31. Family Moments

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Tristan woke up to the sound of his alarm clock. He opened his eyes and looked at the rays of sunshine coming through the windows of his bedroom. He sat up and grabbed his trousers off the floor.

As Tristan was putting on his trousers he was smiling at the thought of Vienna and memory of his encounters with her yesterday. Seeing Vienna was indeed the brightest part of his day every day but yesterday, there were some breakthroughs that brought a smile to his face.

At the auditions she had managed to let him hold her hand and didn't pull away. They also had a long talk which was filling him with a sense of relief. It counted as improvement how she was willing to have a conversation with him without trying to avoid him yesterday at the auditions.

When he looked back he could say with certainty that it came so natural to him to sit next to her and hold her hand. It came natural to him to pour his heart out to her. It came as natural as breathing. She had confided in her and so had she. She had slowly given her some details of her life as he had pushed on while they were sitting at the auditions. There was nothing else to do but talk or listen to each other since they were the first to audition and they had hours ahead of them.

Tristan just wished he could find a way to get her to warm up to him faster and to find a way to stop her from avoiding him and running away from him. She was shy. But also she was scared of him and she had proved it by her reaction to the slap scene at the audition. The thought of it made his blood boil. She had actually thought he would have hit her at that audition.

Tristan cursed Edward Blake and Azurine in his mind for writing such lousy script. Her reaction had really thrown him off. It confirmed to him she was intimidated by him but why? He had never hurt her. He had never talked to her threateningly. Why was she in the mindset that she actually thought he would raise his hand on her? He would have never done that even for a school play as part of an act. Even if it was acting he couldn't pretend to hurt her that way and would not have accepted such role.

Tristan sighed in frustration. Was it so hard for her to understand that he intended to love her and protect her for the rest of his life and always? Was it?

Tristan had many fantasies about her. He had the urge to want to hold her in his arms and kiss her sense less as he protected her. He had to wait and it was worth it. He couldn't wait for the day to come when she was ready for him to touch his lips to hers and hold her waist in his arms in a firm grip not letting her go. He had fantasised about such intimate contact with her alot recently.

Tristan thought back to his childhood. He always felt protective of Vienna but he had fallen for her when he was 12. When his father had found out he loved Vienna no thanks to Trent telling on him, he had been advised him to keep his feelings to himself for as long as he could and he had. Now three years had passed and he had reached his limit. The instant his brother had delivered the news that Edward Blake was moving onto her, he had thrown all his father's advice out of the window. He couldn't risk it. He couldn't let her fall in love with anyone else before he even had the chance to tell her how he felt. Of course she was not ready to go out with him yet but he wasn't surprised. She was an innocent girl.

Tristan looked at his desk and smiled at the only sign of her that he had in his room. He had no picture of her but he had some portraits she had drawn inside a book. He had once come across her drawing book in a bin at the Rosario mansion. It was Vincenzo's doing throwing away her portraits but at that occasion he hadn't tried to give it back or confront Vincenzo. He had taken it since no one was looking. He had the portraits now and her drawings were quite exceptional. He loved them and couldn't understand why Vincenzo hated her drawings so much. Drawing was Vienna's hobby according to her that helped her distract herself from whatever was going on around her. She had honestly admitted that him at the auditions.

Tristan couldn't understand why Vincenzo had a problem with what his sister loved to do just because he didn't approve of it. Maybe it was because Vincenzo was more of a dictator.

Tristan never called himself a saint and was a dictator in some ways but there was no way Tristan was ever going to ever treat his sister, Clarisa in that manner that Vincenzo was treating Vienna when it came to judging his sibling's hobbies. Overall, Vincenzo was a jerk sometimes to his siblings. Tristan's father had the theory that Vincenzo was alot like his grandfather, Paulo Rosario. But Tristan couldn't tell if it was the reason for Vincenzo's jerk like behaviour since he had never met Vincenzo's grandfather and neither did he think that Vincenzo had met his grandfather. He had asked Vincenzo once and he hadn't confirmed or denied it which was a typical Vincenzo style response. Tristan knew he was going to clash with that head-case soon unless he changed the way he treated Vienna. For now her father was protecting her against Vincenzo which was a relief otherwise he had to confront Vincenzo and it became messy when it happened. It was a miracle Vincenzo and Tristan were so civil and in peace just because they had to be to in order to keep their basketball team joined together and stronger. It worked for now but he wasn't sure for how long.

