Sahara Desert (45)

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Alright my bad bitch readers, listen up! There are some things I'd like to talk about and possibly clarify...

So a lot of shit went down these last couple of chapters, and if you are super confused right now, no, you are not slow, it's supposed to be confusing. In a way, I wanted you to feel as confused as Aeress, so if you are, I've done my job!

Moving on! 

Yes, folks, you heard it here. Shaya is indeed the missing link. If you go back and read, I tried to foreshadow that she knew all along, but I also didn't want to make it too obvious. 

Let's clear some things up! 

Is Shaya a homewrecker? Yes and no. She has put a wedge between Aeress and Warrick, but to be fair, she didn't know they were mates because they never fully bonded. And let's not forget good 'ol Warrick.  

Is Warrick a bad guy? Only time will tell. 

Will Aeress forgive her mate, and her former best friend? Again, this all will unfold how it should. But I think we all know it's gonna be a fun time watching Aeress torture Warrick (I can't be the only one excited to see Warrick in the doghouse can I?). 


Before you get more confused, know there will be a jump in time, approximately a year, maybe longer. So what just happened in the last chapter happened a year ago, keep that in mind. 

(Tbh, you can think if this second part of the book as the sequel, but I didn't think it was a long enough part to make a whole other book)

Again, thank you for reading, I value each read, like, comment, or message, it always brightens my day! I hope you guys know that I mean it with all of my heart and makes me just want to work harder! 


One year later...


     Aeress watched the car door open and stepped out into the rain. A clap of thunder sprung from the sky, and the sound of the pattering rain against the large black umbrella made for a soothing combination. 

     Her heels clicked against the asphalt, and she briefly looked up against the onslaught of rain to see the skyscraper before her. Her destination: twenty-fifth floor. 

     To her left was the man which held the umbrella. A big, beefy fella, who would lay his life on the line for her if the moment warranted it. The same could be said for the other three women who surrounded her, not including the two beastly dogs which strolled with professional composure. 

     They ushered her in without a word. They hardly ever spoke to one another. There was no point, not while they were in public. 

      The coolness of the air conditioner caressed her skin as she stepped onto the carpet and into the lobby. She removed her long rain coat and handed it over to an outreached hand. The doors shut behind them, muffling the sound of the storm and reducing it to a white noise. 

     Her gaze narrowed in on the man sitting on one of the leather seats. He rose up on her entrance. Dressed in a well-fitting suit, he looked good enough to eat. "Don't you look sharp?" 

     Klein sent a smirk her way. His eyes travelled from her head to her toe. His light blonde hair was shoulder length and he grew in some five o'clock shadow. "I should say the same, what's the occasion?" 

     Aeress looked down at her daring outfit. A tight-fitted, leather skirt clung to all the right curves, stopping mid-thigh and reaching farther up her stomach. Her breasts were barely contained by a black and lace bralette. Thin, gold arm bands encircled her biceps in both sides. She looked damn fine, and more daring than ever. “What, this? Oh, I just threw it together.” 

     He shook his head. "You think I don't know your  game?" 

     "Klein," she sighed. Stepping up to him and tracing a finger down his chest. They long left behind their teacher and student relationship. If anything, the roles were switched. She was in charge. "I have no idea what you're talking about." She pressed her lips to his cheek and hugged his tightly. She grinned impishly. "I'm just really happy to see you." 

     He ran his fingers through his hair. "Great, now I'm dead. You know he's gonna kill me." 

     Aeress quirked up a brow. "Let's get to the meeting, shall we?” 

    They entered the elevator and hit the number twenty-five button. The music was soothing, so unlike how chaotic it was outside. “How are you, anyway?” Aeress asked. 

    Klein rolled his eyes. “The same I was last night, and the night before that. There’s nothing new to be told.” 

    Aeress pursed her lips. “We aren’t together all the time, now are we? While I know you would just love that, I am a wanted woman. See, for instance, what did you have for breakfast?” 

    He held the bridge of his nose for a moment. “Coffee, black. Oh, yes, and a blueberry muffin!” He couldn’t have been more sarcastic. “There, does that satisfy you?” 

    “Now you’re just being an asshole!” Aeress laughed. “But as of right now, you are my favorite asshole. And that's what matters."

