Ch. 51~ Secrets Everywhere

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Mona POV

I sat in the back of the limo as Ian sat next to me. My mother and grandmother sat across from us with their heads down wiping their silent tears. Today was the day my grandfather's ashes would be laid to rest. The bomb that went off did so much damage that they weren't able to recognize some of the staff that worked there.

We were headed to the graveyard as cars drove slowly behind us. The FBI was working on who could have possibly done this but it seemed their efforts weren't good enough.

My grandmother had taken it the hardest. She said that she had lost her best friend, lover and comforter. Mrs. Rochelle Harris had not only buried her only child and son, but today she was burying her husband. When she got the news she had a panic attack. She cried out as she was mad at the world. She said she should have been there and then she could have been with her husband as they both would have perished together.

I was afraid that she would do something so I begged my mother to stay with her. I figured I had Ian and now my grandmother needed someone. My mother and grandmother got along but believe me they did butt heads only because they were so much alike.

Ian put his arm around me as I laid my head in his chest. He kissed me on top of my head and intertwined our fingers. I was so happy to have him next to me. Darren would have never been by my side and I would have had to suffer through this by myself.

The limo pulled up next to the family's crypt as our family, friends and dignitaries crowded around. My grandmother and mother sat down as I sat down next to them. My great aunts, uncles and cousins were right behind us along with Alexis and Cason. The burial was brief and everyone said their goodbyes.

The tears began to flow as I thought of the child that I would never get to hold. How could someone cause this much grief? We went to church, we helped in the community we did the right things and still we had to suffer undo pain.

Ian touched my shoulder lending me his strength. My heart hurt so much I thought it would exploded. Once everyone said their goodbyes we walked away and got back in the car. The drive to my grandparents house was short but with the stolen memories it seemed forever. I wasn't in the mood to chitchat so I went upstairs to an empty room.

"Get some rest. You just got out the hospital yesterday and it's been a long day," Ian said.

"Will you hold me?" I asked.

"Of course."

He took off his shoes and got in the bed with me. He held me as I cried in his arms. He told me everything would be okay and that the people who did this would get what was coming to them.

"You promise Ian," I asked snuggling up in his chest.

"I promise," he said as I drifted off to sleep.


Once Mona had fallen asleep I eased out the bed and headed downstairs. The crowd had thinned out as I saw Rochelle sitting down talking to an older gentleman.

"You must be Ian Harrington, Mona's fiancé? I'm Clarke Harris, Steven's brother."

"Nice to meet you," I said shaking his hand.

"How is Mona?"

"Still shaken up but she's resting."

"That's good," he said taking a sip of his drink. He looked as if he wanted to say something else but just stood there.

Clarke Harris looked like a no nonsense kind of guy. He was tall, light skin with a prominent nose. I could see the resemblance to the Judge.

"Mr. Harris it seems like you want to ask me something?"

"Mr. Harrington I'm not sure if Steven told you but I am the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia."

"No he didn't mention anything to me."

"I see. Do you mind if we take this conversation to his office?"

"Sure," I said trying to figure out what this was all about.

We passed everyone and headed for the double wooden doors. When I entered Clarke closed the door, walked around and sat in the chair.

"Have a seat," he told me. He opened a drawer and pulled out a file. It was pretty thick with papers in it. He slid the folder to me.

I grabbed it and looked at it.

"What's this?"

"I'm sure you are aware that Mona's ex- boyfriend is named Darren Smith, and he is a complete asshole. Steven never liked him. He suspected that he use to beat Mona but he had no proof. What he did find out was that Darren was in the drug game. Darren wasn't the smartest guy as we found out but is just a helper. The question is who is his boss?"

"I only met him once at the ball," I said tighten my jaw. I knew that Darren wouldn't hit another woman again. I also knew they would never find his body.