Suddenly a knock came on his door. It was his father " Are you awake son?"

Tristan walked to his bedroom door and opened it. He smiled " Good morning father."

Emanuelle nodded "Lets go running son."

Tristan walked alongside his father and then found himself in a head lock as his father grabbed him . His father asked " Do you prefer me or your mother as company? Tell the truth."

Tristan laughed "Both."

Emanuelle let go of him and messed his hair with his hand as he carried on walking "Good diplomatic answer. I need you on my side or the Giovannis may kill me in my sleep one day."

Tristan smiled "Father. They are not plotting to kill you."

Emanuelle sighed "Really? That is not what your mother said. I asked her what the meeting she had yesterday was about and she said they were planning my death."

Tristan sighed "Don't worry. The Giovannis were at the meeting but no one mentioned killing you."

Emanuelle spoke "Really? That is good to know they are not trying to kill me. I am the only child. I have insecurities."

Tristan stated "But you have to lay low father.... You should stay away from Grandpa Giovanni for a while. You joked too much with him the last time you saw him. He feels insulted abit. He calls you the insolent son in law."

Emanuelle sighed "I know. Your grandpa doesn't take jokes very well. Especially when I joke about Italians, he takes it too personal. It's hard to be the only Irish in their family so why not try to brighten things up with humour."

Tristan turned to his father "Is it true he tried to kill you once? He said you two were on a hunting trip in a group and he shot you by accident and missed. He regrets missing of course."

Emanuelle laughed "Oh, he didn't miss, son. I was wearing a bullet proof vest. Your old man doesn't go unprepared where there are fire arms in your grandpa's hands"

As Tristan and Emanuelle walked down the corridor, Trent came outside his room and muttered a good morning and avoiding Tristan's gaze.

Emanuelle picked on that of course "Tristan, why isn't your brother looking at you. Did you have a fight again? Did it happen last night when I asked you to go ask Trent what you missed?"

Tristan stated "It happened at school. He got on my nerves and I didn't trust myself not to smash his head in. So I didn't go to see him last night."

Emanuelle asked "What caused this in school?"

Tristan stated " You told us to try to leave our disputes and quarrels in school where it belongs so we shouldn't discuss that father."

They had reached the door of the mansion. Emanuelle opened the door and spoke "Tristan. Tsk Tsk. Don't get smart with me?"

Trent left through the door and Tristan was about to follow but Emanuelle put his hand in front of him blocking him "Say something nice about your baby brother."

Tristan sighed "Father... Fine... He is an exceptional pain in the backside."

Emanuelle gave his son a serious look "Don't get smart with me. Tell something nice about him. What will you do without him?"

Tristan rolled his eyes "He has my back because he is my brother. He is the only O'Neil except me."

Emanuelle smiled "That wasn't so hard to admit. Was it?" He then turned to his younger son outside "You heard that? He still remembers why you matter. So smile, sport."

Trent couldn't help but laugh at the expression on Tristan's face. He didn't look pleased at all. It was like that all the time ever since they were children. Their father couldn't stand it if they had a frown on their face and reminded them family mattered while brightening the mood with his jokes and sarcastic remarks.

Emanuelle turned to his older son "Come on. Now tell your brother he is forgiven for whatever he has done. Come on son. Haven't I taught you anything? I had a near death experience once as you know. I went to a coma and people pronounced me dead. Your mother even tried to find another man for herself...."

Trent cringed and Tristan complained "Father... Enough. Too much information"

Emanaulle spoke "Life is too short son. In this life the only one who will have your back is your family. Now tell your brother what I asked you and you will forget whatever happened or and if I find out the issue remains, you will be answering to me tonight in my study and you will be sorry Tristan." His tone was no longer playful. it was firm and had promise behind it.

Tristan was frustrated "Fine. It ends here father." He turned to his brother "You are forgiven. But watch your step. If you pull that stunt again, I would kill you." He was refering to him fighting Viggo in front of Vienna and Clarisa and ignoring the pleas from girls telling them to stop. It was hard for sisters to watch their brother getting bashed up. It had really upset them and they had ignored their pleas to stop which really made Tristan cross with Trent.

