Chapter 68 - You're not being fair

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''Isn't this amazing? All of us together again?'' Tyler puts his arm around my shoulder and I roll my eyes.

I know what he's doing. I know what all of them are doing.

Mads is looking at me like I'm some sort of project, Tyler is just being Tyler, so it's nearly impossible to be mad at him and Mark, Olivia and Logan, who I haven't seen in forever, are just going along with the two freaks - aka Mads and Tyler - that are the headmasters of whatever they have in mind to get me and Noah together.

The moment I entered the party, I knew I was in trouble.

I looked to my left and I saw James smiling and waving at me from across the room.

I looked to my right and I saw Noah staring at me with a blank expression, but his stare so intense that it burned my soul.

The moment I laid my eyes on him, I felt my knees weak. He looks too good and if I thought I missed him before, it's nothing compared to what I feel now.

I get my attention back to Tyler, who is staring at me with a goofy smile on his face. Actually, he looks kind of creepy right now.

''Ty, sorry, but there's nothing amazing about it.'' I know I'm being sour, but I desperately need a distraction from the two boys in the room.

''Don't be like this Ems, it's been forever that we don't hang out all together, just like a group of friends wanting to have a good time.'' He winks at me and pokes my side when he says the word friends and I get his message.

''I don't know what sick plan you have in mind, but Noah and I are not getting back together, so you and her can give up.'' I point at Mads, that puts her hand to her heart, like she's offended with my accusation. ''I'll go get myself a drink, so excuse me.''

I leave them to go to the kitchen and even though I'm annoyed, I can't help but laugh when I see Mads smacking Tyler's head saying that he's being too obvious.

I'm filling my red cup with beer, when I hear his voice right behind me.

''You came.''

I promised myself I'd be strong, but all my strength went out the window the moment his blue eyes connected with mine.

I take a few steps back until I hit the counter.

''I said I would come.'' I say in a casual tone.

Yesterday, I was on the line to get coffee, when Noah showed up and asked if I was coming to the party. It was clearly an excuse to talk to me, because he knew I was going to be here.

''Maybe you changed your mind, I don't know.'' He shrugs.

''Nope, I'm here.''

We stare at each other in an awkward way and when he takes a step closer to me, I look away.

''So, are you having fun?'' I ask. Very articulated of me.

''Very much.''

''Oh, that's good." I say and stay in silence for a moment. "I guess I'll see you around then."

I don't really want him to leave, but I also don't want him to stay, just because I'm not sure what to say next and this is awkward enough, so maybe saying this would get him the hint that this conversation is not going to happen.

We keep looking at each other and I feel my heart pounding in my chest. Of all the times his eyes were on me, I don't think I've ever felt it as intense before.

''Yeah, well, if you excuse me, I'll go hang out with my friends.'' He then concludes.

I know he's not talking about our friends, because I saw him with a group of people I've never seen before and I confess I was too curious about it, so before I could stop myself, I'm already asking.

''Who are those people you were talking to?''

''Just some people from class. They are cool. I felt like expanding my friendship horizon, you know? Meet new people and all."

All the blood is drained from my face. Maybe it's my imagination, but it is like he's saying it on purpose to get me to react.

''What's wrong?'' He asks with that smirk on his face that tells me he knows exactly what he's doing.


''Are you sure? You're a bit pale.''

''I'm not.''

''Ok, if you say so. So, enjoy the party, Emma.''

Is he really ending this talk just like that?

He turns around and leaves me there feeling confused. I know I didn't want to talk, but he cut the conversation like he actually wanted me gone.

Not to mention that he said he wants to meet new people.

What if he moved one?

Just a couple of days ago he told you that he wants to be your boyfriend and you think he moved on? Not to mention that you thought he never loved you in the first place.

I sigh.

''You know he's teasing you, right?'' I turn around to find Mads standing there.

''You heard?''

''All of it.'' Of course she did.

''How do you know he doesn't mean it? What if he dates someone else?''

If he does, it's none of your business anymore, my mind reminds me.

''Oh Ems, please. I know him my entire life. The guy is crazy about you and I know you still love him too, even if you keep telling that you won't get back together. You just need to find a way back to each other.''

''Do you think we can? I feel like I could forgive him eventually, but when I remember what he's done, I still get mad. It's like I'm stuck in this cycle of almost forgiving him and wanting to yell at his face for everything.''

