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Septem Peccato Mortalia.

"Six things the Lord hateth, and the seventh, his soul destesteth."

Haughty eyes.

A lying tongue.

Hands that shed innocent blood.

A heart that devises wicked plans.

Feet that are swift to run into mischief.

A deceitful witness that uttereth lies.

Him that soweth discord among brethen.

The Lord is truly an amazing being isn't he? My heart swells with joy whenever I think about his greatness!


I don't believe in Gods.

I believe in things that are known and seen.

Because isn't it frightening to face something you don't even know exist? Isn't it scary to cling on something that you can't even see?

Hopes lead to expectations and expectations lead to disappointment, which then leads to unfaithfulness and will eventually bear hatred.

That's right. The higher the expectation, the harder the betrayal.

From the moment we were born we are all forced to think that there's this superior being that created the whole world and all of life in this planet.

I didn't believe it.

I pursued the knowledge of science. I became someone you call a scientist and an atheist.

Until I was forced to believe in God.

I studied something unforgivable and the punishment is greater than death.

They said a person is composed of seven deadly sins, I figured I had eight.

I threw mine away, and . . .

. . . They lived on their own.

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