Chapter 9: Training Montage - BEGIN!

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[Chapter 9: Training Montage - Begin!]

"When do you think Kakashi's gonna wake up?" Sakura asked as we sat near the sleeping Kakashi. I shrug, not really knowing. Hearing a sudden grumble, I peer my eyes and see the said male open his eyes.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto exclaimed, shortly before getting hit from Sakura.

"Wakey wakey, ya dum dum!" I exclaimed with a smile plastered on my face. He groaned in response. Rude! Glancing at my twin, he looks normal though I could tell that he was slightly relieved. Coming in, Tsunami joined with the bubblegum girl in scolding the man.

"I know that the Sharingan's amazing and all, but if it puts that much of a strain on you, is it really worth?"

"Sorry." The laying male mumbled, unable to move. After he rambled on about what Hunter nins do and came to the realization that Zabuza was alive, emo little Inari bursts in.

"I don't believe it! And nothing's gonna change!" The young child shouted before hugging his grandpa.

"You- the hell are you?!" Naruto demanded, pointing at him.

"Gah, Inari! Where have you been?!" Tazuna called out as he hugged his grandson back. Staring at us, he then looked at Tsunami and pointed at us.

"Mom, they're gonna die." He stated. I puffed my cheeks out and let out a huff as my energetic teammate shouted at him. Sakura held a shook look whilst my foolish little brother even had an expression of irritation. This dum dum doesn't know that he'll be infected by the contagious illness called talknojutsuitis. "There's no way to they can defeat Gato and his men."

"What'd you say you brat!" Naruto shouted once more. Scooting closer to Sasuke, I sweat drop from his loudness. I get it: he's supposed to be 'dumb' and 'obnoxious'. But why does he have to scream? "Listen up Inari! I am a superhero who will someday become an incredible ninja called Hokage! This Gato guy is nothing against us, dattebayo!" I glanced on the determined blond, brows only slightly furrowing. But you lost against Tora how the hell you gonna defeat another cat?

When Inari left the room, Kakashi stood up (with Tsunami making a fuss), and led us to the forest to train. "Alright team, training starts now." He states, leaning on his crutches. "First, we'll do a review on chakra, ninja's most basic source of power; understanding is essential."

"Hn." Sasuke crossed his arms. "We already know about it." I let out a giggle, knowing that he was being a dum dum.

"Yeah! We all know about catra, dattebayo!" Naruto added, pronouncing chakra incorrectly. Sakura then yelled at him and then explained what Chakra did. "Ne ne, I didn't understand any of this stuff but it's just something that the body learns?!"

"The dope's right for once. We can already use jutsu." Sasuke added.

I smiled and patted his shoulder, sniffling a laugh. "Oh foolish little brother! Chakra's not only just about cool and badass jutsus!"

"She's right," Kakashi said, letting out a sigh. "Just like Sakura said, you have to draw both physical and spiritual energy to blah blah blah..." I zoned out cuz Author is way too lazy to write explanations and wishes to skip them. Author also wonders why she decided to write Naruto fanfiction if it was gonna be this long. I mean what?

I got pulled back in reality when a kunai landed before me, accidentally letting out a small gasp. Stepping back, I see that the rest of my teammates also got one as well.

I look up to see the male upside down on a tree branch. Doesn't he get bothered with all the blood rushing to his head? "Use that to mark your distance without your hands. Then, try to go past it. At first, you'll need to run at the tree with much momentum to carry you up until you get used to it. Ready?"

Wait but I already know this. I think in my head, slightly tilting my head. Oh well, I'll just go to the top. The three of them all started running at the tree with determination in their eyes- while I just skipped like a total badass, not even bothering to pick up the kunai. Skipping all the way to the top with a gleeful smile, I see Naruto fall down into his face and Sasuke make a dent in the corners of my eyes. Once I came across the highest branch, I sat down and stared down at their surprised Pikachu faces.

"Yes! Fear me peasants!" I shout with glee, giggling at their reactions. Heck even Kakashi and Sakura were surprised!

"Uh... Megumi did you do this before?" The male askes, limping on his crutches with a shocked yet tired eye.

"Yup! Learned it during my academy days!" I answer with a grin, glad that I did this before becoming a genin. I see him sigh, well, I think I did, can't tell with the mask and all.

"Well then you can do water-walking then."

"Already know how to be Jesus too."


"Yup." I say once more, jumping down and landing in oh so such grace (I almost tripped). "Don't worry Sensei! I already have something I wanna work on." He sighed once more.

"Hey this is pretty fun!" Sakura exclaims, as she sits on a branch herself.

"Well then," Kakashi starts. "It seems like the women have better chakra control here. I know a certain person wants to be Hokage but it seems their have the best chance of that right now." Naruto huffs and screams in protest. "And the Uchiha aren't that great after all."

