Chapter *23*

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Two Weeks Later

"Ty stop playing so damn much. Ugh I can't stand you bro."

"Girl what are you talking 'bout? How am I playing too much?" He laughed.

So we're in school right. Now we're supposed to be working on the assignment, but he keeps distracting me.

He keeps on grabbing my thigh, kissing my neck and shit, and rubbing all on me. Basically getting making me hot in the middle of class. How am I supposed to do this work if he up under me like this?

"Like you don't realize how you're all up under me today." I said sarcastically.

He kissed his teeth and smiled.

"Why are you acting like you don't want me to be all up under you, or on top of you."

Truth be told he does look daddy-ish today. He is wearing his workout shirt with the team's name on it and some black basketball shorts. His hair was pinned up showing off his handsome face.

I don't know why he wore his grills to school today. I told him that he was being extra, but here we are.

"See look at ya. Staring at your man like a piece of meat. Tsk tsk. I am more than my body you know." He expressed.

My jaw dropped at that. I just shook my head and let it go.

"Ms.Bunnt come up here please." Mrs.Harris, my math teacher, said.

I pryed his hand off my leg and swatted his other hand before he could hit my booty.

I walked up slowly to her desk because I could feel heavy feeling of multiple stares on my back. I started to sweat and breath lighter.

I don't know if I've mentioned this, but I have really bad social anxiety and I suffer from panic attacks and stage fright. Those are just a few more reasons to add to why I'm considered a loser and a lame.

I finally reached her desk and tried to ignore the looks I was getting from my class. The girls mean mugged me with looks of disgust on their faces. Some of the guys mean mugged, but a few didn't. They were looking at me with lustful eyes. Eric and one of his friends were shamelessly looking at my butt. The jeans I was wearing made me feel naked now. I shifted and tried to avoid their eyes.

I wish this lady would hurry up and tell me what the fuck she want, so I can sit down.

I'm ready to get THE FUCK..ASAP

"I noticed that you have a high grade in this classand all of your other classes, and you have tutored another student before."

I nodded not liking where this going. "Yeah."

She sighed.

"I was hoping that you could tutor a fellow student that is lacking in class."

Getting straight to the point, I spoke. "No offense, but what do I get in return?"

She looked a little shocked and confused at my words. See this is what's wrong with people these days.

Now I know she didn't expect me to do shit for free. Everything I do is for some type of cost. I got a hustle just like every other person here. Except I don't sell drugs or my body to make my benefits.

"How about I write you a recommendation letter for the school of your choosing."

I crossed my arms. That was good, but not enough. I'm not trying to be rude, but the kids at my school are fucking assholes who don't give a shit about anybody or anything.

I pray every year that they will fail a grade so I won't have to face then again, so explain why I should help one of them.

"I already have enough letters of recommendation ma'am. I mean, I'll take it, but it's not much."

"I'll give you 3 extra hundred point grade to your final grade if you help him get a C."

Hmm, good enough.

"Okay I'll help him.", I sighed and turned.

"Wait who am I tutoring?"

"Umm, DeAndre Tate. Mister Tate raise your hand."

In the back was a Hispanic looking boy. He was fine. Not better than Tyrie, but fine as hell. He kind of had a fuckboy look to him though. I know I had seen him around before.

I thought for a few seconds before I remembered. I frowned at him.

He once pushed me down before on my way to the cafeteria.

Last school year

Ugh, I can't believe those girls tried to jump me in the bathroom. Bitches aren't half as bold as they act when they don't have two sidekicks with them.

I'm late for lunch now. My usual table might be taken and I'll have to sit in a lonely corner again.

Kiana and Michelle won't let me sit with them at lunch because of some made up reason.

I hope I didn't make them mad. I would hate to be completely alone in this huge school with no one to spend time with.

I keep my head down rushing to the cafeteria. I'm see a group of boys that are in my grade level. Please don't let them notice me.

My body started shivering thinking about all of the mean things they could say about my body. I knew I shouldn't have worn this tight shirt. My stomach looked too big, and my muffin top is showing.

I glanced up and catch a boy's eyes. He was kind of cute. He had nice lips and his hair was sort of honey blonde at the tips. He looked my body up and down before curling his lip at me.

Quickly looking back at my feet I feel my cheeks warm up. Being caught starting is embarrassing, but being caught while looking like me is devastating.

I continue down the hall before my feet stumbled over. My bag's contents were spilled all over the floor. The worst is the loud thump that could be heard down the hall from when I fell.

Ow. That really hurt.

"The fuck are you starring at fat bitch? Don't ever look at me again."

The boy spat his words at me in a harsh tone that brought tears to the back of my eyes. My teeth clamped down in my bottom lip in hopes of holding back my tears.

When he and his friends saw my state, they laughed. One of the boys yelled at me to stop being a crybaby.

I finally got the energy to pick myself up and grab my stuff. I ran to the cafeteria to get away from them even though I had lost my appetite.

Present time

So basically, the nigga is a dickhead. He changed his hair, but he still had the same aura around him. He seemed like the type of nigga that think his shit don't stink.

Without acknowledging him I went back to sit at my desk. I can't lie and say that tutoring him won't be a problem. I know he's going to make this difficult for me.

What I didn't expect was for him to sit in the seat on my left, trapping me between him and Tyrie. I tried to leaned farther into Ty without him noticing anything was wrong. Tyrie put his arm over my shoulder and pulled me to him.

"Baby what's wrong? You good?" He asked softly.

Before I could even get a word out DeAndre started talking to me.

"Aye ma, put your number in my phone, so I can call you about this tutoring shit. Hurry up, damn. I ain't got all day."

"Who the fuck you talking to nigga? I don't gotta help you, but I am out of tyoukindness of my heart. Don't let your mouth make you end up repeating your senior year."

I mugged him and turned my neck away because his face was aggravating me already.

Y'all ever have that type of person where you just don't like their face? You don't know what it is but their face annoys the fuck out of you.

This fuckboy's face is my new kryptonite.

He smacked his teeth and stood up. "Man fuck you bitch. I don't need this shit bruh."

Then leave bitch.

Instead of speaking I just waved and put on a small smile. If he thinks I'm about to stop him then he's wrong. I'm the petty champ bitch.

What a way to start the day.

Here's the update everyone. It took me a minute because I kept forgetting my ideas to write. I'm going to try and start the next one today so that I can have it out by the end of the week. 1457 words.

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