63. The Heirs Plotting

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Vincenzo was making the most of his time with Letizia as he was watching her make him a sandwich. He was as picky as he could be driving Letizia insane. He kept changing his mind about the toppings and Letizia was losing her patience. Vincenzo ordered her to make a sandwich for him and also he chose the toppings for the sandwich he ordered her to make for herself.

As they reached their table and sat down, Vincenzo smiled at her, "ladies first. Why don't you try the sandwich you made for yourself?"

Letizia pushed her plate away " I am not touching this. I don't eat these kinds of toppings. Who eats all these toppings together?"

Vincenzo stated " Welcome to America. These toppings are normal here."

Letizia crossed her arms over her chest " Some Americans are crazy then. Who eats, three different types of cheese together with mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, mint sauce altogether and ...."

Vincenzo shrugged " Try it."

Letizia stated " No, This is too much... I will die if I eat all this. When we make pizza even in Italy we have one topping. That's it. Who eats all these ingredients in one go in one sandwich?"

Vincenzo chuckled and picked up his sandwich and took a bite while looking at her with amusement. As he finished eating his first bite, Letizia sighed " Why are you eating so slowly? You are doing it on purpose..."

Vincenzo shook his head " The sandwich tastes nice. I like to remember it." That wasn't entirely true. The sandwich did taste nice but also Vincenzo liked to annoy her for longer and liked the idea of sitting opposite her like a date even though it wasn't a date. This was about a lost bet and she was forced to sit with him till the end.

Letizia huffed " I can't wait to get out of this place. End of term comes and I am gone."

Vincenzo froze " Wait.. What? You are leaving for Italy again?..." His tone turned hard.

Letizia sighed " I meant for holidays. I am spending the summer in Italy with my grandparents. My parents are going there for one week and have to come back for business because their business head quarters is now in New York but I want to come back in September."

Vincenzo didn't like the idea of her leaving the country " You are not leaving this country.... Not a chance." He then took a bite of his sandwich with looking at Letizia with a disapproving expression.

Letizia was outraged. She couldn't help laugh bitterly " What do you mean I am not leaving? I am going on holiday where I want. I need some peace and quite from this country. It wasn't enough my parents sent me to American school in Milan so I get into a top American college but that brought me here too. I don't like it here. The egos of guys are so big."

Vincenzo frowned " Who's ego is high? Name anyone except Tristan and I who make you feel threatened and I will sort them out for you. There are no excuses. You are staying here for the summer. I asked my father if he could arrange for you to have internships where I do for summer and he said he will organise it and let your father know. You can't leave the country. Never again unless I come with you. I could come with you for a week or two maybe to Italy. I have other things to do other weeks..."

Letizia pointed her finger at him " Are you serious?  Are you telling me that I should take you with me to meet my grandparents in Italy you mean? Not a chance. You will freak them out..."

Vincenzo stated " Your father likes me."

Letizia sighed and pressed her lips. Her father indeed liked Vincenzo before meeting him. His family was invited to their home. Her father didn't just welcome just anybody to his dinner table but Rosarios were more than welcome. She whispered " He loved your present and not you,"

Vincenzo laughed " Are you bothered by that?"

Letizia sighed and stood up " I  am getting a drink and if you think I am taking you to see my grandparents you are wrong. Maybe if it's got internships I would stay here for a few weeks but when I go for visits you are not coming."

Vincenzo chuckled "Good luck getting out of this country without me. My father has officials working for him in every airport. They would report to him if a Maricano gets within their premises. I will make sure of it."

Letizia gave him an annoyed look and walked away in frustration towards the drinks bar.

Vincenzo sat there as he was watching her walking away with heavy footsteps as he took another bite from his sandwich. The view was perfect from where he was sitting. He watched her go to the self service bar pouring herself a drink as she remained at the bar unmoving staring at the Cinema screen in the room that played music.

Letizia was resisting glancing at Vincenzo at the other side of the room. She needed some space and she was glad Vincenzo didn't follow her. She was also glad no one tried to talk to her. She wasn't going to appreciate it. She was not in the mood. She hated losing arguments with him. What if he could force her to stay here even if she wanted to have some private vacation away from all this nonsense. She just wnated to take a moment to get away from Vincenzo. She couldnt believe how much her life had changed since coming to America. Her parents had given her the option to stay with her grandparents but she didnt want to stay in her school in Milan. She just didnt fit in that well when she enjoyed hobbies only boys did and she always challenged all authority. She just wanted to be the dominant force where she went. She didnt want to be ruled.

She didnt see eye to eye with the boys back in her school in Milan because she didn't give into their games of dominance and they saw her as not so girly that made her feel like an out cast. The girls also didnt get along with her much because she had fights with their boyfriends all the time. She called it defence for her dignity. They called her tuochy but she didnt like being   but now coming here she had seen this place was much worse. Suddenly she saw Angelia coming towards the bar. She narrowed her eyes at her. She was her rival. Her vice captain in the kickboxing squad but she didn't get along with her. Two people not appreciating being dominated did not enjoy being under the same roof.

