Chapter 13 - "Are you leaving?"

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To Gigi, it felt as if she had barely laid her head on her pillow before she was being roused by the sound of Margo moving around her room. Curtains were pulled open and morning sunlight rushed in to chase away the darkness. She stirred, twisting away from the bright rays. The scent of fresh bread, cheese, eggs, and meat coaxed her from her dreams. With a deep contented sigh, she opened her eyes.

The room before her was painted with white, clear light. The windows were open and the melodies of life came waltzing in. The deep bass murmurs of distant voices. The sweet soprano of birds singing to one another. Gigi soaked it all in, feeling enwrapped in it. Margo finished pulling aside the final set of curtains and walked to the edge of the bed. Her uniform was neat as a pin and her face held a quiet eagerness.

"Morning, Lady," she said. Her voice was controlled but Gigi could see the curiosity burning in her eyes.

Gigi pushed herself up and stretched, feeling the effects of last nights hours of endless dancing.

When she had returned to the palace with Davin, he had surprised her by offering to dance. She was delighted and found him more capable than his bored manner made her assume. Not a second had passed when the song ended before she was carried away in another man's arms. The night had disappeared in a blur of masculine faces and varying levels of dancing technique. The only gentleman that still stood out was Raif. The strength in his hold was a feeling she woke up savoring. As well as the cadence of his voice. The dark shade of gray in his eyes.

Gigi tried to suppress a giddy smile as her thoughts swept her away for a moment. Margo shifted, bring Gigi back to the room.

"Breakfast is ready, Lady," she said.

Gigi tucked away the bubble of excitement at what the coming day would hold, knowing she hoped it held just one thing.

One person.

She pulled aside her blankets and stepped out of the large bed. Margo raised a silk robe and helped Gigi into it. They moved to the table set across the room, with a window overlooking the immaculate grounds. Gigi settled into her seat. When Margo remained standing, Gigi gave her a teasing look.

"Do you plan to remain standing for the duration of my story?" she asked.

"Lady, you know it is not proper for me to-"

"Stars above Margo, I don't care," Gigi laughed, her accent slipping. "Please sit, it would greatly please me if you did."

Margo hesitated for half a beat then took the chair beside Gigi. Though her posture was rigid, her eyes betrayed an inquisitive glimmer.

"Do you want to eat something?" Gigi asked, already serving herself.

Margo's lips twitched at a smile. Gigi's continued blatant disregard for the relationship between servants and ladies sparking her amusement. After Gigi had eaten a portion of the food on her plate, she turned to Margo. Her eyes bright with merriment.

"Now," she said. "Where should I start?" Her eyes went distant as she played over the memories of the night before. When one of them solidified, her gaze snapped into focus and landed on Margo. "I met the royal family."

Margo's attention was instantly captured. "What were they like, Lady? I've always heard things about them but I've never met them."

The question set Gigi off on her story. Details and small encounters were all told with gleaming eyes and quick smiles. Her food was quickly forgotten as she shared all that was filling her to the brim with happiness.

When she talked of Raif and their time together, her voice lowered to a soft, almost mystified tone. Though she smiled, there was a secret hidden inside it. Color dotted her cheeks. Despite the fact that she had told Margo everything she remembered of all the other conversations, she kept Raif's opinion of vagabonds concealed. It felt almost too precious to share alongside the inconsequential things Sir Clay and other men had said to her.

"He visits Lord Brixton often," Margo said. "Or so other servants have told me."

Gigi's eyes brightened. "Yes, Vic told me that as well."

A blush at Vic's name filled Margo's face before she could control it. Gigi barely noticed, too enthralled with thoughts of Raif.

"They all say he is very charming," Margo said, hoping to keep her burning cheeks from Gigi's notice.

"Oh, he is!" Gigi said. "The most charming gentleman I have met."

The door to Gigi's room opened and both girls instantly looked over. Lady Brixton strode in, her eyes falling on the two figures huddled over the table. At the sight of Margo sitting beside Gigi, her lips pursed. Margo flushed a deep red and scurried to her feet. She pushed in the chair and moved off to make Gigi's bed. Gigi straightened, folding her hands demurely on her lap.