"Mr. Smith is actually missing. It seems he got on a plane after the bombing but his flight never made it to it's destination. He was picked up and somehow brought back to Atlanta. We are not sure if he was apart of the bombing or if he's here because of something else. Mr. Smith is a dangerous man. He has a police record as long as my arm. The reason why I am telling you this is that we all love Mona and it would kill me to see something else happen to her."

"No one will hurt her," I said sliding the file back.

"I've noticed you have bodyguards around her. Do you know something I don't?"

"I love Mona and after the explosion I have taken it upon myself to make sure she is safe and that includes Darren getting anywhere near her."

He nodded. "I'm sorry to hear about the baby."

"Thank you."

"So when are you going to tell Ann and Rochelle that you and Mona are officially married?"

The question took me by surprise.

"I'm the only person besides Steven that knows and I will keep it that way because this is the happiest I've seen Mona in a long time. I like you Ian because you don't take any chances."

"I love Mona."

"I know you do. I've watched you this whole time and you have been the strength she's needed. She loved Steven as if he was her second father. After her dad died, Steven tried picking up the slack and now I feel like it's my duty to take Steven's turn."

"I'm sure she will appreciate that."

"I hope so. Ian I feel that you know something I don't. Son we are on the same side."

"I'm glad to know that," I said getting up.


I turned around as he stood up.

"I personally think that Darren didn't bomb the hospital but someone else did." He dug in his pocket and pulled out a photograph. He passed it to me.

I took it and my knees got weak as I stared at the picture of Zara. Her physical appearance was totally different. Her hair was shorter but her eyes still looked the same. I had to grab the side of the chair and sat down.

"The pictures that she had posted on her website and promo for her salon were of a model that was hired to play her. During more research we found out she has a sister named Sabrina." He pulled out pictures.

"This is what the real Zara looked like three years ago. This is what her sister Sabrina looks like today. Similar looking right?"

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Zara has been making her way up the criminal ladder for the past few years but could never be caught because we never had evidence to book her. We weren't even sure if she was a real person. She does the deed and she disappears like a ghost. Zara Durand doesn't actually exist. From what we know she has over thirty alias. What we did find out was that the original Zara was engaged to you. You could identify her."

"She died and yes that is her," I said giving him the picture back.

"We found this one at Darren's house in a picture frame inside the dresser. On the back of the picture it was dated less than a year ago with her at a party. It's funny that when police went to Darren's house he had pictures of Sabrina up," he said shaking his head.

"I'm confused," I said.

"Well first off I told you she was alive and you weren't surprised. I would think if I told you that your ex-fiancé was still alive, you would have a shock look on your face, but you didn't. Has she been in contact with you?"

I remained silent.

"I will take that as a yes. Do you know something that could help us on this case? This psycho bitch may have planted or known who planted that bomb that killed my brother. Shit she could have killed Mona."

"I have no idea of her plans."

"Ian you said you love Mona. Are you taking Zara's side in this? Are you working for her?"

I had had enough. I stood up and hit the desk and grabbed him by his collar hitting him against the wall. How dare he accuse me of working for this bitch?

"My loyalty is to my wife. Whatever the fuck Zara does is on her. Don't you ever think for one fucking minute that I have anything to do with Zara. She is dead to me! Do you hear me! Dead!" I said trying to calm down as I walked back and forth trying to get a grip.

Just because I didn't tell him what I knew he accused me of working with her?

He adjusted himself as I tried calming my nerves. If he thought he could get a rise out of me then it worked. I wanted to bash his head in. I took a couple of deep breaths and walked it off.

"I believe you, Ian we need to work together on this. Whatever you know you need to tell me so we can put her behind bars."

"She deserves to die again but this time she's not coming back. You're right she almost killed Mona but the worst part she killed my son that Mona was carrying. I hate the bitch and hear me loud and clear vengeance will he mine."


"If I find her first she will die by my hands."

"Let the police handle this and I promise justice will be served."

"For her to sit in jail for a few years? You're kidding right?"

"We have to get the evidence..."

"She did it! Proof enough."

Clarke sat back down in total awe and shook his head.

