17. Unpredictable Rosarios

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The dinner table was dead silent ever since Piero Rosario had said his meal time prayers which coincided with Paulo rolling his eyes and looking around. There was alot of tension in the air. It was impossible not to feel it. Costanzo, Francesco and Adele were eating with their heads down not daring to make a noise or look up to make the situation worse. Ever since Paulo and Piero had come to the dining room, they hadn't spoken any words and hadn't looked at each other. Paulo had a stony face and giving nothing away. Piero also looked thoughtful but keeping his passive, unemotional expression not giving anything away. It was clear that from that day, their relationship was not going to be the same. Piero had said things he couldn't take back. Neither could Paulo. Paulo could be losing out on his long awaited revenge on his wife and Piero could lose the heir he had his eyes on to train one day. It was obvious the conversation had come between their brotherly relationship.

It hadn't helped the situation when, one of the maids had spilt wine all over the table as she had poured down a drink for Piero. As Paulo had taken out his gun to shoot her, Francesco had stopped him by making the excuse that it was his fault and he had kicked her from beneath the table. Luckily the maid had escaped but this action hadn't escaped Paulo's eye. He was going to bring it up for sure. He wasnt a man who held anything back.

Minutes later Paulo cleared his throat and spoke in a firm tone "Francesco, why did you save that woman? Why did you stop me from shooting her. You have seen me do this many times before to those who work for me. You never once complained. What is going on with you. Don't even dare give me the excuse that you kicked her. Since when do you take responsibility for the failure of others. Tell me. Has your uncle Piero turned you soft in Oklahoma by taking you to church every sunday? Is that what has changed you?"

Piero turned to Paulo "That is enough. I didnt turn him soft. Your eldest son is tougher than you think....... I can't say the same about your younger son though."

Paulo shook his head "I wasnt asking you Piero. Keep out of it. I am talking to my son. Answer me Francesco. Why have you turned so soft suddenly?"

Costanzo and Adele were looking at Francesco worriedly hoping he wouldnt displease his father in any way by his next words. Francesco was looking at his father with narrowed eyes and he had balled his hands into fists on his lap. He was holding himself back. He gritted his teeth "Really father?" He then laughed bitterly "Do you have any idea what nonsense you are talking about? You made me do my first killing when I was 9 years old. I ran away from home. You caught me and you forced my hand on the trigger as you made me murder the guard who had lost sight of me when I had made a run for it on my way from school. You made me who I am from that day onwards. I lost all emotion after that day. My soul was already ripped apart so I felt that I had nothing to lose after I did my first killing and the first of many. I killed more and more people after that with no remorse whatsoever. You dare accuse me of being soft when you made me who I am and you know full well I am not soft. You raised me. You know your own son. Don't you dare call me soft father."

As Francesco finished his sentence, Paulo suddenly started laughing and poured himself some wine still chuckling to himself.

Adele was too numb and in shock. She was frozen in her spot and devastated at what she had heard. But things were about to get worse unless she interfered. She could sense the danger of Francesco's temper getting out of hand. Adele came out of her shock state and grabbed his arm trying to calm him down. This made him closed his eyes and take a deep breath and he spoke "You can call me anything else, father. You can accuse me of anything else. You can do anything to me but .... But you can never accuse me of being soft since you kicked out my humanity out of me the moment you made me commit murder when I was a child. "

Paulo stopped laughing but he had menacing smile on his face "You are right son. i should never doubt you. I raised a real Rosario. No wonder your uncle wants to take you away from me. Maybe its the best time to break the news. One of you would be going to be living with your uncle whenever he demands it. He chooses one of you to train to manage his assets. For our joint assets, you will be managing the business jointly." He then turned sharply to Piero "Don't forget that if any of my sons find out about the other side of our deal, you can't have any of them. I am serious. I don't want them to know anything about our deal and know about the whereabouts and the new identity you have in mind for the troublesome prisoner in your possession."

Piero looked back at Paulo with annoyance "I don't wish to discuss this any further especially at the dinner table. You were the one who insisted on not disclosing any details of our deals in front of your sons. Don't break your own rules now. But to put your mind at ease, I agree with your condition gladly. I have my reasons. Now if you don't mind I wish to eat my dinner without the reminder of our deal. I may make the worst deal I could ever make tomorrow morning. You can't blame me for contemplating my decisions for as long as I can. You will get an answer tomorrow morning." He then went back to eating.

Paulo spoke " Very well. You have till tomorrow. But I still think my sons are better off living with me. Your way of life won't toughen them up like how mine would."

Piero spoke "You are wrong. If you are referring to Francesco speaking up for that maid to save her life, you can't blame him for stopping you from killing your own servants for no reason. I never kill my servants unless they betray me. Francesco is not soft."