She nods, listening carefully.

This is probably a conversation we shouldn't have here, with music this loud and people stumbling everywhere, but I don't care.

''I think you both have issues to fix. Let's be honest, you haven't told him about James yet. I'm not saying that it compares to what he did, but that's not right too. As his best friend I would tell him, but I won't. It's something he needs to hear from you.''

I've never seen Mads so mature and serious about anything and I realize I appreciate her friendship more than I usually say.

''I can't guarantee that dickhead over there will keep his mouth shut though. You know how he is.''

I look to our side to realize she's talking about Tyler, who is coming our way with two red cups in his hand and a deep frown on his face.

''Are you ok?'' I ask as soon as he stops in front of us, a contemplative expression replacing the frown.

''Girls these days are too straight to the point. I was just eye raped by a group of juniors back there.'' Both Mads and I laugh at this.

''And you didn't like it?''

''Oh not, I totally loved it. I was just thinking that females are so secure of what they want nowadays. I admire that. Just know that I totally respect your kind.'' Mads rolls her eyes and I laugh hard.

''You're so weird Tyler.'' She says.

''No, I'm not.'' he pouts at her. ''Anyway, what are you up to? Have you and Noah hooked up yet?''

''Talking about going straight to the point...''

''Hey, that's different. This is not a random hook up. I'm Team Nomma, remember? They are soulmates, like Romeo and Juliet, get it? Well, without the whole dying thing.''

He fits the floor thinking about it.

''I take it back. You're not weird, you're an idiot. I shouldn't even be your friend.''

He looks at Mads, seeming genuinely offended, while she's clearly joking.

''You love me Madeleine. I'm the milk to your Fruit loops. I'm the chocolate to your chip. I'm the--''

''Ok, ok, I get it. I love you, blah, blah, blah.''

''See? She loves me.'' He turns to me, looking very proud of himself.

I guess everyone loves Tyler. How could anyone not love him?

They continue their conversation and I excuse myself to go to the toilet. I don't exactly need to go, but I want to go get some air.

On my way to the toilet, I actually see Noah still talking to that same group of people. There are a few girls with them and whatever they are talking about, they all seem to be having fun.

He didn't notice me standing there like a freaking stalker and I take a deep breath when the girl on his right pats him on the shoulder to get his attention and he smiles.

The music is loud, so they have to get closer to each other to be able to hear to what the other is saying.

When she giggles at something he said, very close to her ear by the way, that's when I can't control my actions.

I make my way to where they are and I stop right in front of them.

What am I doing? I could blame the alcohol, but I'm not even close to being drunk, so this is all on me.

''Emma?'' He finally acknowledges me, looking very surprised that I'm there.

The girl looks at me and widens her eyes. She was probably flirting with him and she knows who I am.

''Can I talk to you for a second?'' I ask him.

''Sure.'' He turns to his new friends, before following me outside. ''Guys, I'll be right back.''

Guys, I'll be right back. I repeat to myself with a childish voice as I roll my eyes at the same time.

Since when Noah is this relaxed? Laughing with people he barely knows and all? Where is the reserved, cold as ice guy, even if he can be very sweet when he wants to?

We get out of the house and when we're alone, I stop, almost making him bump on me.

I turn around and take another deep breath.

''What do you want to talk about?'' He asks, very casually.

''What are you doing?''

''What do you mean?''

''This isn't you, Noah. Why aren't you with us, your friends?''

''What is wrong with making new friends? I thought you didn't want me around.'' I don't say anything and he raises an eyebrow to me. ''Are you jealous, Emma? As far as I know, you don't love me anymore.''

That stupid smirk is on his face again, because he knows damn well how he's affecting me.

''There's nothing to do with love. I just..." I don't know how to finish this sentence. I just what?

What do I want to say to him?

''Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.'' He gives me another amused look. ''Is there anything else you'd like to talk about?"

I keep staring at him, not saying yes or no to his question.

"Well, in that case, I guess I'll see you around." He turns around to go back inside the house and I can't help but feel  a bit angry.

I don't know what I was expecting with this conversation, but I didn't want to stand still like an idiot, not knowing what to say.

Apart from that, he knows I'm jealous and by the look on his face, he's enjoying seeing me so affected.

I stare at his retrieving back and before I overthink this, I go back inside to look for our real friends.

