T H I R T Y - F I V E

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'You look so dumb right now

Standin' outside my house

Tryin' to apologize

You're so ugly when you cry'



It consumed Mayalika it's great waves - racking her body with loud sobs. She didn't know whether to blame her hormones or the overwhelming feeling of betrayal. Ralph covered his head with his paws; stretched along the backseat emitting low whines.

Mayalika quickly wiped her tears, glancing up into the rearview mirror, catching sight of a blue car trailing behind her. She knew it wasn't Omari, all his cars were luxurious or expensive, unlike the beaten-down Beetle that was trying to look inconspicuous.

Maya took a deep breath. She turned left, taking a long route towards the bakery; sighing in relief when she watched the Beetle drive past on the main road.

Although the car had left her alone, she still couldn't help the feeling of being watched that shook her.


Mayalika hurriedly shut her car door; going to the backseat to hurriedly get Ralph out. She didn't want to be out here anymore than she needed to be what with the mere prospect that someone may have been following her.

Maya yearned to grab her phone and call Omari - King yet the fact that he was probably behind this maybe one of his enemies deterred Mayalika from doing so. Instead, she grabbed Ralph's leash, dragging his towards her Grandmother's bakery.

If anyone did try to kidnap Mayalika, she would already be prepared. Her grandfather had made sure she and her siblings were trained to protect themselves. To this day Maya always carried a switchblade in her bra and a small handgun in her purse.

The familiar tinkle of the bell rang when Mayalika stepped into the bakery - the lunchtime rush in full swing.

"Excuse me, ma'am. If that isn't a help dog your gonna have to take it outside." A voice sharply commented. Maya pursed her lips, quirking a brow as she turned to stare at the owner of the voice.

She was a fairly beautiful girl with short brown hair and large bow-shaped lips that complimented her big doe brown eyes. She stood in front of Maya, holding a tray that was loaded with various drinks. She must've been new because Mayalika hadn't seen her around before.

"I'm Abba's grandaughter, Mayalika. Is she here?" Maya inquired politely.

The girls' eyes widened in shock, "Your Mayalika? Umm...no she isn't here today she said she was taking the day off." The girl answered.


"Is Jayda here then? She must know where my grandmother is..."

The girl shook her head, "Jayda hasn't shown up in weeks. Listen, if you want to find Abba she'll probably be at home," The girl beamed reassuringly before rushing off to go deliver the drinks.

Maya let out a shaky breath, anxious to go back outside.

"Well Ralph, I guess we're going to Abba's," She smiled wearily.


Maya rubbed soothing circles on her stomach, leaning against the railing of her grandmother's porch while she scanned her surroundings. Although her grandma's neighbourhood was relatively safe; she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that consumed her.


Maya spun around, her hands quickly dropped from her firm stomach as she gazed into eyes identical to her chocolate brown ones.

"Javion!" She beamed, running into the arms of her brother. Old spice invaded her senses, his signature scent for what had been 13 years.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were busy with the company in New York?" She questioned.

Javion opened his mouth to answer but he was interrupted when Abba called from inside the house, "Let the girl in first!".

Javion quickly stepped aside letting his baby sister inside before shutting and locking the door. 'You could never be too careful,' Mayalika thought.

Abba sat in the living room, she smiled in glee when she watched her two favorite grandchildren enter. Abba looked towards her grandaughter who had cautiously entered her living room - her eyes puffy and skittish she knew something was off about Mayalika.

"Me and Omari are...on a break," Maya calmly stated, taking a seat on the plush sofa, sinking into the plush interior. That caught Abba's attention, she stared at Mayalika in shock

"What?" She gasped, "You two were lovely together."

"Yeah well, he just...was not who I thought he was," Mayalika mumbled. Javion stared closely at his little sister - he and Abba both knew there was more to the story but they wouldn't push her it would only make her retreat even further.

"How's everything going in New York?" Mayalika questioned. Abba scoffed leaning back as she waited for Javion to speak. Javion ran his hand over his hair, his brows knitting together as he thought over what had since conspired.


The tension in the Wilkes family could've been cut with a chainsaw. Since the dinner 7 months ago, it was like everything that had happened in the past was now forgotten and all the children cared about as the well-being of their mother.

Xamilia had insisted that Vanessa get medical help which had ultimately led to her wanting to travel the world to try and find out who she was as a person as all she had been doing since was a young adult was be a wife. She wasn't anymore.

Mayalika had spoken to her mother once on the phone in which they had both had a lengthy conversation about their strained relationship. Vanessa had been jealous of Mayalika and had lashed out on her - for which she apologized and they were now working on mending their broken relationship.

Unlike Xamilia, who still held a deeply rooted grudge towards Mayalika and made a point to let it be known. Rumour, however, had it that her husband was sleeping with an Instagram model by the name of 'Seduction' who was supposedly expecting his child.

Unlike his sister, Malakai was working on building a relationship with a girl he had met, Mia she was called. He and his baby mother were trying to be cordial with each other and support their daughter who was due to go to middle school this summer.

Jerome was the only one whose life hadn't been drama-filled since he was posted in Iraq. Unlike his twin, Javion who was under the pressure of handling the Wilkes empire since his father had run off to Paris with his new girlfriend - giving everything over to Javion and claiming an early pension. Only keeping 25% shares and a seat on the board.

