Forty Six

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I stare down at April. She looks back up at me. I hesitate before continuing. Once she knows there won't be any going back, but Jamal didn't give me any other option. If knowing my father taught me anything it was that blackmail never ended.

If I didn't tell April now he would hold it over my head forever. Plus I couldn't let April continue to believe her brothers affections were innocent. I'd be damned if I let him touch her. Even if April never wanted to deal with me at least she'd know who her brother really was.

"What do you mean, Aden?" April asked.

"My father found out about Jamal beating me up. I didn't know that he was going to take it that far. I should have known. Knowing him and the type of man he was I should have but I didn't. He's always had people willing to do his dirty work."

"Aden what are you trying to say ?"

I sigh. I just had to say it. The simple truth would have to be told and I had to tell it. I opened my mouth to tell her.

A loud pounding at the door interrupts me. I turn to look at the door.

"April get the door." Her father yelled from the kitchen.

I looked at April. She still had her eyes on me. The knocking came again but this time it was more urgent.

"April." Her father yelled again.

April looks at the door and then back at me.

"Go ahead, we can talk later." I say.

"Just wait here I'll be back." April said.

I watched as she raced over to the door. I let out a sigh and combed my hands through my hair. God, I hated my father for putting me in this situation.  I still remember the feel of her lips against mine. After I told her what happened that might be the last kiss we ever shared.

"Is this Jamal Robinson's residents?" A deep authoritative voice asked.

I frowned and stepped out to see who was at the door.

"Who's asking?" April said.

"Police. Jamal Robinson has been identified a suspect in a possible underground drug ring."

April's father must have heard the cops speaking because he stepped out into the hallway.

"What's going on here?" He asked.

"Sir we're here looking for a Jamal Robinson. Is he on the premises?"

"What do you want with my son?" April's dad asked looking upset.

"He's wanted in suspicion of possible drug related activities." The cop said pushing past April.

It was two cops. The fist one that stepped through I didn't recognize but the second one looked familiar.

I was just about to say something with a crashing noise rang out from the kitchen.

"We've got a runner." One of the cops said before running toward the kitchen. The other took of running in the opposite direction out off the door.

April's father raced out after the cop. April stared frozen in shock for a moment before she took off racing after her father.

"April." I called but it was too late she was already out of the door.

I ran after her catching up just in time to see the cop slam Jamal's body down onto the ground. I held onto April stopping her from running after him.

The cop held Jamal to the ground while the one I knew tossed him a pair of hand cuffs.

"Jamal Robinson you are under arrest for the solicitation of narcotic. Any thing you say can and will be used against you." The cop continued to read him his rights as he placed the hand cuffs on Jamal.

"Jamal." April called out for her brother. I held her tight against me stopping her from going to him. They were cops so if she tried anything she'd get in trouble too.

April continued to call for her brother as they pulled him off the ground and walked him over to there car.

April's father argued with the cop but there was nothing he could really do at this point.  The two cops got into the car and took off with Jamal in there back seat.

April's father stormed back into the house. Less then a minute later both he and Ms. Robinson came back out side.

"Daddy." April called to her father and it sound as though she was crying.

"Go back inside, April. We'll sort this all out and come back with you're brother. " was all Mr. Robinson said before slamming his car door and taking off.

"This can't be happening." April said as she stared at the empty drive way. I held her closer.

"This isn't real. There has to be a mistake. They can't arrest him." April said. She wasn't talking to anyone, just mumbling the words to herself .

"April lets go back inside."

"He's got into MIT he can't get arrested. They can't take him Aden." April cried.

I turned her around and held her against my chest. "It going to be okay April. Everything going to be fine."

"They can't do this." April repeated. Her tears were wet against my shirt.

I turned my head to see Keith standing in the door way. His face was one of complete shock. Neither of the siblings seemed capable of understanding what had just happened.

I looked back at April. She was still crying.

"Let's go back inside. Your parents will tell us if anything happens." I said.

April didn't say anything but she didn't resist when I guided her back into the house.  I sat with April trying to console her and tell her that everything would be alright.

I didn't really know what to say. I'd never really been in a situation like this before.   Hell, even I couldn't believe what had just happened. One minute I'm about to confess the next Jamal's being tackled and arrested.

"I'll go get you some water. Just say here and try to remain calm." I say but April wasn't looking at me and I wasn't even sure if she heard me.

I stood and walked into the kitchen. Places were still set for dinner, but the meatloaf lay on the tile floor surrounded by broken glass.  I stare at it realizing that that must have been what I heard crashing.

I walk over to the sink trying to avoid the glass. I can't believe all of this really happened. Pretty much everyone in high school knew that Jamal sold weed, but they all treated it like it wasn't a big deal. I never expected him to actually get arrested for it. I wonder how the cops even found out.

I think about the cop with the familiar face as I fill April's glass with water.  The water in the cup over flows as I suddenly remember why his face seemed so familiar.

My father Saturday night gambling parties. I'd seen the cop around before although I never knew his name. He and my father had always been really close.

The glass slips from my hands and clatters on to the sink.

"You know, son, if you ever want to get away with something pay a cop to do it. They're ten times more likely to get away with it then your average hit man." I remember my father telling me.

All too soon I realize what's really going on. I run out of the kitchen and grab my jacket with my keys off of the sofa.

"April stay, here and lock the doors. Whatever you do don't go outside and don't open the door for anyone. Keith watch her." I say before running out of the door.

I run to my car and start it up. I pull out my phone hit my dads number.

It rings once before he answers.

"Well, hello my wayward son." My father voice says from the other end. I grit my teeth.

"Call it off." I say.

"Call what off Aden?"

"You know damn well what I'm talking about. Call off whatever you have planned for April's brother."

I pressed my foot to the gas. I speed down the street weaving in and out of cars.

"No can do my boy. Even if I did know what you were talking about I couldn't stop what the universe has already set in motion." My father said.

"I'll move back with you. I'll do whatever you want just stop this before anyone else gets hurt."

"It's too late for that, Aden. It isn't even about you anymore. Your little drug dealing friend turned out to be quite the little hacker. I'm over seeing a merger. Now isn't the time for someone to be looking into my less then perfect past. Lose ends have to be tied."

"So your just going to kill him."

"I'm going to do what has to be done."

"Dad I swear if you-" I stared but the line went dead.

I yell as I toss my phone. I press harder against the gas, but deep down I know no matter how fast I go I will already be too late.

Author's Note: Fair warning I usually don't let  characters cheat death twice.

I wouldn't killing him off for no reason. I thought about ways to save him but nothing I came up with seemed true to Harris Sr. and Jamal's character.

Jamal would defiantly try to talk after this and Mr. Harris being the cut throat killer that he is wouldn't allow for someone to know about who he really was.

It's a bit of a dark turn for a story called Adorkable but meh stories don't always go were expect them to take us.

I hope you continue to read and follow the story because even though it dark now it will be light again...I think. I haven't actually written it yet...

But rest assured Aprien is still the end game.

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