Chapter 100

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The seat next to me dipped down, I felt strong arms wrap around me and a kiss on my forehead. My eyes fluttered open and it was Chase looking at me with concern. "You feeling alright sweetheart?" I smiled and slid my arms around him, "I'm fine. I just needed a nap today. I think that I'm just a little run down. Let me wake up a little more here and I'll finish cooking dinner."

"There's no need. Brady came home early and saw you sleeping so he had Preston pick up dinner and bring it home. I saw the stew in the crock pot so I put it in the fridge. That's ok with you isn't it?"

I nodded and smiled, "What is Preston bringing home?" Chase nuzzled my hair and said, "Oh, just some Taco Bell. Lexine looked at pictures on the menu and pointed out your favorites and hers. Preston should be here any minute. Let's have you go to bed early tonight and just sleep. I think that you need it. In fact, the doctor is ordering it!"

Rolling my eyes, I said, "Yes, doctor." as I stood up. He smacked my backside and called me a smartass. Preston walked through to the dining room carrying an armload of bags and Brady followed him with more bags. "Did you order the entire store?" I asked Preston as I sat in the chair that he pulled out for me. He smirked at me, "No, it's probably closer to two of everything." Lexine came and sat next to me to show me her latest accomplishment at school. She had written down her numbers all the way to one hundred. I enthused over it and praised her as did everyone else. Preston set down a Mexican pizza in front of me with handful of sauce packets which I immediately started to open. We all ate dinner and about halfway through my meal, my appetite vanished and I started to feel worn out. I was worried that I was getting sick. I felt a slight tingle at the back of my throat but didn't dare tell anyone. My guys would be all over me, doing their best to coddle me and I didn't want to expose them to germs if I didn't have to.

I saw Chase eyeballing me. He told me to go to bed right then and that someone else would put Lexine to bed. Giving them all a wave goodnight, I headed upstairs with Chase walking beside me. He stayed with me as I brushed my teeth and changed into a some warm cozy flannel pajamas. Tucking me into bed, he handed me my tv remote and settled down on top of the covers to stay with me for a while. "I'll make sure that somebody stays here with you tonight." he told me.

I shook my head, "No, I don't want to share any germs with anyone if I'm sick." Chase laughed and said, "Sweetie, I'm the doctor here and I'm in charge. Don't worry about it. I'll feel better if someone is here with you to make sure that you are ok." I stuck my tongue out at him and then smiled.  I turned the tv on and flipped through the guide until I found reruns of a comedy show. It didn't take long for me to get sleepy and drift off.

I woke up to my alarm going off. Instead of feeling great like I usually did waking up, I felt under the weather. Jake kissed me on the shoulder and said, "Good morning." I grumbled something back and he chuckled and got out of bed to go to the bathroom. I tried to sit up but flopped back down when I got dizzy. My stomach felt unsettled as well. Oh, great... I thought to myself. It was a fine time to come down with the flu! There was no way that I was going to be able to hide this from the guys. I'd been feeling rundown for a few days and put it down to working on my designs so much along with my nightly workouts in bed.

Hopefully a morning spent in bed would cure me enough to get out of it. I just lay there listening to the shower running in my bathroom and dozed off again. I woke up when I felt Jake's hand on my forehead checking for a fever. "You feel a little warm sweetie." he said to me.

"I don't feel good." I mumbled to him. "I think that I have the flu." He nodded and said, "You stay in bed while I give Chase a call."

I had no intentions of moving since it made me miserable. Laying there, I heard Jake telling Chase that I was under the weather and probably have a fever. Jake asked me what my symptoms were, so I told him that I felt a little queasy, exhausted and dizzy when I tried to sit up. Jake pulled a digital thermometer out of the bathroom medicine cabinet and scanned my forehead. "Her temp is 100.02 degrees." Chase told him to keep me in bed and drink plenty of liquids when I felt able to. Jake promised to do that and keep him updated. He opened my little nightstand fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. He opened the cap and set it down on top. "What else can I do for you sweetie?" he said gently to me.

It was embarrassing to ask but I did it anyways. "Can you help me get to the bathroom?"

"Of course I can."

