25 | l i t t l e k i d

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The first thing Ace did when he walked into class the next day was flick my nose with a perfect smile before sitting down in his seat in front of me.

The second thing he did though, was annoy the absolute shit out of me.

For the entire period he tapped his pencil against the desk as if it were a drum set. He combined that with hitting the side of his desk with his hand.

But if I'm being completely honest, it sounded pretty good. I wouldn't even be surprised if he told me he played the drums too.

But it was still annoying.

So annoying that in five minute intervals, I would kick his chair until he stopped pretending he was Ringo Starr. But then within three minutes, he would start right back up again.

Lilli kept covering her smiles and light chuckles behind her hand whenever I would sigh dramatically in frustration. I would send her an icy glare and she would only shrug and laugh a little harder.

Whose side was she on, anyway?

The bell finally released me from the hell that was Ace's annoying tapping habit and I rushed out of the classroom without waiting for the traitor or the wannabe drummer himself.

"Mel! Wait up, Usain Bolt," Ace sped walked over to me with an easygoing smile.

I slowed down slightly but didn't stop. "You're the most annoying person I've ever met."

"Shut up, you like everything about me. Don't even deny it," he scoffed.

I raised both my eyebrows. "I can name like 20 things I don't like about you."

"Do it," he challenged.

I thought about it. And then I thought about it some more.


"Fuck off. I have class," I tried to scurry away from him.

He laughed, the sound booming through the hallway. "See ya at lunch sweetheart."


I had totally forgotten about sitting with him at lunch. It wasn't that I minded sitting with Ace, I did like the boy after all. But it was nerve wracking.

After the last time we were in that room together and the gazes that would for sure land on us for the whole 30 minutes of our lunch break, who wouldn't be a little nervous?

Ace Carter, that's who.

I was pretty sure Ryder was still angry with Ace because he hadn't specified otherwise. Would it just be Ace and I? Or would Kaz join too? And Lilli?

What do I do about the lunch situation?

I texted Lilli, hoping she would give me good advice. I trusted her opinion; not only because she was my best friend, but also because her advice had helped me a lot in the past.

Uh, sit with your boyfriend???

She answered back. I groaned and rolled my eyes.

First of all, he isn't my boyfriend. Second, it's more complicated that just sitting with him.

I made it to my classroom and sat down before receiving her next message.

It's literally not that deep Ro. Keep it simple, just don't think your crazy thoughts. It's just lunch babe.

I groaned out loud again and earned some odd looks. I didn't care.

You're the worst. I thought you were good at giving advice.

She responded with,

I am. You're just terrible at receiving it.

I didn't answer her.

Lunch came around and I decided to stop being a nervous wreck and to just walk into the cafeteria, sit beside the boy I liked and have a nice conversation with whoever was sitting with us.

And I had been right. Sort of. Ace sat at his usual table with Kaz across from him. Lilli was also already at the table; which was weirdly bold of her.

Before I could even start to walk over to the table I saw Ryder come up beside me and sigh. "So I see you forgave him?"

It was more of a question than a statement so I answered, "yep."

He sighed again, but with more drama. "I guess it's my turn then."

"Why were you even mad at him anyway?" I asked him, still looking over at Ace's table.

"What he did was wrong and childish Mel. Do you mind if I call you Mel? I know you go by Rose but Ace always refers to you as Mel so it just seems easier that I-"

I interrupted his rambling with, "that's fine Ryder. You can call me Mel. It seems more like my name now anyway."

He nodded and continued. "He may be my best friend but I refused to stand by him when he's that stupid. And I felt like if you weren't the only one ignoring him, he would step up and apologize quicker."

"You're a smart guy Ry," I admitted with a smile.

He smiled back in triumph. "Thank you." He gestured for me to walk ahead of him. "After you."

We both walked over to the lunch table, me slightly in front. Ace looked up and smiled when he saw me and it widened when he saw Ryder.

Wow I wonder who he's more excited to see. Because it sure as hell isn't me.

I sat next to Lilli which also happened to be next to Ace.

Okay, I see you Lilli.

Ryder sat where he always had; which was next to Kaz. Kaz still hadn't said anything, not that he usually said much in the first place. That was something I needed to figure out.

I hadn't brought any food with me that day but I had brought money to buy some. But as I started to stand to get my lunch, Ace pouted at me and pulled me back down.

"I need to buy food, stop being a baby," I told him, trying to inch away from his grip around my waist.

He leaned his cheek on my shoulder and looked up at me with a puppy dog look in his eyes. So dramatic. "Don't leave me."

"Help me," I whispered to Ryder who just smiled at us and raised his hands in defense.

Ace sat up quickly and pulled up his backpack. "You can share with me!" He perked up as the idea came to him.

He pulled out a ham sandwich, a bag of chips, a granola bar and a water bottle. "You're such a little kid at heart," I teased him.

"At least I get food everyday. Unlike someone I know," he defends. He hates it when people make fun of him for taking packed lunches to school.

"I'm joking. Your mom is very sweet for doing this everyday for you and Noah," I told him sweetly and stole the granola bar from in front of him.

Ace happily chewed his sandwich and Ryder and Lilli were in the midst of a conversation. The only person not talking to anyone was Kaz, like always. He wasn't eating anything either.

"Ace, why didn't you offer any food for Kaz if you did for me?" I ask him under my breath but it seemed like most everyone heard me.

Kaz lifted his head from his phone and stared me. But for once, it wasn't a mean glare. "Kaz doesn't eat lunch usually." Ryder answered since Ace had a mouthful of food.

"Why not? Lunch is the second most important meal of the day," I asked, turning completely toward Kaz.

Kaz set his phone on the table and told me, "I usually only eat breakfast and dinner because it's things from my house. If I buy lunch, I have to use my own money. I'm saving up."

"Saving up for what?" I ask him curiously.

I glance to my left and see Ace smiling a bit. "College and I just bought my car."

"That's cool. What kind of car did you get?" I asked him, getting caught so caught up in the conversation to realize that Kaz was talking to me.

I saw Kaz shift a little in his seat before glancing at Ryder. "1969 Dodge Charger."

"Never heard of it," I told him truthfully and the guys all laughed.

Ace kissed my temple. "He probably didn't expect you to sweetheart." I blushed a little, embarrassed.

"Here's a picture of her," Kaz told me, pulling up a picture of his car on his phone.

I smiled. "She's a beaut. I don't know much about cars, but I do know I like that one."

Ace chuckled and Kaz, although he didn't smile, his lips tilted up just a little.


I could get through to him, I knew I could.


I hope you enjoyed chapter 25! It had over 1,400 words.

If there's any errors, I'm sorry. I only went over it once.

See ya next update!

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