Chapter Seven

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It had been a few weeks since Pacifica had talked to Dipper about the relationship between her parents and herself and he hadn't brought it up since then. She wasn't sure if she should grateful for it or worried by it. It was nice that he hadn't been pestering her about it. But she knew that if he wasn't saying anything he was probably planning something. These thoughts were the dominating ones as she stood on stage with her parents for the Pioneer Day celebration. She stood in her pink sundress and sandals, a very different look than usual for this holiday. Her parents had also gotten into more normal clothing, rather than the costume like outfits they always had worn before. She watched from behind as they made their speech to the crowd. She looked around to see who all had come. It was a bigger crowd than normal and as she looked around she found Dipper looking up at her, a serious look on his face a contrast to the smiling and clapping people all around him. Her own, fake, smile faded, knowing he had something planned. The reporters came up and started asking questions and Pacifica put back on a smile, politely answering any questions directed towards her. "Definitely.", "No, sir I'm focusing on school at the time.", "Yes, I plan on it.", "Absolutely!" All said with a big smile, hiding what she really felt about all these people and questions. She looked up as she heard someone in the crowd shout a question, "What's up with the rumors about the abusive relationship with your parents?"
She spotted Dipper in the crowd and knew he asked the question immediately.
The reporters quickly went to her parents asking for the answer. "I don't know where these rumors started, but that's exactly what they are. Rumors," Her mother told them before they walked over to Pacifica asking the same questions.
"I honestly don't know what he's talking about," She said, looking at Dipper as she said this before looking back at the reporters. "I'm sure he's just a silly teenager looking for attention," She finished before stepping back.

Soon everything died down and the people started leaving to enjoy their own festivities to celebrate Pioneer Day. Pacifica stepped off the stage and walked around, looking for Dipper. She spotted him after a few minutes of looking and walked up to him, grabbing his arm and pulling him away.
"Paz-" He started.
"Don't call me that," She said angry as she looked around.
"Fine, Pacifica! What are you doing?" He asked.
She pulled him into an empty building, a restaurant that was shut down a few weeks ago and made sure no one outside could see them before turning towards him.
"WHAT THE H**L WAS THAT?" (Sorry, just "Heck" didn't sound right with her tone) She yelled at him. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW STUPID THAT WAS?" She asked.
"Pacifica, you can't let them continue doing this to you!" He said, not as loud but the anger clear in his voice.
"Dipper, listen. This isn't your problem and it isn't your place to get into all this. I've told you this hundreds of times now, please just understand that," She said, calming down a bit, but her voice still holding the same emotion.
"I do understand! But I can't just sit back and do nothing while this is happening to you!" He said.
"You have to. What you did back there? That's just going to make it worse! On both of us now. They find out you asked that question, they won't just ignore it Dipper. They'll find some way to back at you," She said, tears coming to her eyes now, frustration still clear in her tone.
He stared at her a moment. "You know, if you had just told those reporters the truth they could've published it and stopp-"
"No," She cut him off and spoke softer this time, looking down. "No, because like I said before, for people like us, money fixes problems like that. You give people enough money, they'll forget about what ever horrible thing you did. They'll act as if it never happened and... it's horrible but it's the truth Dipper, there isn't anything you can do about it," She looked up at him now. "Please Dipper. Don't get into this. It isn't worth it."
He stepped closer to her, leaning over her now. "Yes it is," He said. "I don't care what happens to me, if it means you stay safe."
Pacifica was close to tears now. "Dipper I do. I do care about what happens to you and I can't let you risk everything for me. This will just continue either way, it isn't worth the trouble," She told him.
He opened his mouth to say something before she put a finger to his lips and shook her head. "No, Dipper. If anything were to happen to you because of my family I would never forgive myself. Please, please don't try something again," She said and waited for his response.
"Fine," he whispered and she moved her hand. "But... please if this gets worse. Try and find a way out of it," He said.
She pursed her lips. "Maybe," She whispered so it would be inaudible had he not been so close.
"Good," He said and stepped away. "Now, one of us should go out first, then the other, or people might get the wrong idea."
She nodded and looked down. "You can go. I'll be out in a few minutes," She told him.
He sighed before nodding as well and walking out.
She looked back and watched him walk out before the door shut and cut off her sight of him. "Well, this should be a swell summer..."

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