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Jennifer's POV

Leah prepared the table for the dinner she was serving. I helped her too. Then she started to serve the food. This woman is sexy. She cooks, she cleans, she does what every independent woman is great at. I like it because I know she doesn't rely on people to do shit for her. She got herself.

"Thaaaanks Leah" I smiled and sat next to her. Michelle sits across from us and begins to eat after thanking Leah too.

"How long have you guys lived here together?" I asked them both. "Well, Me and Michelle moved in maybe 3 years ago? We were already friends kind of. We met through a mutual friend and both found out we were both looking for a new place and didn't mind having roommates.. and well boom! Here we are" leah says.

"How cool!... Did you just want to move out of your parents house?" I asked Michelle. "Yeah. It felt relieving. I'm still close with them and they were happy I figured out my life."

"Aw that's good. It's pretty hard moving out but I pretty much got kicked out" I giggled.

"Why did they kick you out?!" Michelle asks. "Because I started stripping and they hated that I was gay. But in the end I became the most paid there. Pretty much the ring leader of that club and now I'm on my own living in a way I never expected to" I said. "Yup. And now she's becoming a doctor?! Crazy journey" Leah says.

"Yeah...Ha..very crazy. Things you can't even imagine I went through. Never again" I said. Leah looks at me and doesn't say a thing but kind of studies me.

I raise my brow and looked away and continued to eat. "The food is amazing" I said. "Mhm" she mumbles and continued to eat too. There's so much I haven't told Leah yet about what I went through as a stripper aside from just stripping and fighting with bitches. I did a lot of bad things that she would probably not be proud of but it's something I'll keep to myself until it's right to tell her. See? Another reason I don't date. I don't want to deal with shit like this. But... I'm starting to like Leah I think..so..I'll see how it goes.

After dinner, Michelle went on her own and went in her room for the night. I chilled with Leah in the living room on the couch watching a scary movie. But I wasn't paying much attention. I for some reason find it funny how scary movies work so everytime Leah would react, I would laugh. She just jumped right now and kind of squealed and I laughed so loud that she got mad.

"How are you not scared?!" She asks. I giggled and squeezed her thigh but she moves it away and hugs her legs instead close up to her chest. I continued looking at her as she's watching and I started to softly poke her with my finger on her cheek. Just to annoy her more. But then she grabs my finger and hid it between her legs and clenched her legs together so I wouldn't be able to move. I started to laugh again. Then I automatically thought of being dirty and moved my hand closer to her pussy, over her pants though, and teased her.


"Hahahaha" I leaned closer and wrapped my arms around her now that she let go of my hand. She looks at me and tries keeping an angry face but she couldn't. She started to blush and looked away.

"You're so..." I paused. "So what?" She asks. "I don't know...annoying?"

"I- you're annoying!" She giggles. "No.. you're getting scared over some obvious shit that'll come up"

"Yes it's predictable but it still gets me"

"Hm. Have you been to like...Halloween horror nights at universal?" I asked. "Hell no.. never" she says. I didn't respond but she notices I was staring at her so she looks. I was just raising my brow and smiling. "No! We're not going."

"You say that now. But I'll change your mind by the time it reaches October" hopefully we still know each other by then.

"Good luck" she says. "Mm" I mumbled and lay my head on her shoulder. She smoothly holds my arm and it made me feel so..good? Wholesome. I don't like hugs or anything. I never make a move like that unless someone else does..then maybe I'll hug back. But being by her, with her, in her? Feels amazing. Like she got me.


Another day in my life but with a little spice. Today Leahs taking me out to the spa. Lately I've been telling her how stressed I've been. I haven't ranted because I feel like she wouldn't care.

This is one of the best spa's in the city. It felt so amazing and relaxing. Exactly what my body needed. I haven't even had a massage in years actually.

"Damn. My whole body feels amazing. I wanna just lay down now" I said as we get back in the car.

"You don't wanna go eat?" She asks me. "Yes! We can eat. I was just exaggerating how amazing I feel. Thank you again" I said. "Of course! You deserve it anyways. You work a lot and I don't know how much you do because I haven't done it personally but I'm sure doing what you do at work is a lot of work. Plus it took you a lot to even get you there sooo"

"Aw..thanks Leah"

"So, sushi or ramen?" She asks me. "Um...why not both?"

