Chapter 3| New Life?

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I wrote this book 6 years ago when I was 15 years old and had no idea how to write a book. I'm currently re-writing and editing this story so for any confusion as your reading please Blame my 15 year old self. Thanks 😘

The picture above is Ariel's room. I decided to put this picture up so you could see it for yourself instead of me trying to terribly describe it. Do you like?


Both of the girls danced on each other while drinking from beers that Kingsley brought into the room for everyone. He and Kale stood together while watching them dance and I couldn't tell if they liked it or not because they never wore their emotions. They just continued to take swigs from the beers. I can say they did look bored though. I took this time to slowly stand up from my seat and leave. I don't even know why I stayed for this long, I should've left as soon as the two bimbos walked in. I slipped out of the room without being noticed successfully, and entered the quiet hallway. The only thing I heard was the base from the music bouncing off the walls.

"Whoa." I breathed out heavily. I grabbed my chest trying to calm myself as Kale stood in front of me. I didn't even hear or see him follow me out of the dinning room but here he was standing in front of me. His calculating blue eyes searched my face as he hovered over me. "And where do you think you're going?" His voice echoed throughout the hallway. I watched his jaw tighten as he waited for my answer. I stood with my arms folded as I looked up at him. "Far far away from here." I sighed while folding my arms across my chest. He raises his eyebrows questionably and I sarcastically said "Upstairs." While pointing at the steps. It's not like I could go anywhere else, they lived in the middle of freaking nowhere. "And why is that?" He moved closer to me and I swallowed nervously. We never lost eye contact as we talked.

"Because I want to be alone." I whispered. I wanted to cry again but not in front of him or any of them. His hard exterior seemed to falter, and I thought I saw concern flash across his face. He stared at me and inches closer to me, he leaned his head down closer to my face, so close that I feel him breathing. I suddenly felt the urge to run my tongue across my bottom lip while looking at his as my mind wonders what was he about to do?

The sound of someone clearing their throat behind me took my attention away. I turn and see Kingsley standing in the doorway of the dinning room. He was leaning against the door frame holding his beer and watching us. I turned back around not giving Kale another look as I rushed passed him and headed for the steps.

When I got upstairs I checked each room opening and closing them, searching for the girliest room possible assuming that one would be mine. I know they wanted to impress family court to show them that they were a good fit to take care of me so they told them that they had a bedroom set up for me waiting for me when I got here. I searched about 7 bedrooms until I finally got back to the hallway where the bedroom where I woke up in earlier was. I checked the bedroom next to that one and hit the jackpot.

I entered the bedroom and was very impressed by the way the it was set up. The drapes, the huge bed in the middle of the room and the picture on the little table by the bed is what told me this room was mine. The picture was of my mom, Walter and me. I was about 6 in the picture and we were at Disneyland. I wondered how the twins had this picture because I didn't. I just remembered us taking it. I remembered the day clearly. I held the picture frame in my hand as a tear slipped down my face. I noticed how happy we all were and how unproblematic our lives were back then. Well it was unproblematic for me because I was 6, so I didn't know anything. If something was going and they were on drugs back then, I was too young to realize it which was a good thing, because my kid memories were good ones. Happy ones. Kingsley and Kale putting the picture in here for me was a very nice gesture. I began to wonder how they felt about their father dying, I had seen no reaction from them at all about it.

I reluctantly put the picture back down and finished examining the room. From the gold colors, to the ceiling, everything was lovely. I walked around in the room and discovered my closet door. It was a walk-in closet. There was a computer and different rows of clothes hanging up. On the computer I could see pictures of the clothes that were in the closet. I curiously clicked on one of the shirts and my heart almost jumped out of chest when this metal rod linked to the closet electronically moved the same shirt I clicked on, front and center so I could see it.
I was impressed but I didn't need to electronically choose my outfits from a computer. I mean that's what we have hands for. It was cool but a little too much. These guys were definitely living too far into the future with this thing. The clothes were filthy expensive too which wasn't surprising. I was afraid to touch them, feeling like they deserved a wealthy person to wear them. I noticed the tags said Chanel, Hermès and a bunch of names that I only knew by watching Tv because I never seen them in real life.
I was glad I brought some of my old clothes here because i didn't want to wear any of this.

I walked out of the closet with weird feelings. I just didn't think I deserved all of this. I discarded my clothes except my underwear and bra from my body and covered my body with the layers of blankets and relaxed in the dark. My heart began pounding a little as my thoughts drifted to my mom and Walter again. I missed them so much. My memories of them weren't all good ones but I still liked to think about them. Especially my mom. I wished I treated her differently when she was alive. I regretted that my last memories of her and dad were bad ones because of the drugs. They were shitty parents sometimes. But they were my parents, I knew deep down that I loved them, and I knew deep down that they loved me too.

