Chapter 9

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(Art credit goes to hundwho)

(Y/n)'s POV

There was a loud thud inside the apartment. Just when you went to investigate what was wrong, a past memory went flying by. Wait a minute, it that- You sprinted after the deviant determined to figure out who it was. Connor had caught up too but still hurt by him, you wanted to do something for yourself for once.

But to your avail, he had outrun you and parkoured over the wall before you could. Quickly scanning your surroundings, you saw a path to possibly cut the deviant off. You dashed to your right and jumped a short distance to another roof; gravel crunching under your feet.

After a while of lunging and running, your lungs felt like they were on fire. You started to cough and wheeze, but you ignored it and continued. Who could that be? They seemed so familiar to me! I need to find out. Even if it kills me. You finally reached the last roof of the aligned buildings, but just as you did so had the deviant.

"Freeze! Put your hands where I can see them!" You called out panting.

The android came to a stop and slowly looked up at you. "Nice to see you again after all these years (L/n)." They spoke in a familiar tone. Wait a minute...I know that voice! When she finally revealed her face, you saw the person who would least expect. "How are you? You know, since being tossed off the roof of the school building?"

"Rhonda?" You quivered.

"I would say the one and only, but I am widely produced. I'm surprised you hadn't caught on miss know-it-all." She jeered.

"Wait wha-"

"I would love and stay and chat but I'm currently being chased by an angry android. Nice catching up with you." She dismissed and tried to run towards huge steps decorated by greenery and solar panels.

With a quick reaction, you grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her away from her escape route. "You're not going anywhere!" You growled holding her close to you.

"But you sure are. Have fun going down memory lane!" Rhonda grinned maniacally as she shoved you off the side. Just like you had five years ago, your body went stiff, but only this time it lasted for a quick second. With the same reflexes as before you grabbed onto the side of the roof with the little strength that was left and smacked into the side of the building knocking the wind out of you.

You screamed at the top of your lungs and wept extremely hard. This was your fear. Recreating what happened all those years ago. I don't want to die. I don't want to die! "I DON'T WANT TO DIE! SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP ME!" You sobbed loudly in hopes that someone would hear you.

Your fingers began to slip from the concrete wall. You screamed louder as you tried to hold on as much as you can. Trying to pull yourself up one of your shoulders made a loud pop noise. You cried out in agony. Please... Someone... Anyone...

"Grab my hand!" Someone finally heard your pleads. You quickly looked up to see the silhouette of a man.

"I-I can't. My shoulder- i-it." You huffed. Taking matters into his hands, he grabbed you from underneath your arms and hoist you up. When you were safely on the roof you were able to see who had saved you. "C-Connor?" You hazily questioned.

But he was already off to the races after Rhonda. With his speed, he caught up with her in no time and grasped her by the wrist tightly and cuffed her. Hank had finally caught up with everyone and knelt next to you.

"Are you okay, (Y/n)?" Hank asked full of concern.

"I-I need my in-inhaler." You said in a low raspy voice from screaming.

"Did you forget it?! We need to get you to the hospital!" Hank exclaimed.

"NO! I-I don't want to-to go back." Your wheezing worsened.

"I don't give a shit what you want! I'm calling the paramedics!" Hank whipped out his phone and prepared to call 911.

"Lieutenant! I need your help!" Connor called out. Hank sighed and stood up from his previous position.

"Don't move. I'll be right back." Hank demanded in a serious tone.

"I-I can't move an-anyways." You tried to laugh but ended up coughing in the process.

You could overhear their conversation even though they were a good distance from your shivering body. "Model 874 004 961, serious malfunctions have been detected in your software, including Class 4 errors. You've been deemed defective and will be sent to Cyberlife for deactivation." Connor gave her the whole spiel while Hank began to escort her up the myriad of steps of solar panels and greenery.

Rhonda scoffed, "Are you sure I'm the only one defective here? I saw the way you hesitated when (Y/n) was hanging over the edge. I'm sure you went against your protocol to save her."

