Chapter Nineteen: Dumbegg.

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Covers at the top are from jfreeman1022 Thank you so much : )

Chapter Nineteen: "Dumbegg."

IF SOMEONE THOUGHT I WOULD be the person most worried about Sam, they were wrong. They probably haven't met Caleb.

Even though I knew he was safe and Toby said for us to go after him in a couple of minutes, that didn't stop Caleb from freaking out. "What if he left?" Caleb asked, walking back over to Toby, Austin, Andrew and I.

"Security would tell us." Toby said.

"Well security has been doing a horrible job considering they let that fucking psycho in." Caleb exclaimed.

"Caleb, he had them convinced that he was on the list."

"Of course he had them convinced he was on the list," Caleb hissed out, the veins popping out of his neck. "I've met that guy. He changed my best friend. You think I don't know how manipulative he can be? Don't these so called security men get paid hundreds to not make that kind of mistake?"

I felt a hand on my shoulder and my dad was beside me, looking almost as worried as Caleb. "Did you talk to him?"

I shook my head. "We're letting him breathe a little."

"I'm sure he's okay." Austin said.

Caleb looked at Austin with narrowed eyes and I sighed, waiting for him to start. Here we go. "Okay? What do you mean by okay? Did you hear what that sick prick said?"

Toby pushed Caleb back with a hand on his chest, moving him away from Austin. "Don't yell at him."

Caleb huffed, fixing his suit. "Sorry. I'm just worried."

"You and I both." I mumbled.

Dad patted Caleb on the shoulder. "He'll be okay, son."

Caleb shook his head. "I don't know."

I looked over his shoulder and watched as Vince Cahill moved through the small crowd of people in the living room. He stopped when he came to us, a phone in his hand. "I'm about to go to the police station after Elizabeth and I take pictures with the Millers."

"I'll come with." Toby said.

"Is Lucas okay?" I asked, rubbing my arms.

Vince nodded. "Just a little shaken up. Paramedics checked him out, he'll be okay. Just needs to take it easy."

"Thank God." Austin muttered, sitting down on the couch.

Vince ran his fingers through his hair for what looked to be the nth time today before he looked at me. "How about Samuel?"

"Macy's about to check." Caleb said.

"Me?" I asked, looking at him as he took a seat next to Austin. "What about you? Aren't you coming with me?"

"What about me? Princess, go check on him. I'll see him after. If he's angry right now then you're the only one that can calm him down." He told me, giving me gestures to leave the room.

"I'll be back." I told Vince, patting my camera before exiting the room. I eventually made it outside and I was wishing I had taken Sam's sweatshirt with me since it was so cold. By the time I had walked down the front stairs and started walking around the yard I could smell it.

The faint smell of cigarette smoke.

I didn't even react but I held back a sigh as I made my way around the large house, to the art wall. When I made it there, sure enough Sam was there but he wasn't alone.

Sydney's conversation with Sam stopped as I walked towards them. She looked completely nervous to be talking to Sam and I understood why. Right after his father and Toby, he had the natural intimidation look in the family.

I looked at Sam, observing him as I got closer. The side of his cheek already had a bruise forming but he didn't look like he was in any pain. In his hands was the package of cigarettes and I could see the crushed cigar on the ground. 

I turned to Sydney. "Hey Sydney."

"Hey." She said as I looked at Sam.

He avoided my eyes, turning to Sydney. "You two know each other?"

I don't know if Sydney already felt the tension but she started backing away nervously. "Yeah. Great meeting your boyfriend but I'm just going to go inside. O-Okay. Bye."

She ran off and Sam and I stared at her as she run to the back of the house. Honestly, how does she do all that in heels? I asked myself, actually amazed.

"She's kind awkward did you notice?" Sam asked me, sliding down the wall so he could sit on the asphalt.

"Yeah." I told him, crossing my arms and keeping my eyes on the cigarette package.

Sam turned it over in his hands before he tossed it to the side, glancing up at me with squinted eyes even though the sun wasn't out. "Just ask the question you want to ask."

"Did you drink? Did you do anything?"