    He straightened his clothes which were already perfectly in place. “Godhead forbid you find a new boytoy!” He laughed to himself, it was a bitter, dry sound. She knew she annoyed the hell out of him. 

    “Hey!” She admonished him. “If I wanted you to be my boytoy, we do a lot less bickering and a lot more fucking.” Oops, did she let that slip?

    He paused. “Either you’re trying to send me signals or you’re trying to send me signals.” He raised a brow at her. “Now while I would love to take up the offer, I also value my life. Don’t think I didn’t hear about what happened to that one guy in Seattle.” She thought back to the last lover she attempted to take a couple months ago. All she wanted was a little lovin', but of course he wouldn't have it. 

    Aeress felt that loneliness rise up again. She smiled weakly. “Oh, please. As if you would be so honored. Anyway, I gotta admit that even,” She pointed to herself, “this sex god can go through a dry spell.” 

    “A dry spell is a couple months, not a year. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you’re in the Sahara desert right now, Aeress.” 

    She inhaled deeply. “Yeah, well, fuck you, I don’t see you doing any better.”

    “C’mon, Aeress, stop fucking around, when are you going to stop punishing him?” The elevator stopped. 

    Aeress inhaled sharply at the question, but her answer was instant. “When hell freezes over.” 


    “Thank you for meeting with us,” Viceroy Diana greeted her kindly. All of the viceroy gathered today to address her with certain issues, all except for Adonis and Idris. Their schedules got too hectic, but they sent their regards. 

    Aeress nodded. “Of course.” 

    Everyone spoke their piece, and Aeress listened avidly. She respected them for everything they did for their people. Aeress would admit that the first couple of months were rough, but with the help of the viceory and countless of other staff, she was now beginning to get the hang of it. It wasn’t as bad as she initially perceived, but then again, she wasn’t ruling alone. 

    Her eyes barely restrained from looking Klein’s way, or really to the man who sat next to him. 


    Her heart sputtered at just his presence. They hadn’t spoke ever since that night. She seldom ever saw him at all. She liked it that way. He didn’t deserve her forgiveness. He didn’t deserve shit. 

     And when they happened to be in the same vicinity, she made sure he knew what he was missing out on. She knew for a fact that her scent on Klein would thoroughly piss him off. And if she was going to feel like shit, he was going to feel it tenfold. 

     Aeress knew she was being immature, but she didn't give a fuck. She lost her best friend, mate, and a chance at true happiness in a second of a moment, all because Warrick decided to play puppet master.

     So, she stayed petty, and was prepared to live this way the rest of their lives. 

     Oh yeah, Warrick had no idea what he was doing when he decieved her, and the consequences of how insidious a heart broken Aeress could be. 

    Now, the only way they communicated-strictly for business, of course-was through Klein, to his dismay. She didn't know if she would ever be ready to actually speak to him, but her guess was never.

    Once they got the usual business out of the way, including some rather heated debates, Aeress asked, “Any news on Jonah?” This was on the top of her list always. It was becoming an obsession in a way. She couldn't have a full night's rest until he was put six feet under. 

    There was quietude for a moment. Aeress knew something was off. Viceroy Katrin spoke up. “There has been a sighting in Chicago.” 

    “Then Chicago is where I will go.” Aeress nodded to herself. "Anything else?"

    “If I may,” Viceroy Maribelle bowed her head. “I have concerns on this avid search you continue. This last year, you have been relentless-" 

     "Are you suggesting that I stop?" Aeress inquired. 

     Maribelle shook her head. Her dreadlocks here cut short and she had a light scar on her brow, caused by Aeress from the trials. "Of course not. I just wish to caution you. Your life is va-"

     "What kind of leader would I be if I didn't value my life the same as my people?" 

     "But you're not just our leader," Klein spoke up, "you are Godhead. Without you-" 

     "You did just fine without me for a very long time, wouldn't you say?" 

     No one had a response. 

     "I thank you all for your concern," Aeress meant that, "but I have this feeling that this is my fight. I can't explain it, but I need to know I have all of your support. We must be united." 

     "At least let us add more guards onto your detail?" Maribelle asked. 

     "Have we forgotten the importance of discretion?" Aeress smiled. "Whether there are a thousand or one, it will always come down to me and Jonah." 

     "How do you know this?" Viceroy Declan demanded, though he was not being confrontational. 

     "How do I know a lot of things? I just do." 


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