Sasuke 'hn's, which, by the way, translates to: 'What the fuck do you mean by that, you worthless dumb disgusting Sensei?! I'll have you know that I have a hit list and your name is in red underlined, you pompous asshole filled with dOG SHIT-' And I don't wanna translate the rest. Anyways, I puff my cheeks in annoyment, I am an Uchiha also!

Sakura was also pissed (as the devoted fan girl she is) as she pointed at the wounded male and shouted, "That's enough sensei, you talk too much!"

Glancing over to the rivals, the reincarnates glare at each other and Naruto fist-bumps the air. "Fine, I'll get to the top first and beat Sasuke, dattebayo!"

(; ' Д ')

I feel... Absolutely nothing. I groan, opening my eyes as I sit criss cross applesauce. In front of me was a book about sensoring and in front of that book was my teammates. I pout as I reread the instructions that do no help at all. Yeah, I was trying to become a sensor ninja. Yeah it made sense since both Naruto and Sasuke wanted to be front liners. There was also Sakura, who was gonna become a battle-medic-nin.

I could have been a fuinjutsu master but then realized that shit was on a stranger-danger level so that was a no-no. I also wanted to be a tracker but then that was crushed when I became part of team seven with Kakashi and all. Genjutsu mistress was also a big no-no since I couldn't train without any volunteers so I had to settle with sensors. And I can't be a poison mistress when I don't even trust myself.

But then again, what's the point of being a sensor when Naruto god damn gets sage mode? AND jinchuriki (did I spell that right?) powers?! Sometimes I feel like Sakura.

I sigh, why'd it have to be so goddamn hard though! Why couldn't it be as easy as drooling over Madara's ass! I-I mean- what? Off in the distance, I hear Naruto yell in frustration. Me too Naruto, me too. Hearing someone sit beside me, I glance up to see Kakashi looking at my unbalanced teammates. "Shouldn't you be in bed, ya dum dum?" That's my new nickname for him, if ya didn't know.

Glancing at the book that laid in front of me, he lets out a hum. "So you're trying to be a sensor." I gave him a 'no duh!' look. "Well good luck, I'm not that good of it myself." I pout childishly. At least try to help me.

Closing my eyes once more, I furrow my brows and concentrate. After feeling like giving up, I finally see something. I gasp but clutch onto my hold, feeling something hot and wild. Like a burning fire of pure hatred- And that's Kuruma. Damn, I really have to do something about that. It makes sense about him being the first one I see though, knowing that both Naruto and the tailed beast has massive chakra reserves.

Opening my eyes once more, I let a grin break out and stand up in triumph, wiping the sweat on my forehead. I finally fucking did it! I then proceeded to make Jojo stand poses. I heard a cough, making me pout and turn my head still in a stand. "What? You dum dum I'm celebrating here." Kakashi could only sweat drop in my actions.

(▀̿̿ Ĺ̯̿ ▀̿ ̿)

...I'm bored. Here I am, standing next to Sakura as we guard Tazuna and the bridge, and I am bored. Glancing at my pink teammate, I could see her rubbing her eyes and yawning in boredom, looking like she could just fall asleep in boredom. I didn't blame her, this was boring as hell.

Tazuna looked up from his work and deadpan at us. "Are you two always this lazy? What happened to the squirt and dark-haired one?"
Blinking, Sakura was brought back to reality.

"They're training, climbing trees!" she responded.

"So why are you here, too tough for ya girlies?"

Huffing, I lean against the wood. "Nah, we're to awesome for that! We're just here to guard ya."

When a person came up to the bridge builder, probably to quit, I zoned out and looked off into the distance like a true anime character. Hearing a quack, I glance at a crow that landed beside my elbow. Stretching my lips into a smile, I move a hand to gently stroke its feathers. It purred, I didn't even know crows could do that, and I let out a small giggle when it leaned towards my touch.

"Hey, Megumi-chan can I ask you something?" Sakura piped up, looking at my direction. I hum, not turning from the happy crow.

"Y'all already asking but sure!"

"A-ah, well..." She looks away bashfully, fiddling with a lock of her long pink hair with a blush. "I-Is it true that Sasuke like girls with long hair?"

I stop in my movements and glance at her. Ok I was not expecting this girl talk. Though, it made sense; I am the closest of her crush so I would have the most information. "Yeah, he does." I answer, not seeing anything wrong with that. Feeling something on top of me head (besides my bun), I dart my onyx eyes up to see my fellow crow sitting comfortably on my head. You better not shit on me. I threaten internally. I think it got the message.

