You knew

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It's like the scorpions fell off the face of the earth.

Their stupidly named gang killed my father and now they just disappear with no trace.

Everett walks in and by the look on his face I can tell he hasn't found anything useful either.

I don't know what else to do, I've tried everything to find them.

"I'll keep looking, Camden. We'll find something." Everett tries to assure me but I can tell he doesn't mean it.

I just shake my head and go up to my bedroom, needing to see my wife.

She's sitting on our bed, reading a book, when I walk in.

"Hey hunny, what's wrong?" She asks, concerned.

"This whole thing with the scorpions. I literally cringe even thinking about their name. It's so dumb. Sorry, I'm frustrated because I can't find them anywhere. There's literally no trace of them." I explain, sitting down next to her.

"I'm sorry, hunny." She apologizes and kisses my cheek.

I smile at her and kiss her forehead.

"Does our little boy like strawberries?" I asked with raised eyebrows, seeing a giant bowl of strawberries next to her.

She laughs and nods. "Very much."

"I'll have someone go grab more so you don't run out. I guess he finally got tired of ice?" I chuckle.

"I guess so." She muses, a soft smile on her lips and an arm wrapping around her stomach.

She can't wait to meet our boy, and neither can I.

"I hope you can find something." She tells me after a minute and I nod.

"Me too." I agree.

My phone dings and I go to look at the message.

I see it's from an old friend of mine. I haven't talked to him in years.

"Hey France, it's been too long. Wanna meet up? I'm kinda laying low for a while so it'd have to be in the middle of the night."

Huh, I wonder why he's laying low.

I shrug to myself and reply.

"Sure, when do you wanna meet?"


"I'll be there."

Once it's dark I climb out of my window and make my way to the location he sent me.

It's kinda far into the woods and I'm starting to think this may have been a bad idea.

Luckily I'm not entirely stupid and I left a note in Sebastian's room while he was in the shower.

Finally making it to the location I see an abandoned building.

"Hello?" I call when I step inside and my voice echos throughout the building.

"Francis." I look over and see my old friend standing there, looking at me with a smile.

"Jay, get over here." I say happily and we grab one of our hands and pull each other in using our other hands to pat each others backs.

"How've you been, France?" He asks me once we're just standing in the dark.

"I've been good, what about you man? Why are you laying low?" I ask him, concerned for my friend.

"It's a lot to explain man. I've been good but I started running this thing a few years ago and we did something and now we're laying low." He explains, leaving out details.

I'm about to speak when he continues. "And now, in order to be able to make sure they don't kill us all we need a hostage."

That's when I finally put together something is very very wrong here.

He looks up from the ground and looks directly at me. "For whatever it's worth, I am sorry France."

Someone grabs me from behind and holds something to my mouth.

I look at my old friend in horror while he just watches.

Calm down Francis. Remember what you were taught.

I quickly grab my knife from my pocket and stab the guy in the hand with it.

He yells and drops the cloth on the ground, holding his hand.

I go to take the knife back but someone grabs me again and this time they have a syringe.

They try to jab it into my neck but I barely catch their hand, inches away from me.

I use some of my strength and manage to twist his arm around, grabbing the syringe and plunging it into him instead.

Someone comes up and punches me across the face.

It takes me off guard and someone grabs my arms, holding me back while the other one keeps punching me.

Think Francis think.

I'm tired but the adrenaline is helping me.

I manage to kick out my leg, hitting the man and knocking him to the ground.

The man holding me pauses for a second and that's all I need.

I twist out of his grip, managing to make his own arms wrap around his neck before I pull them together, killing him instantly.

I'm bleeding and I'm panting but I'm not done yet.

Jay walks up to me. "I tried to do this the easy way Francis, but now I'm angry." He seethes.

He punches me and I stumble before I punch him back.

"I'm surprised Francis. I figured you'd know what I was up to, considering it was my gang who killed your father." He says and I pause.

In my moment of hesitation he's able to take a knife and stab it in my shoulder.

I curse and take out the knife, throwing it to the ground.

"You didn't know." He realizes, looking shocked.

But then he starts laughing.

"Every single one of your family members knew, except for you. Did they even tell you I run the scorpion gang?" I don't answer him and he laughs harder.

I punch him again.

We're in a fist fight for a while until I finally manage to knock him to the ground.

I see three more people walking up to me and I spit out blood, putting my hands up in a 'come on' motion.

I manage to kill all of them as well before I grab the gun from my pocket and shoot the rest who walk into the building.

I turn back to where Jay was but he's gone.

He escaped.

Me vs 34 men and yet I killed every single one of them, except for Jay.

"Francis?!" I hear Sebastian's voice before turning to see my twin looking at me in shock.

He sees me, bruised and bloody, but then he notices all the dead bodies.

"Francis-" he starts but I point the gun at him, shutting him up.

"Francis?" He asks, taking a step back.

"You knew?" I ask, dangerously calm.

His face shows that he knows exactly what I'm talking about.

I walk towards him, still pointing the gun. "You fucking knew and didn't tell me?!" I scream, somehow scaring him.

He backs up but I just shove the gun back into my waistband before storming home.

"Francis?" Tyler and Everett ask as they see me storming into the house, Sebastian rushing behind me.

I march up to Camden's office and don't bother knocking, flinging the door open.

He seems angry for a moment before noticing my state and he stands up.

He walks over to me but I throw a punch at him.

He catches my hand in his before letting it go.

I swing at him again and again but he catches my hand every time.

He finally twists my arm so it's behind my back and I can't get out of his grip.

"What's wrong Francis?" He asks.

"You fucking knew!" I yell, now more pain than anger in my voice.

He pauses and I push out of his grip.

I turn and see everyone is watching us.

Every single one of my brothers.

"All of you fucking knew!" I scream, pointing at them.

"Francis, you're bleeding." Everett says, slowly taking a step forward.

I grab my gun from my back and point it at him, making him immediately stop.

"France, I know you're angry-" I cut my twin off.

"Don't call me that." I spit, turning the gun towards him again.

"You didn't shoot me earlier and you're not gonna shoot me now." He tells me, pissing me off more.

I laugh, a cold dark laugh. "Wanna bet? I just went through hell and it is all your guys's fault."

I turn the gun and shoot the door before throwing it across the room.

They all have shocked expressions and they seem like they're unsure what to do.

Sebastian try's to put a hand on my shoulder but I immediately push him away.

"Don't fucking touch me." And then I storm away.

They all lied to me. All of them. They all knew who killed our father and they all knew it was someone I used to call friend.

None of them fucking told me.

Not even my own twin.

I never would've done this to them. Ever.

I storm into my room, slamming the door behind me.

Sitting on the floor, leaning against my bed I can't help myself when I start sobbing.

They didn't tell me...


Poor Francis 🥲

Writing this chapter honestly brought me into Francis's head and now I feel betrayed 😭

Thank you everyone so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I hope it wasn't too cringy.

The big drama is only a few chapters away!!

Thank you all again so much for reading <3

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