Chapter Forty One

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Read A/N at the end please :)

"Okay, you can't confront her about it, Gus." Evelyn told him sternly. "We'll tell the police who it is and for a good court case, they'll have to investigate and find things like bank transactions and whatever the hell happens with this stuff."

Evelyn felt somewhat disappointed her TV shows only showed the chase of catching people and rarely ever the actual court case. She would have at least some idea then of what they needed.

"Also if you tell her, she'll try and hide everything or cover it up and therefore there will be nothing for police to get."

Angus nodded his head in agreement.

"Secret," Evelyn said again, her fingers twisting together. It was a habit Angus noticed she had. Anytime she was nervous or anxious, her fingers would intertwine with one another in awkward angles, making her skin clench white. He frowned, reaching forwards and placing his large hand on hers, making her eyes dart to his.

"Secret." He confirmed, reassuring her. "Can I go now? I'll be late." Angus' eyes darted down to the time on the dashboard of the car, noting he only had three minutes until his session started.

"Yes, yes. Okay." Evelyn pulled him into her, her lips needily pressing onto his. She felt very nervous about this, very uneasy. She wanted his comforting touch to hopefully ease her. To brace herself, Evelyn placed a hand on his thigh as the kiss deepened, and the groan from Angus snapped her away from him.

"Sorry," she flushed, noting her hand slipped higher then she anticipated.

"No need to apologise," he commented, his voice husky. "I can always stay here with you."

"Get out," Evelyn laughed, pushing him away. With a dramatic, yet heartfelt sigh, Gus unbuckled his seat belt and left with a small wave good bye.


"Yes Emily?" Loretta talked into the phone with an annoyed sigh.

"I'm sorry Miss, it's just all the serves are down and Doctor Cameron needs his files for his client." She replied nervously.

So far, Angus' whole session had been interrupted by calls from Emily about the server being down. Loretta had been cursing the fact of ever running her whole business, because in times like these when no one backed up files on paper as instructed, her whole next days were a headache trying to get into the backed up server.

"Emily, I'm in the middle of a session." Loretta hissed, tightly smiling to Angus as he sat there bored yet somewhat curious.

"His patient is Mark Fuller, Miss." Loretta closed her eyes, her hand dragging down her face. She didn't even care she smudged the smallest bit of mascara.

"I'll be right there," she sighed hanging up.

"Angus, I am so sorry." She genuinely apologised. "You can be refunded your money for this session from the amount of interruption. I shouldn't be too long, only five or ten minutes." Angus nodded his head and watched somewhat amused as she practically ran out of the room, or whatever hobbling in those heeled shoes count as. Kind of reminded him on a monkey with a thorn in its foot, he thought amused.

The door was closed behind her with a small bang, and the clip clopping of shoes heading down the corridor slowly faded away. Angus sighed loudly, his arms crossed over his broad chest, legs crossed at the ankles as he looked around the room.

As usual, it was boring: plain and white. There was so sense of home or comfort, only the large brown desk, a couch to the right and a table to the left. Photos of 'art' were hung around the room to provide splashes of colour, but Angus didn't understand what was so amazing and expensive about work that looked like they threw paint on a canvas and was done thirty seconds later. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, seeing a message from Mike but he couldn't be bothered answering it. Not with everything going on.

He locked the screen, put it back in the pocket of his black trackie shorts and sighed again. He was bored.

But his eyes fell to the filing cabinet just behind the desk. The grey, metal cabinet looked so innocent, so boring yet it held all of his secrets. He knew his file was kept in there, he knew Loretta had a key too. He stood from his chair, walking over and tried to open it with no avail, just as he expected. He quickly opened some draws on the desk, looking for a key but found nothing. He wiggled the top draw of the cabinet, yet nothing relented. He peeked around the unit, seeing nothing to help him apart from a small red ink stain in the bottom corner right around the back.

They must have been on the key chain she took out with her. He knew only one more person owned a key, and that was Emily.

Quietly, Angus walked to the door and opened it with a small click. He peeked out the door and saw the desk where Emily sits empty. He contemplated if he should do it or not.

It had only been thirty seconds since Loretta left, and he had at least five minutes. Get the key, look at the file, lock the cabinet and put the key in Loretta's desk. Emily could be stupid enough to leave it in there, he reasoned.

With a quick check of the empty corridor, Angus made his move. He walked quickly down to the desk, wondering where to start. The most obvious place to keep keys, would be in the draws so it's where he started. He ducked down and opened the draws, trying to hide his large frame behind the desk.

The top draw was useless, same with the second. There was an endless amounts of pens and pencils, a pack of gum and some lose leaf notes. The third draw, much to Angus' amusement, had a box of condoms, opened and half empty. He smiled to himself and closed the draw. The last draw had absolutely nothing in it. Completely empty and not even a scrap of paper. He closed the draw and remained crouched down, but he wondered where else it could be. Just as he was about to stand up, he heard the automatic doors opening.

Angus' heart beat picked up, thinking he was sprung. He saw a man, not much older than himself, walk through the doors. His eyes were glued to the phone in front of him, and Angus took the opportunity to cram under the desk where legs go. He heard the footsteps approaching the desk, the clomping of work shoes echoing on the tiled floor.