Vincenzo knew Letizia was just using her time at the bar to take a breather from him. He watched her getting into a deep conversation with Angelia. He didn't mind. His girl was the captain of kickboxing team and she was allowed to talk to her team mate even if Vincenzo hated her. Besides women were civilians and rules didn't apply to them. Of course none of the boys had picked Angelia to make them a sandwich out of fear of being accused of fancying her and rocking the boat with Vincenzo.

But vincenzo was not concerned with what was being said between his girl and Angelia. He was more amused that she wanted to kill time. He was sure of it. But little did she know, he was going no where. In his household dinner time on Fridays was much later meaning his curfew time was pushed to much later. He didn't need to be home any time soon like the rest of his peers so he was going to make sure he kept her waiting there for as long as he wanted and he was going to order her to make him many more sandwiches. If she wasn't going to date him then she had to make up for it. He had all the time he wanted to force her spend time in his company after losing that bet with the girls.

As Vincenzo was just watching his girl talking which more looked like arguing with Angelia, he heard Tristan calling his name. He turned and saw him sitting opposite him. " Where did you come from?"

Tristan retorted " JFK airport... where do you think I come from? I was just upstairs."

Vincenzo looked at the set of stairs that lead to the spot opposite his table. He nodded " What do you want? I am watching my girl. You are disturbing my time. Make it quick."

Tristan looked at Letizia and sighed as he looked at her " Of course it's all about your girl. She is distracting you from your sister. You should be looking out for her more. I need to talk to you about Vienna...."

Vincenzo was listening intently now " Why? What's happened?" If anyone else talked to him like that he would have responded with hostility and even violence especially if they brought Vienna into the conversation but of course Tristan wasn't anyone. Whatever he wanted to tell him about his sister must have mattered. He had to hear it. He couldn't afford to insult him and lose the privilege of hearing his words concerning his sister. He knew Tristan for a very long time. He recognised his tone. He knew this was serious.

Tristan leaned back in his chair and offered his hand across the table to him.

Vincenzo chuckled " What's this business about? Do you want to arm wrestle?

Tristan rolled his eyes " No. I want you to shake my hand and make a deal with me."

Vincenzo responded cautiously " What kind of deal?"

Tristan stated " A deal that would mean .... You would agree to my methods."

Vincenzo defended " Your methods are not so different to mine..."

Tristan stated " Do you want to hear about your sisters well being or not? Make a deal that you will follow my lead and would not act solely. I will plan this or rather we would plan the solution to this problem I am about to tell you but the plans would be on my terms and methods...."

Vincenzo stated " No deal then."

Tristan stood up " Fine. Enjoy the rest of the day." He then was about to walk away but Vincenzo ordered " Sit your backside down. Your really think I would let you walk away? I need information."

Tristan sat back down " Then make a deal. Shake on it." He then offered his hand towards Vincenzo " Shake on it that you will work with me and we will do this my way. This is about Vienna. If you think I am going to let you scare her to death with your methods then you are wrong...."

Vincenzo stated " Go on... I am listening... and your methods are super perfect. Are they? You and I are the same..."

Tristan nodded " Yes.... We can achieve the same outcome if we plot separately. I have no doubt. We can both protect Vienna.... with many methods. However, I need it to be my way this time and solely my methods. Once you hear what I am about to tell you then you will surely take this home with you. I don't want that for Vienna. We will resolve this in school where the problem belongs."

Vincenzo was looking at Tristan with narrowed eyes as he was contemplating his words. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back. He was weighing his words. Just then he heard his girl shouting. His attention was diverted away from Tristan. He watched Letizia and Angelia pushing each other. They were coming to blows. He watched in satisfaction as his girl picked up her drink glass and aimed it at Angelia but to his disappointment she didn't throw the glass at her. She just poured the water over her face that gained a chuckle from him. The place fell silent now except for the music on the screen. Everyone was watching the fight.

Angelia wiped her face in disbelief and narrowed her eyes as she grabbed a glass of drink from the bar and threw the contents at Letizia's face. Then that did it. Letizia attached and so did Angelia. The punches as kicks went everywhere.

Vincenzo was quick to arrive at the scene. He instructed the Rosarios standing in the corner. One of you restrain Angelia.

Viggo had already approached the scene. He pushed back Alexander and grabbed Angelia off Letizia as Vincenzo did the same.

Vincenzo whispered to her " Calm down. This is O'Neil property. School property. You don't want detention with Dr O'Neil. Trust me."

Letizia noticed the guards around the room who were talking on their walkie talkies."

Tristan instructed them " Its all under control. Disperse guards."