As soon as I spot Mads and Mark hugging each other in the living room, I go talk to them. I don't want to be a third wheel, but the second option I have, which is Tyler, is being entertained by a certain group of junior girls.

I guess he really didn't mind being 'eye raped' by them.

I should probably text Ryan to see where he is and go meet him.

Before I get to Mads though, I hear the other voice that makes me freeze.

''Hey, Ems?''

I turn around to find James with a smile on his face.

''James. Hi. Hey. Uhm, Hi.''

He chuckles at my lack of social skills. I can't blame him, can I?

God, I'm so awkward.

''Can we go outside? I was kind of looking forward talking to you.''

Yeah, we should definitely talk.

''Sure, uhm, let's go this way.'' I grab his arm and pull him to the opposite direction to where Noah is at.

In the past, I'd probably use this opportunity to make Noah jealous, because I was a stupid teenager who needed to grow up, but I feel like I've changed a lot during these last few weeks.

Right now, I just don't want to give Noah the wrong idea about me and James.

Well, James and I did have something, so I guess he wouldn't be exactly wrong.

My attempt to go unnoticed is not successful though, because I see Noah glancing our way, a frown forming on his face.

Once we're in a much more private place, James shoves his hands inside his pockets and focus on me.

''So, I have a feeling you're avoiding me.''

Yep, because I totally am.

''It's just... Complicated.''

''Is it because of Noah?''

I open my mouth to say that Noah is not the reason, but Ryan is right. James deserves better than this.

''I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting him to be back, I just...'' I stop, thinking how I should end this sentence.

''You still like him.'' I nod.

''I'm so sorry James. I like you, I really do, but I can't do this to you. You deserve someone who can give you their whole heart and I thought I could be this person, but I can't and I really am sorry.''

''I was about to ask you to be my girlfriend, you know?'' He gives me a sad smile. ''When I heard that Noah was back, I knew things would be different and you'd eventually go back to him.''

''We're not back together, but I can't deny I have feelings for him."

''I understand.'' He does?

''I don't want you to think that I was using you. I really enjoyed going out with you.''

I did, just not enough to be his girlfriend, I guess.

''I don't think you were using me.''

''Really? You're amazing. You should know that.'' I feel tears in my eyes. I never meant to hurt him.

''Hey, don't cry, Ems. It's ok, come here.'' He pulls me to his chest and engulfs me into a hug.

I hug him back with all I have.

''Do you think we can still be friends?''

''I certainly hope so, but ask me that in a few weeks. I'll need some time away from you, if that's ok.'' I nod, hugging him tighter.

''Well, I guess I don't have to worry about you being fine, right Emma?'' Noah's cold voice startles me and I jump, stepping out from James' hug.

''I'll leave you two to talk.'' James gives me one last shy smile and disappears inside the house, Noah's murderous look on him until he's out of sight.

''H-how long have you been there?''

''Enough to see you two hugging each other.''

I should tell him the truth. I should freaking tell him right now, but I don't want to cause a scene in the middle of the party.

''It's not what you're thinking.'' Well, it is, but it isn't.

''Of course not!'' He sighs. ''It's always like this with you, isn't it? You get to be jealous of me, but the other way around is not valid. So, I'm not allowed to be upset about that fucking guy hugging you? You're not being fair, Emma.''

I was going to tell him that he was right, but he continued before I had the chance to say it.

''I was giving you space, I swear that I was, but I don't have it in me to see that asshole all over you.''

I look at him, trying to figure out what he's saying. He's angry and I'm confused.

I stay quiet, so he takes the clue to continue.

''If you don't want to be with me anymore, then don't do this.''

''Don't do what?'' I ask, my voice shaky.

He takes a step closer and I can tell he's trying to keep his temper at bay. 

''Don't look at me like that. Don't look at me pretending it's over when we both know you're dying to kiss me just as much as I am.''

''Noah...'' He takes another step closer, but I don't move back, so he stops inches from me.

''Say it. Say you don't want to do this and I'll back off. I won't bother you anymore and I'll let you--''

I don't give him time to finish what he was going to say, as I shock both of us when I grab his face and kiss him.


Hey Lovely Readers,

A brand new update! I don't know why, but I'm actually in love with this chapter and how it turned out!!!

Did you expect Emma to kiss Noah? What do you think will happen next? I'm too excited!

Let me know what you think Your votes and comments mean the world to me!!

Have a great weekend!

Love, Me

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