Remembering a certain gentlemen, I let out a giggle. (A/N: Is it annoying for her to constantly giggle?) "Ne Sakura-chan, ya wanna know why Sasuke likes long hair?" Green eyes lighting up, the pinkette nods eagerly, wanting to get some leverage against other 'opponents'. I smirk, "It's cause he's a total mama's boy." She looked confused, so I added on.

"Yeah, our mom was really pretty and had long hair. Hell, my foolish little brother really thought that she was the prettiest!" I furrow my brows in mock anger.

"Uh... you didn't?"

"Of course not! Who in the world is more beautiful than my one and only older brother!" I stated, then empathizing my point with a strange pose. Oh- wait- shit- that may or may not have sounded wrong. Staring at her, she gave me a slightly weirded out look. Great. Now she thinks I'm into incest. I mean, I did have a crush on him- it was when I didn't get smooshed by Truck-kun okay?! It also does not help that I might have said that infront of him.

Grabbing the nearly-forgotten crow gently, I smiled at it. It did not reach my eyes. "Do not report that to him." I threatened it, clutching it in my grasp tighter to show that I was not messing around. It squirmed and let out a terrified 'peep'. With great reluctance, I release it into the sky, to where ever the fuck that handsome killer is.

Sakura could only stare at me.

( ^ ^ )

When Tazuna was done with the bridge for the day, we started walking down the streets. "Ne Tazuna-san, where are we going...?" Sakura asks him. The builder lets out a sound.

"Well, we need ingredients for dinner so we're getting them." He answered. I followed them quickly into a shop with hands behind my back. Tazuna then walked away slightly to look at what to buy whilst I just stood near Sakura. Staring at the pinkette, I sense someone (my skills slightly improved since then, as constantly pushing myself led to being able to sense civilians) going up behind her. Turning my small body, I see a degenerate grab onto her white began an attempt to steal it. This however was quickly thwarted when the girl used her reflexes and kicked the guy in the guts.

"Pervert!" She shouted. I laughed at the fallen male. Another one bites the dust~

When we stepped out after paying for the food, we headed towards Tsunami's house.
"I've never seen girls fight back before." Tazuna piped up.

"Well they should!" Sakura retorted angrily, crossing her arms with her eyes furrowed. A hand reach out to the end of my shirt and I slightly tense but look over. There in front of me was a small child holding his hands out. Awwww so cute~ I gush at the sight of them. Wait isn't this the kid that bothered Sakura in the original though? Oh well.

"Please miss!" He pleaded with a grin. My eyes softened; was it really that bad? Setting down one of the bags that I brought in this mission, I pulled out 2 apple and gave it to him. "Here you cutie patootie, now go before ya mom worries!" And off he went, grinning widely with so much innocence.

Tazuna sighed with a grim look as Sakura was slightly glum. "It's been like this when Gato and his men took over. The children suffer and the adults are too afraid to do anything; they've lost all hope. That's why we've got to finish the bridge: It will bring commerce and trade, but most importantly, it'll bring courage. We must restore the spirit of the people. When that bridge is finished, people will believe again. They'll live in dignity. We can't let Gato stop us."

It was silent shortly after that; we continued walking. "Ne, I've been meaning to ask... Why do you have that bag with you?" Sakura suddenly questioned, pointing at my bag that hung at my shoulder.

I shrug as I slightly move my bun into a more comfortable place. "I brought a whole bunch of food since I heard that Wave was poor. I wanted to do something about it but we had to guard Tazuna." I explained, not looking at her. Moving my bag so that I was now holding it, I opened it to show the food to them. "It ain't much but I will try."

"Wow Megumi-chan, that's so nice of you!" Sakura complimented. I shrug once more, though I felt my cheeks slightly heat up.


A/N: Thanks for reading! God, it's been a tiresome week: my friends got into some stupid drama (it's fixed now so don't worry), I had the DWA in which I'm sure I failed, feeling frustrated in general, all the bad shit. There was so much stress that rite now I wanna kashoot myself into an eternal slumber.

However, the good parts of the week were ok I guess: I made a 4-page essay which is kinda funny to me ( I was so passively aggressive in it as I just vented my anger) and listened to "I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus" for the first time (yes I know). The reason why's that good is because I got story idea and if you like ruining the very idea of Santa Claus then I'll post it.

I also recently started reading manhwas (Manhuas??? I don't know I'll just call them web comics) and I'm really enjoying the isekai shojo ones (who made me a princess, the reason why Raeliana ended up at the duke's mansion, I belong to house Castiello, you name it!) so yeeeeeee.

Anyways, sorry for rambling, please tell me about what you think about this chapter. Tbh, I think Megumi's personality was all over the place but that's up to you to decide.

Ok imma go sleep. Bye

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