"Good morning, grandmother," she said.

Margo forgotten, her grandmother's face softened to a pleased look. "Genevieve, you did wonderful last night. All the talk of you was over the way you looked and the beautiful way you danced."

"Oh?" Gigi said, a bubble of excitement and nerves expanding in her stomach. "Did they talk much about me?"

Her grandmother took the chair, Margo had vacated. "You were all anyone could talk about. Everyone I met seemed enchanted with you."

Gigi had been aware of the whispers that stopped and started again when she had passed by but to hear her grandmother confirm it, sent a prickle of nervousness down her spin. In their eyes, she was a lady. Though she wore the same air and dressed the same, she knew herself to still be a vagabond at heart. A tingle of fear edged its way into her mind. It spoke in a whisper, telling her she could not fail. To fail would mean the loss of all she had come to cherish.

"Your grandfather and I were so impressed with the way you behaved and how you carried yourself through the entire night," her grandmother continued. "We could not be more proud of you. You acted as if you are born into this world."

She laid a hand on Gigi's, her smile soft. The affectionate touch and words of praise hit straight to Gigi's heart. She swelled with happiness that sent her grinning. A fierce determination to continue to live up to her grandparents' pride filled her.

"Oh grandmother, I am so happy to hear that you are pleased."

Lady Brixton pulled back her hand. "I am, very pleased." She tucked a gentle finger under Gigi's chin. "I knew you had it in you and I was not disappointed." She then removed her hand. "Now as for today, this morning is yours to do as you please. I will be sending Lord Davin along to show you around the palace. I do not wish for you to get lost. Then this afternoon you will be joining me for tea with some acquaintances of mine."

She rose, bringing Gigi up short with the sudden end of the conversation.

"Margo will fetch you when it is time," she finished.

Gigi stood, feeling as if she should. "I will be ready. I look forward to it."

She folded her hands before her, trying to imagine what an entire tea surrounded by elderly, curious ladies would be like. A knot formed in her stomach. Her grandmother noticed the look that crossed Gigi's face.

"No need to worry," she said. "Behave as you did last night and all will be fine. Till this afternoon."

Gigi watched her grandmother leave and then sank back into her chair. Margo pulled at one edge of the comforter, neatening the bed then walked over to Gigi.

"Are you all right, Lady?" she asked.

Gigi broke from her nervous daze to meet Margo's caring blue eyes.

"Yes," she said. She nodded once and then again with more certainty. "I will be fine. Come, I must get ready. I do not know when Lord Davin will be arriving."


When Gigi emerged from her bathroom, fully dressed for the day, she found Davin lounging against the balcony door frame. His hands were in their customary place, inside his pockets and his hair looked less put together than the night before. He stared out at the grounds, his expression neither ponderous or approving, but distant. It was as if he wasn't in that room at all. Gigi couldn't help but smile at the familiarity she already felt toward this indifferent person.

"Do you often sneak into lady's rooms to make use of their balconies," she asked, her tone playful.

Davin looked back at her, his mind returning to the present. He eyed her appearance but made no comment on it.

"Not as often as I like and more than I should," he said.

This elicited a chuckle from Gigi. The sound was sweet and untainted. The corner of Davin's mouth curved, but the smile didn't make it any further. He stepped down from the balcony.

"I'm to escort you around the palace," he said, his voice bored. "Let's go. I know where this tour will start off."

He stuck out an elbow, not removing his hand. Gigi took it and had a feeling she knew where their destination was. They left the room and walked through a wide, high ceilinged corridor. Suits of armor lay sentry along the tapestry covered walls. As they walked Davin gave out bits of information on the stories that were stitched into the thick fabric.

They were heading down a shorter hallway when from a side door, the Prince walked out. Following closely behind was his steward, Jayis. The Prince's deep voice spoke quickly and in a low tone so none of the words made it to Gigi's ears. His face was serious and a line cut the space between his eyebrows. As they drew closer some of what Thayer was saying became clear.

"I will meet with them this afternoon and we will get it dealt with. I need you-"

He stopped talking when he finally became aware of Gigi and Davin. Gigi dropped into a curtsy and Davin bowed. By the time they rose, the Prince's scowl had been replaced with a calm look. He held his hands behind him, his posture formal but not rigid.

