Chapter 25 - "I would steal my brother's shoes."

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Zavier sat with his head in his hands, his shoulders hunched, burdened by grief. That afternoon he'd visited the final family of one of his guards, Jes. He'd told Jes' father the whole story, speaking of how brave Jes had been.

The words were ash in Zavier's mouth. If dying was being brave, what did living mean? He'd sat with the old man, letting his hand be crushed between the man's still strong grip as he cried. The royal family would see to it that Jes' father would not want for anything, but money couldn't replace a son.

Letting out a weary breath, Zavier raised his head. Every family had cried at the news of their lost ones. None of them had yelled at Zavier, but he wished they had. He would have deserved it, their lives were given for his.

Somehow the thought of the betrothal to Lydia eased his pain. Their sacrifice would mean that a kingdom was saved. Their deaths meant something more than helping a fifth son of the King survive. Their deaths could never be repaid. But they didn't have to be meaningless.

At the sound of distance hoof beats, Zavier rose and crossed to his window. Coming through the palace gates was a group of riders. Zavier watched as they drew closer. Though they all looked road-weary, the rider in the center stood out.

Zavier spun away from the window. Too fast. His still healing side flared with pain and he gritted his teeth. Pressing his hand to the wound, he headed out of his room. Joric stood at attention in Zavier's sitting room and furrowed his brow at seeing Zavier holding his side. Before he could speak, Zavier waved him off.

"I am fine," he said, pulling the door open and hurrying out.

As Zavier descended to the main floor, a maid paused in her task. Zavier didn't let her voice her concern, one goal in mind. By the time he stepped out of the front doors, the group of riders had arrived in the courtyard and dismounted. Though they all were all dirty-faced and dressed in common attire, the center rider had a bearing the others did not.

"Dimitrius," Zavier said.

The group parted and the Crown Prince went to greet his brother. He stopped himself before he embraced Zavier, noting the way he held his side.

"I came as soon as word arrived," Dimitrius said. "I am glad you are alive."

"Me too."

The brothers embraced though Dimitrius took pains not to aggravate Zavier's injury. As stable hands appeared to take away the tired horses, two figures raced around the side of the palace. All sense of dignity was thrown out as Nolan and Quinn barreled into their brother. Dimitrius laughed and shoved them before they could all fall down. No longer were they Princes, but boys happy to be reunited with their brother.

"This is new," Quinn said, gesturing to Dimitrius' scruffy jaw.

"What does Sophia think of it?" Nolan asked. "Priya told me that if I ever grew a beard she would no longer kiss me."

"How she can manage to do it even without one is surprising," Quinn joked.

Nolan pushed his brother's head which only made Quinn laugh.

"Sophia will never see me with this," Dimitrius said. "She is still with her sister, will be until she can meet her niece or nephew."

"More time away from you, she must love the freedom," Quinn said.

This time it was Dimitrius who made a swipe at Quinn but he was faster this time. The easy, taunting manner of his brothers filled Zavier. Despite how much he'd love traveling, this, these moments were ones he missed. The only missing piece was Killian, who delivered out more cutting quips than Quinn and got into more fistfights than any of them.

As Dimitrius shared an encounter from his feverish journey home, he clasped a hand on Zavier's shoulder. The single gesture spoke volumes, the news of Zavier's early arrival home had worried Dimitrius, though he would never say it.

Something flickered in the corner of Zavier's eye and he turned his head. Lydia stood on the balcony at the edge of the palace, watching the reunion. Even from where he stood, Zavier could see the touch of amusement in her eyes but the sadness in her shoulders. Breaking away from Dimitrius, he took a step towards her and raised his hand to her.

"Princess," he said. "Please join us."

Lydia came forward, and the conversation behind Zavier stopped. Lydia dipped into a curtsy before Dimitrius. In return, he bowed.

"Forgive my appearance and my smell, Your Highness," he said. "I have been riding for four days. It is a pleasure to meet you, I am sorry it is not under better circumstances."

