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I have never been so sick in my life. Kaydens pregnancy was a breeze compared to this one.

I'm hoping to find out soon what we are having.

Dad understands that I have to get up and run to the bathroom to puke and he assures me it's ok I'm in case a client comes in.

When Dad and Yvette walked in after lunch I could smell roast beef and I took off running to the bathroom.

"Oh god!" I gulped trying to stop the dry heaving.

"Love are you ok in there?"

"No, but yes," I said wiping my mouth after swishing with mouth wash.

When I opened the door Dane was standing there with sad eyes.

"It's ok really. Once I hit my second trimester I hope this goes away." I said.

"I sure hope so because I feel bad." He frowned.

My cell was ringing in my desk and I walked over to it and read it was Kaydens preschool.

โ˜Ž๏ธ Hello?

โ˜Ž๏ธ Mrs. Cresswell it's the director at school. Kayden is fine but I wanted to talk to you about that incident.

โ˜Ž๏ธ Oh you scared me.

โ˜Ž๏ธ I apologize for that but I wanted to tell you that the aide has been let go.

โ˜Ž๏ธ Wel I didn't want her fired just put her somewhere else.

โ˜Ž๏ธ Turns out you weren't the only one with issues and she had indiscretions with a couple of fathers.

โ˜Ž๏ธ Oh wow! Well thanks for calling me.

โ˜Ž๏ธ No thank you for bringing it to our attention. Have a good day Mrs. Cresswell.

โ˜Ž๏ธ Same to you and thank you!

"What was that? Is Kayden ok?" Dane asked.

"He's fine it was about that slut puppy. She was fired. Sounds like she's slept with a couple of fathers."

"Oh wow! Well you had her number didn't you love?"

"I did but who could resist you in that suit that's made for you and that handsome face." I smiled.

Dane pulled me in for a kiss when Dad walked upfront. "Pria I'm sorry for making you throw up."

"It's ok dad it was that roast beef."

"And you kissed her after puking Dane?" Dad asked making an ugly face.

"Dad! I have mouthwash in the bathroom."

"Oh good! You know your mom was sick the whole nine months with you. She was so pitiful."

"I hope I don't have this the whole time," I said sitting down at my desk.

Once the day was over I just needed to go home and lay down.

"Pria do you want me to drop you off first before picking up Kayden?"

"No, I think I will be ok if you want to get him," I said getting in the truck.

"I wish I could help you." He said pulling out.

"Stop and get me a burger and fry on the way home," I said.

"That I can do." He smiled over at me.

He went in and got Kayden and when he got in his seat he talked and talked.

We picked up food and went home to eat. After we changed we relaxed on the couch and ate together.

Kayden loved his plain cheeseburger and fries and would take a bite and play on the floor with his blocks.

I couldn't help but daydream about what it will be like to take care of two kids.

"You feeling better love?"

"Thank you I am." I smiled over at him.

"Hey, champ do you want to go outside and run a little bit before bath time?" Dane asked him.

"Yes, daddy!"

"You rest love and I'm going to wear him out with a soccer ball."

I laid down on the couch and rubbed my belly and dozed off to sleep to the sound of Kayden giggling.

My dream was so vivid. I could see my mom holding a baby in a pink blanket and smiling. Oh, Pria darling she's beautiful.

I was startled awake by Kayden running up to me kissing my face. "Mommy! I kicked the ball."

"You did? That's a great baby." I said pulling him in for a hug.

He runs up the stairs to his room with Dane right behind him. I get nervous with him on the stairs.

I closed my eyes and put my hands over my face. I could see my mom so clearly holding a baby girl in her arms.

Dane walked back down with Kayden and some blocks.

I watched them sit on the floor with the blocks and I just smiled. I love my life but I wish my mom was here.

"While you playing with Kayden I'm going to go soak in the tub Dane."

"Are you ok love?"

"Yeah, I'm just tired and I want to relax," I said.

"Well, I hope it helps. I'll get Kayden ready for bed if you want to get in bed after."

"Thank you!" I said getting up and lean down and kiss Dane.

"Kayden give mommy kiss?"

"Of course mommy." He said jumping up and wrapping his arms around my neck.

"I love you Kayden."

"I love you, mommy!" He said before sitting back on the floor with Dane and his blocks.

I went upstairs and started the hot bath water and put on some music. That water was hot just the way I like it.

I laid my head back on the bath pillow and closed my eyes. I can't get my mom off of my mind and I can't help but smile thinking she is somehow taking care of my baby girl and will bring her to me soon.

Tears slipped down my face as I kept trying to picture her before I decided I needed to bathe and get out and get in bed.

I got out and threw my robe on before walking out to the bed and sit on the side of the bed applying lotion.

Dane walked in. "Kayden is out light a light after his caterpillar story."

"I'm glad he did. Are you ready for bed Dane?"

"I'm ready to hold my wife." He smiled.

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