Shopping With My BFF (god help me)

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Ok so I forgot who it was that said this but your right Tori is a little to perfect so I added something in this chapter to at least satisfy it at the moment. Oh and guys.....I love you all. I really do but right now I'm about to burst out screaming so if you think I'm about to sound bitchy then please just move on. But seriously cut me some slack will ya! I'm not going to forget about this book, I've told you all that before and it just really ticks me off when you guys try to use things against me. I get that you love the book, but if your a writer like me then you'd understand its hard. It takes much longer to write a chapter than read it. And I'm trying to make the chapters longer to satisfy everyone. But I have school and projects and homework so everyone take a chill pill! O.O Wow I've never been pissed like that. My bad but I seriously needed to get that out of my system. So anyways I hope you guys like the chapter. Sorry if I made you feel bad or make you think I'm a real pain, but seriously. Chill......and enjoy the chapter.


"Who's Austin?" I asked Cole as I walked through the backdoor of my house. I had to bike home, even though Cole offered a ride but I had my bike at the school.

"What?" Cole asked. Shawn was in the fridge looking for something. When he found it he came out with a six pack of coke and was balancing food in his arms.

"Yeah," I said holding up the copy of my new teammates. I read down the list, "Blake Paris, Cole Parris, Shawn Parris, Trent Micheals, Jack Jackson--dang the irony-Hayden Cleves, Dan McCasin, Tori Linean, here it is! Austin Shiner?" I asked.

Shawn snapped his fingers like he knew who it was, "It's pronounced Shin-er. Not Shine-er."

"Which was he?" I asked.

Blake walked into the kitchen and grabbed a handful of Shawn's cookies.

"Oye!" Shawn shouted.

"Suck it up." Blake stated.

"Dick head." Shawn muttered.

Blake laughed, "I was born first."

Whoa what is this? Blake laughed, and was smiling. He looks happy. I mean he actually doesn't look like he's about to squish me. He always seemed happy when I wasn't around.

"So who is he?" I asked again.

Blake walked over to the fridge and got a carton of milk. He ate a cookie and then chugged the milk down.

Mental Note: don't drink milk from that carton.

"Austin is the one with black hair," Cole said, "Buzz cut."

Like a switch it clicked.

"You mean Sunshine?" I blurted out.

"The one that grabbed your ass." Shawn said.

"Sunshine?" Cole said completly lost.

"Never mind," I added, "I know who he is."

I reached for one of Shawn's cookies and he slapped my hand.

"Girl you best not be touching MY cookies." He said with a move of his hips. We all burst out laughing. Blake accidentilly spit out all his milk and we all laughed harder.

Dad walked in with a raised eyebrow, "What's going on in here?"

"Nothing Dad we were just laughing at Shawn," Cole said munching on a cookie.

Everyone stopped and stared at Cole. He called him Dad. Out loud.

Cole noticed all of us looking at him and raised his shoulders, "What'd I say?"

Dad smiled, "Nothing. Shawn you keep making them laugh."

Just one look at my dad and I saw how thrilled and overjoyed he was. He walked back into the living room probably to tell Lilly about Cole.

Blake looked furious. Then again that's really the only way I see him.

He slapped Cole behind the head as he walked away to the stairs. I heard him mutter something that sounded like, "He's not your dad."

Cole rubbed his head as Blake stomped up the steps, "That hurt."

"Well guys," I said while hitting my hands on the counter, "I'm tired and tomorrow I need to go shopping with Cali. So I'm gonna shower and hit the sack."

I got up and as I walked upstairs Cole and Shawn said thier 'Goodnights.'

I did everything I said I would. I showered, got in my pajamas, and then crawled under my bed where I fell into a dark sleep.

The next morning everything went as a usual Saturday. I got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast.

It was dad behind the stove though. Dad doesn't cook. I have never seen him cook. I always had to cook after mom died. He always just bought pizza or some frozen microwave food whenever I was sick or not wanting to cook.

The guys watched him from the table. Blake kept shooting daggers at Cole. I kinda felt bad for Cole. Or maybe it was just the fact that Blake is a asshole. Yeah its definitely the second one.

"Um....Dad?" I asked, "What on earth are you doing?"

"Lilly isn't feeling well," Dad answered, "So I'll be cooking breakfast today."

Suzie bounced down the stairs and glanced at dad then sighed, "I'll get the fire extinguisher."