Zavier saw as Lydia warmed to Dimitrius and his honest manner. He knew this was what would make him a great King, he was genuine and aware of his own faults.

"Thank you," Lydia said. "I didn't want to intrude, you're friendship is pleasing to see."

"I am happy you see it so," Dimitrius said. "Others might see my brothers and me as unmannered." He grabbed Zavier's shoulder and jostled him affectionately. "This one, in particular, is a rapscallion. I wonder how you have put up with him during your stay here."

Zavier elbowed his bother, who only grinned at him. The teasing and taunts didn't bother him. Instead, he held onto them. Seeing them in the light of Lydia's loss.

"Our first meeting he was well behaved," Lydia said. "But I must say that for our second, I was the ill-mannered one."

Dimitrius raised his eyebrows, curious while Nolan and Quinn exchanged a look. Zavier almost laughed. Their second meeting had been in an alley and she'd pushed him into a wall. She'd been so angry. But beyond that, he'd seen her grief. Seen his grief reflected in her eyes. The rawness of it had struck him in the chest. They were two ships tied together by the same endless ocean.

Before the story could be demanded, the front doors opened and their parents rushed out. Grinning, Dimitrius swept his mother into a hug and she held him. As everyone watched the sweet moment, Zavier watched Lydia. She blinked hard like she was fighting off tears. He ached for her, seeing the moment as she would: something she would never experience again.

Remembering how she'd reached out to comfort him on the ship as they'd sailed into the harbor, he reached for her. He touched her hand, letting her know she was seen, she wasn't alone.

She didn't look at him as she released a wavering breath, but she took hold of his hand.


As the family rose from the table, Zavier turned to Lydia. She'd been quiet throughout the meal, only speaking when others asked her something. Her eyes had betrayed a mix of warmth and grief.

"Princess," Zavier said. "Do you still wish to visit the park tonight?"

Lydia glanced towards where Dimitrius stood with his parents.

"I don't wish to take you from your brother," she said.

Even as she said the words, Zavier noticed the light of hope and eagerness in her gaze.

"Do not worry, I know Dimitrius is worn out from his travel and will retire early. We can still go."

Lydia smiled slightly. "I would like that."

Zavier faced his family. "The Princess and I are leaving you. Dimitrius get some sleep, you look terrible."

Dimitrius grinned. "You compliment me, brother." He bowed his head to Lydia. "Enjoy your evening, Your Highness."

Zavier and Lydia left the dining room and outside, Zavier sent a servant with a message to Joric, telling him to assemble their guard. They then made their way to the stables. Neither of them spoke. Since the first time they'd gone to the park, it had become a nightly ritual. Vic greeted them with two cloaks and Zavier's sword. Zavier took Lydia's cloak and draped it over her shoulders. He then strapped his sword around his waist. As they waited for the arrival of their guards, Lydia spoke.

"I like your brother, Dimitrius. He is not what I expected."

"More unruly than you imagined?"

"A little. Corwin was always...stiff." She turned her head away. "Though knowing now the type of the weight on him as Crown Prince, I can't fault him for his manner."

"My brother takes after our mother, he loves with his whole heart and that makes him a friend to all."

A tiny smile played on Lydia's lips. "I admire him for that."

The guard arrived, their uniforms exchanged for more discreet plain clothes, though they were still armed. Two of them headed out then Zavier and Lydia followed. Joric trailed them closely, with a second pair of guards bringing up the rear.

As they left the palace behind, Zavier watched Lydia. The first time had been to see how she was doing. The panic in her face had pained him. It was more than feeling trapped but feeling lost. The second time they'd left he happened to glance at her. Now it was a habit. Each time they moved beyond the walls, she let out a breath and her shoulders relaxed. He felt like he was seeing someone let go of their formal manner. He knew the feeling.

In the palace, though he felt at home, there were people watching. As a boy, he hadn't cared about causing mayhem where ever he went. But as he grew up and understood the role he held, he donned the behaviors befitting a prince. At least he did most of the time.

