Another One

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  A dark, winged female stepped from the shadowy doorway into a vast, underground cavern. The walls of the cavern were reinforced with slabs of wood and brick. The floor was covered in black marble. There was light shining from a furnace against the back wall and next to it stood a strange and frightening figure. He wore a long cloak with a hood that kept his features hidden. For this, she was grateful. Her master's face was not a pleasant one to look upon.

"Serena." His voice sent a shiver down her spine. "Thank you for coming, my angel."

"Of course, Master," she replied, bowing as she folded her black wings around herself. She took a step toward him. "You had something you needed to speak to me about?"

"Yessssss. Please. Sit down." He waved a cloaked arm toward a comfortable looking chair near the furnace.

She did her best to conceal the shiver that ran through her body as she obeyed.

When she was settled, she gazed into the furnace. She did not want to accidentally catch a glimpse of his face. Her skin crawled as he moved closer to her.

"You... I do wish you would not fear me so, my angel," he began. "You find me repulsive, yet you choose to serve me."

"You took me in and have protected me, Master," she replied, her eyes shifting nervously. "I-I am not repulsed. Only in awe of you."

"You are lying. But no matter." He turned away from her toward a small bar in the corner.

She could hear glasses tinkling and then he walked, or more like glided, back over to her. He handed her a small glass of dark liquor. She swallowed a gulp of it, grateful for the warmth that spread through her.

"I have some newssss," he whispered, sending the chills running up and down her spine again. "It seemsss you are not one of a kind after all. I have seen another like you. A male."

She nearly sprang to her feet, but controlled herself and swallowed her excitement down. She knew better than to show that she cared about anything except him. It angered him if she showed interest or feelings toward anyone or anything else. It angered him if anyone did. He expected those who served him to be loyal to the point that they cared for nothing else.

She lowered her head. "Yes, Master. Why do you tell me this?"

She sensed him shifting next to her. Perhaps unsure of how to respond. Perhaps surprised at her apparent lack of interest. After a moment he spoke again.

"He is teamed up with others of superhuman abilitiesss. One of them hasss the 'eye'." The last word was drawn out on a ragged breath. "They are a powerful team, I fear."

She chanced a furtive glance his way, her eyes glowing an unnatural yellow in the dim light of the furnace. "Why do you fear them, Master?"

A growling roar escaped his lips, startling her and causing her to cringe.

"I did not sssay that I feared themmm!" he hissed at her, obviously angry. "I fear no one, my angel. Remember that well."

"I-I am sorry, my master," she whispered. "I misunderstood you."

He was quiet for a few moments. He glided back over to the bar to refill his glass. When he returned, he carried a crystal decanter with him and motioned to fill her glass again. She held it out for him, careful not to shudder at the twisted claw of a hand showing from under his cloak.

When he had returned the decanter and once again stood beside her, he spoke.

"Thisss band of gifted people. They will ssseek to destroy meee," he hissed. "They are evilll. They will try to stop the good I am doinggg for our kind."

He stopped and turned toward her. Instinctively she glanced up and nearly let out a cry when her eyes landed upon his face, partially showing under the hood. She quickly averted her gaze, silently praying he had not noticed her distress.

"M-Master, have you seen this for sure? That they will try to destroy you?" Her voice trembled slightly. She knew that she would fight to protect him. She would allow no one to harm this frightening being who had rescued her and given her sanctuary months ago when his men had found her wandering and lost. She had wandered for a long time, staying out of sight. Traveling only at night. She had no recollection of who or what she was. Only that there were no others like her.

"I have ssseen. They do not approve of my miraculous work, my angel."

"B-but you help so many people. You teach them and give them shelter when normal people reject them and seek to harm them. Like they did me. Why would anyone disapprove if they are different too?"

To her horror, he reached out his clawed hand and cupped her chin. She fought to keep still and barely refrained from cringing away from it.

"You truly are mmmy angel," he breathed and then released her.

She hoped he couldn't hear her pounding heart. She wanted this meeting to be over, but she desperately wanted to know more about the creature he had found that was like her. She knew better than to ask directly.

"S-so, where is this... team? The ones who will try to harm you?"

He chuckled. It sounded to her more like a low growl. "They are far, farrr from here. I just want you and everyone elssse to be on the highessst alert. Do you understannnd?"

"I do, Master. If they come near you, they will die."

She set her glass on a small table next to the chair.

"You may gooo, my angel," he whispered.

He sounded sad and she wished she weren't so grateful to be leaving his presence.

She stood up and bowed, keeping her eyes lowered. "Please. Send for me if you need anything more, Master. I will relay your message to my men."

"Sssee that you dooo."

With that he turned away from her and was silent. She left quickly and quietly, the way she had come.


Natasha paced in her room, waiting. She knew her timing had to be perfect. She felt anxious. Nervous. What were the chances? She didn't want to know. Checking her watch again, she drew a long breath and exited into the hall. Everything was finally quiet. She had feared they would never go to bed, but at 1AM everyone had, at last, said good night and gone to their separate rooms.

She moved swiftly and quietly to the other side of the hotel. Stopping in front of Jackson's room, she looked around, making sure the coast was clear. Then she placed her ear against the door and listened. She smiled to herself when she heard the muffled snoring coming from the other side.

She started to twist the door knob, hoping he hadn't locked it, and almost giggled with delight when it turned all the way and the door opened silently. She had a feeling he wouldn't think to lock it, seeing that the hotel was practically a fortress. No one would be able to get in. He wouldn't think there was anything to fear from those who already were in.

Well, he had nothing to fear from her, really. She wanted nothing to do with him, anyways.

She slipped inside, careful not to make a sound as she closed the door behind her. She slowly made her way over to the bed and looked down at his sleeping face. After a moment, she moved to a dark corner, behind a table, and crouched down to wait.

All she could do was hope and cross her fingers that he would have reason to awaken that night.

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