"She did this? It was only a theory," he said staring into space.

"From the video tape near the scene Darren shot Steven. When Steven didn't die, Zara planted the bomb to clean up the mess Darren made. They knew that Steven had a file on them so they killed him. On top of that I found out about her accounts and had them rerouted so she decided to try to kill Mona in the process to get back at me. She figured she could kill two birds with one stone."

"This is too much."

"I want Zara. Let me put her to rest for the both of us. She has done way too many things that have made my life a living hell. You want to work together then you help me get her."

"I can't condone this Ian."

"Who said you had to. I was giving you a heads up. I will find her and she will be punished for her crimes."

"Ian you could go to jail."

"That's why I have an uncle in law to bail me out," I said looking at him.

He blinked a few times and ran his hand down his face.

"Sometimes things can't go by the book or you will never succeed. I know you want your brother's murderer brought to justice and I can promise you I can do that. Your brother, my child and those people who perish in that hospital need to find justice. What would Steven do?"

"What you are suggesting is no better than what she did?"

"I know with her taken care of, I can sleep a lot better at night."

"I will put her behind bars," he said pleading with his eyes.

"Then she could escape or be released on a technicality. I want her punished!"

"Ian you can't play God!"

I shook my head he wasn't getting it. I didn't trust the system. Zara had made her bed and now it was time for her to pay the piper.

"She can't be doing this alone," he said looking at me.

"Do you know who the boss is Ian?"


"Why are you protecting him?"

"It's Zara who did this!"

"Zara is smart but she has the backing of some serious cash. Zara is nothing but a gutless hoodrat that was able to latch on to a source. If you know who it is tell me. Son I want to help you."

"I don't know," I said lying.

"Okay. I will tell you what I know since you insist you are being honest with me." He grabbed the file and opened it.

"Steven and I have been working on this file for over a year. We found out that Darren wasn't just sleeping with Zara but her sister Sabrina. We are not sure if Zara found out about it because she hasn't been in Atlanta for a while."

"I think she was at the ball months ago with Darren." Was that another reason why Zara turned in Darren to me?

"Maybe I can get the hotel security tapes. We have to catch her before she does something else."

"You will never catch her but I can."

"It's too dangerous. Mona needs you alive not dead."

"I can handle this."

Clarke reached in his pocket and pulled out a jumpdrive and a card.

"Here is information on Darren, Zara and Sabrina. Sabrina is not as innocent as you think. She has dissociative identity disorder better known as multiple personality disorder."

"Shit!" I said picking up my phone. I tried calling Ross.


"Where's Sabrina?"

"She's upstairs," he said.

"Are you sure?"

I could hear him getting up and running up the stairs. He knocked on the door and no one answered. He must have dropped the phone and busted through the door. Moments later he came back.

"Sonofabitch she's gone," he said running. "Eric's gone too!"

"I am on my way."

"She couldn't have been gone long. She was downstairs less than a hour ago."

"We need to find her," I said walking to the door. I hadn't noticed Clarke behind me as I opened the door.

"You knew Sabrina was her sister. Please tell me you don't have her locked up somewhere?" Clarke asked looking sick to the stomach.

"She is my insurance policy that Zara will come to her senses and we can end this."

"Oh God Ian, what have you done?"

"Clarke either you are with me or not. If not move out the way and let me handle this."

He shook his head as if he was fighting with his conscious. Once he made his decision there was no turning back.

I saw Cason and got his attention.

"Sabrina's gone and we need to find her ASAP."

"What do you mean?"

"I spoke to Ross and she's gone and she took Eric."

"Do you think she is headed to the airport to meet Zara?"

"I don't know."

"I can use my contact at the airport to see if she's left," Clarke said dialing a number on his phone.

"There was a woman fitting Sabrina's description that just checked in as Susan Cooke with a little boy. She's at the terminal as we speak headed to New York and then to Sweden."

"Shit that's her. You can't let her get on that plane, she is the only weapon we have against Zara."