But beyond the walls, out in the city, at sea, he no longer felt their constraints. He could be the wild boy he'd been.

"What does the full moon symbol represent?" Lydia asked, breaking into his thoughts.

Zavier gazed around him. The symbol dotted the city, carved into flower boxes, stitched onto banners, stenciled onto window panes.

"It is Loria's symbol. At the end of summer, we have the Full Moon festival. It represents the start of a new year."

Lydia searched about, seeming to find each symbol.

"In my Kingdom," she said. "Our new year starts in Spring. The celebration is called Hava. It happens when the first of the buds appear on the trees. On Hava, everyone must give a gift of a plant to someone they have wronged and accept every gift they are offered."

"What does the plant represent?"

"A new beginning, a clearing of the past, and a hope of something new."

Zavier smiled. He liked that, the reminder that past failures or mistakes could be forgiven and new bonds could be made. A startling thought struck him, he would celebrate Hava with Lydia. Trying not to think of the mix of emotions that brought up, he spoke.

"Who did you gift a plant to last Hava," he asked.

Lydia colored and knotted her fingers together. "My sister, Vienna."

"What for?"

She flushed a deeper shade of red and Zavier laughed.

"It must be something interesting if you are that embarrassed."

Lydia tried to scowl at him but he detected a glint of amusement.

"I stole one of her favorite hair combs and damaged it beyond repair."

"And did she forgive you?"

Lydia blinked, her expression sobering. "She did. She had to. But even if she hadn't, she would have. Vienna always forgave me for my mistakes no matter how disastrous they were."

As Lydia finished speaking her voice was barely above a whisper and Zavier heard the note of remembrance. He said nothing, not wanting to intrude on her memories of her sister. Instead, he led her down the side street and towards the park.

As they drew closer, the guards split, each of them positioning themselves at one of the entrances to the park. Joric alone kept followed Zavier and Lydia, his focus always moving, roving the surrounding homes, looking for signs of danger in the windows.

Zavier and Lydia made a slow trek through the trees. At the heart of the park was a fountain that bubbled happily and two curved stone benches that offered rest. Overhead the stars winked in and out gauzy clouds. Floating on the cool breeze were the whispers of voices from the homes.

Though their silence was comfortable, Zavier wanted to speak, to keep building the connection they'd made over the previous nights walks. One built on stories of the West Isles, safe topics of what it's like to live there. In turn, Zavier shared stories of growing up, traveling around with his horse trainer grandparents, traveling to different places on The Duke with Alwyn's family.ย 

Bit by bit, the barrier of uncertainty had broken down until what was left was understanding and friendship.

"How are you doing, Princess?" he asked.

Lydia met his gaze. "In what regards?"

Zavier spun around so he walked backward, facing her. "Whatever regards you feel you can share."

"I don't know. I am more accustomed to this place but there is still so much that's different than I've known." She hesitated. "There is something I miss but I know it is silly to miss."

"What is that?"

Lydia couldn't keep her eyes linked with his and inspected the trees about them. Seeing her uncertainty, Zavier bridged the gap.

"I miss swimming," he said.

This brought Lydia up short. "You do?"

"Yes. When I traveled with Alwyn and her family we would make stops at small uninhabited islands from time to time. Cyrus, Alwyn and I would go swimming. I miss the feeling of being weightless, of drifting through the water."

Zavier remembered a time that he and Alwyn had swum at night. The ocean had been lit by hundreds of glowing fish. It was unlike anything Zavier had ever seen before. The world had seemed to be made of magic.

"You would like to swim in the West Isles," Lydia said. "My father taught me how when I was only five. The water is so clear that you can see to the bottom."

Zavier smiled, pushing away his memories. Maybe there would be a different type of magic in the sea of the West Isles. "Then I have something to look forward to."

Lydia smiled like she enjoyed the thought of showing him her world. It was a soft, tentative smile. One that made him want to find it again. They continued their slow pace through the park, absorbed in the peacefulness and the presence of each other.

"I miss trousers," Lydia said.

