A/N: #1 Rank Milestones!

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Hello it's me again with another author's note!

I was going to wait 'till I published the next oneshot to thank you all, but I think this milestone deserved it's very own chapter!



I'm sh*tting tears 😭 help-

I'm actually a couple days late in celebrating on here but WHATEVER

I'm just- thank you guys so much <3

I never expected for this book to get as much attention and reads as it does now. It's almost at 5K at the moment and I can't thank you guys enough!

This was just meant for my own enjoyment and to put my imagination into words, but now there's other people enjoying it too!

I'm just very thankful for all of you!


The next chapter will be out later today! It's almost done so stay tuned!

Drop requests please!
I'll get to them when I can!

I love to see your comments as well!
Keep em coming :D

Dropping a vote helps this book a ton also!


Anyway! I won't keep you guys for long!

Thank you all again and I love you guys!


I've been thinking of doing a QnA chapter for Deiji soon. Should I? Or is it too early for one?

^^ drop your opinions


Okay that's all! Tysm again!
Stay safe and Deiji loves you all ♡

literally me when I saw those ranks:

Then went

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