Dad frowned while I laughed.

"She's right. You'll need it." I said sitting at the table. Cole and Shawn chuckled and we all watched dad. After a good ten minutes watching him try to make scrambled eggs, I stood up.

"There's Poptarts and Oreos in the pantry. Let's just get milk and the toaster."

Dad nodded, "Fine but if your mother asks you say you had a nutritious breakfast."

He clanged all the pots together in the sink and got the milk from the fridge. Cole grabbed the toaster plugging it in, and Shawn helped me with the Poptarts while I got the Oreos.

We all got bowls or plates and each of us had a job. Blake grabbed the plates. Shawn grabbed the bowls. Cole toasted the Poptarts. Dad poured the milk. I got the cups. And Suzie got the orange juice. When we were all done we sat at the table either dunking Oreos, crunching on Poptarts, or both.

"So how's school?" Dad asked, "Anything interesting?"

I shrugged and the guys did the same.

"My friend Macy invited me over some day." Suzie said, "She said I could go over sometime."

Dad took his napkin and cleaned his mouth, "Is this the girl that asks you questions?"

Suzie nodded, "Yeah. But she said its because she mostly lives with her big brother. Her parents are always on business trips."

"You can go as long as Tori stays with you," Dad added.

I looked up from my Oreo. Keeping half of the cookie in the bowl of milk, "Wait why do I have to stay?"

"Because I'm not leaving Suzie with that girl by herself," Dad said through clenched teeth.

I frowned but didn't say anything. When I pulled my Oreo out, it was so soggy it fell off. "Awwwwww....." I muttered under my breath.

"So Bill where will you, mom, and Suzie go when we have our Halloween party?" Blake asked.

"Movies, ice cream, I dont know maybe shopping." Dad shrugged.

I forgot about the Halloween party. Every year the Trips would have a Halloween party. It's been one of their yearly parties since their freshman year. I remember walking around the halls and hearing people talk about how amazing it was. Then in sophomore year, all the seniors wanted to come because of how awesome they heard it was the year before. I've never been to one. Actually I didn't really care about going to one. I just knew that people practically bowed down to the king. Aka Blake. And they'd also bow down to his trusty Prince's. Aka Cole and Shawn.

Or maybe they weren't like kings? They were probably Gods amongst us. Blake the god of the School and Students. Cole the god of the School Media and Gossip. And Shawn the god of Getting in Trouble for Being Funny. Then the other gods that aren't as big and strong, yet big. Melissa, the god of Populars. Trent the god of Bullying. Then there's Jack, Dan, even Sunshine. They're all gods. And their Olympus is our school.

For the Halloween party I wouldn't have to hide in my room. Actually it didn't really matter. I was going to go Trick or Treating with Mark. But even if he cancelled I could still be at the party in broad daylight. Now that I'm a part of the soccer team the guys could use that as a cover up of why I'm at their house.

"So what's the plan for today?" Cole asked.

"A friend called me. Sh--he. He needs help with a project," Blake said with a shrug.

"I'm free all day except tonight. Em invited me for dinner," Shawn said with a smile.

"I have to go shopping." I muttered. Suzie dropped her Oreo and dad stopped chewing his Poptart.

"Oh my god," Suzie said in disbelief.

"Did those words just come out of your mouth?" Dad asked.

I sighed leaning back in my chair. The guys stared from me to dad to Suzie.

"I promised Cali," I added.

"Ohhhhhhhhh," Suzie said as she started eating her Oreo.

"That makes more sense now," dad added as he continued eating his Poptart.

They know me so well, I thought.

"So I'm going to be all alone?" Cole asked.

"Actually I need to go buy more clothes too." Shawn said.

"Yeah and I don't have to leave till around four." Blake said.

"Well me and Cali are headed to the mall. And I'd prefer not taking you with me." I stated looking directly at Blake.

"Sounds great," Blake said, "Then me and my brothers will head out in my car and then you could borrow your dad's car."

I decided to play mean for once and mimicked Blake, "Sounds great. But I don't need to leave till four either. I'm picking Cali up at five."

"Good you can keep me company," Suzie said.

I smirked, "Wanna call Conlan and ask about a Nerf war?"

Suzie jumped up, "Oh my god yes!"

I laughed, "Go get get dressed."

Suzie ran back up the stairs without saying another word.

"She has an obsession," Cole muttered.