Paulo spoke " I know my son better than you do. I called him soft to get a reaction out of him and I did. I expected him to have a more drastic reaction but I guess he respects me more than I know. But if you are wondering why my son is acting so strangely considerate is all no thanks to you allowing him to date this girl she has found in your small town. You should have home schooled my sons. But damage is done and Francesco is protective of the girl enough not to want her to see blood. He doesn't want her to see how we live and how we rule so he doesn't scare her off. Regardless of which son your are choosing as your heir, you will forbid him from dating any girl for at least another 10 years. That is how long it takes for their training to be complete." He then turned to Francesco "The first thing you will do is to get rid of this relationship."

Francesco held Adele's hand and spoke "What are you implying father? Adele is my girlfriend. My uncle never forbid me from bringing any girls home so you shouldnt speak with disapproval and such .... threatening tone. I need to know if you are threatening Adele by questioning our relationship. She is to be my future wife."

Paulo spoke firmly "I am not threatening her. She is nothing. She is no threat. I don't need to eliminate her. But she will be a threat to you if you keep her by your side. You must get rid of her by breaking up with her or I will break you up in a more painful way for her. Your choice Francesco."

Francesco whispered " I can't. I love her."

Paulo spoke "Its just teenage love or whatever it is called. Its hindering your progress in your field. I am telling you now that whatever it is between you and this girl, it would stop when your uncle returns to his town with those doctors. I will give a warning to her parents too. She is not come into contact with you from now on or I will intervene. So use the next day or two to say your goodbyes. When your uncle leaves this house, this girl leaves too back to that town."

Francesco was stiff and unmoving. He whispered " Why? She is no threat to us. She is not influencing me at all. Why not let her stay."

Piero laughed and turned to Paulo "I think you are onto something. Francesco's actions seem to be protective of this girl. I say, you should let Francesco keep contact with this girl but he must show our way of life to this girl. She needs to know what Francesco wants to let her into in future. She may run a mile. I wouldn't blame her if she does. Our life is not for everybody." He then turned to Francesco "But I think, its better if you get rid of her now by scaring her off rather than realise you have wasted so much time on her years later"

Paulo turned to Piero "That's not what I meant. Its no concern of mine who he marries and what that woman he chooses to share his life with would think of his business. He can lock his future wife up in his bedroom for all his life to keep her if she doesn't accept his life. That's not the issue. Piero. This girl is bad news since she is a distraction. My son seems to care too much for this girl and too soon. He should only think about being tough enough and strong enough to lead my business empire. That's all that should be on his mind. If you decide to take Francesco as your heir in our deal tomorrow morning, you must order him not to ever see this girl for at least another 10 years. That's how long it would take for him to be trained to learn to govern a business like ours. You must enforce it from tomorrow morning. if you take Costanzo too. You must also forbid him from dating women until his training is complete and he takes over. Look at both of us. If we hadn't married so young, we would have had an even bigger empire. Your wife's memory has taken over your life and my ex-wife set me back many years with her stubbornness...."

Piero looked enraged "Don't mention my wife as though her memory is trouble for me. I choose to let my wife's memory take over my life. I love her and I have no regrets of marrying her. I cherish that one year that I lived with her over a life time with any other woman any day. Also hold on a second. What do you mean by enforcing the rules from tomorrow. I am taking one of your sons when he turns eighteen."

Paulo spoke "You have your terms and I have mine. I have decided to bring in a new term into our deal. You are taking one of my sons from tomorrow. I take the other one. I won't see the son you take from now on except for Christmas. Separation would help them toughen up."

Piero spoke "This is the most outrageous thing you have ever said today. What am I going to do with Costanzo or Francesco in that small town. There is nothing to do there to get good practical experience of what happens in big cities. You might as well wait till they finish school. We will send them to that boarding school in Nevada."

Paulo spoke "Not a chance. Going to school will turn them soft. I don't want Francesco to find another girl. I want full control over their upbringing. If you can't handle my terms, forfeit the son you are taking. Whichever son you take you will home school. I suggest you move to Texas. I stay in new York. Get your lawyer to hire some descent tutors."

Piero was displeased. He banged his fist on the table and startled the youngsters sitting opposite him. Paulo on the other hand remained calm and passive. Piero was looking at his brother with pure rage "Are you trying to say that I am incapable of raising a son? What's with all these conditions."

Paulo spoke "Of course not. It is just some friendly advice. Nothing else."

Paulo spoke " Keep your opinions to yourself. But I will still consider homeschooling."

Paulo spoke " But again, never mind me. You may change your mind and want no heirs by tomorrow." He then took out his cigarette and was about to light it up which made Piero frown " The doctor told me I am not allowed to inhale cigarette smoke. I am vulnerable die due to side effects of my coma making me weak for now."

Paulo rolled his eyes and got up " Nonesense. These doctors are giving you this instruction just in case something happens to you, we don't hold them responsible. But fine. I am going outside. I have to speak to my guards about making some arrangements for your surprise party tomorrow in honour of your dismissal from hospital. All our allies are coming by the way."

Piero was looking at Paulo with disbelief " What kind of surprise party is this if you are telling me what's happening tomorrow in my honour?"