"Besides smoke? No." He answered, taking a lighter out of his pocket before throwing it in the direction of the package. I took the spot next to him as he took off the bowtie, our legs stretched out in front of us. I'm pretty sure Liz is going to kill us for sitting on the ground in her designs. "I wasn't going to do anything but I found those at the pool house. I think Christian has been doing stuff back there."

"What makes you think that?" I asked him.

"Well, yesterday when I got home I was in his room, yeah? He was acting a bit skeptical and I found weed stashed under his bed. Stupidest place to hide it in my opinion. Idiot. And I'm pretty sure he was sexting some girl when he went to the bathroom."

"How would you know that?"

"Because when we were all talking he left his phone on and Toby, Joey and I found a pair of boobs under a chat with a girl named Fiona."

I stared at Sam because he said that so bluntly and he shrugged. "I'm pretty sure what he's doing is just a phase. He probably thinks he has to fit in. Justin will probably bring him out of it. Or else I'll probably have to knock some sense into the lad."

"Why did you smoke?" I asked him. Sure, I was concerned about Christian, seeing as he was my brother's best friend but I really wanted to know what was going through Sam's mind at the moment. 

"I was stressed," he said, rubbing his face with his hands before leaning his head against the wall and letting out a sigh. He turned his head towards me and I could feel his intense gaze on this side of my head. "Are you mad?"

"No," I said because I honestly wasn't although I didn't want him to smoke. I took his hand in mine. "Are you okay?"

Sam's other hand moved up to touch my neck and I felt his hand go under my neck, just where the pendant of the necklace he had given me all those months ago laid above my chest. He twisted it in his hands. "I never thought I would see him again."

"You never thought you would see anyone again Sam." I told him, referring to all those people we've seen in Manchester that came from his hometown.

"I expected to see some of those people. But him-that-that dick...I didn't expect to see him at all." Sam let go of the pendant, putting his hand on the other side of his body as he gripped my hand with his other. "He's going to go to jail for sure. At least a year with drug possession. Plus he has some kind of business selling weed that the police are definitely going to find out which-"

"Sam." I stopped him not really liking the glint in his eyes.

"Sorry. I just-if there's one person in the world I really hate-it's him. It's definitely him."

There was a moment of silence between us and I watched as Sam closed his eyes. We sat there for the longest time, me waiting for him to say something and when he did speak I was surprised by the word that came out of his mouth.

"Weak." Sam said quietly, so quiet I wasn't sure I heard him right.


"Weak. Vulnerable. Angry."

"You're none of those things-"

"I know," He cut me off, opening his eyes. "But I was. That's how Anthony found me. When I came back from England. That's how he thought of me; weak and vulnerable. Angry because my sister was gone. Angry because she was here one day and gone the next. I was angry at my father for being so stoic until I realized that he did it to move on. I was just angry."

I turned my body to him and watched as he leaned his head on my shoulder. His eyes that were looking at the grass a distance away were suddenly looking up on my face. His eyes held so much emotion it was insane. "I may not think I'm exactly weak or vulnerable as I was two years ago but I don't want to be angry anymore Hazel."

"I know." I told him, my hand tangling itself in his hair.

He closed his eyes again. "Those phone calls I've been getting?"

"Yeah? Were they from him?" 

"Yeah," He shifted and settled his head on my lap and we were both probably already messing up our clothes but didn't care. "I just didn't want to tell you because you had so much going on with school and football yourself. I didn't want it to bother you."

"You still could've told me. Why didn't you just block him?"

"You don't think I tried?" Sam said blankly. "He would just find a new way to speak to me. And I didn't bother changing my number because that would only raise suspicions with you and my mum most likely and...I just ignored it."

Sam dragged his hands on his face again. "That's not even the problem. I'm sorry." He sat up, looking at me right in eyes before he grabbed my hands. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I broke it."

"You didn't break anything."

"I told you I wouldn't fight anyone anymore, months ago. That I wouldn't let my anger take over me."

"Yes you did but he egged you on. He expected you to do it." I tried to defend him. 