Angus remained still, his arms pulling his knees into his chest as he breathed in slowly and quietly. The footsteps stilled in front of the desk.

Angus heard a sigh from the man, sounding impatient and pissed off. Angus looked up, praying to the women in the sky to let them pass and not draw any attention to him or the desk. When he looked up though, he saw a small box in the far left corner of the desk, a mahogany brown almost blending in with the wood of the desk.

His mind raced with what could be in there, but he knew to stay still.

A harsh dinging sound echoes in the small space, the man impatient above him and using the bell to get the receptionist to go to him. Angus cursed silently, especially when he heard the sound of heels clicking back towards the desk.

"Bruce Davis," he heard Emily speak. "Loretta wasn't expecting you here until four," she sounded hesitant.

"My train was early," the man snapped, clearly not amused. "I'll just wait in her room."

"Wait, she has a client in there right now. There's still forty minutes left of the session."

"Then give me another room to wait in." The main retaliated. It was silent for a second before Emily hesitantly agreed. Angus breathed sigh of relief when he heard the retreating footsteps and small talk about the weather. As soon as Angus knew they were gone, he reached up for the box. In it, were six different keys, all with different coloured labels on the handles.

There was no indication about what key belonged to what room, or to what it even unlocked.

"Think, Angus." He whispered. "Think." He racked his brain, trying to remember anything about the room. It was room 2A, multi coloured artwork and white walls, nothing special. The keys in his hand were all silver apart from the splash of colour. One green, one orange, red, purple, white and black.

He cursed in his mind, contemplating taking all of them and trying but he wouldn't be able to get them all back. He thought of the cabinet. Silver, boring, three draws and ink on the back.

Red ink.

Please women in the sky, please be it. Angus silently said. Pocketing the red key, he shoved them back in the container and in the spot under the desk. Listening, he heard the sound of returning footsteps and he rolled his eyes, hunching his body back into a small ball as he waited out the person.

It would be Emily, he's done for now.

"Fucking man, damn this stupid job," he heard her cursing as she walked back. He heard the sound of the water dispenser, silence and the crinkling of the plastic rubbish bag. "I need a damn pay rise for this shit." She cursed before quickly scurrying down the way she came.

As soon as it was silent, Angus' moved. He knew if he stayed much longer then he'd be caught. His large frame silently stood up and scurried back down the corridor to 2A, silently closing the door behind him.

The room was still empty, and Gus knew he didn't have a lot of time. Loretta would be back any minute now, and if he tested the key it had to be immediately. He jogged to the cabinet, retreating the key from his pocket, inserted, twisted, and heard a click.

The draw rolled open, and he saw under 'A', a file that read Angus.

He looked back at the door and opened the file, his eyes widening in shock as he took the words in. He knew most of them, but some hazy words were foreign to him. Retrieving his phone, he snapped photos of all the pages in the file, retrieved it, locked it and almost threw the key in the back of Loretta's desk.

He sat down on the chair, his heart racing and found himself mimicking his Evy's habit of twirling his finger around one another, slightly anxious. A minute later when he heard the door opening, he was almost positive Loretta would come in furious. Yet, she had a cup of water and a tired look on her face.

"I'm so sorry Angus," she spoke. "It just hasn't been a good day." With that, Loretta skulled her water and resumed the session as though nothing had ever happened.

But for Angus, everything had happened.


Evelyn smiled as she saw Angus' tall frame walking out of the automatic doors, his pace steady and his head down. Her smile faulted slightly however, as she saw him looking back over his shoulder and looking slightly anxious.

"Hey Gus, how was-"

"Drive, Evy." Angus commanded softly, already buckled up and ready to leave.

"What? Is everything okay Angus, I-"

"Evy please, I have stuff on my phone." Angus said, grabbing out his phone. He felt his heart plummet into his stomach.

'Oh, lady in the sky." He cursed.


"I left my phone inside." His hands dragged down his face, a frustrated growl leaving his lips.

"So? We can just go back in?"

"Evy. I have photos of my file on my phone." He said. Evelyn just frowned at him. "Everything leaked, everything to be leaked. Sources and shit too. This is bad."

"Gus, your phone has a password protecting it."

He reached across and grabbed her hand. "I know, I'm just paranoid. Loretta left and I broke into the filing cabinet to see if I could find anything."

"And you did?" Angus nodded in confirmation.

"Okay, we can just go in. There's nothing wrong with leaving a phone somewhere. They won't care."

Angus nodded hesitantly, slowly getting back out of the car. He met his Evy at the front, smiling softly and taking her into his arms. He placed a lingering kiss on her forehead, pulling her body in flush to his to calm himself down. Her soft scent of some perfume was refreshing as he inhaled, her black curls out as he buried his face in her neck.

"What would I do without you?" He muttered.

"Live alone on an island with no stresses and no worries of having private issues leaked." Her sarcasm poured through her voice thick. Angus pulled back, chucking and smiling down on her. He really was lucky that it was Evy that found him, and not some ratty lady. Or just Mike alone.

"You keep me sane." He smiled down on her.

