32. I did your job for you

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Cody POV

She pops a piece of gum into her mouth after cutting off Elaine's head. She was very dedicated to doing exactly what she said...it wasn't pretty.

And it's making both me and Chase question her mental state.

She chews her gum as she kicks at Elaine's headless body, blowing a bubble and pulling it back into her mouth when it pops. She stands there in front of us and I take a moment to actually look at her.

Short curly hair sits in perfect ringlets on her head, none of it touching her shoulders. Its golden color seems to shine even in this dark club. Her bright blue eyes study us both and are filed with a hidden spark of humor. Her tanned skin contrasts with the white skin tight dress she's wearing as well as her white heeled ankle boots.

Her facial features are soft and angelic almost. She has the overall appearance of an angel...if not for the blood coating her shoes and splattered across her dress and skin.

"Who are you?" I finally ask.

She blows a bubble with her gum again and pops it. "Anna Marshal. Agent 19."

I just nod in response. She continues blowing bubbles and popping them. Her head's tilted to the side as she studies us intently.

She points at us. "Agent 80 and Agent 9, right?" I nod. She looks at us expectantly. "Well am I going to get your names?"



She nods thoughtfully and turns towards the doors to the club when the sounds of sirens begin to get louder.

"That'll be Zero." She announces as she begins to walk towards the exit. Stepping over the bodies as she goes.

"How did you know to come here?" Chase asks, and she stops, turning to face us.

"Tip called in by an FBI Agent." She says simply. Ryder. "Told Zero that he should probably get over here."

She shrugs as she blows another bubble. "Personally, Zero was taking way too long to assemble a team. So I figured I'd do the job for him." She shrugs again. "He doesn't know I overheard him."

She turns her back on us and waves her hand at us to follow. She walks confidently out the door...which is quite a sight given her blood splattered appearance.

Zero's standing right outside as she steps out. His face goes from confusion to anger, to annoyance in less than a millisecond.

Anna waves over-enthusiastically at him. "Hey, Chief! What's up?" She calls out. She points at the bar behind her. "I did your job for you!"

Unlike so many of the other agents standing around, Zero doesn't even bat an eyelash at her appearance. Seems like he's used to it by now.

"Miss Marshal." He replies, his tone clipped and annoyed. "Why is it I'm always finding you in places you shouldn't be?"

"Magic." She says dramatically. She holds out the blood coated dagger to Zero. "Here's your evidence back."

She looks at him expectantly, waiting for him to take it. He simply gives her a flat look, his eyes voicing how much he's done dealing with this girl. He rubs his hand over his face in exasperation and takes the dagger from her.

"Why can't you ever listen to simple order?"

"I listened to the, 'Don't do anything stupid'." He gives her an unimpressed look. "Oh come on," She waves her hand at the club behind her. "This hardly qualifies."

"For you, unfortunately, that's very true."

She grins at him like that's the biggest compliment in the world. Her phone begins ringing and she pulls it out of a small pocket in the dress I didn't even realize was there.

"Yeah?" It's silent while she listens to whoever's talking on the other end. "Cool." She says simply before hanging up and tucking the phone back into her pocket.

"There's a shootout going on downtown." She announces as she picks off the dried blood from her fingernails. "Agent 1 requests backup."

Zero gives her a deadpanned look. "You roped Agent 1 into this?"

"He's was very easy to corrupt." She replies with a devilish smile. "New agents always are."

Zero lets out an aggravated sigh before ordering most of the agents standing around to head off to aid Agent 1. The rest are on clean-up duty.

"And you boys, I specifically told you both to stay at the hospital." Zero scowls at us.

"Well if we had wouldn't have gotten this from Thirteen." I retort, holding up the small vial.

Zero looks surprised for a moment before ordering us to get the car. Anna follows us and takes the passenger seat next to Zero, who looks less than thrilled.

"What exactly are my men going to be witnessing when they go to clean up the bodies?" Zero asks her.

She smiles innocently while me and Chase flinch at the memory. "Just some trash that needs to be taken out."

Zero eyes her doubtfully but says nothing else as he starts up the car and begins to drive towards the hospital.


"Give this to Devin." Zero orders the doctor, handing him the vial. The doctor nods and rushes off.

Zero turns towards us. "I have to go speak with Agent 53. Can I trust you all not to run off this time?" He asks, his question more pointed at Anna than us.

She waves a hand dismissively. "Yeah, yeah. Sure, sure."

Zero watches her as he disappears down the hallway, and the minute he's out of sight she turns towards us.

"Peace out suckers." She says simply as she starts to walk out.

"Where are you going?" I question.

She shrugs. "Anywhere but here. Plus it's more fun to do something when someone else tells you not to."

"You're going in public...like that?" Chase asks in disbelief, gesturing to her blood splattered clothes.

She begins to think. "Damn I'd forgotten about that...guess not." She groans and bangs her head against the wall.

"Didn't you bring a change of clothes?"

"I left them at the agency." She mutters."I guess that's where I'm going. I'll be back in an hour or so."

She waves at us as she turns as stalks off through the hallway, scaring people with her appearance as she does so.

There are footsteps behind us and we turn around just as the doctor makes it over to us.

"Whatever it was you had in that vial, it's working to clear out the poison."

I breathe out a sigh of relief along with Chase. Thank goodness.