"Shut up!" Hank tugged her along.

"You're just as corrupt as I am, but you're trying to avoid it!" Rhonda continued to reel into Connor.

"I said shut up!" Hank pushed her head down and pushed her forward. "You're lucky enough I'm not throwing you over the roof."

"I won't give you the pleasure." She sneered and broke out of Hank's grip and jumped off the edge; plummeting to the streets below.

You vision had begun to fade away. "Hank... Conne-" You faintly called out as you collapsed reaching out after them.


Your hearing was a bit clogged. Ever so vaguely, you could distinctly make out three voices. Though they sounded like they were underwater you tried to make out what they were saying. Though most parts were murmured. "So, she's..." A female professional voice declared. "...she wake up?" Another voice questioned. "Possibly in the next..." They answered. Heh, surprise. The final voice had spoken, "... Dr. Kavin." And with that, you didn't hear anything else for a bit beside a door creaking shut. Finally, after who knows how long, your hearing clears up. Just in time for some dialogue from the remaining two.

"Hey, Connor?" The voice you know is Hank's broke the silence.

"Yes, Lieutenant?" Connor answered back.

"Was that android telling the truth? About you going against your orders and shit to save (Y/n)?" Hank interrogated.

Silence lingered in the air for a short while until Connor decided to answer, "Yes, it was telling the utmost honest truth." You heard the fabric of his pants cause friction as he made his way over to where you were "sleeping". "I don't know why though? I have been experiencing anomalies in my software recently, and I'm not exactly sure how to explain it. I have even tried going back to my default setting, which upset (Y/n) greatly. I didn't mean to hurt her so harshly. I really didn't."

"Wait a minute, are you saying that you feel human emotions? Like a-a deviant?" Hank questioned a bit confused.

"W-What?! No! I-I mean... Like I said, Lieutenant. I don't know what is wrong with me. All I know is that not only do I hate to see (Y/n) in pain, but you as well." Connor explained just as conflicted as Hank was. Since you were still pretending to sleep, you didn't expect to feel Connor grasp your hand with both of his.

"C-Connor..." Hank started.

"Lieutenant, please don't report me to Cyberlife. I know that's procedure, but just... at least give me three days to fix these errors. I'm sure they'll selfheal after a short while." Connor pleaded while releasing your hand. All Hank had to say was a low rough scoff while he crossed his arms.

Eventually, you decided to give up your act and "wake up". Hank stood there in his heavy leather jacket and daily attire, and Connor in his default suit and tie. "Evening sleeping beauty. You took forever to wake up. Your but buddy was getting lonely." Hank joked.

"Evening to you too, Hank. God, my fucking body hurts." You groan sitting up.

"According to Dr. Kavin, you had sustained a grade two sprained to your shoulder. She said that it would fully recover within six weeks, but the pain will only last up to two." Connor repeated the words that you couldn't hear back to you.

"And that's good news?" You scoffed until a sharp pain pierced through your chest. A knock on the door and alerted the three of you. As it slowly swung open, you were introduced to a female doctor who didn't look a day over 26. Dressed in a long white coat and light blue scrubs. She looks... familiar to me... but I can't put my finger on it.

"Hello, again Lieutenant Anderson, Connor. I see she's up and ready to answer some questions for me. Is that correct?" Dr. Kavin flashed a bright smile.

"U-Uh sure?" You shrugged putting your hands to your side since you couldn't cross them due to the IV's stuck in your arms.

"Alrighty, first one. How long have you been diagnosed with Pneumothorax?" She started her question air.

"Pneumo- what?" Hank asked.

"Pneumothorax. It's a long fancy word for a collapsed lung." Dr. Kavin chuckled.

"About five years." You answered sheepishly.

"Okay," She responded while writing down something on a purple clipboard. "What have you been using to keep your breathing regular?"

