πŸ‘‘ Chapter Twenty πŸ‘‘

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Dedicated to NeymorhNderitu I love you girlfriend ❀❀


Isaac and I got to the office bright and early Monday morning. Having rested enough Sunday afternoon we were both ready to take on the day. I had a lot of paperwork and meetings to catch up on but first there was something I needed to deal with first.

"Don't leave yet Isaac, I might need you."I requested him once we got to my office.

He looked at me questioningly wondering what I was on about but I didn't have the time to answer him. It was action time.

"Is everything set Joan?" I asked my PA.

"Yes ma'am." She replied and I nodded with a smile.

"Are you ready?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Is anyone going to fill me in?" David asked.

"Nope we have no time. Just come with me and follow my lead." I instructed as I walked out of my office.

I didn't look back but I could hear two pairs of footsteps following me. Isaac was trying to ask Joan what was going on but I don't think he got his answer. We got to the office I was headed towards and I turned the knob pushing the door roughly open. It slammed right into the wall with a loud bang startling the man seated on the other side of the desk.

"M-miss. K-kiarie go-o-od morning." He stuttered out clearly shaken with fear swimming in his eyes.

Looks like someone already knew that their stealing and lying days were over. I strutted over and took a seat on his desk right next to him. I had a sardonic smile on my face feeling the need to slap him but I held myself back.

After doing a little digging with Joan because she was the only person I could trust we found out that the mole was my head of staff. Allan Mutuma had been going behind my back and working with Martin to steal from me. They were working together, just the two of them and that was a relief because I didn't need a mole problem in my company.

"So Allan a little birdie told me that you have been stealing from me. You know I thought you were smarter than this. You should have packed your bags and left while I was still at the coast. I gave you a whole weeks headstart but you're still here. Trying to cover up your mistakes I assume in hopes that I don't catch you and allow you to continue working."I said trying to bait him.

He definitely fell for it because he started rambling and confessing soon after. Firing and suing him was going to be easier than I thought.

"It was all his idea I swear. I had nothing to do with it." He rambled on and I just scoffed clearly not believing him.

"Why would you think that it was okay to steal from me of all people? If all you wanted was more money you should have approached me and we would have talked about a raise. You just had to go behind my back. I hope your kids are going to be okay growing up without a dad." I informed him and he immediately went down on his knees hands clasped in front of him as he begged me. Why did they always do that?

"Please ma'am I'm so sorry. What will my family do without me? I'm their only bread winner." He pleaded.

"Don't worry. Your family will not pay for your mistakes. I will personally make sure of that but you on the other hand are going straight to jail." I said and stood up straightening my blazer.

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me. It will never happen again." He cried out.

"Isaac please escort him outside. The police are waiting for him and make sure everyone sees him as you both walk out so that they know the consequences of their actions if they ever cross me."I requested Isaac and he nodded grabbing Allan up by the lapels of his suit jacket and dragging him out as he begged and pleaded.

Joan and I were left standing there and I felt relived that I was now done with that fiasco.

"So who do you think would be fit to fill in this office?" I asked Joan.

I already had someone in mind but I wanted her opinion first.

"Umh?! How about Susan from Human Resources. She's good at her job and very efficient. Honest too." Joan suggested.

"She would make a good fit but I had someone else in mind." I replied.

"Who?" She inquired.

"You." I answered and she looked at me shocked.

"What?!" She shrieked and I chuckled at how shocked she was.

"I said you Joan. I think you would make a good fit here." I explained.

"Have I done something wrong?" She asked me sadly.

"No. Why would you ask that?" I asked approaching her and putting my hand on arm.

"But I prefer working for you. This is job is just..." She trailed off looking around the office in disgust and I laughed to myself.

The office was a little unkempt but all it needed was a little cleaning and dusting up and it would be back to tip top shape.

"Only you Joan would turn down a job offer like this. Anyone would grab the opportunity to quit running around for me like a lap dog following my every order. The pay isn't that much different but it would be more stable." I encouraged.

Joan looked at me like she didn't believe me. I thought I was doing her a favor by promoting her but it was clear she was not interested.

"But I like working for you. I get to do so many new things, meet new people and all the travelling is amazing. I probably should not have said that."She laughed nervously and I just smiled at her.

"It's okay Joan I understand. I didn't want to loose you either and since we both agree then you don't have to work here. Susan gets the job and you get to continue working for me."I informed her and she smiled gratefully at me.

"Thank you ma'am." She replied and I smiled.

"No it's me who should be saying thank you because you're the best PA I could ever ask for but still you're welcome. Go call Susan for me and ask her to meet me in my office." I requested her and she nodded and left.

I walked out too and headed back to my office. I made myself a cup of coffee before sitting down in my chair as I stared at the pile of files waiting for me on top of my desk.