When his gaze landed on Gigi there was the same puzzling look he had worn the night before. In his eyes, she could see the two sides of his mind struggling against each other.

"Lord Davin. Lady Genevieve," he said in greeting, his tone polite.

"Your Highness," Gigi said, her eyes flitting downward in respect.

"Your majesty," Davin said. For once, his tone was formal but there was a hint of something else beneath it that Gigi couldn't define. She glanced at him. There was nothing in his face to give away his thoughts. The Prince nodded.

"Pardon my rudeness," Thayer said, "but I must be continuing on. Have a pleasant morning."

With one last glance at Gigi, his eyes still burning with doubt, he left them. Jayis fell into step beside him. The Prince had barely passed them before Davin was urging them onward.

"Come," he said.

They continued their walk in silence, Gigi sensing Davin's mind to be somewhere else. Eventually, they stopped before a heavy set of oak doors with detailed carvings of trees inlaid into them. Gigi didn't even have a moment to marvel at the intricacy of the work before Davin was pushing through them. What appeared before Gigi stunned her into immobility.

Three stories of bookcases filled a dimly lit cavernous room. Railings lined balconies that ran along the upper floors. Long rectangle tables filled the center of the room, moving down the length of it. Lanterns hung from iron rods that jutted out from the walls. The flickering yellow flame glinted off the gold embossed book spines. The place was utterly silent as if its own world. The air was rich with the scent of ink, parchment, and knowledge.

Gigi found herself breathing it in, her fingers pressed to her lips. Davin spared her an amused look before walking further in. He made a slow turn, for once his bored expression missing.

"Now you have discovered my reason for attending the King's Festival," he said.

His voice in the complete quiet pulled Gigi from her astonishment. Her gaze settled on him. He looked almost happy. A soft patter of footsteps alerted them that they were not alone. From between to bookcases, Everly appeared. The sight of her had the effect of bringing Davin's happiness to the forefront. The edge of his mouth curled involuntarily. Everly's own stunning smile jumped to attention.

"I thought I might stumble upon you here sooner or later," she said, her voice soft and playful, like the trickling water of a fountain.

The comment pleased Davin, but he made no show of it. Instead, he leaned against the closest table and hid his hands away.

"Is that so?" he said. "Any particular  reason as to why?"

Everly looked caught off guard by the question but forced her expression to remain unconcerned. She waved a dainty hand.

"I simply wanted your opinion on what book I should read next. I find the one I have to be a complete bore."

"No doubt it has something in common with the companion you had during dinner last night."

Everly's face remained even, but something flashed in her blue eyes.

"I did not find that to be the case," she said. "My companion was amiable and well mannered."

"Yes, I believe manners make for riveting conversations."

"In our society, they matter."

Davin shrugged, a gesture that was so casual it was a slap to her statement. "Long live manners."

Everly glared at him, irritated. He met her gaze with cool, indifference. Gigi felt trapped where she was, not knowing whether to talk or slip away.

"You are infuriating," Everly said, though there was no true venom in her words.

Davin's face softened. "This is something we have both always known."

Everly shook her head fighting back a smile, her irritation tossed away. The tension slipped away into the shadows and dark corners. The two friends stared at each other. Their years of memories hung between them as if physical things they could reach out and hold. Gigi again felt like an intruder on something she didn't fully understand.

Before she could figure out what to do, a solution came in the form of the library doors opening. The trio all turned to look at the newcomer.

Clay walked into the room, his quick smile stopping on Gigi. Davin turned away when he realized that his attention was not needed. Gigi returned the look. Clay approached her and gave her a far too lavish bow.

"Lady Genevieve, I was hoping I would find you," he said. "I have come to offer my services as your guide of the palace."

Gigi looked back to Davin.

"I never planned on moving past this point," he said.

Everly concealed a laugh as Gigi focused on Clay. He had his arm outstretched and there was an eagerness in his gaze. She accepted and took his arm. Everly gave a farewell that was left inside as the door swung closed on it.

