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Leahs POV

Me and Jennifer are in the middle of doing squats at the squat bars. She was getting ready to position herself for the sets but I slapped her ass while she was about to start. She just laughs and then starts her sets. I stood behind her to make sure she wouldn't drop the heavy weights.

"2 more" I said. And she slowly does two then puts the bar back on the handles.

"Yessss baby" I said.

Now it's my turn. I'm not as strong as her so I had to take out one weight since she had two on each side. Then I did my set.

It's her turn again and she did it pretty easy. We just kept taking turns. But my last set was kind of hard since my legs were burning.

"3 more baby" she says and stands behind me hovering her hands under mine incase I drop it but not touching.

"Okay two" she says. I struggling going back up but she helped me by pushing it up a bit. "One more sexy" she says. I giggle and did one more squat. Then I put the bar back and exhaled loud.

"That's right!" She exclaims and puts her hand up and I give her a high five.

We continued working out together and motivating each other. Then we left and went to get a smoothie. Well I got a smoothie, she got an açaí bowl and now we're just sitting outside the place we bought it at and having a random cute date I guess.

"I'm sorry if my mom forced that thought into your head" she says. "What?"

"The whole marrying thing"

"Oh! Jennifer don't worry I actually find it so cute and heartwarming that she wants that for us. I mean she is your mom and that's big that she's accepting that. Even after what happened in your past baby"

"True. I just didn't wanna scare you off"

"Why would I be scared off?"

Jennifer shrugs.

"I'd marry you.." I said and softly smiled. She starts blushing while looking at me and licking her spoon. "Aw.."

"And knowing that she's fine with it makes me feel more confident in our relationship" I continued.

She continued eating from her bowl and looked around acting nervous but it's obvious she is trying to hide it.

"I just don't know if you're ready." I said.

"Why's that?"

"I mean like, I'm your first real relationship. What if I'm just your trial girl? Hate to say this thought but what if one day you fall out of love with me? Out if so many people in this world and I'm the one?"

"Leah! Why are you even thinking that? I fucking love you. I've slept with so many girls. You know that. How did I just stop fucking with girls when I met you? Cause I fell for you. I wanted you only and when we were just talking I couldn't even think of any other girl but you cause I was crushing. I never knew I could crush on someone but then I met you. Yeah I hid it from you but you know me.. if you were my so called trial girl, we'd be done already. We've been together for a long time already Leah. I wouldn't waste that much time if I knew there wasn't a future. But I see a future."

"You see a future?"

"Yes. Us. Crazy to say that but I love you and I love spending time with you and everything about you. I really do. And the sex..the intimacy we share. I can't imagine it with someone else. You know my body too well and I know yours. Nothing gets boring in between us. And even if we're not in a peak of something, I love just laying in bed with you doing nothing. Or sitting and eating like we are now and talking. Your presence. I feel weird when im not with you. Like I am an independent woman but I also have you. I always said I don't need anyone but I need you. I don't know how my life would be if I never met you. Probably never getting to know how it feels like to be loved the way you love me." She says. I pout and tilt my head. She rolls her eyes and snatched my smoothie and drinks it.

"Awwwwwwww baaaabyyyyy" I said.


"No youre so cute"

She shakes her head.

"You've opened up my eyes so much through the time we've been together. You make me feel safe too. So thank you for that. Sometimes I do get scared that one day you would just not wanna be with me anymore cause you see some pretty girl and think you can find someone better than me. But then I get that reassurance sometimes."

"Leah I'm sorry it's sometimes and not all the time. You know how I am and that i have learned to love and show my love. But even without showing it. Just know I really love you. Like I love you to the point that it makes me cringe just thinking about it that I've fallen in love with someone. But one day soon I'll make sure to always reassure you cause I get that from you a lot and im so grateful"

"It's okay Jen. I know you. That's how I met you and expected what you told me. But we learn together" I smile.

"Exactly. You're my girl. I love you. Don't ever doubt yourself and compare yourself to others. I swear." Jen says and stands up. Then she throws her trash away and then comes back to me. I stood up and she reaches her hand out and holds my hand.

"I love you" I said as we walked to the car.

"So don't worry. I'm ready. Not if, but when we're married... I know I won't regret it. And I know I want you in my life like that."

I smile a lot and lean into her. She gives me a hug instead as we walked to the car.

We get in the car and headed home and showered. Then we took a lil nap together in the living room while we had SpongeBob playing and Mimi sleeping in between us. But I had woke up first. Stretched and looked at Jennifer peacefully sleeping.

"Hey" I whispered and nudged her. "Mmm"

"Get up. Our flight"

"Oh..mmm. Okaaaay. One minute" she groans.

