Chapter 12.

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**edited 14/01/2021**

Elle's POV

Friday 5th October 2018

        "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Carson snapped.

 Suddenly all eyes were on Carson and my eyes widened in shock. "Hey man, it was just a joke," Ace laughed nonchalantly, taking a long drink from his cup. 

 Carson brushed me off of his lap and I stood up in surprise, Carson then got to his feet. "And what the fuck was meant by it, asshole?" Carson snapped at Ace and I stepped forwards, placing my hand on Carson's chest in an attempt to calm him however he simply pushed it away. Ace chuckled and stood up, they were both sort of the same height but Ace was a lot more built and I prayed Carson didn't start a fight. He'd lose, badly.

 "Carson, that's enough," I said boldly to Carson who completely ignored me and got closer to Ace once again.

 "I asked what the fuck you meant by that?" He hissed.

 "It was a joke, you psychopath. Your girlfriend is fit, I was just playin'," he shook his head, I looked around the group to see everyone was just as frozen in shock as I was. Kit just didn't seem too bothered and Nina was smirking to herself, probably enjoying the drama.

 Carson shoved Ace's chest but he didn't even slightly tumble. "So what? You wanna fuck my girlfriend now?"

 "Don't be ridiculous, Carson. He's my friend and he made a joke, let it go," I tried to reason but it was literally no use. He acted as if I wasn't even there.

 A mischievous smirk spread across Ace's face. "You know what? Maybe I do wanna fuck her. Maybe I wanna show her what it's like to sleep with a real man," as soon as the words came out, Carson swung his fist towards Aces' face. I winced, ready for the impact but Ace grabbed his fist and twisted his hand back, making Carson bend over in pain. "Now you're fucked," Ace grinned wickedly. I was expecting him to be livid, but he was terrifyingly calm, with a look of pure hatred in his eyes.

 "Ace please stop," I begged.

 "You know what, I don't care. She wouldn't fuck a repulsive cretin like you anyway," Carson spat out through the pain.

 "Carson stop!" I yelled.

 Ace finally let go of Carson's hand but barely gave him time to stand up before he threw the first punch at Carson's face. Carson fell back and immediately blood began to trickle down to his lips. "Wanna say that again, dickhead?" Ace spat, throwing another punch to Carson's face. At that point blood was pouring from his nose and it seemed his lip was split in the middle. 

 "Stop it, Ace! Someone make him stop!" I begged in hysterics, Kit went to stand and stop it but Ace raised his index finger.

 "You touch me, Kit, and I swear I will fucking kill you," he warned in a cold tone.

 Kit shrugged at me. "Nothing I can do. Your boyfriend dug his own grave," he said before sitting back down.

 Carson took this moment to raise his leg and knee Ace in the stomach, Ace doubled over in pain for a moment but that's when I saw the anger actually rise to the surface. Ace cracked his knuckles and looked up at Carson with devilish eyes. "Wrong move, mate," he spat. That's when the actual fight began, a tussle of punches, kicks, and blood. I screamed in horror as I saw the scene in front of me. 

 "Will someone stop them?" I begged, and that's when the crowd began to form around the fight.

 "Fucking cavemen," Delilah commented, rolling her eyes at the scene in front of her. Nina and James had obviously gotten bored of the display of masculinity as they had excused themselves to get another drink.

 I groaned, realising nobody was going to stop it and instead I move forwards and grabbed Ace's shoulder which caused him to stop his brutal assault. "Just st-" before I could finish what I was about to say, a strong force hit me directly in the face and I stumbled back, losing my footing before I fell to the ground with my hands clutching my painful nose. I screeched out in agony through my pained tears.

 "Oh my God, Elle!" Delilah jumped to her feet and was by my side, I barely knew what was happening until I touched my face and saw the crimson liquid. I was bleeding. The crowd began to clear out when they realised the drama had finished.

 "I'm so sorry, that was an accident-" Carson begged as Delilah helped me off of the ground, sitting me down on one of the chairs.

 "I would stop talking right fucking now," Ace spat at Carson before he knelt down in front of me and inspected my face. "I don't think it's broken, just bleeding badly," he said quietly and I nodded as more hot tears began falling down my cheeks. Once the shock had subsided, the pain was very evident and was getting progressively worse.

 "I have a towel," Kit returned to the room with a tea towel in his hands. Ace took it from him and held it against my nose, trying to be gently but as soon as it touched my skin I winced from the pain.

 "It's throbbing, should it be throbbing?" I hiccupped, the pain now coming in waves every time my nose throbbed.

 Ace nodded. "It's fine, Princess, you'll be fine," he reassured me calmly.

 "Elle-" Carson tried again.

 "I swear I will knock you out myself if you don't stop, asshole," Delilah glared at Carson whereas I couldn't even look at him. I knew it was an accident but if he hadn't started that stupid fight in the first place I wouldn't be in this situation. 

 "Get her home, Lil. She needs an ice pack on that," Ace instructed, dabbing the blood from my face. "I'm sorry, Elle," he said sincerely to me and I nodded, not knowing if he was apologising for the fight that just happened or what had happened last week. We hadn't spoken since then.

 Delilah helped me off of my chair and instructed me to hold the towel onto my face. "I can't walk her home like this, is someone sober enough to drive?" She said as she saw me basically collapse back onto the chair, my head was spinning and the tears didn't seem like they were going to slow down any time soon.

 "I've only had one, but..." He looked torn looking between Carson and I.

 "Don't hurt him," I begged Ace through my tears.

 "That's not important right now," Delilah reminded Ace, nodding down at me. Ace groaned and shot Carson a glare.

 "You better get the fuck out of my sight before I do something I regret," Ace gave his warning and it did not seem like he was kidding. 

 Carson looked at me with the most broken expression. "I'm so sorry, Elle. Call me?" He asked and I looked away, not wanting to give him an answer because who knew how I'd feel tomorrow once the panic and pain had stopped.

 "Like fuck she will, get out," Kit was the one to spit the next line and I thanked him internally, I didn't have the energy to reply. Carson gave me one last hopeful look but walked out when he realised I wasn't going to reply. 

 "Okay someone help me get her up," Delilah asked but instead of my feet hitting the ground, someone lifted me up and held me bridal style. I was holding the towel against my nose but I could see it had been stained red from the amount of blood that had come from my nose. 

 "It's bleeding really bad," I wailed, panicking that it hadn't stopped yet.

 "Ace are you sure she doesn't need to go to the hospital? It does look really bad," Delilah commented as she walked with us.

 Panic shot through my body and I shook my head. "No hospital, please no," I cried harder and Ace held me closer to his chest, shaking his head.

 "She's fine, trust me, the bleeding will stop soon. I've had enough broken noses to know she doesn't have one," Ace promised.

 Ace carried me through the house and soon outside. "Get the door for me," Ace barked and then I felt myself being sat down, Ace strapping the seatbelt over me. "Hold that on your nose for me Princess," he nodded to the towel that I had taken off of my nose without realising.

 "Sorry," I mumbled, pressing it against my nose again. He closed my door and then got into the drivers seat, waiting for Delilah and Kit to get in before he started the car up and raced down the road to the apartments.

 Soon enough I was being carried into the block of flats by Ace with Delilah following, Ace had told Kit that I'd be fine and to go home. "Door, Lil," Ace said and she opened our door to let Kit carry me in, laying me on my bed.

 Delilah grabbed Carson's bag off of the floor and threw it outside before slamming the door. "Good riddance, fucking asshat," she said, putting her middle fingers up at the door.

 "If you're done cussing out the door, could you get her some painkillers?" Ace asked with a laugh, pulling my duvet cover over my body. 

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