Clarke told his friend not to let her and Eric on that plane. A few moments later I heard him say thank you and hang up.

"Thanks Clarke."

"Please be careful and when you come back we need to sit down and talk."

"I will. Can you tell Mona I had to leave?"

"I will."

Cason and I headed out the house and headed to the airport.

Sabrina POV

"I managed to escape. I couldn't take the private plane so I got us tickets for the next flight to New York."

"I will meet you in New York. I'm headed there now. Are you sure no one saw you and Eric leave?"

"Zara please. I had the cab meet us two streets down and we climbed out the back window. Both guys were downstairs and the other was in the front. It's safe to say we went unnoticed and by the time they realize it we will be gone."

"What time does the flight leave?"

"Should be boarding in five minutes."

"Good. Is Eric okay?"

"Yeah he's fine," I said messing up his hair.

"Well I will see you in New York."

We said goodbye and I put my phone in my purse.

"I need to go to the restroom Aunt Brina."

"Okay honey let's go."

Eric and I looked for the restroom. I saw three security guards coming my way. They were looking around with a picture in their hand.

"You go in the bathroom. Stay in there until I tell you it's okay to come out."

"You not coming?"

"No. Take my phone and I am going to call you when it's okay to come out. I need to use the ladies room."

"Okay," he said walking in.

I walked passed the bathroom and tucked in between a narrow hallway. Right behind me was a side door and lucky for me it was opened. I heard them page Susan Cooke's name. I waited in the the closet and called Zara.

"Security is looking for me. I can't get on that plane."

"Shit, shit... shit!" I heard her say.

"Where is Eric?"

"Hiding and safe."

"I will transfer some money to you and you buy another ticket. Do you still have the other ids and credit cards?"


"Good. I want you to take a taxi from Atlanta to Columbus Airport."

"Zara that is like a hour and thirty minutes away."

"You need to do it. I want you to take money out your account and don't leave any credit card receipts. Pay the driver cash. They won't look for you there."

"Can I wear my disguise?" I asked laughing. I always had good diguises.

"Sabrina did you take your medicine?"

"I don't need it! It makes me crazy and I need to focus."

"The medicine helps you focus sweetie."

"I don't want to take it."

"If you take it, I promise I will buy you something pretty when you get to New York."

"You promise?"

"Yes," she said.

"Okay." I dug in my purse and grabbed the pill. I hated taking those orange pills. They were nasty and long. I put one in my mouth and swallowed.

"Okay I took it."

"Good. You need to check to see if they are still there."

I unlocked the door and walked out peeking. I saw two guards standing next to the door as people started to board.

"They are boarding and I see two big guards looking at people as they get on the plane."

"I want you to wait and when everyone boards and the guards go away, you put on your disguise along with Eric's and you two leave."

"Okay, gotcha."

"You can't afford to get caught."

"Okay Zara I got it. I will call you when I get to Columbus."

"I will be waiting."

I hung up with Zara and peeked out again. The security guards were leaving and I put on my disguise. As soon as the last guard left I called Eric.

I walked in the men's room and lucky no one was in there. I gave Eric a hat and changed his clothes, while I changed mine and added a mole on the side of my cheek.

"Remember the secret agent game we play at home, well we are going to play it now," I said giving him his bookbag.

"We are on a secret mission so we have to be careful. Remember don't look or talk to anyone. You have to be my partner in crime."

"Which bad guy are we after Aunt Brina?"

"Ah... Dr. Ice."

"Woo can I arrest him when we find him?"

"You sure can so let's go."

Eric and I walked out the bathroom with our disguises on. I looked around the airport checking everything. I saw an ATM machine and put my card in. I took out the max on two cards and headed towards transportation. I saw several police officers in the opposite direction. I quickly found an empty taxi and got in.

"Where to Miss?"

"Columbus Metro Airport."

The driver looked at me strange.

"My flight was cancelled and I really need to be somewhere by tomorrow morning so I have no option. My father died and I need to get home," I

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