I was glad I hadn't been gone for much longer because paper work wasn't fun. Better get to it because procrastination was not going to help me. Joan had arranged them by order of urgency so I picked the file at the top of the stack and started on it. A busy bee is a happy bee. No, that's not how they say it but whatever.


I heard the chair in front of my desk being pushed back and I looked up coming face to face with Isaac. Lucky him I didn't startle easy or I would have screamed my head off. I was so engrossed in my work that I hadn't heard him get in.

"Give a girl a warning next time." I chuckled nervously.

"I'm sorry, I knocked but you didn't answer." He replied putting the bag he was holding on top of my desk.

"Please tell me that's lunch." I asked letting the smell waft into my nose.

"Yeah I realized you were going to be so busy catching up that you'd forget to eat which is true since its already two and all you've had is coffee so I picked up some lunch for the both of us." He replied.

"You are a godsend." I exclaimed getting up and going around the desk to join him on the other side.

He chuckled before replying "I try." making me smile at him.

I created some space by pushing stuff around and allowing Isaac to lay out the food.

"An avocado chicken salad for you and a burger and some fries for me." He announced as he unpacked and I pouted.

"Why am I getting the salad and you get all the good stuff?" I asked eyeing his burger.

"Because when we were having breakfast this morning you said that you needed to start eating healthy after all spicy junk food we ate at the coast. What's more healthy than a chicken salad?"He informed me and he was right.

I had said that but I had changed my mind now.

"But now I want the burger and fries."I whined.

"You're so childish.If anyone saw you right now they'd not think you were the same person on the cover of magazines." Isaac teased and I laughed.

"Fine I'll have the salad and for your information I'm allowed to pout when you don't give me the food I want." I retorted.

"Okay you've worn me down. We'll share halfway." He proposed.

"Deal." I said excitedly and he chuckled and we both began eating our food.

He asked me about what I had done so far and what projects I was working on. I told him about promoting Susan who had been ecstatic about the promotion. She even hugged me before she realized what she had done and apologized. I wasn't mad at her for hugging me though. I had after all given her a better paying job with better benefits. I just hoped she wasn't going to betray me like her predecessor.

"What will happen to the families of the people you fired? It took me months to land this job showing how terrible the times are. I don't want to imagine what their families will go through." Isaac asked me.

"Martin didn't have a family so there's nothing to worry about there. As for Allan his wife who has a certificate in food and beverages will work in the kitchen of one of my hotels here in the city and his kids will receive bursaries for their education so she doesn't have to worry about that." I replied to him and he looked at me with bewilderment.

"You never cease to amaze me. You always think of everything." He praised.

"I just don't want that poor family to suffer because the man in their life was a huge disappointment."I replied honestly.

Isaac just shook his head and we continued talking. We switched meals half way through and it made me smile that he was willing to eat a salad even if he didn't want to just for me. Isaac really was one of a kind. Nothing had changed between us after our talk on the beach and I was glad. The last thing I wanted was for things to become awkward between us and thankfully they hadn't which I was happy about. I didn't want to loose Isaac in my life. In that one month he had grown on me and I didn't want to not have him in my life.

"What are these invites for?"Isaac asked pointing at the fancy gold cards on my desk.

"VIP invitations to the award ceremony I was nominated for." I replied.

They had been delivered that morning even though I didn't actually need them to attend since I was a nominee but it was a nice gesture.

"When is it and who are you taking?" He asked me.

"Next weekend and you are going to be my date. Amani will probably bring Jeremy and knowing Lulu she will be flying solo." I informed him having already thought about it.

"You didn't officially ask me so I'm saying no." He said with a straight face and I laughed.

"Officially ask? This is Kenya and its not prom. Besides that your job description is to be my shadow. This time you'll just be arm candy." I teased and we both burst out laughing.

"I feel so special." He said sarcastically.

"But seriously you have to be there. I always take my sisters to these events and they aren't always the best buffers so that's where you come in. I can't go alone." I explained.

"Well if you're that desperate I'll be there."He smirked and I hit him on the face with a salt sachet.

"You're mean but thanks for agreeing to go with me." I thanked him.

"Anytime." He replied and I smiled.

Soon after we were both done eating and made sure to clean up after ourselves. I still had a lot of paper work to do and Isaac had to get back to work. I feared he got bored a lot sitting down looking at a screen all day but he assured me it was much more fun that that. He wasn't one to lie just to please me like most people did so I took his word for it.

Isaac left me to my work and even though lunch had been a welcome break there was still so much to go over but I had it handled. It was after all part of the job.


This chapter was sort of a filler and I'm sorry but there will be something juicy in the next chapter so look out for it.

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I love you all. Be blessed.

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