Paulo shrugged " Your doctors insisted that your heart is not stretched in any way. Surprises can make you suffer a heart attack. We don't want that do we? If you die, then who is going to be the one hassling me about having heirs. I would miss your persistence. So lets keep it surprise free to put less pressure in that heart of yours. I have arranged for you to be transported to Oklahoma immediately after the surprise party tomorrow night. I thought making arrangements to leave may put some strain on your heart. You are getting old brother." He laughed to himself and walked out of the dining room.

Minutes passed in silence after Paulo's departure. None of the youngsters wanted to breathe a word. They were afraid of the outcome. The tension was still in the air.

It was Francesco who broke the silence " Uncle. Can you tell us what's going on? Why do you wish to break our family apart. Why are you doing a deal with my father than makes my brother and I to get separated. Just ask for something else in exchange in this deal you have with my father."

Piero spoke " Your mother broke up my family by helping my wife escape all those years ago. I think the least your father can do is forfeit one of his heirs for me to train. I call it justice."

Costanzo spoke " You are doing this on purpose as revenge since you have no wife and children. But Francesco and I had no role in your family breaking apart. Why should we have to be punished for your suffering. Is this some kind of sick revenge?"

Piero spoke firmly " This is no punishment. This is no revenge. I am going to choose one of you to raise and train to take over my businesses in my own way. In case you haven't noticed my way and your father's way is quite different despite many similarities between how our organisations operate. I want my heir to be molded in my image. Not your father's."

Francesco protested "But what about how Costanzo and I feel? We are brothers. You can't do this. We are your nephews. Why should we be separated because you want heirs?"

Piero spoke "Enough Francesco. I think you must learn that you and your brother are just kids. Your father and I are making the decisions for now. When you grow older you can rule with your own terms. Now you must take orders only. You also forget who's life I have in my hands. Your mother's life is in my hands. If you resist, she is dead. I assure you."

Francesco spoke "You won't kill her. You need her to find your wife."

Piero smiled wickedly "Maybe I already have found my wife. You can't be sure."

All three youngsters gasped. Francesco muttered "Impossible. You are bluffing."

Costanzo spoke "If you have found your wife, then why do you need to take one of us as heirs? You can marry your wife and have sons with her now. I refuse to believe you have found your wife."

Piero spoke "Maybe I already have a son with her. Maybe she was pregnant with my son when she left me."

Francesco spoke with gritted teeth "If you do have a son then why do you want to take one of us?"

Piero spoke "Maybe, the son raised by my wife already has his loyalties and I would never be able to toughen him up enough to take over my business. Maybe this son of mine may only be good for becoming a lawyer or an accountant in my organisation."

Costanzo spoke "Uncle. This still makes no sense. If you have a son, you can leave Francesco and I alone. just train your own son if you have one and have more children."

Piero spoke "But I do need one of you still. I need a born leader. Not a lawyer, leading my organisation. You and Francesco are born leaders. You even have potential even though your brother does most of your fighting for you. As it stands, if your father raises you alongside your brother, you would be a lawyer. But if I take you then you become a great leader. I assure you. You are surely fixable if I toughen you up abit."

Francesco raised his voice "I can't believe how cunning you are. Why have you tricked my father? We eavesdropped on you when you had a meetings. We heard everything. We know my father doesn't have to hand you any one of us if you find your wife and have kids. Its the whole point. You blame him for not having heirs. Now that you have a son, it changes things. The deal is off. You can set our mother free without fearing that our father wouldnt hand any one of us over to you."

Piero spoke "I don't think its wise to raise your voice at me Francesco. You forget another thing Francesco. Now that I have found my wife, I don't need to keep your mother alive. Have you ever thought of that. If I choose you, your father will kill your mother. If I choose Costanzo, then your mother can live anonymously away from you all alone but alive and well."

Costanzo swallowed hard "Please choose me. You can't hand over our mother to our father please. I will be a good trainee. I swear it. I would do anything you ask of me."

Francesco narrowed his eyes " You wouldnt dare get our mother killed. I would kill you myself if you dare put her in danger deliberately."

Piero spoke "Wrong move Francesco. You forget who you are talking to. Don't ever threaten people more powerful than you. You can't kill me since if you do, someone in my organisation may find out and my lawyer has orders to make arrangements to kill all the loved ones of my murderer unless they are Rosarios. So Adele and her family would be dead. Trust me, my lawyer has their address and names. I know how dangerous you are. No one on this earth would dare kill me but I believe you would if you wish it. But I have insurance as you can see. Adele and her family die if you touch me. You can't kill your father either, his organisation knows who you love and they operate in the same way as mine. If you kill your father as the leader of his organisation, your loved ones die but you and your brother will be spared since you have Rosario blood to save you from a painful death but Adele won't be so lucky. Now my favourite nephew, would you like to carry out your threats or you are going to join your brother and try to convince me to let your mother live by choosing Costanzo as my heir."

Francesco spoke " I am ashamed to call you my uncle. I won't forgive you for breaking our family apart. But I want my mother to live and I want you to guarantee her safety. I would do anything if you guarantee her safety. What do I need to do to make you choose Costanzo?"

Piero smirked "You won't need to do anything. But, you and Costanzo owe me for saving your mother's life."

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