"You're right" she says. I giggled.

She ended up paying for our meal. We were both so full. I feel like today was a successful day for our bodies. Then we continued the day by going back to her place.

She closes the front door behind me but I heard voices. Then seconds later I saw Michelle and two friends with her. The same friends as last time. Especially Kayla who I know leah gets annoyed of.

"You can go to my room" she tells me. "Okay" I responded. Leah walks away to who knows where in the house but her ass caught my attention. But yet...her ass caught my attention this whole day.

"Hey Jennifer!" Kayla stops me. "Oh hey girl!" I said nicely. Leah quickly turns back. Inside I wanted to laugh when I saw her react. I can really tell that Leah is protective? I tried my best to make small talk with her then went straight into Leahs room and closed the door a bit.

Leah comes in not too long after and closes the door and locks it. Then she puts her phone down and brushes her hair in front of the mirror. I watched her. Mostly kept my eyes on her body. She's really hot.

"Michelle said they're going out so no need to stay trapped in my room" she says. "It's fine. I like your room" I said. "Ha.. well okay."

I was basically waiting for her to come lay in bed by me. I just had this feeling that I wanted her by me but she was walking around the room and doing random things. I was getting impatient.

"Are you done?" I giggled. She looks and me and furrows her brows. "Huh?"

"Come lay with me" I pout. She smiles and comes to the bed and sits back next to me. I leaned in and wrapped one leg over hers. "You're making me dizzy just walking everywhere"

"Oh- I'm sorry. I was just trying clean up a bit since you're here."

"It looks fine!"

"No! There's clutter." She says. "Who the fuck so I look like? The inspection woman? Relax" I said and pushed her hair away from her chest and laid my hand there instead.

"I'm sorry" she says. I sigh hard and rolled my eyes. "Thanks but Leah don't apologize hahaha..it's not that serious"

I guess she got scared of my sass.

"But anyways.. you're coming with me tomorrow to Ty's place." I said. "I am?" "Mhm. Just a hangout. Nothing crazy" I said softly. "Okay good. I'm not in a partying mood right now"

"Haha I know. Me neither.. for now. We're just going to chill. We might go out or something but bring your bathing suit. Nothing major because don't forget, his party is this weekend."

Leah gasps and touches my fingers that was on her chest softly. "Wear the bikini I bought you for your birthday again! I love that on you"

"I will. I love it too Hahaha.. it shows off my shape perfectly." I said.

"Mm.. speaking of that. Workout tomorrow?"

"Yeah we can. I'll pick you up" I said. "Sounds good" she says. Then we stayed quiet. I felt so comfortable just laying with her like this. I don't even do this but I've laid down with Leah a lot that it feels nice to do it. But she took it the other way. Maybe cause she knows I'm not that soft of a person. She started to squeeze my ass and slid her fingers slowly in between from behind.

"Leah" I muttered. "Wha? You don't like that?" She asks and slides it more down in between my cheeks. "Not right now at least. I'm tired" I said. "Okay, I'm sorry" she says and pulls away. That easy? She's respectful.. usually if someone tries something with me it takes me more than once to ask them to stop.

"It's okay" I giggled. She removes her hand and just lays it down on me and we both slowly fell asleep together. It was the best feeling.


Leahs POV

We're at Tyler's house during the day. It's a little warm out so it was perfect for us to go swimming. Me and Jennifer were already in the pool relaxing.

"My tan line is going to be so obvious once I'm done swimming" I said. "Me too! I tan easily then it takes forever to go away. I still have mine from last time" she says and pulls her strap down a bit and shows me.

"You act like I don't see that when we're not in public" I giggled. She smiles hard and comes close to me and wraps her arms around my neck. "Wanna go shopping later?" She asks me and tilts her head. "You haven't gone shopping in a while huh?" I asked. "Nuhuh.. I need to go" she says. I look down at her lips and softly smiled.

"You have pretty lips" I randomly said. "Uh.. my question!" She says and pushes my face up immediately. My jaw drops and she starts to laugh, throwing her head back. She just made herself laugh. It's so cute. I smiled and looked back at her eyes. "Well.....Of course we can go shopping" I said. "Yay!" She says happily. I held my smile and looked back down at her lips. We've never kissed intentionally but I still have yet to kiss her.