And with that thought I let sleep take me.

Heavy footsteps jolted me awake. I looked over at the clock on the black desk next to my bed. It was 6:00am and Monday. Kingsley and Kale were probably getting ready for work is what I assumed.
Loud knocking on my door followed by the opening of my door made me sit up in the bed Startled. So much for privacy I didn't even tell anyone to come in. Kale walked in with Dark blue jeans on and a black v-neck t-shirt, his outfit was finished with black boots and his dark black hair was like it always was, slicked back. His toned arms kind of bulged from his short sleeved shirt, he looked pretty bad ass. "Did I wake you?" He whispers. With his permanent emotionless expression I couldn't tell the type of mood he was in. I sat up a little more while squinting my eyes at him. "No." I lied.

It was dark in my room, the only thing illuminating my face was the small glow of light that the clock provided and the low sunlight coming in my room from the hallway. Kale in the doorway just staring at me. His intensity radiated from his body to mine. Him just standing there all serious and straight faced caused my nerves to stir up already. "You like the room?" He finally asked and I nodded while looking around the room and then back at him. "It's beautiful."

I watched him nod as a yawn escaped my lips.
I suddenly got the urge to go to the bathroom.
I tossed my blanket off of my body and slowly began getting out of the bed to go to the bathroom. Kingsley suddenly appeared in the doorway alongside Kale. He was dressed up as well. His outfit was similar to Kale's, only he was wearing all black. "Good morning." I said between yawns as I finally stood up.

I took one step away from my bed and my body began shivering a little because of the slight breeze that I was getting in my room from the opened window. I hugged my body to warm myself only to realize the twins weren't talking and I just realized why. I was still only wearing my underwear and bra. I quickly looked over at them and their eyes were fixated on me.

I quickly jumped back under my blanket embarrassed. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." I blurted out. I even had my head under the blanket because I couldn't face them. "I forgot I wasn't wearing any clothes." I can't believe how stupid I was, like how dumb could a person be to get out of bed in front of someone, forgetting that they weren't wearing clothes?

Since no one said anything I peaked out of my blanket a little bit to see what the hell was going on. They stood frozen at first then they gave each other a look before Kale decided to speak. He cleared his throat. "It's fine." He responded. His voice a little hoarse. I definitely noticed how awkward this was for them too. "You going to be okay here? In this big house...alone?" They both looked on, daring me to lie. But I honestly didn't find it uncomfortable to have the mansion to myself.

"Yes...I'd be perfectly fine." I nodded.
I tried to make that sound assuring as possible because I was honestly okay with it.

"Here's one of my phones." Kingsley enters my room. As soon as he put the phone in my hand I felt the tingles in my body and just as I do our eyes connect instantly. His lingering hand slowly disconnects from mine and for a second I'm stuck on the feeling I just got. I didn't understand why I kept getting that feeling in my body all of a sudden when they were around. My eyes trailed down to the phone in my hand which was a rose gold iPhone. "Wow, Thank you." I gave him a small smile as he stood before me.

"You will call us at the scheduled times that I programed in the phone. I want to make myself crystal clear about that." Kingsley snapped. Was he serious? He programmed reminders in the phone to tell me when to call them? That was weird but I could tell by both facial expressions that they were serious and that I should just listen.

"I promise I'll call." I told them.
Without saying anything else they quickly exited my room and seconds later exited the house as I heard the echo of the front door slamming. I lay in bed reeling in everything that has happened this past week. Since it was still dark in my room due to my closed curtains. I decided to let sleep fully take me back in. I didn't have any  energy to do anything else either, I just felt really blank. I felt a million emotions but I also felt nothing. I was happy about one thing though, happy that I didn't have school right now like the rest of the world today.

A deep vibration startled me out of my sleep, jolting me awake. My eyes darted around my dark room then finally landing on the culprit which was the phone nearly hanging off of the bed vibrating like it was going mad. Leave it to me to have never have had a cell phone before to not how a phone alarm feels to wake me up.

The time on the screen said  6:42pm and I had one missed call and 1 unread text message. Crap. It was definitely not my intention to sleep this late. I knew Kingsley and Kale were wondering what the hell i've been doing this entire time and I didn't check in with them not once. I began to panic a little and sprung out of bed, quickly putting sweatpants and a shirt on that I had laying around from my house. I slowly paced back and forth in my room redialing both numbers on my phone that said they belonged Kale and Kingsley. Neither of them would pick up which made me more nervous by the second.

One of my cousins had a iPhone so I did know how to use it. I decided to finally go to my text messages to see what they were saying to me.

1 message was there and it belonged to Kingsley. It read;

'You must have been very tired. It's okay get your rest. Just don't get use to not obeying what I say."


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