"Can we see Devin and Jason?" Chase asks.

"Normally I'd say no." The doctor says simply. "But I'll make an exception in this case. They're obviously still asleep, but you can both go right ahead. They've been moved into the same room."

Both me and Chase walk into the room. Devin and Jason both lying in their beds side by side next to each other, but a good distance between them.

My eyes wander to the bandages covering up the injuries on each one. I shake my head slightly. Chase's hand comes to rest on my shoulder.

"They'll be fine." He mutters simply.

"I hope so," I respond quietly.

Chase closes the door behind us and we both just in silence next to them. A silence I'm unfamiliar with considering there's never any silence when Devin's awake.

I don't know how long we're sitting there, nor do I care. We're both jolted out of our thoughts as the door to the room is thrown open and slams into the wall behind it.

I snap my head up to look at Anna as she closes the door quickly. She's changed into a white knee-length dress with pink and red roses covering it, along with vibrant green leaves. She's got on another pair of sky-high red heels, minus the spikes this time.

She looks like the perfect angel...except for the fact she's anything but.

She runs behind Chase's chair and ducks down. "Hide me." She whispers.

"From wh-" Chase's sentence is cut off as the door is thrown open to reveal a very angry looking nurse. She looks between the two of us.

"Have either one of you seen Anna Marshal?" She questions. I hear silent snickering from behind Chase's chair.

"No," Chase answers politely, sneaking a glance at Anna hiding behind his chair. "Is there a problem with her?"

The nurse grumbles under her breath. "She needs to get her blood work done."

Chase and I share a look of confusion. "Isn't she a visitor here?"

The nurse scoffs. "Visitor? That girl's a patient here. Been causing trouble from the moment she was brought here. Refuses to do anything she'd told. Let me know if you see her."

The nurse leaves without another word and both me and Chase immediately turn towards Anna. She laughs nervously.

"So I may have suffered a rather...horrible injury and the nurses are concerned I have lasting brain damage from said injury and I may or may not be allowed to leave the hospital."

"Anything else?" Chase questions sarcastically.

"Zero doesn't address me by my number because technically I'm not an agent cause he technically hasn't cleared me for action yet."

"Yet you showed up at the club anyway." I mutter.

"Hey don't you sass me for that. If I hadn't you'd both be dead." She chides me. She gets silent while thinking about it. "Actually, I may have made that situation just the teeniest bit worse."

I shake my head. She comes over and pokes me.

"Who are these two?" She asks, pointing between Jason and Devin.

"That's Devin," I point at him. "And that's Jason."

"They on your team?"

I nod. "What about your team?" I ask her.


"Your team, what team are you on?" I ask again and she shakes her head as if trying to will some memory to come to mind.

"I don't...I can't...I don't think I'm..." She trails off, as searching for an answer she doesn't even know. Finally, she says, "I don't know."

Definitely has brain damage.

There's shouting from behind the door before I can question her further. Chase gets up and opens it and we can nurses and doctors running through the halls.

"What's going on?" I ask him and he shrugs, sticking his head out the door to try and see what's happening.

Anna surprisingly, answers. "The shootout downtown didn't really go very well." She says simply. "A lot of agents were injured, and they've slowly been bringing them back."

"Who were they fighting? Garrett's men?" I question and Anna just shakes her head.

"They were fighting Garrett and his men. Agent 1 went to get Agent 13." She replies.

"How'd he know where to go?" Chase asks.

"I put a tracker on Garrett's car," Anna says with a shrug. "But the fight didn't go well, most of the agents were badly hurt. No causalities on our end so that's good I guess."

"Did Agent 1 get Thirteen?" I question and she nods.

"I don't know what kind of condition she's in, but she was conscious when they brought her in."

Both me and Chase share a look before turning back towards Anna.

"Did you see what room they took her to?"

She nods. "Down the hall, take the first right, it's the third door on the left." She says.

We all exit the room but Anna runs off I don't know where as me and Chase head off to Thirteen's room.

I don't know what to expect when we near the room, but the sound of her voice is a great relief.

"I swear if you poke me with one more damn needle, I'm going to-"

"Agent 13." I hear Zero's voice. "Please don't make this any more difficult than it has to be."

"Easy for you to say. You're enjoying this, I know it." She grumbles back at him.

Both me and Chase stand in the doorway as several nurses check over Thirteen and bandage up her wounds.

She scowls at all of them. "I told you I'm fine. Go worry about someone else who was brought in."

"What is it with you and hospitals?" Chase speaks up and Thirteen's eyes snap up to look at us. She smiles.

"I knew you two would be alright." She says simply and we move further into the room.

"All thanks to Anna." Chase replies and Thirteen's face wrinkles in confusion.

"Anna?" She questions.

"Agent 19," I respond to her and she nods.

"Never met the girl." She finally says. "Heard of her, but never met her." She looks at us with sad eyes. "How are they?"

"They're fine thanks to you."

She smiles and I notice her stitches have reopened and blood soaks through her shirt. I shake my head at her.

"Can't you go anywhere without getting hurt?" I tease slightly, relieved that there's nothing more serious wrong with her.

"Now, where's the fun in that?" She asks lightly with a smile on her face.

I open my mouth to ask her a question but she cuts me off.

"I'm fine." She says, already knowing what it was I was going to ask.




And Thanks!

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