Ornshaw X Reader (part 2)

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(Y/N) = your first name


Today was Friday. You entered the school grounds a lot more confidently, knowing that you just needed to get through one day before the weekend came. That, and the fact that you had friends at the school now. Speaking of your friends, as you roamed the corridors looking for your English class, you didn't pass any of them.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Ornshaw suddenly appeared next to you, making you jump a bit at the unexpectedness of his arrival.

"Hey, Ornshaw. God, you scared me!" You breathed, recovering from the fright.

"Sorry," He laughed. "Have you got English now?"

"Yeah, I've been trying to find the class for the past five minutes." You replied as the two of you walked up the stairs to the next floor of the building.

"Oh just follow me, I've got that class too." He motioned you to follow him down another corridor. Within twenty seconds you had arrived. The both of you took your seats, just as the teacher arrived. Thankfully she looked a lot nicer and younger than your Latin teacher.

"Okay, class get out your books and turn to page ninety-seven while I take the roll." She stated and began to read out the names of students, stopping when a certain boy didn't reply.

"Daniel Latimer?" The teacher repeated, peering at the students over her reading glasses. Ornshaw and yourself exchanged looks of concern, realising that neither Daniel or Melody had arrived to class yet. She crossed Daniel's name off the list, marking his absence, and did the same when Melody's name was read.

After English, it was apparent that the two had not turned up at school at all, so at lunch, you and Ornshaw sat alone on the oval trying to spark conversation.

"It's a bit suspicious, isn't it? The two of them being away on the same day." You told Ornshaw.

"They've probably gone to the beach together or something like that. Done it before." He sneered.

After this, you sat in silence for some time, not having anything else to talk about.

"So," He finally said. "Tell me about yourself."

"Okay well, I've got a pretty normal family, nothing too exciting really. We moved here not long ago for work reasons." You said.

He nodded in response.

"What about your family?" You inquired.

"Nothing to say really. Ain't got much money. Have to look after my Grandpa most of the time." He looked down. "I know it's not great... but I get by."

You moved closer so that your shoulders were touching. "If you ever need anything-" You started.

"No, no it's okay, don't worry about me," He tried to sound happy as he said this. As a matter of fact, you were very worried.

"Hey, listen do you wanna go to the movies tomorrow for something to do?" He asked shyly.

"Sure," You responded. He smiled at you and butterflies erupted in your stomach. You were glad that you could have some time alone with him. Ornshaw was an interesting character, and you really wanted to become closer to him. Maybe this could be your chance to do just that.


The next day you met Ornshaw at the movies at 11 am, instead of worrying about walking there together. You greeted each other and headed inside to buy the tickets. Although you insisted, he paid for both of your tickets with the small amount money he brought.

"I'm paying you back, you know." You said as you both sat down.

"No, your not. I was happy to pay. Anyway, the guys should always pay for the ladies!" He smirked.

"Okay, okay, but next time I'm paying for the lot!" You smiled.

After the movie finished the two of you decided that your outing wasn't over quite yet, and after much convincing, Ornshaw decided he could trust you enough for you to see his house. According to him, he never let anyone over in fear of them judging him. You told him that nothing could change your opinions on him, especially since where he lived didn't matter at all to you.

You caught the bus there as it was about a 15-minute walk from the cinema. The sun was shining through the window making you feel warm and cosy as it shone onto your face. When you looked in Ornshaw's general direction, he quickly snapped his head so he was looking at the seat in front of him suspiciously.

"Were you staring at me?" You laughed.

"What, no of course not..." He replied guiltily.

"Come on don't lie, I saw you!" You exclaimed.

"I couldn't help it." Ornshaw smiled at you.

Before you could say any more, the bus stopped and he stood up to get off. You were utterly confused. Did he like you? All of the signs pointed to 'yes,' but the only thing you knew for sure was that you certainly couldn't help liking him.

"Coming?" He said, snapping you out of your thoughts. You followed him down a row of rather nice houses, but turning the street found you both coming across a lot more shabby houses. Ornshaw's house was rather run down but wasn't as bad as he described it. As you looked at his house, he surveyed you nervously.

"We can go somewhere else if you wa-" He began, sounding defeated.

"What are you talking about? Don't worry so much!" You stated as you walked through the door.

You talked for a while about the insane amount of Latin homework you both had to complete before Monday, sitting on a small couch in the lounge room. Suddenly, he draped his arm over your shoulder, making you jump in surprise. You didn't know why, but all of a sudden it seemed like the right time to tell him how you really felt.

"Ornshaw-" You began, but before you could finish your sentence, he bet you to it.

"I like you." He stated quickly. Silence followed as you tried to process what he had just confessed.

"...I like you too." Was all you could manage to mutter.

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