In the hallway, Gigi blinked a few times, adjusting her eyes to the brighter surroundings. Clay looked down at her, his smile never far off.

"Where would you like to go first?" he asked.

Gigi was about to let him decide when the twittering of birds beyond the windows, sparked a thought.

"I would love to see the grounds," she said.

"The grounds it is."

As he led her through the maze of corridors and sitting rooms, he talked of past festivals and the people who had attended. Gigi made few comments, listening to names she knew nothing of and hearing pieces of news that were old. The closer they got to the palace's main entryway the busier it got. Servants scurried by, their heads always bobbing in respect. Men and women wandered about, their dispositions unburdened and their focus as directed as their feet.

A set of guards pulled the front doors open for Gigi and Clay, nodding to them as they walked through. The morning air was infused with the salty tang of the sea. The marble courtyard was empty except for a black stallion, a rider, and a stable hand. The rider had his back to them and was accepting the reins from the young boy. At the sight of the brown hair, confident, straight shoulders and tailored outfit, Gigi's stomach somersaulted.

Raif swung himself into the saddle with such ease it was as if he was lifted by the breeze. When he looked up, his gray eyes found Gigi's. Her smile widened and a blush raced through her cheeks. Raif's face remained respectful as he nodded to them, but the teasing spark made an appearance. Gigi was then hit with the true meaning of the scene before them.

"Are you leaving?" she asked, the words tumbling out.

He gave her a quick grin, her tone not lost on him.

"Yes," he said. "I have business I have to tend to that can not wait. Do not worry. I will be back in five days time."

A mixture of sadness, at his departure, and relief, at his speedy return, mingled inside Gigi's stomach.

"Duke Sayers," Clay said, bowing his head, seeming to be annoyed at being excluded.

Raif tossed a glance at Clay and then he took in Gigi's hand settled in the crook of his arm. She searched his face for any sign of jealousy or resentment towards her being with Clay. All she found was amusement. Her feelings over his choice of emotion didn't have time to settle before he was turning his horse sideways. The hooves clanked on the white stone.

"Till the next time we meet, Lady," he said, his voice as flirtatious as ever. The rough lilt of it sent a smile into Gigi's eyes. The edge of Raif's lips curved but the look didn't hold as he transferred his gaze to Clay. "Behave, Sir Clay. Remember, she is a lady."

At the last word, Raif snapped his gray eyes to Gigi, the comment a secret between them. A blush ran down to the top of her dress, as in her head she heard his deep voice calling her 'vagabond girl'.

Clay tensed under the words, annoyed at being talked down to. Gigi wasn't aware of this, her eyes absorbing Raif. Without another word, Raif nudged his horse and left the courtyard at a brisk trot. The sound echoed around then joined the birds soaring overhead.

Clay tugged on Gigi's arm, directing her to the balcony and the stairway that led to the grounds. His mouth was a prideful, thin line. His eyes spoke of words he didn't dare say about a man above his own ranking. Gigi made no comment on his silence, content with her own thoughts.

When they stepped down to the pebble path, her mind dragged her from the figure that grew further and further away and returned her to her surroundings. The air was sweet as they passed through a latticed tunnel. Honeysuckle vines were intertwined in the walls and the arch overhead. The tiny white flowers peered at them, giving off the pleasant aroma.

Ignoring her bitter companion, Gigi kept them walking along the path. She touched the silky petals with the tips of her fingers as she went. Her smile was quiet, the nearness of nature making her think of home.

They exited the tunnel and veered off on another path. Eventually, when Clay's mind had run out of biting remarks to say to Raif, he turned his attention on Gigi. She felt his gaze and looked at him. He didn't apologize for the past few minutes but gave her a charming smile. Despite herself, her face flushed pink.

"They say there are no grounds to rival that of his majesty's," he said.

"I believe it."

Clay talked on about gardens that came close, hoping to pass over his blunder. Gigi allowed herself to be mollified by his conversation, though her real focus was the color, light, and life around her. With each passing minute, she wondered how her mother could have left a life filled with such beauty.

They were not alone in the grounds and whenever they came across anyone, the opposite party was always gracious towards Gigi. The young women

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