"Exactly. I gave him what he wanted Hazel. And by doing that I...can I ask you a question?"

"Anything." I said.

"After that, after all aren't scared of me are you?"

I shook my head because I wasn't. "Just worried. I just want to know if you're okay. That's all I want to know."

"I wanna know that too." Another voice said and I watched Caleb join us, a reassuring smile on his face as he sat down on the other side of my legs. 

Sam brought his knees up to his chest, putting his chin on top of them as his eyes flickered between Caleb and I. "You know? I'm really lucky to have you two."

"We know," Caleb immediately said and he didn't say that as a boost to his ego, he said it seriously because it was true. "But are you okay? After all that he said? About you? About her?"

Sam kept his eyes on the ground but after a moment, he moves his head up and looks at Caleb and I with more confidence I've ever seen him have. And he has a lot of confidence. "I'm okay."

A small smile appeared on my face at that and Caleb clapped his hands together, grinning like a lunatic. "Alright. Now let's get going. We have pictures and I'm pretty sure even though we aren't sitting on grass we might have dirt on our asses meaning mama Cahill is going to kill us."

Sam and Caleb both got up, dusting themselves up and I grinned up at them, stretching my arms out. Caleb looked down at me and dramatically rolled his eyes. "Lazy ass."

They reached out to take one arm each and I yanked hard with the arm Caleb was holding. His momentum moved forward and he put his arms out to hold himself as he smacked into the wall, groaning loudly.

"Dumbegg." I said smiling as Sam helped me up and I dusted myself off.

Caleb stayed there on the wall, still groaning. "Still violent as ever princess."

"Well, when you call me things like that, it's kind of hard not to be." I told him as he detached himself away from the wall.

Sam laughed and Caleb shoved him lightly as we walked over to the gazebo where the groomsmen and bridesmaid started to show up. I glanced at Jasmine and Andrew and held in a breath when I noticed them talking, Andrew with a bright smile on his face.

Caleb must've detected my gaze because he groaned again. "Oh no."

"What?" I asked him.

"Something happened didn't it?" he asked, his eyes flickering between Andrew and Jasmine and me.

By now I was actually freaked out as I fixed my stare on both Caleb and Sam. "You guys are..."

"Aware? Observant? Perceptive? Watchful? Keen? What about-"

"Okay, okay, okay thesaurus," I stopped Caleb, slapping him on the chest. "I get it. I was going to say freaky."

"Because we noticed something was wrong by the way you were looking over at your two best friends and your expression? That's how we're freaky?" Sam asked.

"Yes." I quipped.

Caleb shrugged. "I've been called a freak once or twice..." He trailed off. Wait for it. "In bed."

He winked as he walked off and Sam shook his head, letting out a small laugh. "Yeah, I'm really lucky to have you guys."



That's how I could describe the reception.

The decorations were almost like the wedding blue and white and when Natasha and Ivan had walked in there was literally an explosion of white and blue that came around them. Let's just say they put a lot of planning into the whole day especially tonight. 

I don't know how they got an orchestra for the wedding but the number of people in it doubled. They were playing all night even while we were eating. Everyone had changed, the Cahill boys in different but the same suits as before and the girls all wore different dresses that they had brought with them.

I sat down, picking at my salad as I was going through the different photos I had taken from the wedding, mentally happy that Liz had given me a huge SD card. I moved past the photo Stevie had taken of Sam and I and I glanced at the guy beside me. He was in mid eye roll at something Caleb was telling everyone before looking at me. "You good?"

I nodded, rolling up my napkin in a small ball before throwing it at my cousin who sat on the other side of me in between Brandon and Jacob. It hit her right in the forehead and I stifled laughter when Natalie glared at me. "I definitely did not miss that."

"Yes you did." I grinned at her, putting my camera down.

The crowd was silenced all of a sudden when Natasha came to the center of the room, a violin in her hand. Immediately, she positioned the violin under her chin and I watched as she started to play, the orchestra in the room finding its way to join her.

I got up to take different pictures and of Ivan's expression as he watched his wife play. Sometimes I forget that Natasha was a really talented violinist and that it tied with the story of how Ivan and Natasha met. I even forget that she attends Julliard and has had multiple chances to perform in front of big people.