No-one had spoken to their father apart from Malakai who saw it unhealthy to hold a grudge. He had claimed the girlfriend was nice although she was two years older than his youngest child while their father, Cain was just about to turn 58.

Abba was greatly disappointed in her son; although she knew their marriage was arranged she never expected him to cheat on Vanessa no matter how vile she was.


"So you've forgiven your mother?" Abba reclined further into her seat. Ralph, taking this as an invitation, trotted over to Abba, placing his muzzle in her lap - closing his eyes when she began to stroke his pelt.

"I've not forgiven her. I'm learning to and I think you should too," Mayalika responded.

Abba scoffed, "When pigs fly."

Javion rolled his eyes discreetly at his Grandmother. She was always known to be overly dramatic. Abba had once thrown a glass of champagne at his best friends' wife on her wedding day - claiming it was because she looked like she could do with a cleanse.

"I can't wait to graduate next week, it's long overdue..." Maya groaned massaging her temple. After a lot of late nights studying and recuperating with a jug of coffee in the morning, she couldn't say she'd miss the experience.

"You need a break." Javion frowned down at his baby sister, worry etched across his face.

"If I recall correctly I remember you saying Veronica asked if you wanted to go with her to the first destination on her trip," Abba smirked, scratching Ralph behind the ears.

"You should go!" Javion grinned, tapping Mayalika gently on the shoulder.

Mayalika shook her head, "I can't just leave...what about the bakery? Or Omari? I know where not together right now but we need to be together for the sake of our b-" Maya paused before she revealed herself. Abba already knew about her pregnancy but Javion didn't and she wanted to keep it that way for just a little while longer.

"For the sake of what?" Javion egged on, quirking a brow.

"For the sake of our relationship," Maya mumbled.

Javion looked like he was going to press her further but his phone rang; taking the call he walked out of the room giving Maya a 'this isn't over' look.

"You need to tell him soon." Abba reprimanded.

Maya sighed, "I know."

"Well at least think about it, Maya. You only live once. Especially before you have a child," Abba smiled wistfully as if remembering something.

"Also between me and you. If you think what you have with Omari is it for you, try to listen to him. Everyone's not perfect remember that Maya." She calmly advised.

Maya furrowed her brows. She opened her mouth to speak just as Javion walked back into the room, tucking his phone into the breast pocket of his blazer.

"I have to go Grandma. I need to go meet with this investor." He pecked both of their heads before heading out.

"I guess that's my cue too." Maya sighed standing up, "Could you look after Ralph until graduation?"

"Of course," Abba nodded, "Just be safe dear is all I ask." Maya agreed before turning and leaving the house and hurriedly walking towards her car.

Not knowing where to go next.


She watched as Mayalika left her Grandmother's house, slipping into her car and peeling off of her driveway down the street - not with her too far behind.

Her black gloves clenched around the driver's wheel as her auburn eyes narrowed; trying to keep on Mayalika's tail

They were now on the main road, slowing down as the lights turned red. She hoped Mayalika didn't look into her rear-view mirror and catch her burning gaze. Not yet at least.

She made sure to stay at least one car behind her, turning left whenever she did or making a sharp turn right. That is until Maya indicated onto a slip road, more deserted.


She pressed on the gas, speeding up so that she was no longer trailing her but right behind her. That's when she looked. Her eyes were full of panic and anxiety.

Just what she wanted.

A smirk played on her lips as she sped up - bumping into the rear of her car. That seemed to speed her up. It was alright though, she liked a chase. Like a rabbit being chased by a predator, Maya sped up anxiously glancing behind her as she scrambled to locate her phone.


She quickly pressed his contact - no reply. She tried to press again but she jolted forward as she was hit again. Maya's main focus was getting into plain view and protecting her baby.

What a stupid decision on her part it had been to take this side road. She had come this way to go to her favorite spot, a clearing in the woods where she would always find herself during her teenage years.

Tears of frustrations clouded Mayalika's vision as she desperately tried to speed up her car but to no avail, she could still see the blue, beaten beetle ramming her as it tried to make her stop.

Then, there came a narrow corner - turning sharply right. Mayalika's eyes widened in surprise. She never remembered this part of the road.

Maya stamped on the brakes, trying to slow down but it seemed as if she was only speeding up.

With one final push, the beetle watched as the car soared into the air, spiraling out of control as Mayalika's piercing shrieks cried out from inside before it plummeted with a loud crash.

Then it was silent. The car tilted from side to side like an unsteady boat before settling the smell of petrol filling the air.

She smiled; stepping out her car, walking towards the wreckage. Maya hung upside down, cuts littered her body from where the glass had cut her and a long gash on her cheek seeped a deep violet.

She pulled out her phone, pressing the only contact saved.

"It's done."


V O T E | C O M M E N T

I know I said I wasn't updating for a while but I do mean it now...I'm at the part of the book where I'm now writing the Epilogue. 

I don't really have much to say - I was planning on leaving it for the A/N I'm going to be posting next. I do have a question though:

Do you think they deserve a happy ending or...no?

I hope everyone's staying safe x


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