"And you make me insane, it's a perfect match." She poked his hip, earning a grunt. "Let's go, big guy." She linked her arm through his and pulled him back towards the door.

Straight away, the air conditioned building cold air hit them suddenly, proving some relief from the warm weather outside. Angus frowned when he saw Emily wasn't manning her desk.

"We can just walk to her office, she's probably in there." Evelyn suggested. Angus nodded, standing a bit taller and walking half a step in front of her. Just in case.

They reached the door and knocked, but there was no reply. They tried again.

"She's not there." Angus muttered, annoyed.

He felt Evelyn reach around him, her hand gripping onto the door handle and twisting. Surprisingly, the door swung open. His phone was sitting there on the desk. He quickly retrieved it, put it safely on his pocket and closed the door behind him.

"We should get going." He said, grabbing her firmly by the hand. He didn't have a very good feeling about this.

"Angus, its okay-"

"You can't pull out of the deal now. It doesn't work that way." They heard a voice harshly spit. Evelyn jumped slightly from the sudden yelling as Angus acted on instinct and pulled her behind his large frame, pressing her between the wall and himself.

He recognised the voice as the man from before, sounding equally, if not more, pissed off then finding out his train arrived half an hour early.

"I-I can. And I will." He heard Loretta firmly reply. A door near the end of the corridor was opened slightly, a clear mistake to close it, as the two of them discussed.

"Is that her?" Evelyn questioned, holding onto Angus hand from behind him. She peered up, watching his eyes not leave the door but nodded his head in confirmation.

"Evy, Love. Please wait here." Angus looked down on her, brown eyes locking onto her green as he gauged her reaction. He watched as she hesitantly nodded, eyes calculating him and what he was about to do. To reassure her, he quickly kissed the back of her hand and gestured for her to wait behind the small corner.

He took a few cautious steps towards the door down, after taking a small glance back to make sure Evy was okay. Her eyes were wide as she watched on, clearly intimidated by what the hell he was planning on doing.

"What are you going to do Mick? You've done nothing morally wrong or illegal." Angus heard as he neared the door.

"Nothing illegal? I stole money from the company to be able to afford your stupid prices for the stories. It's made up for it, but if you're caught then I'm going down for theft too." This Mick guy argued back. Angus was now right outside the door, listening into the conversation.

"Look, I can't give you any more. The poor man has been through hell already with the press and rumours. He's been living in isolation for the past god knows how long! He doesn't need this anymore." He heard Loretta exclaim.

"You need to keep your end of the bargain. You've already got the money."

"I'll return it."


Angus jumped when he felt a warm hand snake into his own. His gaze shot down to Evelyn looking up at him, a guilty look on her face.

"Evy," he hissed, so quietly she almost didn't hear him.

"Emily is back at her desk, she would have seen me."

Angus could tell Evelyn was scared. Stealing files and ears dropping wasn't all that legal. He nodded at her softly.

"Dammit, Mick. We've gone too far with this. If I'm found out, my organisation is done for. I'll either be fined and have such a bad name I'll become bankrupt, or I'll go to jail for objecting the confidentiality codes."

"You should have thought about this, Loretta." He hissed. His voice was nearing the door, making the couple panic. Quickly, Angus opened the door behind them, slipping into the room. He pulled Evelyn with him, leaving her flush into his body in the pitch black. It was a closet of some type with no lights and not a lot of room. He closed the door behind him, careful to leave it a tiny bit ajar to keep on listening.

"If the stories stop coming, my boss will wonder why. He's going to look at my transactions and wonder why double the money is disappearing."

It was silent for a minute. Then, Loretta replied with something they couldn't hear. The next second, Angus and Evelyn heard heavy footsteps stomping to the door. Quietly, Angus closed the door, not letting go of the handle in case someone tried to open it.

The footsteps stormed off down the corridor and then silence followed. Then, the sound of heels on the tiles followed and disappeared into a room across from them.

"Fuck me," Angus finally muttered quietly, his mind trying to take everything in.

"Gladly," heard Evelyn's soft voice below him, followed by a small laugh to ease the tension.

"I'll hold you to that one," Angus said, squeezing her hand. Then, the pair negotiated their way swiftly out of the closet and to the corner.

"Call Emily's desk. Get her to check the rooms down the other end so we can slip out." Angus muttered.

A minute later, a horrible fake accent and a complaint about the generators electrical transfusion (if that's even a thing) later, they were running out the door cackling as they felt like the coolest people to ever roam the planet for what they had just accomplished. 

Even cooler than Fonzie.


Thanks for the patience guys, my job has given me so many summer hours im working 8 hours a day either five or six days a week now. I'm completely buggered but I am still trying bahaha.

I hope you all had a great Christmasand have a magical NYE tonight for Aussies and tomorrow for the rest of you a day behind.

Out of curiosity, I'd like to ask these questions.

1. What do you think Loretta's intentions are, and how do you think it will play out and the ending etc. (I've already planned the ending, so I want to see if I'm being predictable or now)

2. What has been your best Evy and Gus moment of the whole story so far?

Thanks again and I'll hopefully have an update within a week of now xx

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