When it was over Ivan was probably clapping the loudest out of the entire room and Natasha looked over at him with a smile on her face. I took pictures of that entire moment as the other photographer stood at another angle.

When the speeches came up, the maid of honor came up first, Natasha's best friend then Toby went up, seeing as he was Ivan's best man. After that I watched as a couple of Natasha's friends and Ivan's friends went up but the shocker was probably when the entire Cahill brothers came up in a straight line.

It started from Phillip who probably had no idea what exactly what he was exactly supposed to say to be honest because he said this. "Um...Ivan you're a cool older brother even though when I was five Sam told me you almost hit me with an ATV car. Right Sam?"

Ivan groaned, glaring at my boyfriend and even though he didn't have the microphone, his voice was clear. "Why did you tell him that?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Sam shot back.

"Oh and you're also weird because Greg always talks about how you used to collect Barbies."

"Greg!" Ivan exclaimed and the crowd laughed lightly.

Greg smiled at his brother unapologetically as Phillip continued. "Um...even though you did all those things, you're a great brother. Natasha you're awesome. You give really good presents. You're pretty and I like that you make my brother happy. There I'm done. Can I eat now?"

Greg took the microphone fast and everyone at our table broke out in laughter at Phillip. The speeches went on, through each other in line and I kept my eyes on Sam when Cedric passed the microphone to him. He had one hand in his brother and glanced at his older brother before sighing.

"Ivan I think the first memory I have of you was when you pinned me to the ground at the old house and you thought you were able to wrestle me."

I heard Toby laugh. "I remember that. Ivan ended up with a broken arm."

I snorted at that and Ivan was grumbling to Natasha. Sam nodded. "Yeah. Starting from there you were definitely the random one out of all of us. Honestly, you were definitely the brother none of us thought would settle down. Especially before Natasha came around. She made you better and everyone saw that. I remember meeting Natasha the same day Ivan met her and although I didn't have a proper conversation with you that day, I was certain that you would be that girl for him. I didn't just think that, Bethany did too."

At that, people that were probably not fully paying attention to Sam talking had paused. I glanced at Caleb and he froze, his hand that was on the fork stopped him from eating his salad, his mouth hanging open.

Sam took a deep breath. "She was probably rooting for the two of you before you realized how you felt about one another because I remember her coming into my room constantly and gushing about you two all the time whenever Natasha was over. If she was here, I know she would be really happy for the both of you. She would be happy for you Ivan like we all are because you're happy and even though none of us say to each other often, we love you."

Ivan got up from his seat and almost knocked into Sam, grabbing his brother into a loving hug. I watched the Cahill boys get into one really huge hug and Phillip disappeared in the midst of it.

When that was over and everyone returned back to their seats, I took Sam's hand in mine. He flashed me a small smile and reached for his glass of water just as Natasha and Ivan stood in the center again, his hand on her waist and his other hand on the microphone. "We have a special announcement."

Everyone settled down and I glanced at Sam in confusion and his eyes showed the same just as he took a sip of the water.

"Now we were going to say this after we cut the cake, near the end but seeing as all of our friends and families are here, we wanted to tell you all together."

Ivan looked over at his parents before turning at everyone. "Not only are we married but we're pregnant."

Now there were mixed reactions:

One, I heard a glass drop and the shatter echoed around the room.

Two, there were many gasps and words that flew around the room.

Three, Sam started choking on his water and Caleb and Toby started choking on their food. Like it was full out contents of food and water coming out of their mouths and I didn't want to laugh at Sam's face turning red but I couldn't hold it in.

Liz was the first one up there congratulating them but also hitting Ivan on the arm. Caleb, once he recovered got up and started laughing. "You really couldn't wait until your honeymoon could you?"

Although there were mixed reactions all around the crowd, Sam took a deep breath before he locked eyes with Toby. "We're going to be uncles."

Cedric tensed as well, looking at his other brothers. "Not only that. Ivan's going to be a dad."

Now everyone at this table

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