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Adelaide stepped into English with Levi at her back. She thought of going up to her new unknown teacher, but he seemingly was not there yet so Adelaide just followed Levi to the back desks. They took two middle seats in the second to last row. Levi immediately spread his legs out, sitting as comfortably as one could in those cramped desk chairs. Adelaide, on the other hand, was much more hesitant in the new classroom, sitting with a straight back and facing the front with anticipation.

She nearly jumped when the door slammed open and a bitter looking man walked through. He set down a satchel and coffee mug on his desk, looking out over the class in distaste. He did not scream approachable in  the least bit, unnerving the already alarmed Adelaide.

"Page 53 in your textbook. Samuel, question 1." The still unnamed teacher stared down his nose at a boy in the third row. The apparent Samuel had a large afro of curly hair that prevented Adelaide from seeing his face, but she could tell from his body language that him being called on was less than ideal. Samuel stuttered the whole way through his answer to the point of obscurity. Adelaide certainly couldn't make it out and her teacher looked less than pleased.

His eyes flitted across the class room in disappointment before they locked with Adelaide's. Her own eyes widened, frightened from drawing his attention. His eyes glanced down at her desk before they met with hers again, "I don't suppose you memorized the reading considering you seem to not be needing to have your textbook out in front of you." He sneered.

Adelaide's breath hitched, catching in her throat causing her to fumble over her words. Before she could set them straight, her teacher continued, "Maybe you could help Samuel out with his revolting mess of an attempt at an answer." His eyes sparkled with devilment as he challenged Adelaide.

Levi shifted in his chair, crossing his arms while drawing the wretched teacher's attention. "She's new here dumbass. She barely found out where this classroom was five minutes ago. Maybe stop being an insufferable bitch and actually do your fucking job." Levi rolled his eyes and scoffed.

If Adelaide thought her teacher was unpleasant before, nothing prepared her for the venomous look that took over his face upon hearing Levi's disrespect. "Dean. Now." Her teacher spat his words with such rage, Adelaide couldn't help herself from shrinking in her seat.

She was grateful that Levi stood up for her, but was alarmed at the way he did it. She in no way wanted him to get into trouble for acting up and she felt bad that she was the cause of it. Levi, however, didn't seem to have any care whatsoever, standing up from his chair with a grin overtaking his face. He sent the teacher the biggest fake smile Adelaide could've imagined as he walked out the door with his bag slung over his shoulder.

Gritting his teeth, her teacher turned his back to the class and walked to the board as he began lecturing. Adelaide sunk as far down in her chair as she could, dreading the rest of not only the class period but the whole year she would have to spend in the presence of the horrible man up front.


Sighing in exhaustion, Adelaide was grateful to be leaving Mr. Davies class. She had only learned his name half way through when another student tried sucking up to him during the lecture. "Mr. Davies." The boy had called to him in the most nasally voice, "I think you're as right as always. Shakespeare never could have compared to you as he was far too abstract. If his works weren't so complicated, maybe they would've meant something to the greater population." Adelaide shook her head in disbelief upon recalling the comment. That one English class was one of the most distressing events she had ever witnessed.

To Adelaide's surprise, Levi was waiting just outside of the classroom with his back leaning against the lockers facing the door. She didn't hesitate to walk up to him, assuming that he had come back to wait for her. "You didn't get in trouble did you?" She asked him unsurely upon stopping directly in front of him.

Levi scoffed playfully. "You think I actually went to the dean? I said that shit to get out of there. Davies' class is the worst, I only went today so you'd know where it was." Levi admitted.

Adelaide nodded her head. "It's definitely going to give me nightmares tonight." She thought back to only moments ago and shuddered.

"Call me if you do. I'll come distract you." Levi winked, causing Adelaide to roll her eyes and look away in attempt to distract from the red crawling up her neck.

Clearing her throat, Adelaide spoke, "I do appreciate you protecting me from his wrath earlier. Even if you did it just to leave, it helped me and I'm grateful for it." Adelaide looked up at him, her eyes displaying the sincerity she hoped her words got across.

Levi stared at her silently for a moment before standing up straight from the lockers. "C'mon Addie." He gently pushed her in the direction of the exit, refusing to acknowledge what she had just said.

However, Adelaide let it go. She had done her part in thanking him and if he didn't want to accept  or acknowledge it, that wasn't her problem. She could sleep at night knowing he at least knew she was grateful, even if he hadn't done it for her.

Adelaide and Levi walked side by side down the same path they had walked before. Levi took long, slow strides with his hands in his pockets and eyes set on the distance in front of them. Adelaide had to walk much quicker in an effort to keep up, but she didn't mind.

Turning her head to look up at Levi, she asked, "What now?"

Levi didn't look her way but still replied, "Soccer practice." His answer was short and clipped, contrasting his previously playful behavior Adelaide was beginning to enjoy.

Adelaide looked up at him curiously. "I didn't know you played soccer." It did explain how he kept in such great shape, but he hadn't mentioned anything about it before so Adelaide didn't know. Levi simply shrugged his shoulders, not giving into any topic of discussion Adelaide tried pulling out of him.

Adelaide sighed, disappointed in his change in attitude. "Do you know where the library is?" She assumed he would considering he's been going to this school for years at this point. Levi nodded his head, but provided no further response.

Adelaide rolled her eyes in annoyance, this was like pulling teeth and Adelaide had not signed up to be Levi's dentist. "Can you tell me where it is?" Adelaide was sure her frustration was starting to seep through her voice, but she couldn't care less. Levi was being as unhelpful as he possibly could.

"Ask Nessa."

Adelaide stopped in her tracks while Levi continued along the pathway without looking back. She rolled her eyes at his abrupt change in behavior. If he was gonna continue acting like that, there was no way she was going to continue subjecting herself to it.

Turning on her heels, Adelaide looked around for the nearest person. Upon spotting a girl standing not too far off, Adelaide walked right up to her and didn't hesitate to ask, "Do you happen to know where the library is?"

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