Chapter Fifty

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Chapter Fifty

It was midmorning by the time Mitch and I left the restaurant and went our separate ways. Mitch mentioned wanting to go visit with an old friend for a while, but he didn't say who. And I didn't press for a name.

I, on the other hand, told him I was going to pay Ethel's sister a visit. I still hadn't paid my respects to the family I had grown to know rather well over the years. There was another reason I wanted to see Edith. Perhaps she could shed some light on how Ethel had spent her last hours before she disappeared.

Edith lived in a big old house on Center Street. The house was well maintained over the years. The front and back yard was like one big flowerbed. Along the front porch tulips stood in full bloom and in a variety of colors. The flowers were the one bright spot in an otherwise dreary morning, I thought as I appreciated their beauty a few seconds more before going up the porch steps.

A multitude of food aromas drifted through the front screen door as I reached up and knocked. I tried to ignore the smells, and my stomach that gave out a hungry growl. The cereal just hadn't done the job it was supposed to do.

"What a pleasant surprise," Edith said with a smile as she crossed the front foyer headed in my direction.

"Morning, Edith," I said, and returned her pleasant smile with one I hoped didn't look forced.

"Well, come on in, girl."

I did. I stepped inside the house with its alluring odors that continued to torture me.

"I was just getting dinner 'round for the youngin's, you know. They'll be here soon as church lets out," said Edith, looking over her shoulder to make sure I was following her lead down the hallway and into the large kitchen. She tilted the lid on the large kettle that was about to boil over on the stove and turned back to me wiping her hands on her apron.

"Let's have us a little rest," she went on to say as she pulled out a table chair for me and another for herself.

I sat down and watched her shove aside plates that had been set at the places in front of us before she had a seat.

"So, how have you been, Fay? I didn't have a chance to talk with you at the cemetery yesterday." Her tone had softened with sadness by the time she finished that last sentence.

"I was shocked about Ethel."

"We were all shocked, girl. Terrible thing that was done to my sister. But I have faith the police will find the bad person who done it."

"So the police have talked to you, then?"

"Lordy, yes. Several times. They keep askin' the same questions. And I keep tellin' 'em the same answers. Guess they think I might remember something else each time they come back."

"What kind of questions do they ask?"

"You know, when the last time was I saw Ethel. If there was anybody new in her life she talked about."

"Was there?"

Edith jumped up and gave something on the stove a stir. Then she returned to her seat and finally answered me. "No one new that I know of. Last Sunday dinner was the last we seen our Ethel, you know."

I thought about bringing up Angel's name. To hint about whether Ethel might have mentioned her. But I didn't have to. Edith did it for me.

"It's a blessin' the Lord sent Angel into Joe's life at this time."

"Isn't it, though" is all I could say.

"Such a sweet young thing. Joe told me all about things, you know, when he stopped by yesterday. Said Ethel knew all about the girl's mama. Angel must a been a big surprise to him, though."

"So what did Ethel think about Angel?"

"Don't know if Ethel got to meet Angel before...Well, you know what I mean."

"Suppose Angel could tell you if they ever got the chance to meet, though."

"Angel never said anything at the funeral about what a wonderful lady Ethel was? Or something that would make you think they had met?"

She looked off into space, as if she was giving it serious thought.

"No. She just said how sorry she was."

Edith's youngin's, as she put it, who are all of the adult age, and one my age, started filing into the house. I was invited to stay for dinner and accepted the invitation without hesitation.

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