Art class

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(Song: Close As Strangers by 5 Seconds of Summer)
Kimmy wasn't in my Spanish class, and she isn't at lunch right now. I'm guessing she got suspended. It would only make sense.

"You guys ready?" Evan asks. The bell has just rung, signaling the end of lunch.

"Yeah, let me just throw away this stuff," I say, picking up my trash from lunch. Most of my lunch is gone, actually, and I am quite proud of myself. I ate the whole sandwich and a granola bar. The fruit still remained since I was full form the other foods.

I toss my stuff into one of the many trash cans filling the large cafeteria. "Okay, I'm ready," I tell my friends as I walk back to the table and pick up my backpack.


All of us arrive at art class and we sit down at our usual table. Our art teacher hands out all of the projects, giving compliments or suggestions to each student as he does.

I mentally pat myself on the back when I remember I did Harry and not Kyle. Without a doubt I'd have to start over. The last person in the world who inspired me was Kyle.

"This is absolutely astounding, Ellie!" Mrs. Hilton, my teacher, tells me as she places my drawing of Harry and me on my desk. The picture was taken right when he adopted me; the orphanage always did that whenever someone got adopted. Harry's arm was wrapped around me, and I was smiling as I leaned up against him.

"Thank you, Mrs. Hilton," I say. She nods her head with a smile on her face before walking away to the next student.

"Yeah, Ellie, for real, that's so good," Ryan comments on my artwork. I look over at his work it's amazing as well. He drew his favorite singer, Tyler Joseph.

"Thanks, but I think you should look at your own work too because that is the best drawing I have seen in my whole life. I'm not even joking," I tell him. There's no doubt that Ryan is a better artist than me.

"I think you should look at your own work because that is the best drawing I have seen in my whole life," Ryan tells me, kind of mocking my compliment I gave to him.

"Shut up," I laugh.

At the end of class I am almost finished my drawing. I just need one more class to add the final touches. When I look over at my friends' work, I see they're in the same place as I am.

Evan, Rachel, and Claire were pretty decent artists, but they didn't really do art in their free time. They just took the class so we could all have a class together since there is only one art class.

Ryan gathers all our drawings and goes to put them on a shelf until next class.


We are all sitting in our chairs at the art table until the bell rings. "Hey, do you guys want to meet outside?" I ask.

"Yeah, sounds good," Evan says and the others agree.

We all separated as we walk out the door to go to our lockers. When I approach my locker, I see two people I definitely do not want to see: Kyle and Maya.

I walk to my locker and begin to open it, trying to ignore the two people standing next to me.

Ignore them and anything they say. Then they'll go away.

"Hey!" Kyle says, shoving my shoulder a little. I don't reply, though.

Ignore them and anything they say. Then they'll go away.

"Really, virgin?" Kyle asks. He is clearly pissed, but so am I, so I couldn't care less. No one is forcing him to come over here and talk to me, so he put this on himself.

Ignore them and anything they say. Then they'll go away.

"Fucking bitch. Talk!" Kyle yells.

"What?" I scream loudly. Kyle need to leave me alone. He broke up with me. He decided to kiss another girl. He chose to come here and talk to me. He has no right to treat me with disrespect.

"You're officially out of the play. No changing your mind," Kyle says, folding his arms.

"I wasn't going to change my mind," I tell him. That was true. Why would I want to surround myself with people who didn't like me?

"Well, good. And also, if you ever do anything to Maya, you're going to get it," he says. His arm moves to wrap around Maya. I don't know what he's talking about; unlike him, I can leave my exes and my exe's significant others in the past.

I don't say anything and slam my locker shut before storming off, bumping into Kyle on my way out.


"Hey, What took you so long? We thought you left without us or something," Claire says with a smile.

"Kyle," I say and roll my eyes.

"Oh no, what did he do?" She asks.

We begin walking home and I start explaining. "So, I got to my locker and he was there and started talking to me. He was being really rude, so I just ignored him, figuring he'd go away, but he didn't. I eventually just talked to him and then left," I tell them.

"Aw man, I'm sorry Ellie. I've never been through a breakup, but I know it's gotta suck. Hopefully we can get your mind off of it tonight," Rachel says.

"Yeah, by the end of tonight, you're not even going to remember who Kyle is," Ryan jokes.

"Thanks, you guys," I say with a laugh. "You all are so sweet."

Our enjoyable walk home from school comes to an end once we reach my house. "Bye, guys. I'll see you at 6:00," I say.

"See ya!" Evan says. The rest say goodbye as well and I walk through the grass to get to the front door.

"Hi, Dad!" I say, loud enough so he can hear me wherever he is, when I walk in the house.

"Hi, El!" He yells back, even though he was only a few feet away from me in the kitchen.

I throw my backpack down and go to greet Harry formally. "Hello," I say with a smile, sitting down on a chair next to him.

"Hello there. Why are you so happy?" Harry asks, closing his laptop lid and turning to talk to me.

"No reason. Just excited for tonight," I say while shrugging my shoulders.

"Works for me. I like seeing you happy," he tells me. He gets up and kisses my forehead before walking into the kitchen area. "Heads up!" He says.

I look over and see that he has an apple in his hand, ready to throw. I open my hands, showing him I'm ready to catch it. He tosses it over, and surprisingly, I catch it.

"We have to clean up a little once you finish your snack. Our house is a little messy," Harry says.

I nod, agreeing, and bite into my apple.

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