Dad laughed, "Nah. Conlan has been there all her life. Literally. I wouldn't be surprised."

"So are you guys going to leave now?" I asked.

"Yeah apparently," Shawn said.

"Ok well I'm gonna get ready before Suzie pressures me." I got up putting my bowl in the sink and bounced my way upstairs. When I reached my room I quickly grabbed a different set of clothes and put them on. I then grabbed my phone and jumped on my bed pulling Mr. Cuddles to my chest. I dialled Mark's phone number and it rang. And rang. And rang.

"Hello?" A voice finally said on the other line.

"Mark?" I asked.

"Tori! Hey what's up?" Mark asked.

"Suzie and I were just wondering if you wanted to have a Nerf war?"

Mark laughed, "Come on over. We'd love to. Wait....before you hang up let's prank my brother."

I laughed, "What kind of prank?"

"Just don't hang up and listen in," Mark said.

I rolled my eyes and listened to what was happening on the other end. I heard steps so I figured Mark was walking. Then a door open and some rock music blared out. Conlan's room. Definitely. He loves listening to that stuff.

The music became lower and I heard Mark talk, "Hey Conlan. So Tori just called and wanted to know if you wanted to have a Nerf war with Suzie. I said you were busy."

"What!? No call back! I'm bored!" Conlan yelled.

Mark laughed and talked into the phone, "He says yes Tori."

"Your so mean," I muttered, "Alright we'll be there in thirty minutes."

Before hanging up I could already hear Conlan shouting at Mark about how annoying and stupid he was. After hanging up I just lay on my bed for a second and stared at the ceiling. I frowned when I realized something was missing. Then it clicked.

The glow in the dark stars! The ones me and mom put up when I was five. Then after a couple of years we took them down. But we had them up there so long, it left a shadow of the shapes of the stars. That's what was missing. The outline of those stars.

I sat up trying not to think to hard about it. Instead I pulled Mr. Cuddles closer to me. I didn't actally mean to do it, but as if I was programmed I got on my knees and pulled out the shoe box I had under my bed. When I opened it all it was were a lot of pictures of me and mom. Sometimes Suzie was in one but she would be a infant or toddler. Then there were some of the whole family. Or just me, mom, and dad. She looked so happy. So carefree. I wonder if she would have been the same happy and carefree if she had survived the accident. As I flipped through the pictures in the corner of my eye I saw something move.

When I turned I saw the biggest cockroach ever. I dropped the pictures and the stack slid down. The thing moved it's antennas and I screamed at the top of my lungs. I just sat there screaming for a whole three seconds before I got up and ran to the door. As I stepped out the door I collided with Blake who was standing at the doorway with a cofused face. I hid behind him just as Cole and Shawn burst from their rooms.

I guess they were getting changed because Shawn didn't even have his pants zipped or buttoned and Cole was shirtless. Suzie came out of her room and saw my terrified face. She probably already knew what it was.

"What happened?!" Cole asked.

"Bi-big ro-ro-ro-" I tried to say roach but it just wasn't coming out.

"Robot?" Shawn asked.

"Is everything ok?" I heard dad yell from downstairs.

"No!" I yelled back, "Call the freaking navy! There's a giant cockroach in my room!"

Suzie took off her shoe and walked in the room, "I got it."

We heard a bang voice and then the toilet flush. Suzie walked out slipping her shoe back on.

"There," She said, "That's like the tenth one you make me kill."

"I'm not going back in there," I said still hiding behind Blake. There was no way. No way I'd go in there. Cockroaches are scary and gross. The reason I hate them so much is because when I went to the zoo with my parents they had a show on bugs. When they pulled the roach out I raised my hand to hold it. I was selected and when they put it on my hand it crawled its way up my arm and in my shirt. I was six. And since then I've hated roaches.

"Your scared of cockroaches?" Blake laughed but I didn't care. I shoved him in my room and closed the door behind him, "Hey!" He shouted.

"Inspect the room and tell me if has anymore roaches!" I yelled back. Cole and Shawn smirked and I leaned on the door to make sure Blake would remain in there, "A little help?"

Cole and Shawn laughed and sat at the door with me. When I glanced at Shawn I covered my eyes, "Please zip up your pants I don't need you scarring my little sister."

Suzie laughed, "I accidently caught him in the shower. I'm ok with him like that."

Shawn turned a bright red and me and Cole stared at him in disbelief.

