Tubbo, you still have Tommy's disc!"

You could hear Tommy shuffle when he heard 'disc'.

"This was the oldest building here! I built this with George, Sapnap, and Y/n! And now it's gone beacasue of him!"

You flinch. You... built that... with Dream...? You shake your head and focused on the conversation. "Tubbo, this is what needs to happen. He needs to pay for this. Give me his disc, Tubbo. "

"You have one, do you not?"

"I need both."


"This... was my safe place." He admited. "My safe place to... be safe. We had so many memories here... Sam... Bad... Y/n..." He paused. "I need the disc."

"NO!" Tommy screamed.

What?! You look over, to see him, already visable again, standing infront of everyone.

Damnit Tommy.

End of Chapter 18

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