The guards turned off their walkie talkies after they declared it was all well and went back to their posts and back to resembling statues almost as they looked motionless and emotionless once again around the room.

Vincenzo whispered " Let's take a walk.," He then dragged her towards the balcony as he called to Tristan " I want her expelled. Expel Angelia."

Tristan shook his head " Don't be dramatic. A warning is enough. Your girl doesn't have a scratch on her."

Vincenzo turned sharply to him "Then, talk to witch of oz and tell her what will happen if she attacks my girl again and if the next time there is a scratch on her...." He then dragged Letizia out onto the balcony and closed the door behind him.

Tristan sighed. Vincenzo knew full well that Letizia had attacked Angelia first. She was at fault. Not Angelia. But of course it was the rule of power hierarchy to condemn the weaker party with less influence. He walked to Angelia who was being restrained by Viggo " Angelia, I want this issue sorted between you and her. She is your captain. Talk it out with her or Vincenzo will talk it out with you. Your choice. Now go cool off out of Vincenzo's way unless you are ready to build some bridges. Go for a walk. Take my suggestion."

Angelia wasn't happy but had to say yes " Sure. I will take your suggestion. I am sorry...." She then tried to break free but couldn't get away from his firm grip on both her arms behind her back." Angelia groaned and turned to Viggo " Let go. You heard Tristan.... Viggo."

Viggo was in a different world. He was touching his girl. He felt strange. He felt right to hold her. He wished he could put Letizia in her place for attackong her but couldn't just because she was his brothers girl. She was untouchable and only Tristan ironically was the only one that could protect Angelia. Tristan could have sent Angelia to detention room if he hated her enough. He could get her expelled if he was one easily influenced by Vincenzo but he wasn't. He was fair to Angelia and he was grateful for that. Viggo then noticed he was holding her for too long so he let go and immediately missed her touch as he watched her walk away to the exit.

Tristan looked around " The fight entertainment is over. Get back to your  tables."

The room suddenly became busy again and everyone found looking at their sandwiches and talking to each other more interesting.

Tristan turned to Viggo " You could get burnt Viggo if you play with fire. Don't turn a woman into your weakness....."

Viggo froze. Tristan then walked away leaving Viggo confused and shaken up. Did he know? He hoped not. What did he mean. He didn't dare ask? If he knew why didn't he out him to Vincenzo?

As Tristan left Viggo standing there frozen in shock Tristan walked up the stairs to see Vienna. He walked in the private area and watched in satisfaction that she had listened to him and was eating her sandwich but she always ate so slowly. It was as though the food was melting in her mouth. She was so graceful even when having a sandwich. Tristan sat opposite her and watched her slowly as she are the rest of her sandwich as she glanced at him.

Tristan explained " Once you finish, there is a hot sandwich to make. I am still hungry."

Vienna finished eating her last bite. "I love toasting sandwiches."

Tristan thought to himself " Oh I know. That why I suggested it."

Vienna then got up and walked quickly down the stairs. She walked to a sandwich counter and Tristan followed close behind as he was enjoying watching her. She quickly got on which making sandwiches as she opened a bun spreading butter over it.

Vienna questioned " Do you want lettuce?"

Tristan chuckled. Even though he had told her he didn't mind the toppings  she kept asking him what he wanted. Even if she offered him plain bread he didn't mind as long as her hand touch it. He just was loving her closeness. He took a step closer to her and stood right behind her " Vienna. Don't ask me again. I eat anything. Just make anything you like.... If you don't want to make it, I will take over.

Vienna shook her head " I like making sandwiches."

Tristan thought to himself " Of course you do. You will take any excuse not to look into my eyes and avoid me. I am going no where. You are only mine."

Vienna got busy not even able to imagine what Tristan was thinking as he was watching her with his intense stare. She carried on putting olives, tomatoes, green peppers and mayonnaise on the cheese sandwich. She announced " I will heat it up."

Tristan thought to himself. "Your hotness is enough for me. No need." He then watched her go to the electric sandwich heater that melted the cheese. She put the sandwich on top of it a turned to Tristan. "It would be a minute."

Tristan nodded "One minute is fine." He then thought to himself " I will wait a lifetime just to taste what you have made. Take your time and just whatever you do dont bite your lip to show off what I can't touch unless your father interrogates me which hasnt happened yet."

Vienna was looking at the heater waiting for the cheese to melt in the sandwhiches. As the cheese was melting, she spoke "They look good. They are toasted now."

Tristan nodded at her "It looks good." He then walked to the grill and used a tong at the side to remove the sandwhich. He then put it on a plate and told her "I cant wait to taste this." He then cut the sandwich in half as he thought to himself "But I want to taste your lips more than this...."

Tristan sighed and thought to himself "I will toast and roast the entire suspected male population like that sandwich so no one would dare even ever dream of asking you out again. You are only mine."

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