Emanuelle smiled "Good. Now lets run."

Tristan and Trent wordlessly followed their father around the O'Neil compound as they ran for an hour. After that Emanuelle lead the boys to the gym and they did some stretches and weight lifting.

When it was all over and Emanuelle left the gym, Tristan stated to Trent as they were drinking water "Work those muscles with some weights. Will you? So Viggo doesn't kick your back side again."

Trent defended "It was an even fight. Ask Clarisa."

Tristan hit the back of Trent's neck with his hand "Don't push your luck. Father saves your backside again. You are lucky as always." He then walked away and made his way to his bedroom to take a shower before breakfast.

Trent whispered when his brother was out of ear shot "I know that. You forgive but won't forget. Ever."

Trent knew he was lucky. If Vienna was upset, Tristan was ready to forget he was his brother. Vienna was one lucky girl. He then sighed and went to his bedroom.

When Trent and Tristan arrived in the Kitchen, Clarisa was sitting having breakfast with their mother as their father was not there.

Tristan and Trent muttered a good morning and sat down having breakfast. Minutes later, they saw their father coming to the kitchen and his children greeted him with a good morning but Sancia ignored him and flipped through a magazine she had in her hand.

Emmanuelle went to his daughter first and planted a kiss on her hair "Good morning princess." He then moved to his wife and kissed her cheek "Honey. Sorry I was held up on the phone."

Sancia raised an eyebrow and looked at him "Who was calling you at this time of the day? Don't these people know they shouldn't disturb us at this time?

Emanuelle sat down and smiled "It was Francesco. He was asking about the arrangements needed if he was to accompany Vienna on that trip."

Tristan choked on his orange juice "What? He is letting her go?"

Emanuelle stated "Of course. His wife thinks Vienna should go if it's safe. So he is showing up. It should be fun a trip to Nasa with him."

Tristan asked "can I come?"

Emanuelle stated "Hell, no. Kid, count your blessings. You escaped him once. It wont happen again unless I prepare you for it."

Sancia turned to him "Isn't our son good enough for him? I say, Tristan should go on this trip to prove a point. Our son is no body's door mat."

Emanuelle turned to Sancia "Honey. He is not a door mat. I just want him to be well prepared."

Sancia shook her head and took a sip from her coffee was about to retort back but O'Neil changed the subject " Honey. These pancakes are delicious. They go well with the Irish cream. Do we have some more?"

Sancia got up and brought another pan from the hob to the table "Just as she set it down, Emanuelle grabbed his wife's waist and pulled her towards him. "You are the most irresistible woman on earth. Why don't you miss work today?" He sat her on his lap and kissed her lips.

The children at the table looked away shaking their heads. They were used to their parents showing affection in public. They were the opposite of the Rosarios who were quite conservative in many more ways.

Sancia pulled away and whispered "You can't sweet talk me. I am not letting go of my ventures you talked to me about this morning. Don't even try it." She then got up from his lap.

Sancia sat down next to her daughter and spoke "Darling. Don't forget we are having afternoon tea with the Hillary Corporation. You need to dress more smartly.

Emanuelle frowned "She looks fine, Sancia. My princess doesn't need to dress up for anything."

Sancia turned to her husband "I tell her to get changed and she will."

Clarisa didn't want her parents to argue so she spoke "Sure mother. I will get changed after breakfast. You can choose my outfit." She then gave a nervous smile to her father who wanted to argue back but he stopped.

Emanuelle didn't like how his wife was putting pressure on his children. They were meant to have a childhood. He was going to have a word with Sanica later. He talked to her about her unreasonable demands often but mostly it fell on deaf ears. But sometimes she temporarily backed off and took it easier for a while after they talked.

Breakfast went by quickly and there came a time for Emanuelle said goodbyes to his wife and children and left to his head quarters in the city centre for work. The children were of course driven in their mother's car to school.

As the children got off the car, Sancia separated Clarisa and took her to her office to instruct her most likely about her expectations as the boys went towards the cafeteria to wait for a long time since they were way to early to school.

Tristan's eyes narrowed as he saw Viggo walking inside the library. He was going to confront him for sure.

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