Pulling back the covers he picked me up bridal style in both arms, carried me in there and set me on my feet carefully. I wobbled a little so he kept his hands on me to keep me steady. There was no way that I was going to be able to do it on my own, I realized. Jake seemed to realize it too and said, "Don't worry, just go ahead. I'm going to stay here with you." I managed to pull down my panties and he helped me sit down so that I could pee. I think that if I wasn't feeling so terrible, I'd probably die of embarrassment.

After I wiped, he helped me stand, flush the toilet and pull up my panties and put me back into bed. I sank my head gratefully into the pillow and closed my eyes. "Get some more sleep, I'll check on you again in a little bit." I heard Jake say before I drifted off again.

A hand brushing my hair back from my face woke me up and I cracked open my eyes to see Preston looking concerned. He sat down on the edge of the bed and said, "You haven't touched your water. Can you take a sip for me?" I gave a little nod and attempted to sit up. Preston immediately put his hand behind me for support and held the bottle of water up to my lips. I took a tiny sip and waited for a few seconds before taking another slightly bigger one. He handed me a couple of ibuprofen pills to take. A few sips later I was done and felt worn out by that little task.

"Do you want to sleep some more?" he asked me. I nodded and then regretted the action as it made my world spin and my stomach rebel. Throwing back the covers, I staggered to the bathroom and barely made it to the toilet before retching my guts out. Preston held back my hair and handed me a wad of toilet paper to wipe my mouth with when I was done. I sat there for a few seconds longer to make sure that nothing else was going to come out. The floor felt icy cold to me and I shivered. Preston helped me stand up. I flushed the toilet and rinsed my mouth out with some mouthwash while I stood on trembling legs. 

Preston picked me up and put me back into bed. He took my temperature and it was at 101.4 degrees.  "You poor thing," he murmured to me. "I'm going to call Chase and give him an update." Pulling out his phone, he got Chase on the phone to tell him that I vomited and my temperature had gone up. He listened to what Chase had to say and then agreed. "My dear, Chase wants us to bring you to the hospital so that he can fully check you out and possibly run some tests. Do you want to change out of your pajamas?"

"No." I managed to croak out and watched as he slipped socks over my bare feet and put some slide on sneakers on them. Brady came into the room and grabbed a long warm jacket out of my closet and helped me into it before carrying me downstairs. Preston jogged ahead of us to pull the SUV to the front of the house and opened the front passenger door. The seat had been reclined and I was laid onto it and Brady fastened the seatbelt for me before getting into the back seat. Preston got in behind the wheel and carefully drove us to the hospital. I just lay there not saying a word feeling completely miserable.

Preston pulled up to the hospital and Brady hopped out of the car and returned with a wheelchair. Preston carefully got me out of the car and set me down in it. While he went to go park the car, Brady pushed me to an elevator and we took it to the floor that Chase's office was on. Chase met us in his office doorway, took one look at me and frowned. "Hello sweetie, you look much worse than you did last night. Let me have a good look at you." Brady helped me out of my coat and slid my shoes off before laying me down on his exam table. Chase took all my vitals and temperature again.

"It looks like you have a bad case of the flu but I also want to check something else. I'd like to run some blood tests as well." Chase pulled out vials and other stuff he needed to take my blood samples. He did it gently and efficiently. Then he help up an empty specimen jar. "I hope that you can produce some urine for me. I'll help you in the bathroom." Brady and Preston left the exam room to go wait in the office couches. Chase helped me in there and I managed to pee a little for him. By the time that I was done and my pants were pulled up, I had to throw up again. This time it was Chase that held my hair back before helping me.

When I was done and rinsed my mouth out with water, Preston and Brady helped me back onto the exam table and Chase tilted the head of it up so that I was only half laying down. Brady handed me a small plastic hospital bag made for throwing up into while Chase took all the samples to the lab. I drifted back off into a half sleep while Brady and Preston sat with me. I don't know how long I was out before Chase was back. He waved them back out to the couches and shut the door to the exam room. He pulled up his stool on wheels next to me and sat down. Reaching out and taking my hand in his, he proceeded to say, "Sweetie, I got the test results back and I think that I know what's going on here. First of all, you have a nasty case of the flu. Secondly, as impossible as it seems to be, the tests are showing that you are pregnant."


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