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They had arrived at the hospital not long after leaving the party. Mckay had gotten out of the car to help get Nate out from the backseat. Lily suddenly opened her eyes to see Mckay opening her door. She quickly hopped out the way for Nate to be carried into the hospital. Lily and Cassie decided to wheel him into the emergency room.

Lily looked down at Nate with tears forming in her eyes and she had no idea what was going on right now. She was so overwhelmed with her own thoughts and how she truly felt about Nate right now. Lily was very confused.

On the other hand, Nate knew Cassie and Lily were pushing him into the emergency room. Well, he knew that Lily was there from the blurry blue dress in his direct vision, but Cassie seemed to be a complete blur. Lily stood back with Cassie as they watched him being pushed by the nurses. Immediately, Lily felt her stomach sinking and she felt guilty in a way. She knew that Josh was clearly out for blood, but why did he attack Nate? Lily wondered what the real story truly was.


Cassie and Lily basically dragged themselves inside of their home. Lily was physically and mentally exhausted. Lily couldn't even think about what had just happened! This was definitely one of the most craziest nights of her fucking life. Lily started to make her way upstairs with Cassie, but they were both interrupted by their mother Suze and Lexi sitting in the living room.

'Where have you guys been?' Suze started off the conversation, 'It's nearly 5am'

Both of the girls looked at each other and then at Lexi. They all didn't know what to tell their mother.

'It was a long night' Cassie said simply

At this moment, both Cassie and Lily tried to make their way upstairs, but Suze demanded they sit down.

'You girls are not going anywhere' Suze demanded, 'Sit'

They both looked at each other a little worried before sitting down. Lily had sat down with her arms crossed over her chest. She knew that she was about to be interrogated and it wasn't going to be pretty.

'What the fuck happened tonight?' Suze asked

'There was a fight' Lexi said simply

'A fight?' Suze asked curiously, 'Between who?'

Lexi took the time before answering this question. She looked over at Lily to see if she would answer it, but it seemed like she was not going to speak at all. Along with this, Lexi noticed her obvious nervousness.

'Nate and Josh' Cassie finally answered, 'It got pretty bad'

'Wait' Suze pointed over at Lily, 'Josh? The guy you were seeing?'

'Seeing is a loose term' Lily corrected quietly under her breath

'Do we know why they got into a fight?' Suze asked, ignoring Lily's comment.

'I have my guesses' Lexi trailed on

Lily narrowed her eyes towards her sister and waited for her to say it.

'I think Josh is a dick' Lexi began, 'I think he must of said something that pissed Nate off. Nate started it'

'Nate wouldn't start fights like that' Cassie mentioned, 'I think Josh said something'

Lexi nodded and added, 'What can someone possibly say to get a vodka bottle smashed in their face?'

'A vodka bottle?!' Suze cried, 'What the fuck is this...the WWE?'

'No' Cassie answered quietly, 'Nate looked pretty bad and we took him to the hospital. He was knocked unconscious'

'Well he shouldn't start fights' Lexi argued

'He didn't start it' Lily said quietly with a hiss

'Lily?' Suze asked and then added, 'Why do you have blood on your hands?'

Lily immediately looked down at her hands to see blood, which was already starting to dry between her fingers. The bright pink nail polish was now covered in Nate's blood.

'She was helping him' Cassie answered for her

'And she cried' Lexi called out, 'Why did you start crying when he was on the floor?'

Suze's mouth was now slightly open in shock. She narrowed her eyes towards Lily and waited for her to answer.

'What do you mean?' Lily asked starting to feel panicked, 'I was just in shock'

'That was more than shocked' Lexi snapped back, 'You were crying and holding his arm'

Lily was now completely panicking as she could feel her cheeks turning bright red. She had no idea what to say to her family and the idea of explaining it all... was scary to her.

'I just wanted to see if he was okay' Lily began, 'No one was helping him'

'Mckay was' Lexi said, 'You pushed everyone out the way... just to see him'

'That's not true!' Lily cried, 'Why are you attacking me for making sure he was okay?'

Before Lexi could snap back, Cassie spoke up.

'You were holding his hand in the car' Cassie added, 'Me and Maddy saw it'

Okay. The panic and embarrassment had set into Lily's whole body. The body Nate had now seen most of. The body he made his own for a moment.

Suze was now in complete shock and so was Lexi. They both stared at Lily like she was a circus monkey.

'Lily?' Suze asked once again sternly, 'I'm just going to ask you one question...and you don't need to tell me all the details'

Lily sat back waiting for her mother to speak, but she already had a feeling about what she was going to say.

'Did you and Nate do anything?' Suze asked, 'You know...'

She shrugged at the idea.

'So you don't know?' Cassie asked, laughing slightly, 'It's either a yes or a no?'

'Did you have sex with him?' Lexi said sternly with her arms crossed over her chest

'No!' Lily cried, 'I didn't have sex with him'

'But you did other things?' Suze asked curiously

Lily simply nodded. She just wanted to end this embarrassing conversation.Β 

'Okay that's all I need to hear' Suze trailed on, 'It's none of my business what you do, but just let me know where you are next time'

'What did you guys do?' Cassie asked but she somewhat answered her own question by adding, 'Is that why you were in the bathroom? Was Nate in there?'

Lily didn't want to be interrogated any longer and said, 'I'm going to bed'Β 

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