Zavier laughed and she smiled embarrassingly but there was a lightness about her countenance that said she didn't mind all that much.

"That's what I miss," she said. "I miss wearing trousers. To my family's constant horror I would wear shirts and trousers. I found them easier to run in and steal food in."

"Did you often steal food?" Zavier asked.

"Yes. Stealing anything else wasn't as much fun."

"I would steal my brother's shoes," Zavier said. "But only one of a pair."


"Yes, I once stole every left shoe Nolan had and he stormed around with a single shoe on."

Lydia laughed and the sound flitted around them, bringing a smile to Zavier's face.

But before the sound even faded, a sharp choked cry cut through the air.

Zavier whirled around in time to see one of his guards drop to his knees, a blade protruding from his stomach. Lydia screamed as the attacker yanked out his sword and stared directly at Zavier and Lydia.

Zavier grabbed Lydia's hand as he shouted for Joric. Lydia stood completely petrified and stumbled as Zavier pulled her towards the street leading back to the palace. Joric appeared at Zavier's side, aiding Lydia in gaining her footing again. As they raced away, Zavier unsheathed his sword. Lydia faltered again and Zavier had a strange thought that she was right, trousers would be easier to run in.

At the street entrance, they came to an abrupt halt as the guard positioned there struggled to fight off four attackers. Joric sprinted forward to help. Heart pounding, Zavier stayed where he was, keeping Lydia close to his side. His promise to Wilder rang over and over in his head. Keep the Princess safe.

At Lydia's gasp, Zavier swung around to see the attacker, who'd killed one of his guards, charging forward. Pushing Lydia behind her, Zavier raised his sword blocking the man's attack. His side spiked with pain but the adrenaline roaring through him kept him focused. He struck at the man, fury quickening his blows until the man fell the to ground.

Zavier spun around, looking for the next sign of danger. Lydia stood frozen, her breathing panicked as she stared at the blood soaking the attacker's shirt.

Zavier didn't have time to pull her from her daze when more men barreled towards Zavier from the other side streets. He felt a surge of fear at seeing more than he could handle rushing towards him.

Keep the Princess safe. The promise beat against him and he shoved aside his fear. The men came at Zavier and he fended off their strikes with all his might. He would keep the Princess safe. He promised.

But as he landed a vicious cut to one of the attackers, he felt a sharp crack against the back of his head. Pain exploded inside his skull.

He crumpled to the hard stone, trying to call out to Lydia as the world turned black.


WOAH! Did you know there was a cliff edge here?

*looks over the side and sees you glaring up at me*

What are you already doing down there?

Because you already left me on one cliff hanger LAST CHAPTER AND NOW THIS IS ANOTHER ONE!!

Oh! That is true, isn't it? *sits down and dangles legs over the side* So... Zavier and his brothers, Zav and Lydia, the attack, how you feeling about it? Feel free to scream, rant and use all caps. ๐Ÿคด๐Ÿพโš”๏ธ๐Ÿ›ก

I don't think writing a group of brothers and their dynamics will ever not make me think of the Keller brothers (A Secret Service for those random readers who have no idea who they are).

I love writing brother dynamics, I grew up with five brothers and watched them bicker and make fun of each other all the time. There's something so wonderful about brothers, they will piss you off like no one can but when it comes down to it, they have your back.

Question for you dearest dearie reader: What book have you read that had really fun brother dynamics in it? (Give me the author too so I can look it up)

Reader question from Fashionista203: Do you have a favorite book you've written?

Jawaabta qoraaga (Somali): I'm one of those writers where my current project is my favorite, because as a writer it's the best of my ability. Something that's small in this book and probably not noticed by many is my final understanding and use of description.

I've finally figured out how to use description to enhance the story itself. It's either used to contradict the feeling the character is having. Such as the day being peaceful in description while the character feels like a mess. Or it brings out a calming aspect that mirrors the characters emotional state.

For me I'm excited to finally understand this! It's only taken me elven books to make happen.

Haha but that's how it goes, each story teaches me something new.

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