While I gave her a minute, since we had 2 hours before we have to fully be at the airport, I put everything together. We had packed before we napped so we should be good. We're only taking a carry on. But im just putting last minute stuff together.

When she finally got up, she was on the phone with someone in the room so I let her while I put our stuff by the door. Then I fed Mimi too. Jens mom has the key to the house so she'll be dog sitting in the mean time we're gone again.

Once she was done, we both finished up everything needed to be packed then we just waited for Tyler to get here. But he didn't take long. Only five minutes.

"He's outside bae" Jen tells me.

So I met Tyler outside with our things while Jen turned everything off in the house and got her purse.

"I'm glad you guys Invited me to come to Vegas tomorrow morning! We will be driving there" Tyler tells us as we hug. "Yeah! Duh! Jennifer told me about the beach club you guys wanted to come to with us"

"Yeah and she knows someone who works there so we get vip for a show"

"You weren't supposed to tell her!!" I hear Jen say as she comes to us. I just forced a smile and looked at both of them. Jennifer slaps Tyler in a playful way then she looks at me.

Yes, I still melt whenever she looks at me.

"We're seeing an artist. One of your faves"

My jaw drops and I smiled a bit. "VIP?"


"Whaaaaaaaat?!" I exclaim and get excited. Then I wrap my arms around her and hug her.

"Okay let's go before you guys miss the flight" Tyler says. Jen groans but I look at her and gave her a kiss before we let go.

"I'm so excited!!!" I squeal in her face. She giggled softly and let's go. "Me too" she says. We get in the car and head to the airport.

Later around 10 pm, we arrive in Vegas. We took an Uber to our hotel which was the cosmopolitan. One of the most expensive hotels in Vegas. Something I love about being with Jennifer. She shows me sides that I've dreamed of and never thought I'd be more in The high class end. Now I am.

Me and Jennifer were dressed comfy. I was in light gray sweat shorts from Nike and a black racerback tank top. She wore beige flare leggings and a tank top with really thin straps. Literally a noodle sized. But she looked so good. She can look good in simple comfy clothes and I love it.

After putting our stuff down in our hotel, we went down to the lobby and walked down the strip to go to this sushi bar that was open late. And of course it's crowded around no matter what time it is in Vegas. Me and her are on a little date.

We're enjoying the sushi plates being handed to us each time we finished a plate. The sushi was really good.

"Dip it in this sauce"  Jen tells me and pushes the sauce towards me. I dip the sushi and eat it whole and she watches. "Mm. Yum!"

"Right?" She giggles and eats hers while too while still looking at me. She's always staring at me.

"You know. I guess you staring at me helps me with confidence." I said. "Haha. I'm just obsessed with you. Your face, your voice and body. So I have to stare."


"Shut up"

I laugh and roll my eyes.


The next day, me and Jennifer were dressed up and waiting for Tyler to come to our room since he got a hotel room with his man at the cosmopolitan also. Who knows how long he'll take.

I was laying on my stomach on the bed while on my phone as I'm in my white bikini, hair up in a ponytail and Jen was in a black bikini, hair down and she had sandals on.

"Ugh. He's still dressing up" I hear her say and she walks out the bathroom and sits by me. Of course, I feel her place her hand on my ass cheek.

"I mean he shouldn't take long. And the artist probably won't come out till two hours from now. Maybe he doesn't want to be there early"

"True. They said they'll text me once the artist is on the way up"

"Mm okay" I said. Then I got off my ph one and laid my head down on the bed and looked at Jennifer sitting by me as she's rubbing my ass.

She stares at me and slips her hand down my slit over the bathing suit.

I smile at her and let her do that.

"Don't forget. Sunblock before we go" she tells me. "You can put some on me if you want when we're about to go" I said.

"Mmkay" she says and kept teasing me. Then I see her eye the back of my body down and she licks her lips. Then she looks back at me.

"I still feel bad I didn't let you experience mile high club" she jokes.

"It's fine baby one day I will. I know I will if we plan to travel a lot more together"

"That's true haha"

"So don't worry" I said.

"You're just so sexy babe"

"Thanks" I said. She smiles and tilts her head. Then brings her face to mine and kisses my lips while her fingers were still between my ass.

"I know you're tired from New York" she says. "I'm okay. I got the sleep I needed. Just the stress of unpacking when we're fully done with vacation. I always unpack super late. One time I didn't unpack till a week prior to another vacation."

"Damn. I feel that" she shrugs. "Yeah" I said and sighed and kept looking at her.

"Last nights mini date was fun" she says. "It wasn't mini. It was a date."