"Hey lesbians. We're gonna take some pictures" Tyler comes up to us and said. "Haha. Just any pictures?" Jennifer asks looking up at him while she still had her arms around me. "Yeah. I'll take your pictures too. And Leah if she wants any"

"How about me and Leah take pictures together?" She asks then looks at me. I just shrugged. "I need to post anyways" she tells me. "Okay sure" I said. She looks back up at Tyler. "We will be out in a second" she says. "Mmkay. Just don't fuck in my pool please" he says and walks away.

"Don't fuck in my pool please" she mocks him in a different voice then looks at me. I laughed at her. She let's go and holds my arm. "As if I'd show people how great our sex life is"

"Haha..if we did show people..on the internet..we'd be the richest people" I said. "Ha!!! Exactly" Jennifer says. "But I like my privacy" I said. "Mhm" she giggles then randomly licks my face then swims away. She's weird sometimes.

Later on we did end up shopping. We went to the outlet in a more richer area that she took me to. I always feel like a newer version of myself whenever I'm with her. Especially when we go to all these fancy places.

Right now we were in a Gucci store waiting for an employee that she always goes to whenever she goes to this specific one.

"Jennifeeeer!" The lady says. Her and Jen give each other a hug. I was awkwardly standing back but Jennifer reached her hand out so that she can introduce me.

"Hello! I'm Leah" I said nicely. "Nice to meet you!" She says to me and shakes my hand. They just started to talk about purses and Gucci things. Jen was leaning onto the counter while talking to the lady and her ass was sticking out. I caught eyes already glued onto her. I'm trying my best to ignore it though.

"What're you buying?" I asked her after she stopped talking to the lady. "I'm going to buy the shoes but also a belt"

"Which kind?" I asked. "I'll bring it out in a bit" the lady says. "Oh cool" I responded. She leaves and Jen faces me. "Buy something!" She tells me. "Nah it's okay" I said. "I know you can buy it"

"It's not that..well..I just don't want to spend money" I said. She squints her eyes and looks away. The lady comes back to show Jennifer the shoes and belt. But then she quietly just talks to the lady. Then she left again and Jen faces me to show me the shoes and belt.

"Cuuute!" I said. "I love them!" She says. I can tell she's excited. I like seeing that type of smile on her face. She gets to spoil herself in a great way and it makes me proud of her.

"Here you go" the lady hands Jen another box. She then pays and we said our goodbyes and left. We made a stop to her car just to leave the purchases in there so she wouldn't have to carry it around while we shop for more. It's mostly her shopping though. I'm just supporting her.

We continue to walk around. It was kind of crowded but it was hard to stay close to Jennifer without holding her. I was shy to but I held her arm as we kept walking around. She looked down and instead held my hand and locked fingers with mine. My heart melted. My butterflies went all over the place.

After a few more purchases, we finally finished and ended up getting dinner at a fast food place close by her place. Then we went back to her apartment and ate there. I sat with her on the couch. Surprisingly she didn't care about eating on it even though she such a clean person.

"They gave me the wrong fucking drink" I said after sipping it. I had just barely starting drinking it.

"Didn't you get a coke?" She asks me and just takes a sip of mine right away. Then she makes a face. "That is not coke. It's Dr. Pepper" she says and puts it down. Then she passed me her drink. "You can have some of mine" she offers since we both got coke. "No it's okay. I can cope" I said.

"Shut up. Just drink some whenever" she says and continue to eat.

"Just don't spill a thing on my couch." She demands. "I won't" I said. I was being the most careful I could be. "It's okay if there's crumbs or something. Don't trip. Just don't spill sauce or anything" she giggled. I just smiled at her and continued to eat.

After eating, I helped her clean up before going back to chill on her couch. The view was having me shocked. Every time I get to come here at night time, it makes her seems more attractive, wealthy.. I don't know. She gets to live in such a beautiful space and it makes me think about how she lives alone. I've never lived alone so it's pretty cool that she gets to live this way and be able to afford it. I know I can afford to live on my own now but I just haven't looked into it. Not just yet..

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