"Remind me to keep the door locked when I shower," Cole said to me.

"So Tori where am I suppose to look?" Blake called from my bedroom.

"Everywhere," I said back.

"Ok," Blake said, "You have some nice panties that definitely match your black bra."

My face heated up and I jumped up and opened the door pushing Cole and Shawn off, "You little per-"

I stopped in mid-sentence. Not because Blake was looking through my drawer, no I think I would have prefered that. Instead he was on my bed, holding the pictures of me and mom above his head. He flipped through them and once he examined the picture closely he'd just set it down making a new pile. The anger flared up in me.

"Get. Out." I said though clenched teeth. Blake took a deep breath and grabbed all the pictures. Tapping them on my nightstand to make them a perfect rectangle where the edges or corners don't stick out.

As he walked out he stopped in front of me, shoving the pictures in my hands.

A question popped into my mind and before I could do anything I whispered so only he would hear, "How the hell did you know I had a black bra?"

Blake smirked, "I didn't."

He walked away closing the door behind him. I put my hands in my hair and bit my tongue so I wouldn't scream. I grabbed the pillow on my bed and threw it to the ground trying to get some frustration out.

It took me a good ten minutes to calm down. By then it was time to go to Mark's house. I was still pretty mad but not at Blake. It was my fault for shoving him in my room.

Suzie was already waiting for me downstairs. She was sitting in the living room with Cole and Shawn. They were all laughing about something but I wasn't paying attention to what they were saying.

"Ready Sue?" I asked.

She nodded and grabbed her backpack, "Bye guys. Have fun man shopping."

I had no response for that and neither did the guys. So I just waved a goodbye and my little sister and I hopped into dad's car. It didn't take long to reach Mark's house. But before I could get out onto the driveway Suzie stopped me.

"Tori can we talk for a sec?"

I nodded taking off my seatbelt and turning towards the back to face her, "Yeah?"

"You haven't told Mark about Blake, Cole, or Shawn have you?" Suzie narrowed her eyes and I felt the color drain from my face.

"Why do you ask?" I muttered.

"Because Conlan told me Mark is stressed out thinking your dating one of them." Suzie answered.

I didn't know what to say. Mark was stressed out thinking I was dating one of he Trips. Definitely not Shawn so it's either Blake or Cole. But either one just grossed me out. I could never go out with one of them. That'd be way to weird and gross.

"And I know that isn't true," Suzie continued, "Because they're our brothers now and you can't date a brother."

"I know you can't. Sue what I'm about to tell you is confidential. So secret you can't even tell dad ok?" I asked.

She nodded, "What?"

"No one knows we're brothers. Like no one at our school knows that I have three stepbrothers. No one. Including Mark. Suzie you can't tell anyone." I said strictly.

She nodded, "Ok Tori. I won't say anything. But please tell Mark when you can. I don't want you to get hurt."

Suzie got out of the car and started walking towards the front door. I sighed and got out of the car walking up the steps and after Suzie. In the middle of walking up the steps I looked to my side and stared at the ramp for a minute. What snapped me back to reality was because Suzie rang the doorbell. I jumped up the rest of the steps and stood beside my sister. We waited a couple seconds and then we heard yelling.

"You said I could open the door!" Conlan yelled.

"You opened it last time!" Mark shouted back.

"Boys stop screaming for Christ sake!" Mrs. Bennett yelled.

We heard a thump and then Conlan yelled, "Mom! Mark won't get off me! Help!"

The door clicked and there was Mr. Bennett. I had to look down at him but he gave me and Suzie a warm smile, "How much I have missed this family." He said. The three of us laughed softly. I looked over Mr. Bennett and saw Mark pinning Conlan to the ground.

"You can't tell me I can get the door and then change your mind!" Conlan shouted.

"Because you got it last time!" Mark shouted back.

I rolled my eyes and then made them wide for show. "Hey I wonder how long they're going to keep going knowing we're already in!" I shouted sarcastically.

"Yeah what Tori said." After Mark said that he had a confused face and then looked up at me, "Tori!"

"That would me." I said crossing my arms. Suzie did the same and Mark scrambled off of Conlan.

"What do you two have to say for yourselves?" Suzie said cocking her eyebrows.

Conlan rubbed the back of his neck and Mark moved his fingers through his hair.

"Well?" Suzie repeated. Mark and Conlan made eye

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