"Okay a date" she giggles.

"I wanna go on another one tonight before we leave tomorrow" I said. "Let's go then. You can choose a place"

"Okay I'll get back to you on that"

"Mmkay love" she says and looks down at my ass. I wiggle it a bit and she smiles. Then she slaps it and it was loud.

"Ow" I said.

"Sorry" she pouts and kneads it where she slapped it. I know she did that on purpose.

She leans towards my ass and leaves a few kisses on it too as an apology. But she kept doing it around my cheek and eventually go between them. I laugh as she proceeds so tease. She licks me down between over the bikini. Then she pulls the fabric to the side and reveals how I felt while she was touching me that whole time. All that juice just waiting for her.

"Mmmm baby" she says happily.

"For you" I said. She licks her lips and observes first, then leans in and I felt her explore down there with her tongue. It felt nice. She kept that going for a few second. Then next thing you know, she puts in work with her tongue. She repeatedly licks my pussy while holding my hips and just ate me the hell out.

Now I wanted more.

"Wait" I pout as she sits up. "You want more?" She giggles. I nod my head yes. She looks around and reaches for her bag.

"How did you bring that" I ask noticing the strap on.

"I snuck it in. Duh"

"Bad ass" I said. She smirks and puts it on. I'm still laying on my stomach with my legs barely apart. But the bikini fabric was still pushed over. She guided herself in very slowly.

"Oh fuck" I whisper. The strap we have is kind of thick and long and it's been a while so I gotta get used to it. Plus we're in Vegas and this hotel is so gorgeous. The vibes just puts me on more.

"I want this thing deep in you" she says as I feel her go all the way in. Is basically in my guts now.

"Fuck" I hiss. She pushes my cheeks up so she can see the toy.

" gorgeous" she says as she slowly thrusts. But each thrust became a little agressive and fast. I cling onto the sheets with both hands as she kept going.

But then I hear her phone ring.

But she ignored it. Instead she went faster.

"Babe!" I yelped. It felt so nice I was already about to cum. Once I did, she pulls out and grabs her phone.

"Yes?" She answers and stares at me as I roll over to my side, touching myself.

"Tyler you better hurry up. I wanna make sure we don't miss it. I'm doing this for Leah" she says all sassy.

"Okay just please hurry. Let me know when you're on the way to my room"

She hangs up and throws her phone and never lost eye contact with me. As I'm laying on my side, she climbs on the bed and pins me down as she slides it back in me. I laugh and bite my lip. She leans in and kisses me slowly as she thrusts. "Mmm" I whimper. My hand was down there rubbing my clit as well while she was hitting it from the side.

"I'm gonna be all over you at the beach club" she tells me close to my face. I giggle softly. "Cause you're so sexy.."

She goes faster and places her hand around my neck. My fave.

"Cause I'll just think about you in bed taking it all from me"

"Jennifer" I mutter then my jaw drops and I throw my head back. She thrusted deep as I was squirting all over it.

"Fuck" I said. She kneels up and pushes my legs apart, having me on my back. Then she pulls out and leans down into my pussy and eats me out again.

I fucking love this woman.

"Can't control yourself huh?" She asked and wiped her mouth. "Not when you fuck me like that"

She slides the toy back in and grabs her phone. I just nod my head indicating that I'm letting her record. I play with my clit again while she thrusts. Her hand is at my neck again and she faces the camera to my face as I was pretty much whimpering again. She slides her thumb to my lips as I look at her eyes.

"You're my nasty girl"

I nod my head and suck her thumb. She smiled and bit her bottom lip.

She then pulls out the toy and replaces it with her hand and slides two fingers in me. Then that's where her faster fingering began.

"Ahh! Baby!"

She faces the phone to where her fingers were at and we both watched as more juice kept coming out all over her hand. I didn't even know I could do that, that much. And her fingers look so pretty in me. It's the lesbian in me. With her pretty short almond nail set, her rings, her tattoos up her arm. So attractive. She looks gentle with her pretty hands but don't let that fool you.

"Sheesh" she says. I lay there and she puts her fingers in my mouth after we finished.

"Good job baby" she whispers and kisses my lips after.

She makes me feel so good and so safe.

Later we finally made it to the club. Me and Jennifer and Tyler and his man's were vibing along to the artist performing in front of us. Jen has her arms wrapped around me from behind as we're grinding onto each other in our bikini.

She buried her head in the side of my neck and nibbles on my skin. I find it so cute.

Then we later let go of each other and she pulls me with her to sit at one of the couches under our cabana. And there we just made out the whole time in there.

Our love is so strong in the air right now and I love it.

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