"An inhaler, but I only use it when I absolutely need it which isn't often." You explained.

"Alright then, we're going to have to change that for a bit. Do you have an AX200 at home?" Dr. Kavin asked.

"Yes, I do." You answered.

"I will have Cyberlife send her instructions to help you with your treatment over the course of a couple of days." She continued to write on the paper.

"Please tell me I can still go to work!" You begged.

"Though it isn't recommended, it is allowed. You just need to remember to take your inhaler with you and occasionally take a puff or two to regulate your breathing." She smiled. You sighed in relief and sat back in the uncomfortable hospital bed you were too fond of. "One last thing. I have been assigned to be your regular doctor. We haven't officially met. I'm Dr. Kavin, you are?"

You debated using your professional title or your casual, you decided rather quickly as to not create an awkward tension. "Detective (L/n)." You faked a smile.

"(L/n)? Huh..." She simply said.

"What? Is something wrong?" You questioned.

"No, no, nothing is wrong. Just... that name brings back some distant memories." You could tell she was also faking her joy just as you were. "Okay well, I guess I will see you back here soon to check up on you and whatnot. You three have a nice day" Dr. Kavin rushed to gather herself and hurry out the door.

"She seemed nice." Hank sarcastically answered.

"Whatever let's get out of here. I don't want to stay more than I have to." You sighed trying to move.

"Hey, where do you think you're goin'? You're still all tangled up with tubes and whatnot." Hank unraveled his arms and prepared to put you down if needed.

"The Lieutenant is right, Detective. If you wish to leave, then I will go find someone to detach you from the equipment." Connor said as he went for the door.

"So, we're still on that, now are we?" Your head hung a bit low.

"I'll be right back with assistance, Detective." Connor opened the door and escorted himself out.

Right there you wanted to cry. You haven't felt so neglected since your father passed away. Just when you thought he was back to normal he turns around and continued to shatter your hope. The hope that... that he could possibly help mend the gaping void still present in your heart. That night at the park, you felt the hole grow smaller. But today, you just couldn't handle everything that was happening.

Hank saw how you were gloomily staring out the bright window and sat next to you. "Cheer up kiddo. The situation isn't that bad. At least you're still allowed to kick ass at work." He tried to cheer you up.

"Hank... By now, there's nothing left for me. I can't do anything without either getting a lecture of how I'll be sent to the hospital or I am in the hospital!" You explained angrily. "I'm broken, and I have no one to help fix me."

"You're lucky you're a girl or I would have slapped you right now." Hank frowned. "You have me, (Y/n)! I might not be the best support but at least I try. And what about that android of yours? Didn't you say that she was your best friend? She can help you too!"

You pried your eyes away from the window and stared at the angry man. "You're right. I'm sorry, Hank. I guess everything is really getting to me. I'm not exactly sure how long I can continue to hold my strong façade." You somberly question yourself.

"I know you can do it. Hey, fake it until you make it right? Even though you are tough as it is, I know you can hang in there. Just take it slow and you'll do just fine." Hank claimed.

You gave him a sad smile and attempted to give him a hug. Just then a nurse came in with Connor following behind him. When all the tubes and IV's were finally out you grabbed your clothes, got dressed, and left the emergency room.

After an eventful day, you drove home and dragged yourself into the house. Mariella was standing right by the garage door in the kitchen waiting for you to arrive home. All you did was walk past her and to your room. Still, in pain, you gently set yourself, so you could sleep without rolling onto your side of stomach. I just want to sleep... I want to take a break from everything for an hour or two.

A/N: Heyo! I really want to know from you guys. Am I smacking you with too many events? I don't want to overwhelm you, my beautiful readers. I really hope I'm not. Until next time... Chow ^_~

Ps: Sorry for the whole "I'm broken" shit during the hospital scene. I think I have said this before, but I do write these stories with my soul. So sometimes things from my personal life leaks into my work. I apologize for that. 'Kay chow!


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